The FBI's relentless harassments of MLK are well documented, and the dude was nothing less than a prophet. It is not like the institution ever apologized. The reality really is black and white there. MLK was doing God's work. The FBI was with The Devil.
In recent years I have noted the FBI basically ended the possibility of John Liu becoming New York City mayor. Otherwise the guy had collected more votes citywide than Bloomberg only a year before the institutional attacks started coming. That John Liu was born and raised in NYC did not seem to matter. That his origin was Taiwanese (not Chinese) did not seem to matter.
When 13 trillion dollars evaporated like water on Mars, the fall guys were a black guy, a Hispanic, an Asian, two Indians, a Jewish guy. And that 13 is not even counting the three trillion lost to foreign misadventures. The real culprits did not even get so much as a speeding ticket.
Law enforcement is not above the law. Institutions paid for by the taxpayers, the voters have to be seen making their very best attempts to do right, and stay away from evil impulses.
You are lovely as long as you don't covet seats of power is not the message the next generation of women are eager to hear.
The timing of the FBI's recent "release" on Hillary Clinton's email thing is suspect. There seems to be a faceless clique inside the FBI trying to do maximum political damage to this person who shows every sign of becoming the first female president. The merits or lack thereof of the case aside, my political instincts are hugely suspicious of the timing and pace of the investigation process. The goal seems to be political damage.
What, the white guys running the FBI are suddenly feeling the hots for Donald Trump now? What do you see in him?
The FBI's ethnic and gender composition is suspect, and needs to be rectified. The FBI needs to look more like America. Perhaps the next president will do something about it.
Rule of law is important. And that is why it is super important that law enforcement has to be seen not propagating racism and sexism.
America is still doing seven times better than China on per capita income. Anti racism, anti sexism is not anti white male. Anti racism, anti sexism is about taking the world to an era of currently unimaginable riches. Racism is the mindless assaults of today. Just like major riches are not possible in a society where physical assaults are the norm, a racist, sexist society is fundamentally kneecapped. It is an unnecessary disadvantage to have.
Your (and everyone else's) soul is unique in the history and future of time. That eternal spiritual truth is the basis for the political and social concepts of equality. To accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior is to accept that spiritual truth. Which means if you don't believe in political and social equality, you don't accept that eternal spiritual truth, and if you don't, then you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. So help me God.