Thursday, October 06, 2005

2008: Some Thoughts

Dean 2008


I think it should be in Jackson Heights, New York City. I understand Vermont is Dean's home state, but New York City has many advantages. It is the progressive capital. DFNYC is the largest DFA group in the country. Jackson Heights is the most diverse place inside New York City, and the rentals there would be much cheaper than somewhere in Manhattan. If the headquarters are in the city, it would be possible to rally hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers for most of the work to be done by the campaign headquarters. That volunteer part might be the most important. Also since many old media houses are in the city, we might also get more free air time. It would be easier to fly Dean around the country from here. A lot of political money gets raised in the city. He was born here, he grew up here. This is Dean hometurf.

DFNYC In The News
Tracey Denton Of DFNYC
DFNYC Research And Advocacy Group

Running Mate

People talk about balancing physical geography. I disagree. I think the emphasis should be on human geography. I think Hillary is the obvious choice. Also, the campaign should make it clear it is gunning for Obama for Secretary of State. Both Hillary and Obama are talented superstars who can not run for the top job itself and that is to do with human geography. So we need to flesh it out on the progressive ticket.

Dean-Hillary-Obama Ticket

Strong On Defense

The War on Terror is the same magnitude as the Cold War. That has to be the starting point of the discussion. And that war has to be won. Is there a progressive way of fighting that war? There is. A total spread of democracy is the only real, long term solution. The military option is always on the table as the weapon of last resort, but the conservative militarist ways are self-defeating and wasteful. Instead extending moral and logistical support to indigenous grassroots movements for democracy might be the better way.

Democracy For Nepal, DFN
What's Going On In Nepal

The South

The strategy should be to win at least half the states in the South. You have to run a 50-state campaign if you are seriously looking at the White House.

To: The Good White People In The South


The Dean 2004 effort was organized around a blog. Next time it will have to be something much more sophisticated, and media rich: a blogalaxy. A superblog.

Core Vision

There has to be a core vision.

The Three Pillars

DFNYC In The News

People you know and meet regularly show up in the newspaper columns. That makes you feel like an insider. I might have finally arrived!

DFNYC in the News

NY Observer, October 10, 2005 -"Plutocrats of Democrats Go Bloomberg"
NY Observer, October 10, 2005 -"Return of the WASP? Weld, Dean Hope So"
NY Press, September 28, 2005 -Apparently, they haven't figured out that Meetups are now Linkups and that Heather is a short brunette while Tracey is a tall blond.
The Villager, June 29, 2005
Newsday, June 13, 2005

Best Looking whoever

Nydia Velazquez

Who's New York's most delicious politico? Let's consider the suspects. We'll start with former spinster Alexa Hinton, who got the gang of 51 some favorable ink. Her weapon: long blonde hair, blue eyes and the demeanor of a southern belle bemused by big bad Metropolis. It's too bad she left for a reporting gig down south.

Then there's Kathryn Prael, aide to Congressman Anthony Weiner, who shot up from last place to second in the Democratic Primary. Her statuesque frame, dirty blonde hair and Hepburn eyes gave us an incentive to attend as many campaign events as possible.

We're not exactly sure what the State Superintendent of Banks Diana Taylor actually does at work. Mostly we know her as the taller, trophy girlfriend of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. We recall one bizarre conversation in which we was introduced to the power couple as a reporter "born in 1978" and Taylor replied that she was in college that year.

Tracey Denton is our reason for covering's meet-ups. The short brunette with wiry lips that shape themselves into political jargon and manufactured laughs is a fixture at the group's events. So are hordes of reform-minded single men and women in flannel shirts. Unfortunately, Denton seemed unaware of the online group's reputation for launching more than the Dean campaign. We'll be happy to explain it some night.

Our vote, though, goes to the congresswoman who gets around (her district is in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan), Nydia Velázquez. She's young, sexy and rocks a red, rebellious short do. And yes, she does look good angry. After we asked her why her office emailed a press release about a political endorsement—a big no no—she refused to speak to us. She hasn't taken our calls or returned our messages. HOT!

Mr. Dean, as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, uses New York as an A.T.M., of course, but even more directly he has bequeathed us an insurgent political organization in the form of Democracy for New York. That group, an emanation of his unsuccessful Presidential campaign, supports New York candidates of Mr. Dean’s progressive stripe, but so far it has not made much headway in a Democratic Party that is organized along vastly different, often ethnic lines. Recently, Mr. Dean enlisted the prestige of the D.N.C. (such as it is) behind the campaign of Mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer.

“I’ve heard from varying sources that they are upset that she’s not even getting a slap on the wrist for this,” said Heather Woodfield, a registered Democrat and the director of Democracy for New York City, a group of Dean supporters.

Democracy for America, the organization founded by Howard Dean after his presidential campaign ended last year, has endorsed Norman Siegel for public advocate. “I have not seen this type of heartfelt reaction to a candidate since Howard Dean’s presidential bid,” said Heather Alexa Woodfield, director of the local DFA coalition group, Democracy for NYC.

Meanwhile, Democracy for NYC, a political action committee with ties to Democracy for America, voted to endorse City Council Speaker Gifford Miller.

On The Web

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Dean 2008

I keep thinking Dean 2008. It might define me. As for money, Bill Gates once famously said, it is not like I am going to buy any more hamburgers or anything. Beyond a point, money is just numbers. And I am confident I can make what I need on the fly. Through online marketing, writing, guest appearances in movies, sitting on the boards of cutting edge tech companies, whatever. Money is no problem in the long run. I don't enjoy spending money, I really don't, and that might never change. I prefer the subway to cabs, and that might never change. The crowd is what I love about NYC. Why would I deprive myself? Ever since I got here, I have been plotting to get rid of my car.

But Dean 2008 might be the best way, the most efficient way, to ensure a total spread of democracy, the best thing that could happen to the dollar a day crowd. I am thinking a deadline here. Say Dean gets into the White House in 2008. And by 2020, every country on the planet is a democracy. JFK set his goal to take the country to the moon. Dean could pledge himself to global democracy.

With that vision, I can see me focusing on Dean 2008 single-mindedly starting from now. I wish there were no term limits. I really would have liked to go head-to-head with George Bush and Karl Rove. I am no Martin Luther King, I am no Mahatma Gandhi, I am Ninja.

I keep having this recurring dream of adding a Pentagon to the State Department. Dean gets into the White House, Barack Obama becomes Secreatary of State. And Obama sets up a peaceful Pentagon. An appendage that is constantly spewing out newer and better tools that grassroots movements for democracy may use worldwide. Both technological and organizational tools. It is war with communications technology. It is the bank robbery gone wrong scene in the movie Heat. This is a heavyweight boxing championship. I am feeling martial.

(Aug 07 '00 They Can Smell Each Other Opinion on Heat)

The next time I meet Dean, I am going to say something like this. "You have seen the James Bond movies. There is James Bond, and there is this old guy, who comes up with cool stuff, guns, cars, watches, pens, that James Bond gets to use to do his work. I am that old man. You are James Bond." Let me do my work.

In 2004, after the Deaniacs got massacred by old media, all Democrats in the field started copying the Dean style, but noone even tried to copy the Dean substance. That substance goes undefined. We have so far only defined it vaguely. Fiscally responsible, and socially progressive is a close approximation, but it does not cut it all the way.

I would like to talk about a One Person, One Vote, One Voice superstructure. Democracy has to be reinvented, like it was invented in 1776, like JFK invented the modern presidential campaign in 1960. Dean gets to reinvent both democracy and the presidential campaign, and then he gets to reinvent the whole idea of governance.

One Person. Every Homo Sapien within the geographical US has the option through DFA to get involved, to contribute, to truly count. Heck, the geographical line might not exist. What would stop an Australian or an Indian from coming online and contributing to our campaign's policy talk on, say, Social Security? Nothing. Our definition of a person is that he or she be a Home Sapien. For now. Them Hindus think non-humans also have souls. So you never know.

One Vote. A vertical hierarchy will have to emerge. We want to reinvent democracy, but we do not wish to invite chaos. There will have to be an organization with hierarchies. The organization will have a total, transparent democracy, and this Ninja preaches a non-violent militancy. But to speed up decisions, we will have the vote mechanism in place. When you can't reach a consensus, you vote, and then everyone gets behind the decision.

One Voice. Each person gets to speak his or her mind. Before you look for where the majority opinion is, you speak up. Preferably blog your opinions. At the one voice level, you don't care what the world thinks, you don't care what your comrades think. All you are concerned with is trying to figure out where you stand, and expressing that stand in the most clear way possible. Step 2 is still to submit yourself to the one person, one vote mechanism, or the consensus mechanism. But step 1 is all about you. And even if you get outvoted, and you still feel you are right, you get to keep polishing your stance, and whatever you say is still archived. It does not get washed away into thin air. Your voice gets archived online if you might so choose.

This superstructure is the democracy we are talking about. And I expect us to be only one step ahead of the competition. That is enough. And I do want us to be imitated. By our rivals within the Democratic Party, and by our Republican opponents. Because if they copy our one person, one vote, one voice superstructure, American democracy goes to a whole different level.

I am not too worried. Walmart is an open book company. When you go inside a Walmart you have seen their entire business model. Kmart and Target and all the rest of them have still not been able to beat Walmart. So don't get alarmed with the total, transparent democracy idea.

Dean 2008 just might clear my head. It might redefine me. It might get me focused like I never might have been before.

NYC is the crown city, DFNYC the crown jewel.

A total spread of democracy through indigenous, non-violent movements that receive maximal external moral and logistical support.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A Not So Little Norman Fact

I only learned yesterday Norman Siegel is Jewish. I mean, how do you know? I can't tell from his first or last name. I can't tell from his looks. There are people in my neighborhood who wear their cap, and have that hairstyle, and the Jewish clothes. That I can tell. But Norman?

All I knew was DFNYC was fanatically behind him. And I watched a debate where he scored real well for the most part: I think he won. And my earlier blog entry was not in any way designed to put him down. It is not adulatory, but I think that entry makes him look like the most deserving of the candidates.

A Little Siegel Incident

I met him yesterday, thanks to Tracey Denton, and I liked him a lot. We made small talk.

"You went to school in Georgia, I went to school in Kentucky."

"Really? Where? University of Kentucky?"

"No, a small school 30 minutes south of there. Berea."

"Oh, Berea. I know Berea. It is a good school."

That practically makes him a southerner. I mean, if he has heard of Berea.

He actually made a comical remark before parting: "Back to private practice!" He had a mischievous smile about him when he said that. I like that spirit among warriors. You give the contest your very best. And if you don't make it, you just dust it off. And move on.

I also learned Lewis is Jewish, the DFNYC Lewis. I can't tell from his looks. And I don't even know his last name yet. Although I am beginning to see a goofy side to him.

If I were on Norman's campaign staff, I would have advised him to handle the Betsy question about her stalker with a little more sensitivity. And post-debate, I'd have engaged in some damage control. I think saying that is being on Norman's side.

And I think he should have done a better job of integrating Tracey into his campaign. Tracey is a major plus. She is a political animal. She is sharp. She is nuts and bolts. She is good at the campaign thing. I have seen her in action. I mean, I have openly talked of her as the Campaign Chair for Dean 2008. Look at it this way. She leads the largest Dean group in the country. It is for a Deaniac to lead the Deaniacs. It would not be a bad idea to have a separate CEO and a CFO, but the chair has to be Tracey. I think. Bobby Kennedy was 35 when he became Attorney General. (Dean Was In Town Yesterday) Check out the photo. She looks like she is the candidate and Howard Dean and Fernando Ferrer are voters she is out to lock in.

And now that I know Norman is Jewish, I don't know what to make of this other DFNYC member's comment that Norman has fought for the right of Nazi groups to do this and that. I have been offered clarification by Tracey that Norman has been for the right of Nazi groups to express their opinions. That is a whole new fact that looks good on him. He is Jewish. He is a fierce civil rights lawyer. So he ends up supporting the rights of Nazis to talk hate. That is gutsy.

And Lewis. I like the guy. He is great. But when the local TV wanted a DFNYC comment on a mayoral debate, they did not get one of the two women Executive Directors. They got the Finance Director, the first male they could find in the hierarchy. To me that is so obviously sexist. It is a glass ceiling thing. I can't choose to not see these things. Although I do have a choice in terms of how I can react.

I feel like we as progressives should openly talk about these things. There is no point in being nice nice and sweeping things under the carpet. The dialogue can be positive. Dialogue is the most productive way to deal with these social schisms.

There is political progressive, and there is market progressive, and there is social progressive. Talking counts. Respectfully talking back and forth.

The Three Pillars

Claiming All The Real Estate For Myself

None of the other members are contributing. So I hereby boot them out.
(When Web Hosting Is No Longer A Problem)

Dean Was In Town Yesterday

69 Photos.

I just got back from my sister's. The event was on the West Side on the 85th Street, and she does not live that far north from there, and so I decided to drop by her place: I had not in months. I just wanted to drop by for dinner. I would have had to go back to my place and cook anyways, so why not let her do it, she is better at it. But then I ended up spending the night on her living room couch. And this morning over leisurely coffee, as we were talking, she proceeded to talk about my car and, bam, it hit me: my car was parked on the wrong side of the street. Today was Wednesday, cleaning day. I hurried back up. At least it did not get towed, but there was a ticket and a big, fat, ugly sticker on the side window that basically said, don't you want a cleaner New York, and you can remove this big, fat, ugly sticker with warm water and a scraper.

Dean was in town yesterday. Tracey introduced me to him. Tracey, you have no idea how much this means to me. She must have known. As soon as I spotted her, tapped her on her left shoulder and said, "Hey Tracey," she was like, "Here, let me introduce you to the Governor .... Governor, this is the guy who started Democracy For Nepal." She reads my face. It is speed reading. I was actually resigned to just taking Dean's photos from a distance. I did not expect to say a few words to him. Who was I? Nobody.

"I am a Dean veteran from 2004. I was in Indiana. I am already working on Dean 2008."

And then we stepped back from the spotlight. A handler then gave us this look and pushed herself between us and Dean. I was about to say, "Lady, this is Tracey Denton, Campaign Chair of Dean 2008. And I am Senior Advisor to Dean 2008. You mind?" But I let it pass. Howard Dean was working hard to keep the spotlight on Fernando Ferrer and I did not want to shift it to Tracey, even if momentarily, even if only in the background.

Big power and big money come up with turf wars. Nowhere truer than on Capitol Hill and Wall Street. When you go swimming, you get wet. When you politic, you deal with turfwater. It comes with the territory.

Yesterday morning I woke up to an unhooked computer. Usually I am online before I go to sleep, and online right after I wake up. The night before I had done the unplugging to change the routine. But a few hours later, I was back online. And I am glad I did. There was an email from Tracey saying Howard Dean was in town to do an event for Ferrer. I was psyched. You mean I finally get to see the guy?

So what is he like in person? He is almost my height. He is very plain. His honesty just exudes. This is not your calculating, scheming, posturing politician. But then I knew that. He is vastly inspirational for some unmistakable personal qualities. That lack of evil also prevents him from seeing evil in others to an extent. But then having some good, loyal staffers can rectify that. Face it, the guy is a doctor. He is not trying to impress you when he looks in your eyes. Or when he shakes your hand. He almost takes a childlike pleasure in the banter or the handshake ritual. A kid and his candy.

I was even more impressed than I was all this time before I met him. He is a plain, normal guy. But he does need to be immunized against distortions and demonizations. The image factory has to be countered with an image industry.

I actually showed up half an hour early. The first event was at 4:30. I showed up at four. I first went to the elementary school right across the street. Then I went to the high school I was supposed to go to. Can't get in early, I was told. This was my first time inside a New York City public high schoool, if the foyer can be called "inside." I did not see any guns! Although there were lots of security officers.

So I walked over to a nearby pizza joint and treated myself to a slice and a can of pepsi. Then I walked back and spent some time watching some soccer. Must have been students from the same school. I like soccer so much, I actually look down upon baseball and football. There is sports, and there is the real stuff: soccer. At my very first MeetUp in town - Brooklyn Friends - a Bostonian had to give me a short intro talk on the Red Sox. "In Boston, we have T-pass."

"Don't root for the Yankees. Red Sox are better. More chutzpah." In Africa they have ethnic wars, in America they have baseball.

Finally I showed up at 4:30, and I was told the event is on the other side of the building. I hurried. But the governor was running late. I saw all these old media TV cameras. The audience was mostly the local media. With my digital camera, even I looked like one of them. The scene got me thinking about how best to blog events and beat old media at the game. Bloggers can blog events more richly than old media can cover events. Bloggers have literally limitless space to say what they want to say. Old media has teeny weeny time slots.

I must not have been reading the local news much. Looked like Ferrer was feeling the heat. One was about some post on his blog, later I learned he was also under fire for some comment he made at some church. That got me a little pumped. Immediately I was thinking punch lines.

Bloomberg is so rich, he is practically a carpetbagger in this city of the poor, the lower middle class, the middle class, the upper middle class, and the rich. Don't vote for him. He is not one of you.

That's one. How do you like that?

The media kept gravitating towards Dean and Dean kept pushing the attention back on Ferrer. Ferrer got all these questions about his blog, and it was so obvious to me the media was responding to the presence of the blogman: Dean. Ferrer does not even blog, his staffers do, although he does submit "drafts and ideas," he said.

The first event was in front of a public school so as to draw attention to the education issue. Then we walked over to a nearby subway station. It was during that walk that I spotted Tracey. And after Dean departed, I stuck around. And Norman Siegel showed up. And Tracey introduced me to him. "You went to school in Georgia, I went to school in Kentucky." Golley, it was like meeting the Who's Who of local New York City politics. Another mayoral candidate has-been was there. Scott Stringer was there. He is running for Manhattan Borough President. He is just such an affable guy with an easy smile, real friendly demeanor. Tracey also introduced me to a whole lot of others, like a "Siegel bodyman, sorry, person," and the guy behind the New Democratic Majority. He is from Seattle. "When I think Seattle, I think Bill Gates. I have not been to the city, but I have been to the state." An anti-war activist: "How long have you been in the country? Now you know we are not all bad."

The subway station event was fun. It is like there are all these animals deep in the burrows. And you throw smoke down one end, and they all show up at the other end, and you catch them. At least one out of 20 acted like it too: "I just want to go home." I-want-to-go-home-to-mommy look on their faces, all these middle age guys. Those must be card-holding members of Billionaires For Bush. And a few at the other end: "Give 'em hell, Howard." Some thanked the "welcoming committee."

The most interesting character of the entire evening was this girl, probably 10. She showed up next to me, on my right, and she was not talking to anyone in particular. She is like,"Where is the TV camera? I am an actress. I am going to be famous one day." I pointed to one camera that seemed to be pointing in our general direction. She made her way to the front. And then threw this high voltage Julia Roberts smile. She was going to be on the evening news, and you and I were not going to get in the way, that's for sure. I thought she had her 15 seconds of fame, and then forgot about her. A little later, boom, she emerges from the underground. She must have crossed the street, then crossed the platform, and then emerged like she were getting off the train. But Dean and Ferrer were busy talking among themselves because a train had not stopped in a little while and there was this lull. No animals were getting smoked out.

"Shoot," she said. And walked away. And then I forgot about her. And then she did it all over again. This time she got to shake hands, and I took a few pictures.

If anyone who knows her - family, family friend, school teacher - that might run into this blog entry, please pass these photos onto her: this is a public service announcement. I do think she is an actress of great potential, and I think she is going to be famous some day. Aspiring actresses who want to shake Dean's hand deserve to go all the way!

Later in the evening, I also gave some thought to my career path. I am a little on the scattered side right now. I need to focus. I am gearing towards public service. Dean 2008 might end up defining me.

Theoretical work in group dynamics is to do with learning some serious maths. The IC idea is not an idea for one company, but two different industries, maybe three, and it is happening in fits and bounds. Google just made a breakthrough with the free, wireless broadband idea: companies will do it better than city governments. If I could focus on my online retail marketing for the money, and then focus on Dean 2008 for the politics, that would be great. Dean 2008 might be the best way to participate in a total spread of democracy worldwide, the best gift to the dollar a day people, my "constituency" of choice. Even my corporate visions have always been about public service: the IC idea is to reach out to the dollar a day crowd. But technology is at best a means. Technology is not the solution. Social and political challenges have social and political solutions. Although internet access helps greatly. No need to ditch anything, just prioritize, and focus on one thing for now. That might be Dean 2008.

Friday, September 23, 2005

A Great Mixer

Yesterday was the best DFNYC event ever for me. Too bad noone was dancing. Loud, fast, simple music. Large crowd. That is my idea of a cocktail. But I did dance on my own before leaving. Lewis: "We should make you the official DFNYC dancer." Is that a mascot?

Mark Green shows up just like that. "Mr. Green, Paramendra Bhagat, new in town." "Mark Green, old in town." And one member - Marion Ms. "Both Lewis and I were born in Manhattan" - works at Kofi Annan's office, and got to meet Richard Gere when he dropped by. (When people ask me what religion I am, I am prone to say, "I am a Buddhist, like Richard Gere." A-n-y association is good.) And a guy in advertising who had a copy of the New York Times, the Arts section, for the 25th! And Dan Jacoby finally learns my name. And Ms. Sunshine birthday girl Heather Woodfield claims her cheerfulness is just a "facade." What a twist. And queen Tracey Denton is all humble about DFNYC. Oh, we are just a small group, just getting by. And Leila shows up with Norman Siegel stickers. And I tell her about a movie I once saw about these Japanese soldiers on little islands out there in the Pacific in the middle of nowhere. It is ten years after World War II and they are still fighting the war because noone told them the war is over. And a guy who worked on this for months because his girlfriend temporarily does not have health insurace: And Andrew and Martha, veterans of the Cesnik machine, all pumped up. And an Austrian journalist who recently covered Katrina: she was associated with the Green Party in her country, but now is a US correspondent for a major newspaper in Austria. Two people running for Congress, one of whom can't tell Austria from Australia: "I guess I will just say Europe somewhere." One of them from Eery, PA. "I've been there!" And Mason from Boston from Cote D' Vere (sp?) who is outraged Goldman Sachs just got $1.6 bilion from the city for moving from one place in the city to another. "I need to tell Tracey about this." And Renna is all worked up about world poverty. "There is a Katrina a day out there."

I shoulda brought my camera along.

First to get there, last to leave.
- PKB.

Bloomberg Is No Democrat --- pass it on

From: "Larry P, member, Truth on Bloomberg Group"
To: "Paramendra Kumar Bhagat"
Subject: Re: was great meeting you at the mixer/TruthOnBloomberg
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 22:15:18 -0400


Thanks for the link to my site.

I am a professional advertiser, however I'm not a professional campaigner, fundraiser or organizer. Any help will be welcomed.

I really started this site as a push to build momentum. It's a push to remind Democrats of who they really are. It's a push to get people passionate.

While TruthOnBloomberg goes against the mayor, we'll soon have a new site that will display an issue-by-issue reason to vote FOR Ferrer.

When asked "Why should I vote for Ferrer?" these are big things to mention:

1. Ferrer will give universal healthcare to all NYC children.
2. Ferrer will actively get funding for the schools, something Bloomberg has not done.
3. Ferrer will require that developers who get tax breaks for housing MUST build units not only for low earners, but for MIDDLE earners.
4. Ferrer will install a high-level emergency management authority, instead of Bloomberg's NYPD-centric authority.

Talk to you soon,

Larry 1

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bloomberg Is No Democrat

Bloomberg has come out swinging against the Roberts nomination for the Supreme Court. That is a cynical attempt to play the NYC sentiments. Considering he has paid more money to George W. than any other individual in the solar system, and considering George W. has a clear track record of listening to people who bribe him, I bet Bloomberg could arrange for a breakfast, lunch and dinner with W. all on the same day. Well, why does he not do that? And tell the president, "Remember when I gave you money, lots of money? Payback time. Now listen to me. Take Roberts out of this nomination process. Please."

But Bloomberg will not do that. You know why? Because he really does not oppose the Roberts nomination. He does not care one way or another. He is opposing the nomination in an attempt to play to the gallery. He is being theatrical. This man belongs on Broadway, not at City Hall.

On all the social issues, he sings the right tunes. If he has such fierce disagreements with the Republican party, why did he switch in the first place? If he went in to change it from within, he has no track record of making any attempts.

Bless his soul he spends his own hard-earned money on his lavish campaigns. But he has not made any efforts at campaign finance reform. So his spending his own money is not to say he wants to be a mayor who is not beholden to the special interests. Rather it is like saying, so you are not rich like me, tough! That attitude should generate a fundamental disconnect between this man and the people of New York City. And what's up with riding the subway? Bloomberg, a man of the people? Refer to the line above about Broadway.

Rudy Guliani rode the national Clinton economic boom of the 1990s, and took credit all the way to the bank. Good thing that boom has not ended yet. It has slowed down, but it has not entirely gone down. But give that time, George W. and his cronies are at it back there in DC.

Bloomberg can't see straight and does not have his priorities right. This man wants to wear an expensive stadium on his shirt sleeve. Has he heard of public schools? Has he heard of health care for those working poor who don't have it? If he can pay for his own campaign, and if he can pay George W., what stops him from paying for his own stadium?

Bloomberg's theatrics on the social issues, mispriorities on the financial issues and the early treason of switching parties should ring alarm bells. If he were to now go back and run his company like he has been running the city, I bet his Board would vote him out. It's been that bad. If it were not for the checks and balances of the City Council, this man would have run the city into the ground by now.

So why did he win in the first place? Democratic disunity. That's why. The party might be nationally out of power, but that does not mean the local party has to continue to be in disarray.

Party unity is the need of the hour. A victory in this race will ignite a national Democratic resurgence, so we can take back the Congress in 2006, and the White House in 2008.

Bloomberg has been cynically trying to hang Amadou Diallo around Fernando Ferrer's neck. This is beyond cynical. This is shameless. I checked up on that. Ferrer is on record describing it as a crime. But don't you black folks in Harlem get holy on me on this one. Like my African friends at college used to say, "Those African Americans, man, they are not Africans, they are Americans!" Recent Hispanic immigrants might have more in common with the African Diallo than black folks who have been here for centuries.

Before Bloomberg can hang Diallo around Ferrer's neck, he himself needs to state where he stands on the issue. This is one of those problems he can't throw money on and wish away. This man Bloomberg does not feel your pain.

As a South Asian in America, I am all too aware of the rich ethnic tapestries. To a white or a black person, brown is brown all the way. But to the brown folks, there are endless shades of brown. And there are many animosities and hostilities among the brown folks.

But you have to look at the big picture. You have to look at the big money and the big power. And at that level, the African Americans and the Hispanics in this city need to be rallying behind Ferrer, one voice. Powerlessness leads to infighting, true. But that infighting has to be brought to an end to attain genuine power. Al Sharpton, homework time. Jesse Jackson, movement time, rainbow coalition time. Roll the national ball right here in New York City.

One Democrat - Bloomberg - betrayed the party back in 2001: he left. But you don't have to follow suit and bring shame to your name. Stay back and vote Democratic. Don't get deceived two times in a row. If the Democrats can only work the unity theme, victory is guaranteed. The rich are with the Republicans, and there just are not quite many of them. We got the numbers. The wisdom is, if you want to live like the Republicans, vote Democratic. You don't become rich by voting for a rich man. Rid the illusion.

Rise up, stand up. Lead the national revival. We are a progressive city for people of all colors: white, black, brown, red, yellow, you name it. The nation needs our leadership. Showtime.