Don't accuse me of starting the rumors, but now Bobby is in contention to be McCain's running mate: Bobby Jindal For President Of The United States 2016. It is entirely possible he will be keynote speaker instead of running mate, but running mate is a big possibility. I think it will be good for the country if Bobby gets to be on the ticket. I take ethnic pride in him, but he is so much of a social conservative, he is scary. He is "100%" opposed to abortion, he is totally opposed to the very idea of gay marriage, he is for teaching intelligent design in schools, he is against gun control. A lot of Indians in the diaspora are pissed off enough that he converted to Catholicism - he was born a Hindu - and I am not one of them. I think he is an amazing political talent, but his social conservatism is hard on me. I can't bring myself to swallow. I am primarily a progressive, a Democrat for social reasons. On the economics the wisdom fluctuates, and sometimes the Republicans do make sense. But Bobby seems to want to turn the clock when it comes to social issues. How can you be so smart and so damn conservative? I mean, intelligent design, that is not education, that is superstition. But just like I accept white conservatives to be part of the political reality, and black conservatives, I am going to say Bobby is entitled to his views. He is as Indian as anyone else. Go rumbo. If someone of Bobby's ethnic background can run for Vice President of the United States, there is something very right about this country.
"Rush Limbaugh has described Jindal as "the next Ronald Reagan."" Hmm.
May 24, 3 PM
To: Tracey Denton
Hello Tracey.
The urgent aspects of my Nepal and Obama work are behind me. And my primary focus is on my young company, but I am a political animal and you know it. It is in my blood from both sides of my family. I can't stay away. I seek to become active. And I am thinking the first organization I got associated with after arriving in the city might be the best vehicle for the kind of work I seek to do.
I instigated a French Revolution in Nepal, and you watched it in the local media in April 2006. None of the DFNYC Executive Directors have done anything like that. I want to be made the fifth Executive Director. Step one would be a one on one conversation with you. You are the organization's dynamo. I would want to put across 10-20 questions that will help me understand DFNYC and DFA the way you don't understand by just showing up for events. Then I would want to carve out a role for me. I am not a loner seeking to become a team player. I am a digital democrat wanting to digitize all aspects of DFNYC and possibly even DFA. We are the original grassroots people.
In short, give me a conversation. But if you don't, I will understand DFNYC is not interested in my active participation. And I will show up for select events, and DFNYC will be a spectator sport to me like it was in the early months, for some very different reasons.
It was good to see you the other day do your video camera thing.
Take care.
The Drinking Liberally Charm
I think there is a certain charm to simply showing up at Rudy's and making small talk with all sorts of liberals. Politics does not seem to dominate the conversations, not at all.
In The News
Hillary's Vice-Presidential Tango Time the Naval Observatory, where vice presidents live in Washington ....... the Clintons tried something similar — though far more muted — about this time four years ago ...... a "whisper" that never amounted to "pressure," but was an unmistakable pass nonetheless. ..... female voters who had backed Clinton and were reluctant to transfer their loyalties. ...... the female-voter-threat idea
What Does Hillary Want? a business as fraught with ego and ambition ....... key supporters of Hillary Clinton who are showing signs of wanting to jump ship ....... In Bill Clinton's view, she has earned nothing short of an offer to be Obama's running mate ....... her lopsided victories in Kentucky and West Virginia have helped her narrow his lead in the popular-vote count to a virtual tie. ....... crucial voter groups that Clinton won — women, Latinos, older voters, blue-collar whites — ........ she is likely to insist that her name be placed in nomination on the first ballot, opening up all the divisions once again.
The Keys to McCain's VP Pick He said that while he liked Quayle, he felt the former vice president had "not been briefed and prepared for some of the questions." ........ and Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard
Scouting Micro Social Networks gather.com, which is sort of like a slow-going, pared-down Facebook.
Jindal, McCain's probable running mate NDTV.com, India Bobby Jindal represents the same for the Republicans. ...... At 36, this second-generation Indian-American Rhodes Scholar is America's youngest governor in a southern state with a long history of racial discrimination. ...... a fervent opponent of embryonic stem cell research and abortion and even favours teaching ''intelligent design'' in schools as an alternative to evolution. .... This could help win votes among evangelicals who have not yet warmed up to McCain because of his moderate views. ..... a win-win situation for Jindal. .... 'He goes from being a state party leader to becoming a national Republican Party leader. Either way, he will be considered as a candidate for President in the next elections'' ...... the only grilling that will take place this weekend will be the steak. ..... Jindal's age, conservatism, and executive experience
Who wins if Bobby Jindal gets tapped for veep? American Thinker, WA the notorious Landrieu clan of Democrats ...... Jindal next to the top of the GOP ticket poses the most serious threat yet to Sen. Mary Landrieu's re-election.
10 Things You Didn't Know About Bobby Jindal U.S. News & World Report, DC As a young convert, he wrote of the emotional and intellectual struggles of his spiritual journey in several articles that were published in the New Oxford Review, a Catholic magazine. ......... He turned down admissions to medical and law schools at Harvard and Yale to attend Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar. ....... While attending Oxford, Jindal contemplated joining the priesthood. ...... In 2006, Jindal and his wife, Supriya, delivered their third child at home. Barely able to call 911 before the delivery, Jindal received a nurse's coaching by phone. Just as he was completing the umbilical cord procedure with a shoestring, paramedics arrived. ....... Prior to public service, Jindal worked for the consulting firm McKinsey & Co. ...... Jindal's first bid for governor was unsuccessful. ...... In 2004, he sought the congressional seat from Louisiana's First District. He won with a whopping 78 percent of the vote and was re-elected in 2006 with almost 90 percent. ..... In 2007, Jindal ran for governor again and won. The victory was largely attributed to old-fashioned politicking, which included Jindal "giving testimony" in Pentecostal and Baptist churches in rural and remote sections of Louisiana.
Jindal Meets With McCain WDSU, LA Jindal is being seriously considered for a prominent role at the party convention this summer. .... one more chance for the nation to be focused on levees and wetlands restoration ....... Jindal has been positioned as a rising star in the Republican Party. Four years ago, another rising star was featured as a speaker at the Democratic National Convention. That speaker, Sen. Barack Obama, is now the likely presidential nominee for his party.
Who Is Bobby Jindal? Donklephant
Jindal heading to McCain's ranch, fueling speculation about ... Leesville Daily Leader, LA
McCain invites VP frontrunner Jindal to weekend retreat Hindu, India
Norquist likes Jindal for Veep Politico, DC Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist believes Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal would be the strongest running mate for John McCain this fall. ..... a true movement conservative ...... Once thought of as something of a longshot, Jindal has now drawn praise from opposing factions of the GOP: from Rush Limbaugh, an early fan, and Norquist to McCain loyalists
Louisiana Jindal, McCain and Motivations Bayou Buzz, LA
Jindal Plans To Talk With McCain About LA, Not About VP KSLA-TV, LA
Jindal back in contention as McCain running mate Hindustan Times, India
I Can’t Like Bobby Jindal Progressive.org, WI Jindal has embraced a really conservative version of Christianity ......... he is “100 percent against abortion, no exceptions.” He has supported the teaching of intelligent design and opposed stem-cell research. He is backing as governor a statehouse bill, with the Orwellian title of the Louisiana Science Education Act, to allow intelligent design in schools ......... He is adamantly pro-gun ...... favors a constitutional amendment to ban flag-burning. ....... “Anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-secular, pro-war, anti-science . . . the list is endless” ...... he stooped to using timeworn coded racist language to deride Jena protesters as “outside agitators.” ........ And Jindal has run away from his Indian heritage as a way to ingratiate himself with the majority. Shashi Tharoor, former U.N. undersecretary general, reveals that Jindal once mangled the pronunciation of his own brother’s name while accepting an award. As a Congressman, Jindal pointedly skipped a function organized by the Indian community to commemorate Diwali, the festival of lights, the biggest religious celebration among Hindus. (Not that this has stopped him from showing up at Indian-American fundraising events.) ....... “Indians beam proudly at another Indian-American success story to go along with Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams, Hargobind Khorana and Subramaniam Chandrasekhar, Kal Penn and Jhumpa Lahiri,” writes Tharoor. “But none of these Indian Americans expressed attitudes and beliefs so much at variance with the prevailing values of their community.” ....... now in the running for the second-highest office in the land, a startling achievement for someone who is a member of a tiny ethnic minority and so young.
Louisiana Gov. Denies Veep Rumors ABC News
Exclusive: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner Family Security Matters, NJ
Invitation puts Jindal in pivotal position 2TheAdvocate, LA
• Jindal trying to quiet talk of McCain's No. 2 The Times-Picayune - NOLA.com, LA
Senator John McCain considers choosing Asian running mate to take ... Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom audition by barbecue ..... At 36, Mr Jindal is also half Mr McCain's age ...... parents who arrived from India in the 1970s ...... a staunch conservative on social issues such as abortion, stem cell research and gay marriage ..... a bit of a domestic policy wonk ...... Mr Jindal has followed protocol by saying he is not interested in the job but stopped short of ruling himself out of contention.
Roemer says Jindal is on McCain's VP list WWL, LA
Jindal restates intent to remain governor Opelousas Daily World, LA “I don’t think Sen. McCain is going to offer it to me.” ..... Standing near Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, who would become governor if Jindal were elected vice president, Jindal said “I’ve teased Mitch about planting these rumors.”
Leave Jindal Alone! City Journal, NY
Jindal - 'I've got the job I want' KTBS, LA
A Shot at Veep with McCain, Romney, Crist and Jindal The Ledger, FL
McCain to vet Jindal as running mate Calcutta Telegraph, India
McCain Veepstakes: Bobby Jindal Human Events, DC
What About Jindal? RealClearPolitics Blog
Lack of Progress in McCain’s Bid Is GOP Concern New York Times the holiday weekend at his Arizona ranch along with three Republicans assumed to be under consideration as his running mate ...... Although Mr. Obama has continued to raise far more money than Mr. McCain, Mr. Bush’s fund-raising machinery has helped keep the Republican Party competitive. The McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee, between them, have $11 million more on hand — about $62 million — than the combined cash-on-hand of Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee. ...... the Republican Party brand is very, very badly damaged, in some places broken ....... any Republican who doesn’t say panic is in the wind is lying through their shirt ...... part of a contrast he said they would draw with Mr. Obama for “giving great speeches” but having no record of accomplishment.
Nepal's Prime Minister Asks Maoists to Form New Government
Microsoft Abandoned Book-Search Race With Google
The uproar over Clinton's RFK slaying analogy Baltimore Sun
Clinton blames sexism for failure to overtake Obama Sunday Herald
Obama and Clinton Are Spending the Holiday Campaigning in Puerto Rico New York Times
Clinton Remark on Kennedy’s Killing Stirs Uproar
New questions about McCain's melanoma
Say What? Hillary Clinton Does it Again what, exactly, Hillary Clinton was thinking when she referred to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy in explaining her decision to keep on campaigning ........ Clinton tried to excuse her inexcusable outburst by saying she was distracted by the shock of the news of Senator Edward Kennedy’s malignant brain tumor ...... “I think people have short memories. Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A.”
Obama Begins Search for Vice President Obama, who intends to wait until the final primaries end on June 3 before declaring victory in the presidential nominating fight
On The Web
Bobby Jindal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "one of America's top 10 extraordinary young people for the next millennium." ..... Rush Limbaugh has described Jindal as "the next Ronald Reagan." ...... at Oxford, he wrote an article for the New Oxford Review in which he described witnessing a friend being possessed by a demon ........ his work for Indian tycoon Lakshmi Mittal of Arcelor Mittal. ....... The meeting, however, may instead serve a different purpose, presenting Jindal with the opportunity to speak at the 2008 Republican National Convention, in a similar fashion to Barack Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, cementing a place for him in the party and opening the gate for a future run for the presidency.
Jindal Triumphant in Louisiana - TIME the youngest chief executive of any state. ...... the first non-white politician to hold the state's highest office since Reconstruction ...... "Don't let anyone talk badly about Louisana," he said during his Saturday night victory speech at a Baton Rouge Holiday Inn. "Those days [of corruption and incompetence] are officially over. ....... a region where college football is a religion ....... Jindal took almost 700,000 votes, the highest ballot numbers for a for a non-incumbent primary candidate in recent history ....... an ambitious policy whiz kid. ....... has traveled often to northern Louisiana, hitting up churches and pressing the flesh. ....... "the only colors that should matter are red, white and blue." ...... "pass ethics reforms with real teeth" and has promised to institute a variety of 10- to 31-point plans that reflect his policy wonkiness. As he put it on Saturday: "The rest of the country, keep your eyes on Louisiana."
Michelle Malkin » Smearing Bobby Jindal I met Bobby Jindal two years ago, and what impressed me the most above everything else was how sincere and openly he talked about his Christian faith.......... Bobby will bring a new vision to Louisiana, removing the negative image of the past and present regarding corrupt elected officials. With Bobby Jindal as our Governor, a positive light will shine on Louisiana as other states look on. ....... we finally have a chance to change how the rest of the world looks at Louisiana if we elect Bobby as our next Governor
"he is for teaching intelligent design in schools..."
The reason is elementary: the Discovery Institute and other ID proponents leave out the Triune God, Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Hence, Richard Dawkins can make the case for “aliens” seeding the earth.
There is a better way.
The Quest for Right, a series of 7 textbooks created for the public schools, represents the ultimate marriage between an in-depth knowledge of biblical phenomena and natural and physical sciences. The several volumes have accomplished that which, heretofore, was deemed impossible: to level the playing field between those who desire a return to physical science in the classroom and those who embrace the theory of evolution. The Quest for Right turns the tide by providing an authoritative and enlightening scientific explanation of natural phenomena which will ultimately dethrone the unprofitable Darwinian view.
A review:
"I am amazed at the breadth of the investigation - scientific history, biblical studies, geology, biology, geography, astronomy, chemistry, paleontology, and so forth - and find the style of writing to be quite lucid and aimed clearly at a general, lay audience." ― Mark Roberts, former Editor of Biblical Reference Books, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
The Quest for Right series of books, based on physical science, the old science of cause and effect, has effectively dismantled the quantum additions to the true architecture of the atom. Gone are the nonexistent particles once thought to be complementary to the electron and proton (examples: neutrons, neutrinos, photons, mesons, quarks, Z's, bosons, etc.) and a host of other pseudo particles.
To the curious, scientists sought to explain Atomic theory by introducing fantastic particles that supposedly came tumbling out of the impact between two particles, when in fact, the supposed finds were simply particulate debris. There are only two elementary particles which make up the whole of the universe: the proton and electron. All other particles were added via quantum magic and mathematical elucidation in an attempt to explain earthly phenomena without God.
Introducing the scheme of coincidence, which by definition, "is the systematic ploy of obstructionists who, in lieu of any divine intervention, state that any coincidental grouping or chance union of electrons and protons (and neutrons), regardless of the configuration, always produces a chemical element. This is the mischievous tenet of electron interpretation which states that all physical, chemical, and biological processes result from a change in the electron structure of the atom which, in turn, may be deciphered through the orderly application of mathematics, as outlined in quantum mechanics. A few of the supporting theories are: degrading stars, neutron stars, black holes, extraterrestrial water, antimatter, the absolute dating systems, and the big bang, the explosion of a singularity infinitely smaller than the dot of an “i” from which space, time, and the massive stellar bodies supposedly sprang into being.
The Quest for Right is not only better at explaining natural phenomena, but also may be verified through testing. As a consequence, the material in the several volumes will not violate the so-called constitutional separation of church and state. Physical science, the old science of cause and effect, will have a long-term sustainability, replacing irresponsible doctrines based on whim. Teachers and students will rejoice in the simplicity of earthly phenomena when entertained by the new discipline.
Continue your education by reading The Quest for Right. http://questforright.com
Here's an important piece of advice: If it looks like it's going to be McCain/Palin anyway (and that should be a "no brainer" for Team McCain), McCain should announce NOW or VERY SOON, rather than later towards the convention. There's currently a growing chorus for Obama/Hillary (as VP) ticket (in fact the Dems are likely aware of the Palin phenomenon). If the GOP waits while movement for Hillary as VP grows -- even worse until after it is solidified that Hillary will/could be VP pick -- selecting Palin will be portrayed by Dems/liberal media more as a reaction by GOP selecting its own female (overshawdoing Palin's own remarkable assets), rather than McCain taking the lead on this. Selecting Palin now or early (contrary to the punditocracy) will mean McCain will be seen as driving the course of this campaign overwhelmingly, and the DEMS will be seen as merely reacting. And, there's absoultely no down-side to this because even if Hillary is a no-go as VP for Obama, the GOP gains by acting early. McCain the maverick. Palin the maverick. Do it now!
There's no reason, and actually substantial negative, in McCain waiting to see what the Dems do first insofar as his picking Palin as VP, because, no matter who Obama picks, Palin is by far (and I mean far) the best pick for McCain and the GOP, especially in this time of GOP woes. The GOP can be seen as the party of real 'change' (albeit I hate that mantra, change, change, bla bla), while not really having to change from GOP core conservative values, which Palin more than represents.
In light of the current oil/energy situation, as well as the disaffected female Hillary voters situation, and growing focus on McCain's age and health, Palin is more than perfect -- now.
(Perhaps Team McCain is already on to this.)
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