Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Trump Should Lose Balance In The First Debate

Then never recover.

Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Needle Donald Trump at First Debate http://nyti.ms/2c3Q0Be

Her team is also getting advice from psychology experts to help create a personality profile of Mr. Trump to gauge how he may respond to attacks and deal with a woman as his sole adversary on the debate stage...... he can barely conceal his disdain for laborious and theatrical practice sessions.

To Hillary this is about the House, and cementing a new American majority, to last a generation, of progressive whites, colorful people, millennials, and women of all ages. This is not about the electoral college. Much is at stake.

I trust her to slam dunk it.

Trump Won't Prepare For Debate. Clinton Hunkering Down. | Daily Wire

Trump's just gonna wing the debates / Boing Boing

Clinton at fundraiser: 'I do not know which Donald Trump will show up' at debates - CNNPolitics.com

Sounds like she’s got this… | Balloon Juice

Nehru And The UN Security Council

When Nehru Refused American Bait on a Permanent Seat for India at the UN

One cannot underestimate how imminent Nehru and others felt a conflict of at least an equal degree to the Second World War was.