Saturday, August 28, 2010

Carolyn Maloney: Radioface

The Brian Lehrer Show: Reshma Saujani, Carolyn Maloney

Primary Season: NY's 14th Congressional District
The Brian Lehrer Show

Brian Lehrer is a known name unlike the no name radio journalist who is hosting the September 7 radio debate between Reshma Saujani and Carolyn Maloney. And still after listening to this audio clip my suspicions have been confirmed. What we need is TV debates.

Maloney does not even deserve credit for the credit card bill but in this interview she goes ahead and takes credit for the entire Wall Street reform bill. Give a finger and she bites the entire hand.

She dodges the ethics question. She sounds just like Rangel. I might have violated ethics on a few specific occasions, but look at all the other good things I have done.

Reshma, on the other hand, is completely oozing with new ideas and with promise. She is one of those who show up once in a generation, if that.

Maloney is mediocre. Reshma is excellent. I'd vote for excellent.

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