It took me a few days to figure that out, but I think I just might have celebrated my birthday for the first time ever. I am pretty sure I am a December Baby. My official birthday says October 11, but that is Amitabh Bachchan's birthday. When it was time for me to go to attend this fancy school in the capital city in Nepal, my father put October 11 down on the papers.
Beware of white people. They will mix beef into your food, and you will have lost your religion. I heard some people say that while I was growing up. My freashman year Naqib and I ordered a pizza, half beef, half pork. Afterwards we realized he had eaten the pork, I had eaten the beef. I became a Buddhist not long after.
Decades back English was talked of as "the beef-eating language" in Nepal. When it was time for me to fly to the US for college, one of my aunts said to me, "Beware of white women, they wear clothes that exposes their legs!" At the time she was wearing a sari that exposed her navel.
I am not saying Pollak tricked me into celebrating my birthday. I have long felt Pollak and I might have something in common. Now I know. We are both December Babies. And the communal birthday bash had listed more than a dozen December Babies. So, I guess, they do it every year.
I have long been defensive about birthday celebrations. Why can't you just accept it as a cultural difference? Some cultures don't celebrate birthdays. But I think I can live with a communal birthday celebration.
Amitabh Bachchan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michelle Obama, Everyday Woman No More
A few weeks back Michelle said with some pride at an Iowa event how she still goes to Target, she still pumps her own gas. I am alarmed. This everyday woman thing can not last beyond January 3.
I don't know if the secret service protection is only for the candidate, but if it is, then Obama 2008 needs to hire some bodyguards for Michelle. It needs to be a campaign expense. It is about time she moved only in a caravan of cars, three vehicles, one in the front, one in the back.
When she got into that minor accident in Iowa a few months back, my first reaction was, this looks so very bad on Obama 2008. This is called not running a good campaign.
You still get to go to Target and to the gas station, but accompanied.
In The News
Hillary disappearing in Bill's shadow
What Hillary Stands For
In NH poll, Obama inches ahead of Clinton
Obama on 'Face the Nation'
Obama 30, Clinton 28 in NH, Globe poll shows
Interest Groups Plan Barrage Of Attack Ads, Mailings in Iowa
Dallas Morning News endorses Huckabee, Obama Reuters
Obama Continues Criticizing 527s CBS News, NY
Clinton tied with Obama heading into Iowa MSNBC
Michelle Obama says they ‘couldn't just wait' Fort Madison Daily Democrat, IA One year ago Michelle Obama said she wasn't planning on being on the campaign trail for her husband ..... “Everything looks better in Hawaii,” she said. ...... she and her husband want a world they can turn over to their daughters ..... throughout her whole married life she and Barack have been told it wasn't their time.
We Recommend: Barack Obama Dallas Morning News, TX his consistently solid judgment, poise under pressure and ability to campaign effectively without resorting to the divisive politics of the past. ....... His message isn't about anger and retribution. It's about moving forward. ..... Obama's experience in elective office matches that of Abraham Lincoln before he became president. And he has served more time on Capitol Hill than four of the past five White House occupants. ...... When Mr. Obama's support recently surged in early primary states, her campaign tried to smear him over drug use in his youth. ...... Mr. Obama drew criticism for saying he would pursue terrorists, if necessary, by sending troops into Pakistan. The fact is, U.S. troops have been going into Pakistan for years in pursuit of terrorists. All Mr. Obama did, in effect, was to keep that option open for the future. To say otherwise is to declare Pakistan a sanctuary for America's enemies. ...... Americans are tired of divisive, hard-edged politics.
Obama’s Not-So-Sudden Moves New California Media, CA Is white America’s collective guilt about the state of African Americans strong enough to brush aside the fear of the black man and support the feel-good candidacy of Barack Obama to its logical end? ........ a black man who is educated, ambitious, amiable and married to someone named Michelle rather than Shaneque. ...... Chris Matthews is right when he says supporting Obama “makes us feel good.” ....... the man with a Muslim middle name has become a redemptive symbol of white Christian America’s collective guilt about the state of African Americans ...... “No sudden moves” is apparently his mantra to deal with white America’s fear about the black man, something that Obama learned while dealing with his white mother. ...... a majority of Americans are supportive of the idea of a black president as much as they are of a woman president. But are they ready to make race a dispassionate subject of political discourse
Obama Ain’t No Angry Black Man PoliGazette, Netherlands some black activists such as Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Andrew Young aren’t too happy with Obama. In short: African-Americans are now looking at him, and not at them anymore. ...... When Jackson holds a speech somewhere, only a dozen people show up. ...... “Even if one doesn’t like his policies, he deserves at least some accolades for marginalizing Jackson and Sharpton.”
'Telegraph' endorses Obama Concord Monitor, NH
Obama contrasts his experience with Bill Clinton Baltimore Sun, United States
Obama strives to overtake Clinton in Democratic race Canada.com, Canada
Why conservatives love Barack Obama Salon In the weeks since Karl Rove offered his unsolicited advice on how to defeat Hillary Clinton in the pages of the Financial Times, right-wing expressions of support for Barack Obama have become increasingly conspicuous and voluble. ........ Exactly why the American right hates the Clintons so fervidly remains a subject of debate among both political scientists and psychiatrists ........ So powerful is their fury that they will not hesitate to promote the career of a liberal black politician whose background and religious affiliation they regard with suspicion. ...... There are no questions that catch him off guard, no issues he hasn't considered. .... radio hooligan Rush Limbaugh ...... the bigoted crudeness of Limbaugh than the manufactured erudition of Will. .... He will need the same kind of armor that she has worn proudly for years. What the right likes best about him is that he doesn't seem to own any.
Only Obama Defeats all 2008 Republicans, Per New Zogby Poll About - News & Issues, NY
AP Interview: Obama Pans Campaign Tone The Associated Press
Is Obama a Shrewd Progressive or a Sellout? Yahoo! News Some people think Obama, through the sheer force of his empathy and skills as a communicator, would broaden the political landscape and convince moderate Republicans and Independents to back progressive policies they ordinarily wouldn't go for.
Barack Obama praises Arnold Schwarzenegger Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom the California governor would still be welcome in Barack Obama's cabinet. ..... the former actor had shown excellent leadership, particularly on the environment. ..... he's taken leadership on a very difficult issue ..... he would include Republicans in his cabinet
Poll: Huckabee leads; Clinton, Obama tie in Ga. Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA
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