Americans favour Obama over Clinton as Prez: Poll Times of India The poll, conducted by the New York Times, CBS News and MTV , found that 43 per cent of the respondents between the ages of 17 and 29 have unfavourable view of Clinton compared with only 19 per cent for Obama. .... the tide resistance she faces among voters nationwide. .... More than half of the respondents-- 54 per cent—said they intend to vote for a Democrat for president in 2008. .... By a 52 to 36 margin, young Americans say that Democrats, rather than Republicans, come closer to sharing their moral values, while 58 percent said they had a favourable view of the Democratic Party, while 38 per cent said they had a favourable view of Republicans. .... by overwhelming margins believed that the nation was prepared to elect as president a woman, a black or someone who admitted to having used marijuana.
Barack Obama won the last debate. He lead Hillary by one point in one Gallup poll. Then he went down again. Why?
How can a candidate who leads in fundraising - twice as many donors than Hillary during the first quarter - and leads in grassroots operations be lagging behind in the polls by double digits?
Remember when not only Fox but also CNN was pairing the Obama name with the Osama name? Then they let go because they realized that was not awfully popular. They went under the radar but they did not change. Those white boys have continued to play dirty. Namecalling did not work, so they are now going to black him out, whitewash him, act like he is not in the room. He is going to give him less media coverage. And that is the number one reason Obama has been lagging behind in the polls.
Jupiter And ObamaPig In The Barn, Ailes At Fox NewsRace, GenderJFK, Obama Parallels: Catholic, BlackFox, Barack, IslamRush Limbaugh: IdiotAdvice To Keith OlbermannKeith OlbermannMedia Smear On Obama's NameWolf Hitler, I mean Bitler, Blitler, WhateverBill O'Reilly, Bill O'Rama, Whatever The F___ His Name IsBarack, Fox, MLK, MandelaBill O'Reilly: A Right Wing GadflyHow do you counter that?
We Have To Become Our Own MediaIt is called New Media. It is called blogging. It is called taking pictures and uploading pictures online. But first and foremost it is called videoblogging. We have been taking on the political establishment. Hillary has most of the endorsements because the Clinton name echoes from the 1990s to the officeholders. But the grassroots have been a whole different ballgame. Those who get to know Obama like him, but 40% of America has never heard of him before.
Do Events, Blog EventsI think the campaign should arrange to extensively videoblog all of Barack and Michelle events.
You get some professionals to capture the events on video, do some editing, piece them together, and put a few hours of video online for each event on
Google Video where hosting is free. The idea should be that if you show up for a Barack/Michelle event, likely you end up in the same video as them.
Next you know, people will be emailing links to the videos to family, friends, relatives, colleagues. Check this out. There is Barack and there is me at minute 21.
10 Hour Long Biographical Video Of BarackSend film crews to Kenya, to Indonesia, to Hawaii. Send them to Columbia, to Harvard. Send them to South Side Chicago, to DC. Offer all the sights and sounds of Obama growing up, and growing up some more. Put it in 10 parts on Google Video. Bill O'Reilly and other idiots will dehumanize Barack. We have to counter. We have to humanize him, present him like he is, an everyman, more gifted than most, but an everyman.
You do this for the hard core supporters, people like me who will watch all 10 hours, and if you will put 20, we will watch all 20. I personally know of at least 50 individuals in NYC who will watch that. These are hard core people who work for free. They put in many long hours. There is only one precondition: they want victory. We are not trying to make a statement. We want victory, nothing less.
The Video VolunteersIt has to be video. Video has the emotional impact that other forms of media just don't. And it is so easy to do. Many people own video cameras already. If you got a video camera, and broadband, you are set.
Videoblog everything. All Obama events you do, videoblog it. All the strategy sessions. All MeetUps. Everything. The walks. Spending time at the local Farmers' Market. You could videoblog you. What is your story? Who are you? Why do you support Obama?
We are not going to take it anymore. We are going to give Old Media pound for pound and some more. We are going to do that by becoming our own media.
The Price Of Not VideobloggingIf you do events, but don't videoblog them, it is like you never did them in the first place. But if you do events and videoblog events, you are suddenly elevating yourself and reaching a national audience, and really helping out our fellow supporters in small towns and states out there that are less warm to Obama as is today.
We got to reach out. We got to videoblog.
Let there be at least one designated videoblogger at every event we do. Quality is that we are there, and Obama is there, in person or in spirit, depending. Quantity matters. Don't edit stuff out. Put everything and upload.
Let Bill O'Reilly and other media bandits lose sleep.
This Campaign Is About The People, Barack Is But A VehicleGo talk to people. Random people. Neighbors. Strangers. Friends. Long lost friends. Say hello. And ask a few questions and listen.
Have you heard of Barack Obama? Do you like him? Why? Why not? What are the issues that concern you the most? How do you feel about them? How do you feel about the future of the country, the world? Will you tell me about you? What is your story?
Get all that on video if you can. But don't worry if you can't. Just have a conversation. Do it on the subway, do it on the sidewalk, do it at the mall, do it at church, do it when you are changing your car's oil.
In The NewsQ-Poll: Clinton Clear Democratic Favorite In Swing States Hartford Courant Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania .... the three states, which since 1964 have largely determined the outcome of the general election. ..... Clinton's support has been "as steady and reliable as a Swiss watch Giuliani Slams Bill Clinton on Terrorism ABC News accused former President Clinton of not responding forcefully enough to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing or later terrorist attacks ...... criticized Democrats, accusing them of weakness and naivete in dealing with terrorism. ..... "Islamic terrorists killed more than 500 Americans before Sept. 11. .... Giuliani argued that Clinton treated the World Trade Center bombing as a criminal act instead of a terrorist attack, calling it "a big mistake" that emboldened other strikes ...... "(Osama) bin Laden declared war on us. We didn't hear it." ..... the terrorists the Islamic fanatics who came here and killed us and want to come here again and do it
Campaign Cash: Clinton’s Expectations New York Times the Clinton campaign would raise roughly $27 million this quarter ..... Clinton’s advisers continued to insist this week that there was zero chance they would beat her main fundraising rival, Senator Barack Obama .... “she’s a real bargain and I’m a bargain hunter”
UTL gets Nepal nod to start VOIP service Economic Times a technology that is expected to slash international long distance (ILD) call costs .... UTL will need to invest about NRS 150 million (Over $2 million) to implement the new technology ..... NTA also authorised the state agency, Nepal Telecom, to operate VOIP technology. .... Though Internet calls - routing ILD calls through computers by adding a voice card and other modifications - is illegal in Nepal, as in India, phone booths and cyber cafes in both countries thrive on it, causing the government as well as telecom service providers a loss of billions.
Liberated Paris under siege Melbourne Herald Sun
Obama Finds It Pays to Woo Small Donors Washington Post a recent downtown fundraiser that cost only $100. ..... About 1,000 people paid $100 to see Obama earlier this month at a downtown Chicago train station and 2,000 people paid that amount to see him in Florida in April. ....... She'd like the chance to see Clinton in person, too. "If she comes down in price," Zafiriades said. ..... When campaigns hold cheap fundraisers, they're looking for something besides money ..... "They always come back for more, but the more doesn't have to be money" ...... The "more" is usually a volunteer commitment to help campaigns build local networks of people ..... go door-to-door for Obama ..... Osei was among about 1,000 people who attended Obama's late-night fundraiser in the main hall of Chicago's Union Station. The event was geared toward young professionals, but attracted a wide range of ages. Called "GenBO After-Hours" _ short for "Generation Barack Obama" _ it was the campaign's first such event in Chicago ....... Johnson said the $100 he forked over to hear Obama firsthand was worth it compared to the ramifications of making the wrong choice for president. "The wrong person could cost you an extra five to 10 grand a year" in taxes, Johnson said. Obama Swipes at Clinton's Experience Washington Post
Republican leader scorches Dillard for doing Obama ad Chicago Tribune
Oh-eight (D): Battling for Buffett MSNBC Buffett has NOT endorsed Clinton. “But he has already donated the maximum $4,600 allowed by an individual to Clinton's presidential campaign. Buffett called Clinton ‘the person to run the country.’ He has not donated to any other candidate, according to public records, although he has said he would also support Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in a similar event.” ..... "I've known her for a long time. I've admired her brains. I've admired her energy. I've admired the way she has carried out her job in the Senate. I think she would make an absolutely first class president. When she asked me if I would participate in an event like this, I jumped at the chance." ...... supposed (more like
push-pollingmessage testing) from the Clinton campaign via pollster Mark Penn, noting examples in Iowa that tested negative messages against Obama and in New Hampshire that tested Edwards negatives. ......
“‘For people who say that Barack Obama is not experienced … I can't wrap my head around that,’ Michelle Obama told hundreds of people crowded into the offices of the nonprofit Our Children's Foundation in Harlem. ‘Yes, he's ready to lead,’ she said. ‘The question is: Are you ready? … Will you move out of fear, or will you move out of possibility?’” Michelle Obama added, “’What they are counting on is for us not caring . . . [and that voters will] stay at home.’” ........ The GOP state senator who appears in Obama's first TV ads is getting a cold reception from some Illinois GOPers Buffett, at Clinton Fund-Raiser, Says Congress Favors the Rich Bloomberg Congress had been his ``tax planner,'' rigging the system so the rich paid less of their income than their employees and servants. ....... in a Manhattan hotel ballroom .... attracted media investment banker Steven Rattner, venture capitalist Alan Patricof, Morgan Stanley Chairman and Chief Executive John Mack, among others and comes at a time of intense competition with U.S. Senator Barack Obama to get donations. Buffett, a Democrat, has said he likes both candidates and has offered to help both. ........ Buffett, the son of a Republican U.S. Congressman from Nebraska, said Republicans were more likely to think, ``I'm making $80 million a year, God must have intended me to have a lower tax rate.'' .... built the Omaha, Nebraska-based company over four decades, transforming a failing textile manufacturer into a $168.4 billion holding company by buying out-of-favor stocks and companies.
Poll: GOP support for Iraq war beginning to waver CNN International
GOP Senator Splits With Bush Over Iraq Policy New York Times
GOP Skepticism On Iraq Growing Washington Post
Giuliani Slams Bill Clinton on Terrorism ABC News
Immigration Bill Clears Test Vote in Senate New York Times
'Live Free or Die Hard' Los Angeles Times
Obama, in Houston, bringing out first-time donors Houston Chronicle
Campaigns Scramble for Cash as Deadline Nears ABC News
Buffett helps put on Clinton fundraiser Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Business Primary: Buffett casts an early vote for Clinton USA Today Torture still rampant in Nepal Times of India "Though the power of the military to detain civilians has been curtailed, the Nepal Army still arrests and detains civilians and inflicts torture upon them"
Immigration bill survives Senate vote Chicago Tribune
US Immigration Reform Bill Survives Test Vote in Senate Voice of America
US House Republicans reject immigration bill Raw Story
How Big a Setback for McCain-Feingold? TIME
Court eases TV ad election curbs BBC News
When campaign money can't talk Christian Science Monitor
Taiwan Eyes Role as WiMax Epicenter BusinessWeek
Google Is Watching YouWhere to Rent CheapMicrosoft's Latest, Best Hope in Search In recent months, Microsoft has been spending money to boost its efforts in what's known as vertical search, those niche markets where Netizens go when they're looking for specialized information. .... vertical search may prove more strategic ..... such vertical markets as job openings, comparison shopping, classified advertising, travel information .... proven staying power and a cash pile of $28 billion Dell: Color It Competitive?Dell turns to colorful designs in attempt to boost sales Houston Chronicle
Dell Thinks Pink Forbes
Dell tries eight flavours to grab consumer PC share New Zealand Herald
Dell debuts laptops in pink, yellow Chicago Tribune
Hilton leaves jail, sheriff cites suicide fears Monsters and Hilton, who has vowed to change her party-going ways and give new meaning to her life, was set to give her first post-jail interview on Wednesday on CNN's 'Larry King Live.'
Take Two: Paris Hilton Is Released New York Times the 26-year-old woman .... a collect call to Barbara Walters .... “by far the hardest thing I have ever done.” ..... “She also said ‘my face is very dry. There’s no cream here. But it doesn’t matter. I am not that superficial girl. I haven’t looked in a mirror since I got here.’” ...... she did more time than most people do in similar situations. ..... point out who plays the final role in the Paris Hilton jail drama: all of us, for being so fascinated.
Live Free or Die Hard Houston Chronicle, United States but since 1995 he's been busy with other things: going bald, giving up smoking, learning to remove a certain 12-letter hyphenate from his vocabulary and spying on his dating daughter. ...... Die Hard — picked by Entertainment Weekly recently as "the Greatest Action Movie of All Time" ..... As McClane says, it's always about stealing money. ..... the action, stunts and visual effects are over the moon, though the biggest one — involving an 18-wheeler and a fighter plane
Poll: GOP support for Iraq war beginning to waver CNN International
GOP Senator Splits With Bush Over Iraq Policy New York Times
GOP Skepticism On Iraq Growing Washington Post
Giuliani Slams Bill Clinton on Terrorism ABC News
Immigration Bill Clears Test Vote in Senate New York Times
'Live Free or Die Hard' Los Angeles Times
Obama, in Houston, bringing out first-time donors Houston Chronicle
Campaigns Scramble for Cash as Deadline Nears ABC News
Buffett helps put on Clinton fundraiser Seattle Post Intelligencer
The Business Primary: Buffett casts an early vote for Clinton USA Today Torture still rampant in Nepal Times of India "Though the power of the military to detain civilians has been curtailed, the Nepal Army still arrests and detains civilians and inflicts torture upon them"
Immigration bill survives Senate vote Chicago Tribune
US Immigration Reform Bill Survives Test Vote in Senate Voice of America
US House Republicans reject immigration bill Raw Story
How Big a Setback for McCain-Feingold? TIME
Court eases TV ad election curbs BBC News
When campaign money can't talk Christian Science Monitor
Taiwan Eyes Role as WiMax Epicenter BusinessWeek
Google Is Watching YouWhere to Rent CheapMicrosoft's Latest, Best Hope in SearchDell: Color It Competitive?Dell turns to colorful designs in attempt to boost sales Houston Chronicle
Dell Thinks Pink Forbes
Dell tries eight flavours to grab consumer PC share New Zealand Herald
Dell debuts laptops in pink, yellow Chicago Tribune
Hilton leaves jail, sheriff cites suicide fears Monsters and Hilton, who has vowed to change her party-going ways and give new meaning to her life, was set to give her first post-jail interview on Wednesday on CNN's 'Larry King Live.'
Take Two: Paris Hilton Is Released New York Times the 26-year-old woman .... a collect call to Barbara Walters .... “by far the hardest thing I have ever done.” ..... “She also said ‘my face is very dry. There’s no cream here. But it doesn’t matter. I am not that superficial girl. I haven’t looked in a mirror since I got here.’” ...... she did more time than most people do in similar situations. ..... point out who plays the final role in the Paris Hilton jail drama: all of us, for being so fascinated.
Live Free or Die Hard Houston Chronicle, United States but since 1995 he's been busy with other things: going bald, giving up smoking, learning to remove a certain 12-letter hyphenate from his vocabulary and spying on his dating daughter. ...... Die Hard — picked by Entertainment Weekly recently as "the Greatest Action Movie of All Time" ..... As McClane says, it's always about stealing money. ..... the action, stunts and visual effects are over the moon, though the biggest one — involving an 18-wheeler and a fighter plane