December LinkUp, West Village - 7:00pm, Kettle of Fish, 59 Christopher St. (near 7th Ave.) with host Josh Silverstein.

December 4, Drinking Liberally, Rudy's
Thursday, December 4th, 2008: 7:30pm
Rudy's Bar & Grill
627 9th Ave between 44th and 45th
New York, NY, 10036Host: | |
Type: |
Date: | Wednesday, December 10, 2008 |
Time: | 9:00pm - 11:00pm |
Location: | Westin New York at Times Square, Broadway Ballroom - 3rd Floor |
Street: | 270 West 43rd Street at 7th Avenue |
City/Town: | New York, NY |

DL21C's Sixteenth Annual Holiday Bash!
Start Time: | Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 8:00pm |
End Time: | Friday, December 12, 2008 at 2:00am |
Location: | Strata Nightclub |
Street: | 915 Broadway (@21st Street) |
City/Town: | New York, NY |

Clinton for a Clinton? Senate guessing game begins
Canada coalition members talk of C$30 bln stimulus
Is Obama's honeymoon really over already? BBC News
More on Jindal Atlantic Online
Bobby Jindal, the Republican Strategists and the Last Battle
Obama's puppy promise wreaking havoc on Jindal KATC
Bill Clinton: Sounding board only if Hillary is secretary of state Boston Globe
Clinton is a brilliant choice for US Secretary of State
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A Concession Wrapped in an Acceptance New York Times
WiMax Set to Take Off Motley Fool
Yahoo should just call Microsoft's bluff
Facebook Connect Goes Live PC Magazine
Bachchan cancels Clinton invite after Mumbai terror strike Economic Times
Bachchan says media misrepresented his gun comment Hindustan Times
Maoist Rule in Nepal Wall Street Journal
Systemic failure seen in India's response to attacks Los Angeles Times
Foreseeing a Clinton State Dept., Israelis and Arabs retool their ... Los Angeles Times
WiMAX offer a big success Gulf Daily New
Sprint Completes Merger with Clearwire for WiMaxNetwork
Consensus emerging on universal healthcare Los Angeles Times
Madonna, Alex Rodriguez in Mexico City The Associated Press
Fix Pick: Being Bobby Jindal Washington Post any conversation about the future faces of the Republican Party has to begin with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal..... Jindal is, above all else, a political meteor, sharing Obama's precocious skills for reaching the firmament in a hurry. ..... only this year that he became Louisiana's governor, the first nonwhite to hold the office since Reconstruction. And now, 10 months into his first term, the talk of a presidential bid is getting louder among his boosters ..... "I think the American people are tired of campaigns and politics," Jindal said. "We need to get behind our new president and our new Congress, support them, and stop being Democrats and Republicans."
GOP sees Bobby Jindal as its own Obama, Washington Post saysThe Times-Picayune - it's only a matter of when, not if Jindal will occupy the White House
GOP needs to look south for its salvation Kansas City Star the new Republican Party messiah. I speak, of course, of Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana.... the smart money is on Jindal, who lately seems to be familiarizing himself with Iowa for some strange reason.... Jindal showed how you herd cats in a hurricane. During Gustav, he did what Dubya, Brownie and ex-Gov. Blanco did not do with Katrina: thought, led, organized, unified, saved lives. ....... Republicans should have looked south, not north, for their hero. Instead, the national GOP maintained the old script of keeping the national leadership right, white, mediocre and slightly wacko. ....... Despite the pity party Palin held for the press in Miami, Jindal was the darling at the Republican governors meeting. ..... It’s tragic how the Republican Party let Bush-Cheney kill it and McCain-Palin nail the coffin shut. ........ dust off those “Abe Lincoln for President” buttons, fellow Americans. Owing much to Democrat Obama’s Lincoln fascination, Republicans across the country are repositioning themselves as belonging to the party of Lincoln.
Jindal for Prez 2012 Begins Today? Town Hall
Bobby Jindal's Saturday in Iowa MSNBC 'It all starts with family and builds outward from there,' said the first-term Jindal
Jindal's Medicine Wall Street Journal Jindal, Louisiana's prodigy Governor, has been arguing lately that only policy innovators will break a path out of the GOP's political wilderness ....... Jindal recently announced a major renovation of the way his state provides health coverage to the poor and uninsured, thus taking up a topic for which most Republicans require a shot of epinephrine just to pay attention. ....... Jindal wants to use Medicaid dollars to fund something like private insurance. That way, physicians and hospitals will be compensated for outcomes -- rather than volume of visits and procedures -- and get incentive payments for good performance. ....... Such a "defined contribution" plan is one way to wrestle run-amok health costs back under control and spend more responsibly. It isn't a new idea, but it is a good one. Congressional Republicans passed a similar reform in 1995 for Medicare, which Bill Clinton vetoed -- only to have his own bipartisan commission endorse it in 1999.
In Iowa stop, Jindal says GOP must offer solutions Chicago Tribune
Officials: Obama set to introduce Clinton Monday The Associated Press
Obama's strong-willed national security team Los Angeles Times
Indian anger rises as Mumbai cleans up Reuters UK
Scenes from Obamas' love story Chicago Tribune
India security chief resigns after Mumbai attacks The Associated Press
Israel tones down criticism of India in standoff The Associated Press
Gates offers Obama stability but not perfect match Reuters
Obama's strong-willed national security team Los Angeles Times, CA
Ahead for Obama: How to Define Terror New York Times, United States
At Kremlin, Optimism on US Ties Under Obama New York Times
Obama Picks May Leave Big Holes Washington Post, United States
California's new clout in Congress Los Angeles Times, CA
New battle brews on Capitol Hill: Dems vs. Dems CNN International
Demand soars for "the Obama cookie" Los Angeles Times, CA
Iowa cafe swamped with orders for ``Obama cookie'' Chicago Tribune
Indian allegations alarm Pakistan BBC News
Apprehensive of Reprisals, Pakistanis Deny a Role New York Times
The Special Sting of Personal Terrorism New York Times
Growing rift threatens to tear India apart Times Online
India, Pakistan simmer over Mumbai attacks Reuters India
Obama to nominate Clinton secretary of state Mon. San Jose Mercury News
Bill Clinton Is Said to Agree to Release Names of Donors New York Times
Here we go again? Winona Ryder accused of stealing Bulgari jewels New York Daily News
India's Jews stunned by Mumbai attack AFP
Obama Describes Team as Experienced Yet Fresh New York Times, United States
Obama Plans to Retain Gates at Defense Department New York Times, United States
Managing Economic Team To Be Challenge for Obama Washington Post, United States
Economic Scene The Return of Larry SummersNew York Times
Obama Loves the 90s, Part 2 ABC News
Obama defends experienced, centrist team Boston Globe, United States
The New Team Max Cleland New York Times, United States
Obama and Bush Working to Calm Volatile Market New York Times, United States
Obama presses aggressive economic recovery plans AFP
After Obama's calming remarks, Dow marks 4th straight advance Philadelphia Inquirer
Pakistan Offers Aid of Intelligence Chief Wall Street Journa
Our big desire for epic films Los Angeles Times
Weight Boosts Older Women's Breast Cancer Risk U.S. News & World Repor
Edna Parker dies at 115; former teacher was world's oldest person Los Angeles Times
Obama Describes Team as Experienced Yet Fresh New York Times, United States
Obama Plans to Retain Gates at Defense Department New York Times, United States
Managing Economic Team To Be Challenge for Obama Washington Post, United States
Economic Scene The Return of Larry Summers