Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Harris-Shapiro 2024

Kamala Harris narrows down VP shortlist as two candidates emerge as frontrunners

Bob Dunning: We say goodbye, but remain forever linked

Kriti Sanon

AI-Powered Weather and Climate Models Are Set to Change Forecasting

Prashant Kishor

24: Prashant Kishor

Democratic Delegates See Harris as the Strongest Candidate Against Trump With Vice President Kamala Harris locking up support, interviews with Democratic National Committee delegates indicated there was no consensus over whom she should pick as a running mate.

Who Might Kamala Pick?
AI-Powered Weather and Climate Models Are Set to Change Forecasting
Donald Trump's Losing Election Poll for First Time in Over a Month
China promises Ukraine foreign minister it will 'help end hostilities' with Russia
"If it passes easily from human to human, we are in for a big problem"
Elon Musk backs down from $45 million a month pledge to Trump, says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’

Josh Shapiro

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pete Buttigieg: Making A Case

  • The guy has already run for president. He has been through the wringer. It is an experience. He has been vetted.
  • He is smart, and articulate.
  • He has executive experience, as Mayor, and as a member of the cabinet.
  • Kamala has already worked with him. Is currently working with him. They have been in the same cabinet for the past three and a half years. She already knows what it is like to work with him. It is good chemistry. They are in sync. NSync.
  • He is from Indiana, America's crossroads.
  • The Midwest is where several swing states are.
  • Number one: he is ready to switch to the top job at a moment's notice, which is the true mark of a VP candidate.
  • He is a rare Democrat who shows up on Fox, and gets applause.
  • He has offered the best takedown of Vance that I have heard. The VP debate will not happen.
  • A Kamala-Pete ticket will sink Trump. That is before the Democratic Convention.
  • He is a white guy. Balances the Indian woman. Kamala is not Black. That is an Indian name. :)
  • A Kamala-Pete ticket turns Trump into a candidate with an age issue.
  • He will give America bullet trains.
  • Trump be like, "Where are all the TV cameras at?" The attention has shifted.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala AOC Would Be A Landslide Ticket

The thing about executive experience is, running an election campaign is precisely that. The fact that you keep winning election after election is executive experience. AOC was competing with Donald Trump in wattage, when Trump was president. AOC represents that wing of the Democratic Party that in a democracy with many parties would have been a separate party altogether.

AOC was a political startup that blew up on the national scene when she won her first primary in The Bronx. She is one of the few people on Capitol Hill who is not a millionaire. She was a waitress when she first ran. Her political instincts are outstanding. She is articulate. She can build coalitions.

A California-New York ticket is not a bad idea.

One woman on the ticket can make gender an issue. Two women will give a landslide victory. I am saying more than 40 states.

AOC is a political unicorn. Now Kamala Harris should take her IPO.

AOC represents the new generation. The unrepresented generation. AOC on the ticket would electrify the country. A Kamala-AOC ticket would turn Trump into a candidate with an age issue.

Kamala Harris: Avalanche

Comparing "Kalki 2898 AD" and "Jawan": Two Distinct Takes on the Mythical Hero, Lord Kalki

Comparing "Kalki 2898 AD" and "Jawan": Two Distinct Takes on the Mythical Hero

In the realm of Indian cinema, mythological figures and their stories have always captivated audiences. Two recent films, "Kalki 2898 AD" and "Jawan," each offer a unique interpretation of the legendary Kalki, the prophesied tenth avatar of Vishnu. While "Kalki 2898 AD" dives into a sci-fi dystopian future, "Jawan" grounds itself in the gritty reality of contemporary social issues. This blog post will explore how each film portrays the essence of Kalki, comparing their narratives, themes, and cultural significance.

"Kalki 2898 AD": A Sci-Fi Epic

"Kalki 2898 AD," directed by Nag Ashwin, is set in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by the tyrannical Supreme Yaskin. The film follows the story of Raia, who, along with the immortal warrior Ashwatthama, seeks to bring Kalki into the world to overthrow the oppressive regime. This movie intertwines elements of Hindu mythology with futuristic sci-fi tropes reminiscent of "Mad Max" and "Star Wars."

One of the notable aspects of "Kalki 2898 AD" is its adherence to certain prophecies about Kalki. For instance, the movie situates the birth of Kalki in Shambhala and names his mother Sumathi, aligning with the traditional prophecy that Kalki's mother's name means peace (Shanti). The narrative, however, is heavily influenced by speculative fiction, presenting a dystopian society where technology and mythology coexist. This approach makes for a visually stunning and imaginative film but leans more towards the fantastical rather than the practical implications of Kalki's arrival.

"Jawan": A Grounded Tale of Vigilantism and Justice

In contrast, "Jawan," directed by Atlee, brings the myth of Kalki into the contemporary world. Shah Rukh Khan plays dual roles as Vikram Rathore and his son Azad, a prison warden who recruits inmates to combat corruption and injustice. The film explores themes of vigilantism and societal reform, portraying Azad as a modern-day embodiment of Kalki, fighting against the evils of political corruption and environmental degradation.

"Jawan" resonates deeply with the core essence of Kalki's prophecy—righting the wrongs of society and restoring Dharma (righteousness). It does not merely depict the mythical aspects but focuses on the work Kalki is prophesied to do. By tackling real-world issues like pollution, corruption, and political malfeasance, "Jawan" positions itself as a more accurate representation of Kalki's role in bringing justice and balance to the world.

Sci-Fi vs. Reality: Thematic Divergence

The primary difference between the two films lies in their thematic approach. "Kalki 2898 AD" embraces a speculative future, blending mythology with science fiction to create a narrative that, while imaginative, strays from the immediate relevance of Kalki's mission. The film's dystopian setting and grandiose visual effects serve to entertain and inspire awe but may seem detached from the present-day issues that Kalki's legend addresses.

On the other hand, "Jawan" takes a more pragmatic route. By setting the story in contemporary times and focusing on social injustices, the film brings the myth of Kalki closer to the audience's reality. It emphasizes the need for a savior figure in today's world, someone who can combat corruption and restore moral order, making the narrative highly relatable and impactful.


Both "Kalki 2898 AD" and "Jawan" offer compelling takes on the Kalki legend, each with its own merits. "Kalki 2898 AD" provides a visually spectacular and mythologically rich experience, appealing to fans of sci-fi and fantasy. In contrast, "Jawan" grounds the myth in reality, addressing contemporary issues and portraying the practical implications of Kalki's arrival in today's world.

While "Kalki 2898 AD" captures the mythical prophecy in a futuristic setting, "Jawan" emerges as the more accurate representation of Kalki's purpose, emphasizing the hero's role in fighting injustice and restoring balance in society. Both films, however, contribute to the rich tapestry of Indian cinema, showcasing the timeless appeal of mythological storytelling.

For viewers seeking a mythological adventure with a sci-fi twist, "Kalki 2898 AD" is a must-watch. Those looking for a powerful narrative grounded in reality and social commentary will find "Jawan" more compelling. Each film, in its way, honors the enduring legacy of Kalki and his promised return to vanquish evil and restore peace.

"Kalki 2898 AD" और "Jawan": दो अलग-अलग दृष्टिकोण

भारतीय सिनेमा में, पौराणिक पात्र और उनकी कहानियाँ हमेशा दर्शकों को मोहित करती हैं। हाल के दो फिल्में, "Kalki 2898 AD" और "Jawan," प्रत्येक ने भविष्यवाणी की गई काल्कि अवतार विष्णु की अद्वितीय व्याख्या प्रस्तुत की है। जहाँ "Kalki 2898 AD" एक विज्ञान-कथा भविष्य को दर्शाता है, वहीं "Jawan" समकालीन सामाजिक मुद्दों में खुद को स्थापित करता है। इस ब्लॉग पोस्ट में, हम देखेंगे कि कैसे प्रत्येक फिल्म काल्कि के सार को प्रस्तुत करती है, उनकी कहानियों, विषयों और सांस्कृतिक महत्व की तुलना करते हुए।

"Kalki 2898 AD": एक विज्ञान-कथा महाकाव्य

नाग अश्विन द्वारा निर्देशित "Kalki 2898 AD" एक प्रलयकालीन दुनिया में स्थापित है, जहाँ अत्याचारी सुप्रीम यास्किन का शासन है। फिल्म राइआ की कहानी का अनुसरण करती है, जो अमर योद्धा अश्वत्थामा के साथ मिलकर काल्कि को दुनिया में लाने का प्रयास करती है ताकि अत्याचारी शासन को उखाड़ फेंका जा सके। यह फिल्म हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं के तत्वों को भविष्य की विज्ञान-कथा ट्रॉप्स के साथ जोड़ती है, जो "Mad Max" और "Star Wars" की याद दिलाती है।

"Kalki 2898 AD" की एक उल्लेखनीय विशेषता यह है कि यह काल्कि के बारे में कुछ भविष्यवाणियों के प्रति सचेत रहती है। उदाहरण के लिए, फिल्म में काल्कि का जन्म शम्भाला में होता है और उसकी माता का नाम सुमति रखा गया है, जो शांति का प्रतीक है। हालांकि, कथा भारी रूप से काल्पनिक विज्ञान से प्रभावित है, जो एक प्रलयकालीन समाज को प्रस्तुत करती है जहाँ तकनीक और पौराणिक कथाएँ सह-अस्तित्व में हैं। यह दृष्टिकोण एक दृश्यात्मक रूप से आकर्षक और कल्पनाशील फिल्म बनाता है, लेकिन यह काल्कि के आगमन के व्यावहारिक प्रभावों से दूर है।

"Jawan": एक वास्तविकता में आधारित कहानी

इसके विपरीत, एटली द्वारा निर्देशित "Jawan" काल्कि की पौराणिक कथा को समकालीन दुनिया में लाती है। शाहरुख खान विक्रम राठौर और उनके बेटे आजाद के दोहरी भूमिका में हैं, जो एक जेल के वार्डन हैं जो भ्रष्टाचार और अन्याय से लड़ने के लिए कैदियों को भर्ती करते हैं। फिल्म सतर्कता और सामाजिक सुधार के विषयों का पता लगाती है, आजाद को एक आधुनिक काल्कि के रूप में प्रस्तुत करती है, जो राजनीतिक भ्रष्टाचार और पर्यावरणीय विनाश से लड़ रहा है।

"Jawan" काल्कि की भविष्यवाणी के मूल सार के साथ गूंजती है - समाज की गलतियों को सुधारना और धर्म की पुनर्स्थापना करना। यह केवल पौराणिक पहलुओं को ही नहीं दर्शाती, बल्कि काल्कि के करने वाले कार्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती है। प्रदूषण, भ्रष्टाचार और राजनीतिक अपराधों जैसे वास्तविक मुद्दों को निपटाकर, "Jawan" खुद को काल्कि की भूमिका का अधिक सटीक प्रतिनिधित्व प्रस्तुत करती है, जिससे यह कथा अत्यधिक प्रासंगिक और प्रभावशाली बन जाती है।

विज्ञान-कथा बनाम वास्तविकता: विषयगत भिन्नता

दोनों फिल्मों के बीच मुख्य अंतर उनके विषयगत दृष्टिकोण में निहित है। "Kalki 2898 AD" एक काल्पनिक भविष्य को अपनाती है, पौराणिक कथाओं को विज्ञान-कथा के साथ मिलाकर एक कथा प्रस्तुत करती है, जो कि कल्पनाशील है, लेकिन काल्कि के मिशन की तात्कालिक प्रासंगिकता से दूर है। फिल्म का प्रलयकालीन सेटिंग और भव्य दृश्य प्रभाव मनोरंजन और विस्मय पैदा करते हैं, लेकिन यह वर्तमान समय के मुद्दों से अलग लग सकती है, जिन्हें काल्कि की कथा संबोधित करती है।

दूसरी ओर, "Jawan" अधिक व्यावहारिक मार्ग अपनाती है। समकालीन समय में कथा को स्थापित करके और सामाजिक अन्यायों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके, यह फिल्म काल्कि की कथा को दर्शकों की वास्तविकता के करीब लाती है। यह आज की दुनिया में एक उद्धारकर्ता की आवश्यकता पर जोर देती है, जो भ्रष्टाचार से लड़ सकता है और नैतिकता का पुनर्स्थापन कर सकता है, जिससे कथा अत्यधिक सापेक्ष और प्रभावशाली बन जाती है।


"Kalki 2898 AD" और "Jawan" दोनों ही काल्कि की कथा पर रोचक दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत करते हैं, प्रत्येक अपनी-अपनी विशेषताओं के साथ। "Kalki 2898 AD" एक दृश्यात्मक रूप से भव्य और पौराणिक रूप से समृद्ध अनुभव प्रदान करती है, जो विज्ञान-कथा और फैंटेसी के प्रशंसकों को आकर्षित करती है। इसके विपरीत, "Jawan" कथा को वास्तविकता में आधारित करती है, सामाजिक टिप्पणी को संबोधित करती है और काल्कि के आगमन के व्यावहारिक प्रभावों को दर्शाती है।

जबकि "Kalki 2898 AD" भविष्यवाणी को एक भविष्यवादी सेटिंग में कैप्चर करती है, "Jawan" काल्कि के उद्देश्य का अधिक सटीक प्रतिनिधित्व प्रस्तुत करती है, नायक की भूमिका पर जोर देते हुए अन्याय से लड़ने और समाज में संतुलन लाने के लिए। दोनों फिल्में, हालांकि, भारतीय सिनेमा के समृद्ध परिदृश्य में योगदान करती हैं, पौराणिक कहानी कहने की अनन्त अपील को दर्शाती हैं।

दर्शकों के लिए जो एक पौराणिक साहसिक यात्रा के साथ विज्ञान-कथा ट्विस्ट चाहते हैं, "Kalki 2898 AD" देखना आवश्यक है। जो लोग वास्तविकता में आधारित एक शक्तिशाली कथा की तलाश में हैं, वे "Jawan" को अधिक सम्मोहक पाएंगे। प्रत्येक फिल्म, अपने तरीके से, काल्कि की अद्वितीयता को सम्मान देती है और उनकी वापसी के वादे को प्रस्तुत करती है।

22: Bihar

22: Joe Biden

What Biden’s Decision Not to Run Means for America By bowing out of the presidential race, he appears to have increased the odds that Democrats can hold onto the White House and compete strongly for control of Congress. He may have set in motion a historic process that could result in a woman becoming the most important person in the world, a step that would reshape gender norms worldwide. ............ Biden’s act of political self-sacrifice caps an extraordinary career of public service, including a presidency more productive than others, even some that lasted twice as long. Biden’s announcement also offers a stark contrast between his devotion to the national interest and Donald Trump’s long focus on his own personal interest. ......... In his 1961 inaugural address, President John F. Kennedy celebrated the torch being passed to the greatest generation. Then, in 1993, President Bill Clinton claimed power for baby boomers, who have since held it for more than three decades. Once more the torch will be passed to a new generation of Americans. ........... Biden’s presidency already has reshaped towns across America with everything from broadband to insulin price caps to a (unfortunately temporary) refundable child tax credit that helped reduce child poverty by half. All that is an immense legacy. .......... My guess is that because a Democrat is now more likely to win the White House, Russia is less likely to defeat Ukraine and China is less likely to go to war with Taiwan. Women are more likely to be able to get a legal abortion. The Education Department is more likely to survive and so, for that matter, is a healthy American democracy. ........... What is clear is that Joe Biden had a productive term in office and should be proud of his accomplishments. But without diminishing those achievements, historians may look back in their assessments of Biden’s presidency and paraphrase what Shakespeare wrote in “Macbeth”: Nothing became his presidency like the leaving of it.