The Guardian: Ahmadinejad Allies Charged With Sorcery: an increasingly bitter power struggle .... a growing rift between Ahmadinejad and Khamenei which has prompted several MPs to call for the president to be impeached. ..... On Sunday, Ahmadinejad returned to his office after an 11-day walkout in an apparent protest over Khamenei's reinstatement of the intelligence minister, who the president had initially asked to resign ...... Ahmadinejad's unprecedented disobedience prompted harsh criticism from conservatives who warned that he might face the fate of Abdulhassan Banisadr, Iran's first post-revolution president who was impeached and exiled for allegedly attempting to undermine clerical power. ....... Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, a hardline cleric close to Khamenei, warned that disobeying the supreme leader – who has the ultimate power in Iran – is equivalent to "apostasy from God". ....... the feud has taken a metaphysical turn following the release of an Iranian documentary alleging the imminent return of the Hidden Imam Mahdi – the revered saviour of Shia Islam, whose reappearance is anticipated by believers in a manner comparable to that with which Christian fundamentalists anticipate the second coming of Jesus. ...... Ahmadinejad's obsession with the hidden imam is well known. He often refers to him in his speeches and in 2009 said that he had documentary evidence that the US was trying to prevent Mahdi's return.This is how you know the regime in Iran is only months away from getting toppled. This rift is a sign the regime in Iran is feeling the pressure of street action elsewhere in the Arab world.
Showing posts with label Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Show all posts
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Khamenei Ahmadinejad Rift
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Iran Re-Revolution: Victory In 2011
I think victory is possible. But victory is not going to come on its own. The world has to get involved. The democracy movement in Iran is the global netroots/grassroots' best opportunity to make a fundamental difference in the world today. Because a successful democracy movement in Iran has repurcussions for the Arab world at large.
Do you disagree with the Bush invasion of Iraq? Then pour your energies into Iran. Do you wish there were a better way in Afghanistan? Then pour your energies into Iran. Are you offended by the non democracies of Saudi Arabia and Egypt? Then pour your energies into Iran.
Anyone anywhere has the option to get involved. All you have to do is come online and express solidarity. But it goes beyond that. A democracy movement is science. There are logistics involved. There are tactics and strategies involved.
The revolution in Iran is coming back slowly but surely. And the first step is to protest from the rooftops at night. Only when you hear shouts from most rooftops in every city and town in Iran do you come out into the streets, and not before. The time to come out into the streets is not now. That is strategy.
The logistics part is that every atrocity has to be documented. When this regime is toppled, the new regime is going to put in place a Justice Commission, and those guilty of unleashing violence upon peaceful demonstrators are to be brought to justice.
And there is the part about medical services. Those who get injured during the course of protests need to be provided with immediate medical relief by the democracy movement. You can not do this unless you have great organization and great communication within the democracy movement. And so you do this as much for the few injured as you do it for the larger movement itself.
A democracy movement is not crowd chaos, although it can appear that way. A democracy movement is organized to the hilt. You have to plan every step of the way. You have to imagine all scenarios. You have to be able to see the regime's moves before the regime makes them.
An interim government has to be decided on beforehand.
The most important thing is we can no longer be asking for the regime to hold the presidential election all over again. It is not about that. It is about regime change. The democracy movement only stops when this regime has stepped down to make way for an interim government and an interim constitution with the mandate to hold elections to a constituent assembly within a year of the interim government taking power. If Iran is to be an Islamic republic instead of a secular republic, it would be for that elected constituent assembly to decide. That would be the only legitimate body to decide such a thing.
Summary: protest from the rooftops at night for now.
Michael Singh: Foreign Affairs: Iranian Re-Revolution: On June 10, when the Iranian opposition movement cancelled its planned commemoration of the anniversary of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed reelection, commentators assumed that the Green Movement was finally finished. For months, it had been criticized as lacking strong leadership and for being unable to seriously challenge Iran’s entrenched regime. ...... the Constitutional Revolution of 1905–11, which for a time curbed royal power and led to the development of Iran’s constitution; the Muhammed Mossadeq era of 1951–3, which temporarily ousted Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi; and the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which replaced the monarchy with clerical rule ..... Khomeini, who, in the 1960s and 1970s, brought together an extensive coalition, including secularists, clerics, youth, and others ..... The coalition was galvanized by Mohammad Reza’s land reforms, which threatened the financial base of clerics and other wealthy elites. ...... The Islamic Revolution of 1979, moreover, had roots going back to 1960–4, when riots against the shah swept the country and Ayatollah Khomeini and many other activists were exiled. ...... elites in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps -- have benefited from Iran’s resource wealth while average citizens have struggled ..... the growing number of clergy who refrain from political activism on behalf of the regime ..... some of the citizenry have even accused the regime of being “un-Islamic” for its policies of repression and torture. ........ former conservative stalwarts, such as Mir Hussein Moussavi, the movement’s leader ....... All seek to curtail corruption, restore a greater measure of civil rights to Iranians, and establish a less dangerous, more productive relationship with the outside world. ...... The mass protests following Ahmedinejad’s election have shown that regime has lost the affection of the majority of Iranians. So even as questions persist about the Green Movement’s viability, the regime’s viability is no clearer. ...... The international community should not worry that the Green Movement is doomed, but it should harbor no illusions that its success would inevitably lead to peace and democracy in the long term. Indeed, the United States and its allies should be considering not only how best to support the democratic aspirations of Iranians but also how to prepare for the real possibility of instability in Iran should the opposition prevail.Power to the people.
Iran will pave the way for the Arab world at large.
Iran Democracy
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Friday, July 31, 2009
Iran: Yes, We Can

Victory is very possible in Iran. Yes, we can.
Iran is a very important country. It has had limited democracy for decades, something Egypt and Saudi Arabia can not boast of. It is a large population. Iran is one country where if a grassroots movement will bring forth democracy, the Arab world at large will likely see a domino effect.
I have been so very impressed with the resilience of the Iranian people. They can clearly go past the first few weeks. They have proven a democracy movement need not be a passing fad that takes the streets for a week or two or three and then withers away at the first sign of crackdown.
The Iranian people are a very brave people. Yes, we can.
Iran has had a grudge against America. The CIA toppled a democratically elected government in Iran. Then the US punished the Iranian people much later by unleashing Saddam Hussein on them.
But both sides have to look for new beginnings. The US just did the unthinkable. It elected a black guy for president. The America that unleashed Saddam on Iran could not have elected a black guy.
Iran is a big, important country that has to look for fresh beginnings inside and out.
Iran is proving Bush wrong like Obama wanted to prove Bush wrong on the campaign trail in 2008. You don't need a trillion dollars in US military expenditures to take democracy into a country. All that has to happen is the people in that country have to rise up and take over the streets, like in Iran.
On to victory. Yes, we can.
We did it in Nepal in 2006, you can do it in Iran in 2009. Yes, we can.
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
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Thursday, June 18, 2009
Iran: This Is What I Am Talking About

Iran Is A Major Country
Iran is not a full-fledged democracy, it is a semi-theocracy of unelected mullahs holding supreme power. But at least it holds elections. Saudi Arabia does not. Egypt does not. Iran has much stronger democratic credentials than Saudi Arabia or Egypt.
I Wish Iran's People Power In The Streets Upon Every Arab Country
Mass movements are science, they are not alchemy. They can be brought about. They are the best way to topple authoritarian regimes. They are super cheap. It is so much cheaper to drop 1,000 laptops than a humvee.
We need mass protests in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and every Arab country that does not have elected leadership. That is the only sane way to conclude the War On Terror.
Iran Should Shoot For Complete Democracy
I fear these mass protests might go to waste like those in Burma for lack of a clear articulation of the ultimate goal and the tactics and strategies to get there. This is not just about one rigged election. This is about total democracy.
In The News
Joe Klein: What I Saw at the Revolution TIME It was as if someone had opened a door and an entire country had spilled out. ...... the working-class Ahmadinejad supporters and the wealthier, better-educated backers of Mousavi ...... put the internal rivalries at the highest levels of the Iranian government on public display for the first time, and in the most embarrassing fashion. ......... much of the cheese-buying public — the working class, the elderly, the women in chadors — seemed to adore Ahmadinejad. One of the favorite slogans of his supporters was "Ahmadinejad is love." ........... The lines at the central mosque were every bit as long as they were at the voting stations in sophisticated north Tehran. There was a smattering of Mousavi supporters, but the Ahmadinejad worship was palpable. ........ as concerned with Ahmadinejad's crude populist style as with his crude populist economics. ....... He also criticized Ahmadinejad's incendiary rhetoric on international issues like Israel and the Holocaust ........ "My mother supports Mousavi, and my father supports Ahmadinejad," he said. "I was uncertain until I saw them debate. Ahmadinejad seemed stronger. I don't think I would want Mousavi negotiating with other governments." ....... the reformers I spoke with seemed as unyielding as Ahmadinejad, if more politely so, when it came to discussing what Iran would be willing to concede in negotiations with the U.S. They were adamant on Iran's nuclear enrichment program ..... "It's natural that the first step should be taken by the Americans," said Karroubi, the most progressive of the four presidential candidates. "We didn't stage a coup against your elected government," he said, referring to the CIA's participation in the 1953 overthrow of the Mohammed Mossadegh government. "We have not frozen your assets. We don't have sanctions against you." ....... "Only the skin color has changed" from George W. Bush, he said. ....... "Look, for the past 30 years, the Supreme Leader — first Khomeini, now Khamenei — has blamed all our problems on the Great Satan," a prominent conservative told me. "If you take away the Great Satan and we still have problems, how does he explain it? Almost everyone here is in favor of ending this war with America. But no one has less incentive to make peace than the Supreme Leader." .......... It seems likely that no matter how many people flood the streets in protest, the Supreme Leader will continue to back Ahmadinejad.
Iran: Four Ways the Crisis May Resolve the unique combination of discord on the streets and infighting in the corridors of power currently under way in Tehran. .......... President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei appear to have been taken aback by the surge in support for the pragmatic conservative candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. .......... there are still millions of Iranians strongly backing Ahmadinejad. ...... it's unlikely that the opposition will be in a position to destroy the government. ....... "adjust" the result so that no candidate has a clear majority, forcing a runoff election between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi. ....... at his first press conference following the announcement of his victory, Ahmadinejad reportedly asked his opponents to submit lists of candidates for membership in his Cabinet. ............ (Mugabe's opponents settled for the deal only when they had been so pummeled that they could see no hope of unseating him.)
Obama Lays Out 'Sweeping Overhaul' of Financial Rules Bloomberg the most sweeping overhaul of the U.S. financial regulatory system in 75 years, seeking to correct a “cascade of mistakes” that toppled major securities firms, froze credit markets and destroyed $26.4 trillion in stock market value around the world. ......... adding an additional layer of regulation for the biggest firms. It would create an agency for monitoring consumer financial products, make the Federal Reserve the overseer of companies deemed too big to fail, and bring hedge and private equity funds under federal scrutiny. ......... “An absence of oversight engendered systematic, and systemic, abuse.” ......... has called the “sweeping overhaul” of regulations one of his top domestic priorities, said he wants to sign legislation by the end of the year. ....... “For community banks that had nothing to do with this crisis, this will be massive regulation that will burden them with new costs” ......... the proposal simply adds to the layering of the system without addressing the underlying and fundamental problems ......... The new Consumer Financial Protection Agency would oversee products from mortgages to credit cards. It would have authority to ban “unfair terms and practices,” punish companies for violations with fines and penalties and write rules to set higher standards for banks and non-bank companies. ........ The central bank would get responsibility to oversee all systemically risky financial firms, a move that aims to eliminate gaps in oversight that contributed to the collapse of Bear Stearns .......... higher capital requirements and stronger regulatory scrutiny “our proposals would compel these firms to internalize the costs they could impose on society in the event of failure. ........ Geithner said he sees “no plausible alternative” to having the Fed oversee institutions that pose system-wide risk. “We’re redrawing the boundaries of authority”
Iran Upheaval Highlights Internal Political Fissures Voice of America The turmoil has boosted the stature of some of Iran's leaders. It has also diminished the stature of others - particularly the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. ....... another struggle, perhaps a more significant one, taking place in the corridors of power in Tehran ........ 2005 ..... Then, the relatively unknown mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ........ the Iranian government seems stunned by the reaction and unsure what to do. ...... Rafsanjani's public silence. .... he is fiercely working behind the scenes. ........ Rafsanjani can use his chairmanship of the body as leverage with the Supreme Leader to undercut the president. ........... the protests as Iran's biggest crisis since the 1979 Islamic Revolution ......... we'll have to watch to see if the demonstrations continue, if the government continues to backpedal ....... The Guardian Council is apparently only going to scrutinize electoral results from selected districts. But Mir Hossein Mousavi has called for a fresh election.
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