Fairytale, Slum, Jesse
Bill Clinton said fairytale. Hillary said slum. Bill Clinton said Jesse.
That might be a great ticket too. Senator-Governor.
Kathleen Sebelius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia chair-emeritus of the Democratic Governors Association. ..... moved to Kansas in 1974 at the age of 26 ...... In 1994 she left the House to run for state insurance commissioner and stunned political forecasters by winning — the first time a Democrat had won in more than 100 years. She is credited with bringing the agency out from under the influence of the insurance industry ....... . She refused to take campaign contributions from insurers and blocked the proposed merger of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, the state's largest health insurer, with an Indiana-based company. The decision by Sebelius marked the first time the corporation had been rebuffed in its acquisition attempts....... as of January 2006 was one of the most popular governors in the country ..... 22 months of continuous job growth, although the majority of the job growth was the creation of local government jobs. Taxes were never increased during her term in office, nor did essential service suffer cuts. ....... did not support an April 2005 amendment to the Kansas Constitution that made same-sex marriage in the state unconstitutional. ....... On 2006 May 26 Sebelius formally announced her candidacy for re-election. Four days later, Mark Parkinson, former Kansas state GOP Party Chair, switched his party affiliation to Democratic; the following day Sebelius announced that Parkinson would be her running mate for Lieutenant Governor. ...... landslide re-election with 57.8 percent of the vote to Barnett's 40.5 percent. ....... During the 2004 election Sebelius was named as a potential running mate for John Kerry. In the aftermath of Kerry's defeat in the 2004 presidential election, some pundits named Sebelius as a potential candidate for the Democratic nomination for President in 2008. ........ she was chosen by the Democratic Party's congressional leaders to give their party's official response to Republican President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address ......... Sebelius is now chair of the Democratic Governors Association, a popular launchpad for those with national political ambitions. ..... In November 2005 Time named Sebelius as one of the five best governors in America, praising her for eliminating a $1.1 billion debt she inherited, ferreting out waste in state government, and strongly supporting public education — all without raising taxes. Also praised was her bipartisan approach to governing, a useful trait in a state where Republicans have usually controlled the Observe also the presence of Legislature.Republicans such as Keith Sebelius in her family. ...... In February 2006, the White House Project named Sebelius one of its "8 in '08", a group of eight female politicians who could possibly run and/or be elected president in 2008.
That is another possibility.
Janet Napolitano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would be a good ticket. I think it would be great to see a Mormon on a national ticket. Romney has been manufactured to run for the vice presidency and lose.
Message To Elizabeth Caputo
I want you to quit your current job and come join my corporate team early in 2009. You can become COO. First year or two might feel like a paycut, but the equity will bountifully make up for it over the years. The pay goes up too.
In The News
Why Edwards Never Caught On TIME What no one, not Clinton or Edwards, was prepared for was the insurgency candidacy of Senator Barack Obama. ..... a $6 million home on 100 acres outside Chapel Hill ..... personal worth is as much as $30 million ...... his campaign was stunned when he garnered just 4% of the vote in the Nevada caucuses ...... should help Obama consolidate the sizeable anti-Hillary contingency
Giuliani Completes His Collapse
McCain Disproves the Doubters The contest between John McCain and Mitt Romney has long resembled a horror movie, a blood-and-guts battle between a man risen from the dead and a candidate seemingly created in a lab. ...... what he might be thinking in the darker recesses of his mind "Why won't you die?!" .... "People understand the difference between a very good salesman and a commander in chief." ..... His embrace of comprehensive immigration reform ..... "There's still a huge number of states to go," says unaligned GOP pollster Whit Ayers. "And Romney has a lot more money." ..... Romney outspent McCain in Florida on the order of eight to one. ...... that skeptical bit character in horror films — the one who refuses to believe that the monster is real.
How the Kennedy Nod Helps Obama for a moment there, it was a bit overwhelming for Barack Obama. ...... The Obama campaign is planning a full schedule for Kennedy, particularly in places, such as the Latino community, where Obama remains an unknown quantity and the Kennedy name still carries enormous emotion. Kennedy also carries significant clout with organized labor, which could be looking for a new candidate to rally behind ........ Kennedy declared Obama to be nothing less than his brother's rightful heir ..... proceeded to demolish every attack line that she and her husband have thrown Obama's way. ..... his move was in large part the product of his unhappiness with Bill Clinton's hard-knuckled style of campaigning for his wife. Two weeks ago, the two of them had an angry confrontation by phone. ....... he got word through former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, one of his prominent supporters, that Senator Kennedy was trying to reach him ..... Before Kennedy's sister Jean Smith left the event, she handed the Illinois Senator a slip of paper and asked for one small favor. Obama obliged—and gave her an autograph.
Heading for a Delegate Donnybrook? 75 media markets and nearly 1,700 delegates up for grabs on February 5 ..... both Obama and Clinton will continue to rack up convention delegates through the spring ..... Clinton and Obama could split the delegate haul in roughly equal fashion ...... February 5 won't determine much of anything at all. Except that the race will go on. And every delegate up for grabs after that becomes even more valuable to all sides. ..... Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis fought a bruising five-month battle for the nomination ..... the fight will go on to all the other states. ...... neither side captures a clear majority before April or even May. ..... Clinton is running ahead of Obama in the super-delegate sweepstakes, although they can technically change their allegiance even after they have pledged it
John Edwards to Quit Presidential Race
In Background, a Battle for Superdelegates Washington Post But he considers Kennedy "a mentor" who helped to get him elected to Congress in 1982. ..... superdelegates, who account for about a quarter of the total number of delegates ..... Sebelius, Kennedy (Mass.), Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano are among those who recently signed on as Obama supporters. ..... Of the nearly 300 superdelegates who have committed to a candidate, out of a total of 796, Clinton leads Obama roughly by a 2-to-1 ratio ..... superdelegates can change their allegiance at any time ...... The threat of a wholesale shift hangs over both candidates. Kennedy's endorsement came in part after the veteran Democrat grew frustrated with Clinton campaign tactics that some construed as racially charged. ..... "The only reason Hillary Clinton is ahead right now is because more politicians, particularly politicians in very blue states, have endorsed her," said McCaskill ...... Richardson said: "If I do endorse, it's going to be a gut feeling. It's not going to be about statistics, about past ties. I've been on the campaign trail with both of them. I feel that I know them. I feel I know the issues. I feel I know what makes them both tick." ...... "Some people fell in love very easily. Other people have to be courted like you're asking them out on a date. Seriously, it's a dating game. It's exciting."
Obama denies snubbing Hillary Clinton
Clinton Savors 'Great Victory' FOXNews
Spike in turnout could benefit both Clinton and Obama Boston Globe a 90 percent increase in Iowa, 30 percent in New Hampshire, and 83 percent in South Carolina ...... Obama beat her among white 18- to 29-year-olds, 52 percent to 27 percent .... Latinos in that state chose Clinton over Obama 64 percent to 26 percent. ..... She beat Obama handily among women in New Hampshire and Nevada, the two states she won, but Obama beat her among women in Iowa and South Carolina, the two states he won. ...... Obama is unlikely to beat Clinton among Latinos, but he can work to close the gap
California is Clinton country...