Thursday, May 31, 2007
If There Is Another 9/11 Style Attack
Barack Lost The South Carolina Debate
South Carolina Debate
Al Qaeda Strikes India, Wants Hindu-Muslim Riots
Bush Nabbed Saddam, His Mandate Was To Nab Osama
That was the key question that got asked at the South Carolina debate. Hillary gave the best answer. And that was key to her winning the debate.
Obama can not be blamed for trying to bring attention to New Orleans, but he will have to find other ways to do that.
If there is another 9/11 style attack.
If there is another 9/11 style attack, it will probably be Al Qaeda's work. We can say that with near certainty. So the question is, is the Al Qaeda weaker or stronger since 9/11? That is W's report card. The Al Qaeda is stronger today than it was ever before.
How did that happen?
The Al Qaeda has never been a standing army. This is how W thought. Wait a minute. We got a standing army that fights standing armies. Who has a standing army? Saddam? Well then let's go for Saddam. It is like the patient needs heart surgery. But the equipment you have is for leg amputation. So you go ahead and amputate the patient's leg. That is what W did.
And that is why Iraq is a dumb war. Iraq has been W's trillion dollar mistake.
I never liked Saddam. I am so glad he is gone. I want all dictators similarly booted out. But the price tag for kicking out a dictator is too high. One trillion dollars per dictator, and soon all the democracies of the world will have gone bankrupt.
A trillion dollars and Osama is still alive and kicking. Make that plotting.
So the correct answer is a question. Why is the Al Qaeda stronger than ever before? Why is Osama still alive? Because we already know who will be behind the next 9/11 style attack should there be one.
The Al Qaeda is stronger than ever, and Osama is still alive because W did not finish the job in Afghanistan.
And Hillary was party to that diversion. She helped W shift the attention from Afghanistan to Iraq.
In The News
The Obama Health Plan New York Times I would take almost any system - from Medicare-for-all to a private insurance voucher system - over the one we now have. Job-based insurance is bleeding away the viability of American businesses - even doctors complain about the cost of insuring employees. And it has left large numbers of patients without adequate coverage when they need it. In the last two years, for example, 51 percent of Americans surveyed did not fill a prescription or visit a doctor for a known medical issue because of cost. .... it is a lot like John Edwards's plan and the Massachusetts plan signed into law by Mitt Romney last year; and it has elements of John Kerry's proposal from four years ago. ........ The proposals all define basic benefits that insurers must offer without penalty for pre-existing conditions. They cover not just expensive sickness care, but also preventive care and cost-saving programs to give patients better control of chronic illnesses like diabetes and asthma. ....... The ultimate measure of leadership, however, is not the plan. It is the capacity to take that plan and persuade people to find common ground in it. The politician who can is the one we want.
Barack, You Can Do Debates
Keyes-Obama debate 2 (Christianity)
Keyes-Obama debate 2 (On how race affects the campaign)
Alan Keyes - King of BS
Keyes-Obama debate 3 (Forced to suck up to each other)
Keyes-Obama debate 3 (Religion and Gay marriage)
Keyes-Obama debate 3 (Iraq and Homeland)
Keyes-Obama debate 2 (Homosexuality)
Keyes-Obama debate 2 (Opening Statements)
Keyes-Obama debate 2 (Death Penalty and Abortion)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
High Energy Generation Obama Event: I Am Hooked
Photos from the same event in DC
I have been to numerous political events the past two years in NYC, some of them great ones, but this was outright mindblowing. I learned about it in a Facebook mail that got sent to me. I don't know the person who sent it to me.
I got there about 10 minutes early so I walked around and found myself at this convenience store staring at USA Today. The front page story was on the richest Mexican who supposedly is richer than Warren Buffett and soon might take over Bill Gates. I was surprised to learn.
Carlos Slim Helú - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carlos Slim Helu, The World's Richest People -
Carlos Slim Helu Quotes - Mexican Billionaire
ONLINE ORIGINAL: Carlos Slim: "The Key Is the Internet" For the past two decades, he has shown an uncanny ability to spot undervalued companies and turn them into lean, profitable machines. Over the years, he has built an industrial, retail, and telecommunications empire with about $16 billion in annual sales. ....... he also owns Prodigy Inc., the third-largest Internet service provider in the U.S. ....... Long distance is a commodity. It's not going to exist in a few years. It's going to disappear, and it will be the same thing to make a local call as a long-distance call. ...... The Internet is the heart of this new civilization ..... The buying power of Americans is much higher than Mexicans', and although retail square footage is more expensive in the U.S., the financial cost of capital is much less...... We want as few management layers as possible, so that executives are very close to the operations. We also don't believe in having big corporate infrastructures. ...... In this new wave of technology, you can't do it all yourself, you have to form alliances. ...... you don't need many bricks for financial services ..... almost a virtual bank -- with only three branches. Very little expensive infrastructure. We've been doing it for seven years now, and we think the Internet and online transactions are going to be very important. .... the real potential for online business is pure banking transactions ...... My children gave me a laptop for Christmas, but all I know how to do so far is push the "on" button. I also can turn it off. It's like learning chess or golf, it takes a long time to learn some things. ...... Last year, we gave out 17,000 scholarships to college students. We paid bail for 5,000 first-time arrestees accused of minor crimes, so that they wouldn't sit for years in jail waiting for the slow justice system to move. ..... Last year, we helped cover the expenses of 11,000 surgical operations in rural areas. ..... The World Bank and the IADB, instead of jumping in only when there are financial crises, should back development..... I spend most of my time studying new technologies.
Latin America's richest man: Mexican entrepreneur Carlos Slim ...
There was no famous person in attendance, although one comedian took the stage for just a little while. But it was like Obama himself was there. You could feel his presence.
A few people remarked that it was so much better to go to an event like this one where everyone at the bar is an Obama fan, than to go to some random bar. You have something in common with everyone. You can talk to anyone. You can work the room.
I have an almost anthropological interest in noticing how people group up. Reminds me of Food Service at college. There were the few tables most international students occupied. Then there was that corner where the African Americans gravitated. The athletes sat all the way in the back. There were numerous Baptist tables. I liked to hop from table to table. I was not comfortable getting pigeonholed. I guess I am quite a rootless guy. That is why I like NYC so much perhaps. A North Carolina guy once told me that the only thing he likes in NYC is "its doughnuts." Me, I am in total love with the city. That is why I walk around the city like a madman. I have to take it in. I have to take it all in.
The Facebook event page showed only about four people had said they were coming. All of them looked Indian. So I am thinking, finally some Indians with backbone. But I was in for a surprise. It was a crowded bar bustling with beautiful women. I think it was 60-40 women. I have never seen so many beautiful women at any political event in the city. Most other events I have been to tend to be 70-30 guys or worse, more like 80-20. I guess Generation Obama is a less sexist generation.
It felt like the beginning of something. The first few Obama events I have been to have been more of warm up acts. This was to suggest the show was on.
There was only one other Indian. This young woman. To my "Are you the only other Indian here?" she responded with a "Hi, bye."
There was a healthy presence of African American young professionals. One guy looked like he might have been 40 plus. He said he ran a hedge fund.
I am beginning to discover facetime. I used to be super good at it. Screentime is there. I did most of my work for the democracy movement in Nepal in a Web 2.0 environment. My company exists in a Web 2.0 environment. This discovery of facetime is not pre-Web 2.0 but rather post-Web 2.0. I have taken to calling it Web 5.0. In the pre-Web 2.0 facetime, when you get hit, you hit back. In the Web 5.0 facetime, the emphasis is on synergy, on creativity.
Web 5.0: Face Time
"Don't let them keep you indoors." - George Clooney
My first few months in the city, my first year even perhaps, my attitude was like if you like me, why don't you care about my country! The online work was intense. Offline it sometimes felt like a jombie experience. And the work on the autobiography has been liberating, therapeutic. The past kept holding me back, I was surprised it did. I am more ready for facetime, thanks to the work on the autobiography. I am going to do more of it.
I met so many interesting people today. I felt so at home. Such a great way to renew my facetime zeal and skills. I am hooked.
Political Socializing In NYC
Cheryl gave me her card.
On The Web
The Facebook Generation: Barack Obama to Rival Jesus In At Least ... | Finding some answers?: Generation Barack Obama ...
The Democratic Party | Community Blogs | DeeAnna Roberts's Blog ...
BlogoWogo - The Blog Network | The Facebook Generation: Barack ...
In The News
KCRG | Barack Obama Presidential Health Care Prescription Bayou Buzz, LA - Obama's cautious health care plan Barack Obama Outlines Healthcare Proposal Obama offers health-care plan to widen access and cut costs |
Washington Post | Michelle Obama Likes to Razz Her Husband Wyoming News, WY - Mrs. Barack Obama and Mrs. Bill Clinton Dominate the News Obama's wife shelves career Michelle Obama likes to razz her husband |
PRESS TV | Barack Obama Calls for Better Veterans Services (press release), CA - Obama: Improve mental health care Obama visits war monument, pushes vets' services Barack Obama Calls For Better Services For Veterans On Memorial Day |
The Spoof (satire) | Cheney 'Love Child' Fathered By Barack Obama? The Spoof (satire), UK - |
Barack Obama's Dirty Politics Huffington Post, NY - |
The sassy woman behind Obama Pretoria News (subscription), South Africa - |
Barack Obama's quiet rebellion Salon - |
Barack Obama: Obama Introduces Bill to Recognize and Fund ... All American Patriots (press release), Sweden - |
Obama family among those to get compensation Standard, Kenya - |
All American Patriots (press release), Sweden -
Friday, May 25, 2007
Political Socializing In NYC
Love Poems
Dating Advice
The Love Teachings Of Kama Sutra
Brooklyn for Barack BBQ May 26, 2007 at 12:00 PM
Union Square Walk for Change Jun 9, 2007 at 11:00 AM
Long Walk To Freedom
Long Walk To Freedom: Just A Third World Guy Dazzled By The City
In The News
Barack Responds to Romney and McCain This country is united in our support for our troops, but we also owe them a plan to relieve them of the burden of policing someone else’s civil war. Governor Romney and Senator McCain clearly believe the course we are on in Iraq is working, but I do not. And if there ever was a reflection of that it's the fact that Senator McCain required a flack jacket, ten armored Humvees, two Apache attack helicopters, and 100 soldiers with rifles by his side to stroll through a market in Baghdad just a few weeks ago. Governor Romney and Senator McCain are still supporting a war that has cost us thousands of lives, made us less safe in the world, and resulted in a resurgence of al-Qaeda. It is time to end this war so that we can redeploy our forces to focus on the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and all those who plan to do us harm.
Video: Ted Sorensen on Barack's Leadership
Barack at Yearly Kos
Facebook Opens Up Forbes
Facebook Lets Advertisers Reach Members Via Free App
Obama Rallies Philadelphia May 22
Sadr, the anti-American Shiite cleric, resurfaces in Iraq International Herald Tribune
Yushchenko Puts Ukrainian Troops Under Presidential Control
Google launches translation feature
Thursday, May 24, 2007
DNC Needs To Take Over The Monthly Debates

How about the DNC take over and the networks are given a choice. The DNC will invite along about 20 video bloggers, all of whom will participate under the condition they may not use any video footage for the 24 hours after the debates are over. After that, anything goes. So the TV networks still get a full run for the first 24 hours. And if the networks do not come along for this fair deal, they should be simply kicked out and the videobloggers should have full access, and the rights to broadcast right away. I hope it does not come to that. I hope a way can be found for Old Media and New Media to coexist.
The current arrangement is not okay. Old media has a monopoly over the debates. New media has been excluded. This is unhealthy for democracy. If the debates are videoblogged, that will spark a genuine dialogue across the country on all the important issues of the day. Videoblogging the debates means they can be played and replayed at one's leisure. That will also mean the candidates will become less dependent on expensive, mindless, 30 second TV ads. That will be a healthy departure.
When the fundamental architecture of the primary calendar is shifting such that looks like the country is moving towards a national primary - it is going to be one tight month - and so it is not going to be humanly possible for the candidates to show up all places in person, these monthly debates become even more important. During these debates the voters really get to take a look at the candidates from many different angles.
Used to be there were these three big debates before November. Now we are going to get monthly debates for nine months. This is a new, welcome development.
Why even have the 24 hour rule? Let the networks and the video bloggers have a go at it at once. Let them compete for attention.
Howard Dean
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St., SE
Washington, DC 20003
Dear Chairman Dean:
I am writing in strong support of a letter from a bipartisan coalition of academics, bloggers and Internet activists recently addressed to you and the Democratic National Committee. The letter asks that the video from any Democratic Presidential debate be available freely after the debate, by either placing the video in the public domain, or licensing it under a Creative Commons (Attribution) license.As you know, the Internet has enabled an extraordinary range of citizens to participate in the political dialogue around this election. Much of that participation will take the form of citizen generated content. We, as a Party, should do everything that we can to encourage this participation. Not only will it keep us focused on the issues that matter most to America, it will also encourage participation by a wide range of our youth who have traditionally simply tuned out from politics.
The letter does not propose some radical change in copyright law, or an unjustified expansion in “fair use.” Instead, it simply asks that any purported copyright owner of video from the debates waive that copyright.
I am a strong believer in the importance of copyright, especially in a digital age. But there is no reason that this particular class of content needs the protection. We have incentive enough to debate. The networks have incentive enough to broadcast those debates. Rather than restricting the product of those debates, we should instead make sure that our democracy and citizens have the chance to benefit from them in all the ways that technology makes possible.
Your presidential campaign used the Internet to break new ground in citizen political participation. I would urge you to take the lead again by continuing to support this important medium of political speech. And I offer whatever help I can to secure the support of others as well.
Barack Obama
May 3, 2007
Fitting In Hillary, Obama, Spitzer

In my mind, these are the three star Democrats in America today. There are many other good ones as well, but they are more Secretary material.
Make no mistake, I am for Obama. I want him as president, and I want him now. But I have always liked Hillary, that has never seen a dip. And Spitzer is a racehorse waiting in the wings. You have to watch his hooves. It is hard to imagine this guy will not have a decided go at the White House at some point. His governorship feels too much like a prelude to something bigger.
I have thought of many combos in my mind. I have thought of Obama-Spitzer. But I think Hillary will carry New York in the primaries, and Barack will carry Illinois, but New Jersey, California and the rest are fair game. There is no telling right now if it will be Hillary-Obama or Obama-Hillary. Both sound great.
One scenario is it is Hillary-Obama in for eight years. Then Obama picks Spitzer who has had two wonderful terms as Governor of New York, and he has been preparing hard. He has legalized gay marriage in New York and is now ready to do that nationally. But while he worked on it and on total campaign finance reform in New York, the Democratic White House had to stay away. Spitzer had to go alone and that was fine by him. But he made both work in New York, and now he was ready for the national scene.
So at that point Obama-Spitzer does not look like a continuation of the same old, same old, it feels like a break from the past, it feels like a departure.
And so it is eight years of Obama-Spitzer. And then Spitzer takes a shot at the top job. He wins. The Democrats have an unprecedented fifth term, but that is an okay counterbalance to a coservative domination of the Supreme Court for a generation.
But then the pendulum swings. Some Republican woman who has totally internalized all the social progressive elements traditionally known to be with the Dems denies Spitzer a second term. She symbolizes the post Obama-Spitzer generation. She is from my generation perhaps.
But 20 years is a long time. It will be unprecedented. Usually a party that long in power runs out of steam, or gets too arrogant, or gets hijacked by its extreme elements, or stops acting financially prudent.
So the best bet would be if Spitzer were to spend two terms in Albany acting like he were in opposition to those in power at the White House. And he can do that by acting gutsy on gay marriage and campaign finance reform in ways that those at the federal level simply can't at this point in time.
New York state under Spitzer could become the laboratory for Democrats. The good stuff happens here before it happens nationally.
These three should preside over the transformation of America into an information economy, with a vibrant clean energy industry, universal health care, universal broadband, robust growth rates, balanced budgets, and finally paying down the debt, and a non-apologetic agenda of a total spread of democracy the progressive way, the war with communications technology way.
There is talk Bloomberg might run against Spitzer in 2010. Spitzer will win hands down. Ross Perot also had a lot of money. But Bloomberg is a good man, he will have tried.
Another scenario is it is Obama-Spitzer for eight years, and then Spitzer in for four or eight. Then Bloomberg will stand a chance of becoming Governor.
Obama-Spitzer Vs. Giuliani-Romney
An Obama Spitzer Ticket
Obama, Hillary, Spitzer
Two Terms As Governor
In The News
Iran vows to press ahead on nukes USA Today
Bihar 'doc' uses sword for surgery
Nepal's 'pro-democracy' climbers abandon sick woman on Everest Indian Muslims
India's Tiger Numbers in Sharp Decline
Google and Dell confirm tie-up will see millions of new Dell PCs pre-loaded with a co-branded home page and Google’s search toolbar. ..... the search giant and PC manufacturer will share revenue from search-advertising fees.
Iran's nuclear ability growing, report says
Tabu smitten by older men after acting with Amitabh Bachchan
Dell to sell 2 desktop PC models in 3000 Wal-Marts MSN Money
Nike Resumes Soccer Ball Production in Pakistan (press release)
Ubuntu-powered Dell desktops and notebook arrive Desktop Linux
Google's Latest Investment Is A Family Affair The Age The union of Brin, 33, and Wojcicki is a Silicon Valley love story. She is a daughter of a professor at Stanford University, where Brin and Larry Page were students when they started Google in their dormitory rooms. Her sister, Susan, rented the garage of her house in Menlo Park, California, to Brin and Page to use as offices for their nascent Internet search company when it launched in 1998. Susan Wojcicki went on to be a vice president at Google.
Canada to resettle 5000 Bhutanese refugees in Nepal
Linux users say 'Sue me first, Microsoft' Computerworld
Democrats Blink, Angering Antiwar Ranks
Broken wheel uncovers clue to life on Mars
Google’s Indian Brain Power: Amit Patel Makes Google Trendy INDOlink Krishna Bharat who delivered Google News - a grand experiment in news browsing - using computers and the “Hilltop algorithm” he developed for his Ph.D at Georgia Tech. ...... Anurag Acharya. With a Ph.D from Carnegie Mellon who worked on including scholarly literature by improving Google’s indexing, automatically extracting metadata and ranking for scholarly literature. He then helped weave this information into Google web search - and Google Scholar was born. He predicted that Google Scholar “would be a place that you can go to find all scholarly literature -- across all areas, all languages, all the way back in time.” ........ Amit Patel, one of the worlds top search patent inventors and a six year veteran at Google. ....... Hot Trends, a daily list of the 100 hottest topics on its search engine.
Obama's Wife Quits Post On TreeHouse Foods Board
Clinton Dancing Around Edges On Iraq MSNBC
Survey: Most US muslims moderates San Jose Mercury News
India sees 8.5% growth in 2007-08
US navy in show of force off Iran
Google invests in startup of co-founder's wife
Google proposes real-time auction for US bandwidth
Battle of the Presidents: Carter vs. Bush FOX News "..this administration has been the worst in history." ..... I wasn't comparing this administration with other administrations throughout history but just with President Nixon's ..... I think he is proving to be increasingly irrelevant with these kinds of comments ..... Carter, whose administration was plagued by sky-high inflation and a 444-day American hostage crisis in Iran ...... discuss the Iraq situation with Iran and Syria
Richardson Ready To Make Run Official
Richardson to Highlight Hispanic Ties
Sen. Clinton insists her position on war same as Obama's Raw Story Hillary Clinton responded to anti-war salvos from Barack Obama
Clinton: Universal Pre-K possible Chicago Tribune Universal Pre-K: The next frontier in public education. ..... federally sponsored, voluntary Pre-Kindergarten classes for all children .... Florida, which is one of the pioneers of universal Pre-K .... one of the first states in the lineup of early ’08 party primaries. ..... it will initially cost the federal government $5 billion a year to match state funding for Pre-K for all children and the cost will climb to $10 billion annually ... But the payoff in student achievement, the senator says, could be immeasurable. ......Most four-year-olds are not enrolled in state-provided Pre-K classes today, she notes: 80 percent. ... children who attend Pre-K classes are less likely to repeat a grade
Clinton Proposes Pre-Kindergarten Program For All 4-Year-Olds
Nepal's Government Agrees to Pay Maoist Fighters in Camps Voice of America
Pocket money for Maoist guerrillas in Nepal
For States, It May be Worth It to Wait
Could Modern Medicine Have Saved Lincoln? Washington Post If he had lived, he would at the very least have been partially blind, unsteady on his feet, numb in certain regions of his body and inarticulate. Nevertheless, he might have been able to think and, after much rehabilitation, communicate. ...... Alexander the Great (typhoid fever complicated by Guillain-Barre syndrome) ..... Lincoln survived for nine hours. .... the frontal lobes, the seat of reason and emotional control. ..... He explored the head wound, probing it with a pinkie finger and dislodging a clot -- after which Lincoln's breathing "became more regular." ..... opened Lincoln's mouth, depressed the tongue "and made a free passage for air to enter the lungs." .... At one point Leale "forcibly breathed directly into his mouth and nostrils . . . and improved his respirations." ..... If he survived them, the Everest of rehabilitation would lie ahead.
Health coverage for all Chicago Tribune a false choice in characterizing America's health-reform options as either more spending or less care .... quality care and universal coverage are achievable without additional expense. ..... It is wasteful insurance companies that stand in the way. Single-payer health care -- an established American tradition -- already provides for our seniors, veterans and military servicemen. It is time to make this working model -- Medicare -- available to all. ...... "nightmare bureaucracy" comes from private insurers. One-third of our health spending is squandered on marketing, billing, underwriting, retroactively canceling policies and other useless activities that sustain insurers' profits but divert resources from care. Eliminating this needless expenditure -- not limiting care -- could recover more than $350 billion per year, enough to provide comprehensive coverage for all. ....... Employers have figured out that universal coverage is good business: More cars are now produced in Ontario than in Michigan. .... Public payment would liberate physicians from for-profit HMO dictates over what care they can provide. Patients would have free choice of doctor and hospital. ...... Whereas at least 18,000 Americans die annually due to a lack of health coverage, in a recent survey only 3.5 percent of Canadians reported problems with waits for care. ..... The true problem is that the power of the current system's profiteers -- insurance and pharmaceutical giants -- intimidates lawmakers away from the only proven prescription.
Dell to launch a convertible Tablet PC sometime this year TechWhack
"Sicko" an incisive diagnosis of US health care Reuters Not that "Sicko" avoids Moore's usual oversimplification and cute stunts. But the gist of his arguments is sound ..... audiences in Europe and other markets will want to eavesdrop for the sheer fun of seeing Americans wallow in problems they solved years ago. ...... the travails not only of the 47 million uninsured Americans but also of those who think they have health insurance ..... the health industry spent more than $100 million to defeat President Clinton's universal health care package and currently maintains four D.C. lobbyists for every member of Congress. ....... In a London hospital, Moore milks the no-cost system for all the humor it's worth as he desperately searches the facility for any sign of a billing department. He finds none. ....... In Britain, where the National Health Service was founded in 1948, any attempt to dismantle the system would spark genuine revolution ........ private hospitals in Los Angeles have taken to dumping destitute patients at homeless shelters on skid row
Clinton Falls to Third Place in Iowa Yahoo! News Edwards .. 29 percent. .. Obama ... 23 percent. .. Clinton .. 21 percent .... Bill Richardson .... 10 percent .. the governor is moving up rapidly in Iowa. .... Richardson, who is campaigning in Iowa small towns this weekend, was making the most of his improving position. .... "We have a lot of good candidates running for president," he told friendly crowds. "A lot of them could be in the White House - as my vice president."
Hillary rising in 'meaningless' polls
It’s Mr and Mrs Obama versus the Clintons
Critics launch attacks on immigration reform bill Chicago Tribune 380-page measure .... Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) called the proposal the "last, best chance we'll have as a Congress" to enact immigration reform. ..... The bill would establish a merit-based, temporary guest worker visa program for new immigrants, while eliminating the backlog of legal immigrant applications and legalizing the status of undocumented workers currently in the country...... Menendez said he couldn't support the bill because of the stringent restrictions it would put on temporary workers and their families. ...... other lawmakers, including Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.), have said they would not support it unless key changes are made to the guest worker program. ...... legislative emphasis on border security, strict rules on employment and specialized programs for agricultural workers and military personnel ...... It will be very difficult, excruciating, like crawling over broken glass…but it's never been more likely that we could get a bill done than this year.
The Immigration Debate
US immigration bill attacked from left and right ABC News
Kennedy Acknowledges Immigration Worries Guardian Unlimited, UK
Kennedy Defends Immigration Compromise CBS News, NY
Bipartisan immigration deal reached Chicago Tribune, IL
Immigration deal earns right's scorn, left's support San Francisco Chronicle, CA
Deal May Legalize Millions Of Immigrants Guardian Unlimited, UK