Saturday, September 10, 2005

Eric Cesnik For District 5

Andrew Kling, Eric's Campaign Manager, who I met at my very first Democracy For New York City, DFNYC, MeetUp in the East Village, singled me out to take me to the after MeetUp MeetUp, where DFNYC MeetUp organizers from all over the city gather afterwards. More importantly, he singled me out saying, "I have just the campaign for you." He had Eric in mind. And I met Eric at a Mixer. And it all gelled for me.

Too bad Nepal has been taking all of my time: Democracy For Nepal (DFN). For the first time in 10 years, permanent peace feels possible in Nepal. And I am basically telecommuting into the peace process. There are Nepali democrats also in the city, as the country at large. And we all put in our efforts. Our recent success is the king cancelled his trip to the UN and it was partly because of the huge protest rally we were going to organize on September 16 near the UN building. The rally will still happen, but now the goal is to move and shake world opinion on behalf of Nepal. Andrew, Eric, I also have had to put my business ideas on the backburner for the same reason.

But then yesterday evening I got to watch an Eric Cesnik debate online. Andrew emailed me the clip. And I was reminded all over again why I so strongly support Eric. He is just the man for the job. Google's Blogger was temporarily down at the time. So I have had to wait to post my blog entry. The paragraph below is culled from a comment I left at the campaign blog.

Eric comes across as a sensible candidate, someone who will really look into problems from many angles and work towards common sense, well thought out solutions. That is not your run of the mill, soundbite politician. The other gentleman running, he looks a little too rehearsed, a little too soundbitey. And Jessica gave a wrong, long answer to a yes no question that really matters. A million and a half gone for mail fraud! Taxpayer subsidized snail mail spam, campaign literature? Has her boss heard of email? But then that would qualify for spam, right? Whatever happened to just going out to meet people, like Eric is shown doing on the video? I just want the world, especially my fellow bloggers in the district, to know Eric is a candidate who really excited me and does today.

It is between Jessica and Eric. I think Jessica comes across as personable, and I value her experiences as Chief of Staff to the current officeholder. But I think Eric is more qualified and deserves to get elected: his is the more in-touch approach, he has the vision and the style. Perhaps Eric should rehire Jessica to be his Chief of Staff. I think that would be a great combo. Jessica is qualified, but she is qualified to be Chief of Staff.

Some Suggestions To The Cesnik Campaign (August 19)
Eric Cesnik For City Council (August 19)

Below is a press release I got in an email from Andrew.

For Immediate Release:
Citizens for Cesnik 2005

September 9, 2005

Competitive District 5 Race Takes a Turn

Eric Cesnik Confronts Jessica Lappin on Resume Omission and Miller’s Mailings

The District 5 City Council candidates vying to replace Speaker Gifford Miller sat down Wednesday night for an intense televised debate on NY1’s Road to City Hall.

The eleven-minute discussion turned heated after candidate Eric Cesnik confronted rival Jessica Lappin regarding her misrepresentation of her prior work experience. Lappin’s official campaign website states that she “first began working as an aide to Councilman Miller in 1998, and†served until April 2005” and in the debate she referred to her “seven years” of work in Miller’s office. After listening to Lappin describe her work in Miller’s council office, Cesnik stepped in to “set the record straight” noting that “in 2001, [Lappin] was actually working for Gifford Miller’s...political action committee” where she was “doling out checks to politicians.” Lappin’s campaign literature makes no mention of her experience working for Miller’s PAC.

Questions about Miller’s PAC, Council 2001, have dogged Miller and Lappin since 2002 when The Village Voice published an exposÈ on Miller and the PAC.

Further controversy erupted in the debate when Cesnik asked Lappin if she would join him in calling on Miller to repay New York City for the $1.6 million in taxpayer funds that the Speaker used to mail out thinly veiled campaign literature in June. Lappin conceded that the mailers were “a mistake” but refused to give a yes or no answer despite repeated requests by Cesnik and the NY1 moderator, Dominic Carter, for her to clarify her response.

Today, Cesnik noted, “Jessica should offer us a clear answer regarding whether or not she will join me in calling on Miller to return the taxpayer money. If she won’t call on Miller to return the $1.6 million, how can we expect her to act more ethically than he has acted?”

The full video of the debate is available at

Thursday, September 08, 2005

A Step-Up For Barbara Bush

"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas."

"Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality."

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this is working very well for them."

"Almost everyone I've talked to says 'we're going to move to Houston.'"

Mrs. Bush toured the Astrodome complex with her husband, former President George Bush, as part of an administration campaign throughout the Gulf Coast region to counter criticism of the response to the storm.

The person who reminds so many Republicans of their mothers and grandmothers has stepped up to the plate. She also happens to be the wife of a president who voted against the Voting Rights Act in the 1960s during his days in the Congress. And the mother of a president who is a creationist. (See: Dumb And Dumberer: Creationist Bush)

The Barbara Bush remark puts her in the same category as Trent Lott.

These insensitive to the extreme remarks are the surface of a value system that puts people of certain socio-economic backgrounds down. They have real impact. They have ongoing impact. The remark should not really be making news. You mean you did not know these people have those thoughts all the time?

She also approached Bill Clinton with the offer reportedly to adopt him. Clinton sidestepped it: "I wish I could get them to adopt Hillary."

These poor Kennedy imitators have occupied the national stage for too long anways. JFK takes the country to the moon, so Bush wants to take you to Mars! Flattery? I don't think so. This guy has a very poor grasp of things scientific.

Barbara Bush took her son's request for a PR campaign a little too literally, it seems. There is love, and there is l-o-v-e!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A Little Siegel Incident

Before I moved to NYC, I had never heard of the term Public Advocate. Of course I had never heard the Norman Siegel name. Then I move to the city, and Siegel is the biggest name the DFNYC is attached to. He is running for the biggest office at stake, and he actually has a good chance of winning.

I am not a voter. I am not much into city politics: I am a total novice. So largely I have stayed away from the fray.

But then I showed up to watch a Public Advocate debate that was a DFNYC event. I just wanted to get a feel for the guy that DFNYC was so behind. And I actually liked most of what I heard. He was easily the most passionate about the job. He came across as someone who really wants to be your attack dog. But primarily because he was endorsed by the DFNYC, I had this tribal feeling of extending my moral support to him.

But then there was this one Rick Lazio moment in the debate that kind of froze me for a little bit. He cornered the woman - I never got her name - who holds the office now and is up for reelection by suggesting because she is complying by the police guidelines in response to a persistent stalker, she is unfit for the office.

It is like in a Hillary, Rick Lazio debate, the guy actually walked over to her, and hovered over her, insisted she sign something to do with campaign finance this or that. Made me so utterly angry.

And then I show up for a DFNYC Research and Advocacy meeting, and you know how there is the main meeting, and then you break into smaller groups, to work on specific issues in a more focused way. And there was this woman sitting next to me. And she mentioned how Siegel had fought for the right of some Nazi group to protest in a neighborhood where many Holocaust survivors lived. And that totally threw me off. I am like, what is this guy up to?

The lady had this air about her that made me feel she had watched the same debate I had, and she had been taken totally aback by that stalker episode, and she could not bring herself to talk about it directly, so she brought up the Nazi episode. Progressives don't instill fear among women.

I don't know much about this guy at all. And I really don't want to rush into conclusions. But in my book that is two strikes.

I have heard he is a damn good civil rights lawyer, and I am glad for that. But I want the option to approach him and be able to confront him on these two issues. Maybe he needs some help seeing things a little differently. Maybe he needs sensitivity training.

Or if he is beyond reform, do I have doubts about him? I sure do. How does this concern me? Sexists tend to have a high chance of also being racists.

And our own leader of DFNYC who had signed up to work for him full time stepped down from it and I see obvious signs of the glass walls and ceilings thing there. A progressive is not one who creates and sustains glass walls and ceilings. Progressivism is about breaking them.

I will skip this particular election cycle locally. I plead ignorance.

But DFNYC is the group that will born the next President of the United States. We sure can afford to pick and choose. We are important. We are very important.

We should be gunning for Mayor and Governor of New York. We should be gunning for Governor of California.

We are out of power in New York City. That is a mystery to me. Lack of power can lead to much infighting. That is why I want to restrain myself on this seagull topic. But if my outspokenness of the issue of glass walls and ceilings might hurt you, you should be extra eager to let me help you reform yourself. Right?

Pragmatism might ask for some restraint on my part. But it is not like my blog has the readership of Wonkette.

It can not be accept me in totality or you are hurting the cause. That is blackmail. It should be more like, I am a progressive, help me become one. And if you think there are chinks in my armor, help me fix the chinks.

A party nationally out of power is in much local disarray. We need to patiently and persistenly think long term.

(Also see: Landscape Talk)

Monday, September 05, 2005

Dean-Hillary-Obama Ticket

I think that would be great.

Howard Dean for President.
Hillary Clinton for Vice President.
Barack Obama for Secretary of State.


Democracy For Nepal, DFN

Yesterday I renamed my Nepal blog, now it is called Democracy For Nepal, DFN. DFNYC has been my homebase since my move to New York City. And this renaming has been inspired by my association with DFNYC.

My involvement with the movement in Nepal is easily the most important political work I ever did. I am doing it for emotional reasons, but it curiously also has global ramifications. I think it has major ramifications for US politics also.

When Howard Dean ran for DNC Chair, he said he has no plans to run for president again in 2008. And ever since then I have figured the 2004 candidacy was his last one. But then I revisited my impression yesterday after I renamed this blog. Democracy For America. Democracy For New York City. Democracy For Nepal. It started gelling for me.

When Bill Clinton ran for re-election in 1990 in Arkansas, he pledged he will complete his four-year term. A year later he went on a listening tour across the state to seek permission from his voters to run for president and he declared he heard the people were okay with the idea.

I guess Howard Dean could go on a similar listening tour across the country in early 2007. And he could change his mind, and he could run.

Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1976 and lost early and bad. We all know what happened four and eight years later.

Should Dean decide to run, I am not even looking at anyone else. It might be a Dean-Kerry-Edwards tussle all over again. I keep thinking Hillary has no intention to run. She thinks this is a sexist country, and it is not ready for her. That is just my reading of the situation. I think Bill Clinton's unyielding enthusiasm on a potential Hillary candidacy is partly his apology on the Monica matter. When Hillary wrote her autobiography, she said in there that she had forgiven Bill Clinton, but it was so obvious to me when I read that book that she was still hurt.

That is a second dimension to the Monica story that perhaps only women truly understand. The first I mentioned was my first thought, and lasting thought, that Bill Clinton got sick and tired of Ken Starr hounding his wife and Monica happened. That is the ethnic minority reachout to the underdog fighter. I guess. I never hid the disclaimer, that I am a huge Bill Clinton fan.

There is a third dimension to the Monica thing. An individual is an organism. A unit. Crowds are also organisms, the social scientist in me sees that quite plainly. That crowd as an organism has sex and money thoughts just like individual human beings. Monica is sex, Whitewater is money. Progressive, activist kind of politicians like Bill Clinton was tend to become vocabulary. They help break social barriers, and they make the crowd think more of the sex thoughts, because, if you think about it, all those ethnic and cultural boundaries are sexual. If people were to freely inter-marry, we would not be able to categorize people along ethnic and cultural lines.

And so Bill Clinton is just vocabulary for the crowd as an organism through which the crowd thought sex thoughts. The crowd was basically consuming porn.

Why do I mention these in the case of Howard Dean? First, he might run again. If he runs and wins, he will be a progressive-activist kind. He will also fist into the beehive with abandon. I don't expect to hear Monica and Whitewater in Dean's case. But I do expect him to arouse intense emotions among the status quoists, and the special interests, and the social conservatives, and the rich who are not self-made rich, but were born so and whose idea of entrepreneurship is tax cuts. Why do I say so? Because I have seen so. They will come after Dean again if given a chance.

Those of us like me who never left Dean need to think through things. And it is never too early.

One is Judy Dean. I have seen her on TV a few times, and she comes across as simply adorable. That word was coined for her. She comes across as so genuine. She does not come across as prepared and polished.

Maybe she is a post-feminist working woman who likes her work so much, and whose husband is so open-minded, he is just fine she is not on the campaign trail and instead is tending to her patients. Or maybe she is a loving wife who does not want her Jewish background to become an issue for Howard in the wrong parts of the country. I don't know. Frankly, I don't even want to know. It is husband-wife stuff, private stuff. The voters should be concerned with Dean's policy prescriptions and his leadership style and his political track record.

But I am personally too aware of these undercurrents. I went to a school in Kentucky where the question "Are you Christian or are you Catholic?" was mainstream. And Joe Lieberman in 2004 painfully kept trying to push his first name and at some level it felt like he was trying to get attention away from his last name. And the biggest proof: when the Dean tire hit the road, there already were organized groups in the red meat states who had started talking about Howard Dean's Jewish wife. There was a building momentum. Dean had to be stopped.

Appeasing the racists, the xenophobes, the bigots works as well as appeasing Hitler worked back then. And let's face it, Hitler and those groups do share ideology. If we are serious about a Dean candidacy, we are going to have to confront this issue head on. I wish this were not so, but it is. Dean's candidacy will be a progressive one. And the social progress aspects are the trickiest. But they have to be faced.

If we raise 40 million dollars, we should be willing to spend about 2-5 million dollars of that money to sue such organized groups into bankruptcy, to find the list of names of officers of all those groups to show up in their towns to run stories and ads on their lousy childhoods in their local papers and on their local TV, so as to give them some taste of the politics of personal destruction. Politics is a contact sport. Those who stay above the fray lose. Unilateral disarmament is bad politics.

I have a Southern strategy. It is called conquer the South.

Identity politics is fundamental. The Bush machine ended McCain's hopes of becoming president by running ads that claimed he had a black child. In South Carolina. I guess the McCains have adopted a child from Bangladesh. If you think about it, I grew next door to Bangladesh. Don't tell me Bush is a nice guy.

It happened to Hillary. She was attacked non-stop. When was the last time a Republican's wife got attacked that way or ever? Leaders who will vouch for us, we need to vouch for. Often all it takes is standing up and speaking up. Should we go after Republican wives for standing by men who are anti-choice? Like Newt Gingrich told Bob Reich at the time, "Mr. Secretary, we like your president, but his wife should not be making policy." The issue was not health care, the issue was Hillary.

These people who attack leading Democrat families with their perfected art of the politics of personal destruction then turn around and claim they are for "family values." These people who attack other religions habitually present themselves as pro-faith. And that also affects me personally. I am a Buddhist. In the 1996 election cycle, the Republican machine demonized some Buddhist monks from California who might have donated some money to the Democrats. In the red meat country, it was material enough to put the Democrats in the same basket as the Buddhist monks. That insinuation was dirty picture enough.

These so-called Christians are like Communists: they are so unflinchingly dogmatic.

I mean, I absolutely, totally despise Jesse Helms. That redneck made a career out of demonizing the Third World. I intend to make a semi career out of taking offense on behalf of the Global South. I know 10 years from now I still will not have one good word to say about Jesse Helms.

Identity politics matter. And we need to practice and perfect the art of naming and shaming. As Eminem says,"If I am wrong enough to think it, I am wrong enough to say it." If my political enemies are wrong enough to say and do wrong, I should at least be wrong enough to point it out, and preferably wrong enough to hit back.

In politics those who treat enemies and opponents the same do not go far. Opponents can be respected in both victory and defeat. Enemies are a different category.

I mentioned Hillary. There is another thing. Looks like every Jesus ends up with his Judas, someone in your inner circle, or a few people in your inner circles who end up really hurting you. It is almost statistical. George Stephanopoulos got the Whitewater ball rolling, and was the first to use the "I" word. Whitewater begot Monica begot Al Gore going more after Bill Clinton than after boy George.

Howard Dean had his Judas or a few of them in 2004. I don't know those inner circle names and characters at all well enough. But a few people might have played foul. A campaign that raised 46 million should not have run out of money in New Hampshire. Makes no sense.

So watch out for Judas. And protect Judy.

Then we will have the luxury of countering old media with new media.

Raise a lot of money, but spend little or no money until two months before the first primary. The money goes to the bank and stays there. Before that, do take Dean all over the country, and cover all events in full through text and photo and video blogging. Be our own media. If he appears some place for an hour, put the entire hour in video online. And use old media for free air time, for free press coverage.

Tell the Dean story. We need biographical details. We need people who know him talking about him. He has to show like the guy next door that he is. We don't need to package him, but we do need to present him like he is.

Tackle the media. Tackle the money.

Then you get to do the juicy stuff, the real stuff. The politics and the policy, especially policy. It is not too early to start work on a vision. We need to sculpt the platform. The platform should be one word - progressive - and a phrase - People Power - and also a book, like Bill Clinton's Putting People First in 1992.

Just my early thoughts. And I really would like to contribute to shaping the platform.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Landscape Talk

I think DFNYC and the Dean groups across the country are in a unique position to reshape the party so it becomes more a party of near permanent power. We have the disadvantage of trying to lead various powerless groups, which makes the idea of unity rather challenging. There is by definition much infighting among the powerless. If they were to unite, they would not be powerless no more. It is a chicken-egg situation. (See: DFNYC Research And Advocacay Group)

The Democratic party is utterly out of power right now. How to get back to power? We have stuck to old ideas on domestic policy. What holds us back more is we have basically given the foreign policy turf over to the opponents.

The way to morph our weakest link into an unchallenged strength would be to embrace the idea of a progressive way to spread democracy all over the world. And I am in a unique position to help, because I am intimately involved with the ongoing movement for democracy in Nepal. Nepal could be the perfect human laboratory for our idea. (See: The Road To The White House Goes Through Nepal)

I am not big on the idea of spending 200 billion dollars, 2000 American lives, and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives to spread democracy in Iraq: I think it is such a waste of life and resources and half the time is self-defeating. But if it is between progressives doing nothing and the neo-cons waging war on Saddam, I am for war. But it does not have to be that way. $100,000 fed to the democracy movement in Nepal could do the trick. And the movement is being documented in near real time online. So we will have a blueprint for elsewhere in the region and the world. (See: Democracy: The Third Wave)

For now, take a look at this: 5 Steps To Democracy.

We also have to watch out for the internal dynamics within the progressive movement. There has to be zero tolerance for racism and sexism. The white boys who learned to create glass walls and ceilings during potty training will simply have to unlearn a few things, or there is not going to be much of a progressive movement anymore than there is going to be a neo-con movement.

An average white person freezes when having to discuss race relations, whereas dialogue is the most constructive way to make progress on race relations. Race is the most unresolved issue in American politics. And you don't make progress on race relations by talking about the weather, you make progress by bringing race into the dialogue mainstream. The frozen ones are not members of the progressive movement, or any that I recognize.

I have little time for politics in the first place, and that little time has been going to Nepal. I need to be focusing on my business and blogging career more anyways, and the little time I might make to possibly volunteer sure is not going to be spent cheerleading those who are prone to upholding the glass structures, be it in social or more professional settings.

I spent a few years in Kentucky. The Bible is the only book the white boys there read. And they read it every other day. Read a novel for a change: I recommend The Old Man And The Sea. And I read in a journal article once that Wall Street and Capitol Hill are the two most racist and sexist places on earth. So as far as racism and the urban landscape is concerned, as Michael Corleone would say, "It is nothing personal, Sonny. It is strictly business." There is verbal jujitsu.

And there is the internet. And there is globalization. Racists hurt their bottomline, that is all they do.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

DFNYC Research And Advocacy Group

I look forward to our meeting on the 31st. This kind of activism speaks to me. I am not "just a writer," or "just a thinker." I have been at the very forefront of electoral politics at times in the past. But for now all my political energies go to the movement for democracy in Nepal. And my personal career focus is on entrepreneurial stuff. But there is no curing a political animal. And even to entrepreneurship what I take to the table is vision and group dynamics. And the process of crafting legislation is of major corporate interests to me. As you can see, there is a lot of inter-connectedness. And DFNYC has been homebase of sorts to me in this chosen city of mine. The city's social progressive thrust speaks to me very personally. And DFNYC sits atop it.

"Where there is no vision, the people shall perish."

I am really interested in "the vision thing," as Bush 41 puts it. I think there are two aspects to it: the vision, the tools.

Vision is of central importance. And I took a first bite at it here: The Three Pillars (October 25, 2004). I feel the need to elaborate on that theme.

I first want to talk about the tools. Actually it is one tool: blogging! Oh my god, there is nothing like it. Fast forward backwards to the Howard Dean 2004 campaign. If Dean's 600,000 core supporters were all avid bloggers with the blogging tools available for free today - text, links, audio, video - old media would not have had the option to massacre the campaign. Dean's famous I Have A Scream speech, it beats me to this day as to how anyone could have been offended. I don't get it, I never did. I don't know if it is cultural because I grew up in a culture where people are loud, quick to celebration, where people wear colorful clothes, and I mean primary colors, not the American mainstream drab.

But imagine if only 20 people in that room that day were video bloggers, and online people had the option to watch the entire thing, the party in the foreground with all its noise: things might have turned out to be different. I am an avid video blogger myself.

This is really powerful stuff, because campaigns spend more money on TV ads than on any other thing. What a waste! Imagine if the next progressive presidential campaign has to spend NO money on TV ads! What then? Does that make us super competitive?

Every volunteer should be a blogger. I recommend Google's Blogger. Other than that Google is the sexiest company on the radar right now. One, when you blog at Blogger, the Google search engine immediately indexes your stuff, and that makes all the difference, since search engines are the most used "road signs" today. And there is a search engine just for your particular blog in the top left corner. That is the sexiest thing about Blogger. Links are copy and paste. I recommend you insert Google ads onto your page. Blooger beats Flickr when it comes to photos. Look at this cutie taken by yours truly: Flickr does not offer that large size, full screen option. Google's audio and video are both free, and you don't have to worry about memory space, it's infinite, and sure you can take them anywhere on the web, but why not keep it all in-house? And with Google's resources, they keep improving the whole thing on a regular basis. I think they should work on integrating MathML: but that is just me.

Blogging is fundamental. It means every single person is a potential media house with a potential local/national/global audience. This is huge.

But there is one thing that is more important: it is Face Time. There is screen time, and there is Face Time. Our in-house LinkUps are a great idea as are MeetUps. I think we should keep using both. LinkUps are for the veterans and the hard core. MeetUps are for the uninitiated and the casual onlookers. And both merge.

As we work on this Research and Advocacy stuff, I think we should make use of both Face Time and Screen Time. Best part about that: it keeps things really flexible. Individuals have the option to give as much or as little time as they want without feeling they are missing out on things because they did not show up for all the events. And I don't believe we ought to duplicate stuff. That is where links come in. If there are progressive think tanks that have done good work on specific issues, we should just link to those articles from our blogs. And we should link to each other's blogs. That's another thing that is good for your blog in the search ecosystem: the more sites and blogs that link to you, higher up you show.

Once we have this basic frame, then we can start talking. I feel like I have already made my main points online. So for me Face Time is more about listening to others. But you don't want me to get started on the talking thing. My blogs are proof I am on the verbose side.

For now, of the Three Pillars, I would like to focus on just the first one.

Democracy is a simple concept: it is one person one vote. And America does not have it.

I think I invented the concepts of total, transparent democracy and non-violent militancy.

  1. Total, Transparent Democracy: All political deliberations are to be posted and archived online as all votes that make decisions when consensus might not be possible, all expenses the same. Political parties are publicly funded based on the principle of one person, one vote.
  2. Non-Violent Militancy: To never resort to violence, but to use words like they were bullets, to use organizational acumen like knives, to use communications technology to the maximum, to use money with utmost efficiency, to always know the importance of message, to make the best use of dialogue and coalitions, and to use the state apparatus to great effect once acquired.
This is from my Nepal blog. But it can be applied anywhere, I think.

Just look at New York. Not far north from here in Boston several hundred years back a group of concerned people started a revolution with the slogan No Taxation Without Representation. That revolution founded a country called America. But in New York 40% of the people who pay taxes can not vote because, err, they are not "citizens." That has got to be offensive. The Mayor takes your money, but he does not need your vote. How ridiculous is that?

Maybe the idea of voter registration should be abolished. Instead there should be voter lists prepared by the state in a scientific manner to make it as inclusive as possible. All you got to do is show up at the polling booth. And there should be a law saying noone should have to wait more than half an hour at the polling booth. Right now they make people in the poorer districts wait hours. Is that a deliberate discouragement? I think so. That is racist.

Electoral votes should be abolished. Let the president be directly elected. How is that for democracy?

For the Nepal situation, I have suggested totally taking money out of politics. I think that could work wonders here too. (Proposed Constitution)

Let the country be divided into 100 constituencies of near equal populations for the seats in the Senate. No need to take consideration of state boundaries. They are imaginary anyways.

Lack of statehood for DC is an obscenity. If DC can represent the entire country, it itself needs to get represented in the Congress.

I think we could talk of several more specifics like that, but the concept is rather simple: one person, one vote.

So two words: blogging and democracy. That's what I want to touch upon right now.

Some Deaniac is getting into the White House in the 2010s. I think it is going to be Obama: the greatest political event of 2004. What do you think?