English: Matt Damon at the 66th Venice International Film Festival Nederlands: Matt Damon op het 66e Venice International Film Festival Français : 66ème Festival du Cinéma de Venise (Mostra), 6ème jour (07/09/2009) Photocall avec Matt Damon et Steven Soderbergh pour le film : The Informant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When I knocked on those doors, and made those phone calls, my pitch was, I believe this is the guy for the next eight years. And I meant it. And so I was not going to chicken out two years in.
Obama For America probably has software that can track all those people down. And they can track me down. I don't want those people to call me! As in, I thought, you said.
I believe I will support Barack Obama for one more year.
Maybe Matt never made those phone calls. He never knocked on those doors. He was in the celebrity wing of the party. And I don't mean political party.
Bourne is more of a tortured soul: that whole amnesia thing.
He seems to seek more close contact with the agency and stay in total confidence that he will have the upper hand, which means he knows the agency inside out, knows their every move.
Bourne has been biologically enhanced: that leads to more intense action sequences, some of the best ones are when he grabs whatever he can get hold of -- a pen? -- and uses them to devastating effects. Closed space action sequences are some of the best I have seen in movies.
You feel greater sympathy for Bourne than you do for Ethan. Ethan feels like a movie star, a Bond. Bourne could use a hug.
Bourne's challenge to the agency is total. Victory is when he finally humanizes himself.
It is a known biological fact that hybrid kids are biologically superior. For example, they are more intelligent. They are born that way. I see evidence of that in Barack Obama all the time. In the Bourne movies, the Matt Damon character has also been biologically enhanced. But in that case, that results in superior action sequences. There are some great fight scenes in them Bourne movies.
People say Barack Obama was born with a gift. I say he was born with an advantage.
If I were not a Third World guy who felt an obligation to save the world - for me the word is not change, it is save, think malnutrition, think infant mortality - I think I might have gone into the movie business. I really like movies. But instead I have put time into politics, which I am really, really good at, and I have put some time into tech. When I have not had the option for tech entrepreneurship - like now - I have focused on tech blogging. Even tech for me has always been politics by other means. I have consistently talked of internet access as the voting right for this 21st century.
I keep having this thought that I want to befriend someone like Matt Damon and say, look, buddy, I don't have the time on my hands to do what you do, but I need you to insert me in your movies, about a minute per movie. That way I can have my cake and eat it too. I can be in the movies while still primarily trying to save the world.
I kid you not, in the Fall of 2007, I spent some considerable time wanting to cut a video clip of me reenacting that early scene in Scarface where Tony is being interrogated. I went ahead and bought the DVDs for study purposes. I should have either not had the strong, recurring thought, or I should have gone ahead and made the video clip and avoided myself a whole lot of hassle eight months later.
In the scene I had in mind, I had Hillary people interrogating me. I had the Obama 08 sticker on my cheek, and that was my scar. I had the DVDs, I had a few Obama 08 stickers in stock just for the purpose. I had my video camera.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”