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New York Daily News (blog): Clinton On Sidelines In NY Cong Race: Democrats are quietly working to kill rumors that Secretary of State Clinton is “unofficially” backing Democrat Reshma Saujani in her longshot bid to unseat Rep. Carolyn Maloney.......The whispers that Hillary Clinton is secretly backing Saujani enraged party officials and even some folks close to Clinton..... The rumors hit a new high mark this past weekend when the New York Post wrote that “Hillary Clinton … gave her campaign an unofficial nod of approval.” Maloney was surprised to read that since she has long been loyal to Clinton, a source told The Mouth...... Saujani has had a past professional relationship with Clinton, working with her political action committee to raise money and turning down a job she was offered at the State Department..... Saujani and Clinton did meet to talk about the campaign at one point ..... Maloney, meanwhile, was warned early in the campaign not to cart out any past endorsements from Clinton, who backed her in her previous races, a source said. Maloney pulled down from her website one reference to a past Clinton endorsement in the springWhy would Hillary Clinton support Reshma Saujani? I could think of a few very good reasons.
New York Times: Blazing Campaign Trails In A Certain 3-Inch Heel: I found myself increasingly, and in spite of myself, wondering about her shoes..... Despite the three-inch wedge heels on her black patent leather shoes, after hours of walking, Ms. Saujani, a former hedge-fund general counsel and a successful political fund-raiser, seemed as calmly cheerful as she did at the outset of the day. .... Finally, as we returned to her office, I asked: About those shoes? .... “They’re the Kate Spade wedges,” she said, sagging slightly, as if she had only just then been reminded that she had feet. “They’re these politician-woman shoes.” ...... She had gotten the tip from someone who worked for Hillary Rodham Clinton. They are apparently something of an “it” shoe right now for women in politics: Ms. Saujani said that Kathleen M. Rice, who is running for attorney general, also wore them (a photograph on Ms. Rice’s Facebook page bears that out). The chief of staff for a prominent woman in Congress told me that she, too, religiously relied on her Kate Spade wedge heels (though she spoke on the condition of anonymity because she preferred not to be known for her brand of footwear). ...... “They’re very comfy,” said Annie Mullaly, Ms. Saujani’s finance director. “They’re like Crocs. You’ll see them everywhere once you’ve identified them.” ...... I know. We, the news media, are not supposed to ask female candidates about their hairstyle or their choice of pantsuits over skirts or their shoes. It is irrelevant. It is trivializing. It is sexist. “You would never write about Chuck Schumer’s shoes,” Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand said in a New York magazine article in response to a question about her flats. ...... But the Kate Spade wedge heels are not just one candidate’s shoes. They seem to be the shoes of a circle of younger women aspiring to power or already in it, women directly and indirectly passing on to one another ways of navigating the particular challenges of being a woman in the public eye. A woman must look put-together, but not as if she is a slave to fashion; she must look groomed, but never be spotted grooming..... “we made a bulk order,” said Ms. Mullaly: a pair for Ms. Saujani, and pairs for two campaign workers. Ms. Mullaly said she had a friend in the State Department who raced around airports and bought several pairs.... There was something distinctly next-generation about the sight of Ms. Saujani, in a red dress just above the knee, legs bare atop her three-inch wedges. Ms. Saujani’s comfort level with fashion, with showing off her own good looks, could be considered progress — the latest evolution for female candidates, who first wore versions of male drag, then graduated to the salmon or aqua skirt suits that seemed sold out of a catalog distributed exclusively to female members of Congress..... Whether the news media discuss it or not, women running for office still walk a fine line when deciding what to wear. Their shoes had better be comfortable.
Did Sexism Derail Hillary Clinton?Yes, there is sexism. Yes, there is gender bias. Yes, it is in the media, yes, it is among the electorate. That is why Hillary is the first serious woman candidate for the most powerful office in the world. Sexism and gender bias was what was holding women back till now, and still holds women back in all walks of life, including family life and relationships.Wall Street Journal Blogs the New York senator has become increasingly vocal about what she views as one of the reasons why: sexism. ........ how many of Clinton’s women supporters feel that she has been the target of sexism throughout the campaign–particularly in the media. ....... some of the attitudes in the press ....... organizing a series of “End Gender Bias in the Media” rallies today in places like Burbank, Calif., as well as in Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, and Michigan. ...... “The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted, and . . . there should be equal rejection of the sexism and the racism when it raises its ugly head,” she told the paper. “It does seem as though the press at least is not as bothered by the incredible vitriol that has been engendered by the comments by people who are nothing but misogynists.”
Clinton Puts Up A New Fight Washington Post they tearfully grab her hand to implore her to stick it out, to take her trailing campaign all the way to the Democratic convention in Denver. ..... Clinton for the first time addressed what women have been talking about for months, what she refers to as the "sexist" treatment she has endured at the hands of the pundits, media and others. The lewd T-shirts. The man who shouted "Iron my shirt" at a campaign event. The references to her cleavage and her cackle. ....... "The manifestation of some of the sexism that has gone on in this campaign is somehow more respectable, or at least more accepted, and . . . ........ while there are plenty of men in the stands, it's the women who are most passionate. .......... as her Democratic opponent refers to her politely in the past tense, and the likely Republican presidential nominee simply ignores her, and the pundits snicker that she's delusional and should just step aside already, she is a woman definitely not preparing her remarks for a graceful exit anytime soon. And that's what her supporters want to hear. ....... "I do not want her to quit." ...... She's tenacious and I like that," said Pat ...... she's been treated pretty shabby ...... "Hillary: She is going to take care of women all over the world," Alam ...... She offered a new spin on the arithmetic, pointing out that the states she won would total 300 electoral votes in a general election. ........ you might think she was just warming up for a fight. ........ the "intensity of my support" was rarely reported ...... has looked rested and relaxed. ....... She let out a throaty laugh when asked in Sunday's interview if she could be put "on the couch" for a few minutes to talk about how she has grown through the campaign......... ....... she has become a far better candidate over the course of the campaign, and in particular over the past six weeks as she has become more comfortable and confident about her message. ........ No one is quite sure when Clinton hit her stride, when she stopped caring about the polls, when she took her campaign to the people and gave voters a window into her soul. .......... when she was losing and so had nothing to lose by being herself. ....... For Hillary Clinton, as you stripped away all the varnish, the core person is the most attractive of all.
Date: | Friday, March 14, 2008 |
Time: | 7:00pm - 10:00pm |
Location: | HK Lounge |
Street: | 523 Ninth Avenue at 39th Street |
City/Town: | New York, NY |
04/06 | | 7 miles |
Sunday, April 6, 2008 at 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Support & Signatures Rally for Hillary Rodham Clinton! Meet-Up WE WILL ARRANGE FOR YOU TO PICK UP YOUR MATERIALS SIGNS and OTHER CAMPAIGN ITEMS Location in Central Park will be from Columbus Circle Entrance at 60th Street / Central Park South / Cen... |
11:21pm Mar 8thI've sent the friend request already. The english service at the temple starts at 11:30 tomorrow. Here's the website:
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332 Riverside Dr
New York, NY 10025
(212) 678-0305