The Madonna Of Global Politics
Hillary just so happens to be the most famous woman on earth. There are rumors galore that Barack wants her to be his Foreign Minister, and that she is eager for the job. I hope both rumors are true. There are also rumors she is smarter than Bill Clinton. We will find that out for sure after her eight years at the State.
Charlie Ranjail
The first thing I ever said to Dan Berger, Helpless Young White Male Dan Berger, was this: "So if Hillary becomes president, does Rangel become Senator?" That question might become of unexpected relevance soon even though Ranjail wanted Leecia Eve where Paterson is today. He disapproved of Spitzer's Paterson choice by derisively calling Spitzer "the smartest man on earth." Ranjail sure has made his contributions to the black people as dumb stereotype. But then Ranjail and Paterson's father were part of Harlem's Gang Of Four.
Watch Out For Ranjail
The dude is excited. Only a few weeks back he said he is going to get his money where Paulson got his money. The Democratic upswing that started in November 2006 shows all signs of going on for eight years straight. It does not have to end then. But if it ends it will be because Ranjail got his way and ushered yet another era of fiscal indiscipline to the Democratic ways. Get that guy out of Ways And Means. The tax thing did not do it. Maybe the Senator thing will.
Bill Perkins for Congress!
Bill Clinton, Racist?
By my very high standards yes, Bill Clinton is a racist. He was the most powerful person on earth, and he did not do zit for total debt relief for Africa. This white boy from the South has done a whole lot for Africa since he left the White House, but not quite enough.
McCain In The Cabinet
I propose we put him in some closet so I don't have to look at him. The dude did scare me in September. Looks like he scared more than me. Barack went on to raise $150 million that month.
The Four White Manhattan Organizations
DL21C, Drinking Liberally, DFNYC, MYD. There is a part of me that says avoid them all. Just stay away. They are all trouble. I am going to completely stay away from DL21C unless I am explicitly told by that organization that things have changed. Change? Ah, that Barack buzzword. I don't know about the other three either. Barack captured DL21C - I heard on the radio - but that might not be my story.
Do you think Justin Krebs harbors ill will towards me? Do you think Lewis Cohen will mind if I show up for his events? Al is not too fond of Dan. Maybe I can show up for MYD events, but I don't feel all that young. I got some grey in my beard.
In The News
Barack Obama's vetters study Bill Clinton's foreign tiesTimes Online, UK
Video: Obama, Clinton Discuss Top State Job AssociatedPress
Obama Ponders Hillary For State U.S. News & World Report
Mr. Obama’s Team Of Rivals? CBS News
John McCain, Barack Obama meeting now in Chicago. "The national ...Chicago Sun-Times, United States
Barack Obama and John McCain meet for first time since The Thrashing Los Angeles Times
McCain, Obama Vow To Work Together NPR
Racial incidents sour Barack Obama's victoryTelegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Crime spree after Obama victory Asian Image
Is The Rise In Hate Crimes Because Obama Got Elected? HULIQ (press release)
Obama election spurs race crimes around country The Associated Press
Barack Obama launches weekly YouTube broadcastsTelegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Illinois banks on Obama buzz to boost tourismAtlanta Journal Constitution, USA
Obama quits Senate, starts building core team Press Trust of India
Winning by Losing: Why Barack Obama Shouldn’t Want a Filibuster ... OUPblog
Kennedy Returns To The Senate CBS News
Barack Obama juggles policy before puppiesMelbourne Herald Sun, Australia
Presidential Pooch Pick Offers Peek Into Policy Bloomberg
Obamas won't get puppy before White House move The Associated Press
Michelle: WH will be 'full of life' MLive.com
Obama scores big ratings for CBS interviewThe Associated Press
Ratings: Obama Is a Winner for 60 Minutes Seattle Post Intelligencer
Obama committed to green energy, auto bailout CNET News
Obama Says He Will Do `Whatever It Takes' on Economy (Update1)Bloomberg
Will Obama's White House Be Open To The Media? NPR
Barack and Michelle Obama Give First Big Interview Since Election ... Women on the Web
Transition can be time of risk, Obama says Chicago Tribune
LIers seek Obama inauguration tickets from local polsNewsday, NY
Lawmakers Flooded With Requests For Obama Inaugural Tickets Tampa Tribune
Barack Obama will follow Lincoln’s lead in choosing bipartisan CabinetTimes Online, UK
Obama Faces Political Minefield With Appointments Wall Street Journal
Obama's Transition To President May Be "Easiest" Part CNBC
Bill Ayers: "The question is, What is terrorism?" Salon
Presisent-elect Obama Must Surrender His Blackberry, Says Gov't ...Wired News
Barack Obama is a Quitter: BlackBerry Addiction, Smoking and Emails Post Chronicle
Obama might have to kick his CrackBerry habit Sydney Morning Herald
Barack Obama earns 60 Minutes big ratingsNational Post, Canada
Barack Obama will find closing Guantanamo is easier said than done Telegraph.co.uk
Capturing or killing Osama my top priority: Obama Expressindia.com
Obama promises moves to rebuild US reputation Belfast Telegraph
Barack's Gadget BlackoutSky News, UK
Sports of The Times Sorry, Mr. Obama, College Football Isn’t Sensible New York Times
Obama will steer clear of cultishnessCalgary Herald, Canada
King relative voted McCain Tulsa World
King Estate Considering Suit Over Unlicensed Obama Items New York Times
Jackson calls Obama administration 'a chance to start over'Baltimore Sun, United States
Jesse Jackson concerned about Bush's last days The Associated Press
Conversations: What's Next For Iraq?NPR
Gates Under Consideration for Obama's SecDef? KBTX
Why Obama Will Continue Star Wars TIME
Does Obama have a sense of humour? Historic proof uncoveredguardian.co.uk, UK
Albright serves as Obama proxy at global summit AFP
Bush assures world leaders of 'seamless' transition to Obama Press Trust of India
Obama's election bodes changes for Guantanamo prisonersAFP
Barack Obama lifts '60 Minutes' rating to best since 1999Los Angeles Times, CA
Teddy: I'd Like To See Obama Sign Health Care Bill In First Year TPM Election Central
Barack Obama’s Health-Care Reform May Help Many PeopleeFluxMedia
Protest against priest who says Obama vote requires repentence Raw Story
Obama wins 1 of Nebraska's electoral votes The Associated Press
Obama announces more White House positionsCNN
Obama’s early appointments look a lot like the 1990’s WSLS.com
Congressional staff offer rich pickings for incoming Obama ... The Hill
Barack Obama would never win in AfricaDaily Monitor, Uganda
THE ISSUE: Barack Obama is the first Black President of the USA ...The Statesman, India
Obama transition team gave 'positive indications' on ties: PM Press Trust of India
Obama and McCain pledge 'new era of reform'AFP
Is there more sex because of Barack Obama?Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Obama dreading 'loss of anonymity' as 44th US presidentAFP
Michelle Obama to her husband, Barack: "Don't drop the ball, honey ... Комсомольская правда
Paterson rules out interest in Clinton Senate seatNewsday, NY
Veteran operatives fill Obama team MLive.com
Obama lifts ceiling of dreams for black men Boston Globe
Iran to hold conference on Obama and future ties with USEarthtimes (press release), UK
Obama Says Economy, Security Are Top PrioritiesVoice of America
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