Dear Good White People In The South.
I grew up in Nepal being thought of as an Indian, and when I showed up in Kentucky for college, some people asked me if I was from New York because I spoke so much faster compared to their leisurely southern drawl, and I moved to New York City a few months back, and some friends welcomed me as a man from Kentucky. Just so you know where I am coming from.
I write to you today because ever since I have become involved with the group Democracy For New York City, and have thought about national politics in a serious way, the South keeps banging on my mental screen in a big way. If the Democrats were to make a serious bid for the Congress next year, and for the White House in 2008, they better carry some southern states, or they are in trouble.
So what is it about you? I consider myself more a social scientist than a diplomat. And I will try and be clear on this one.
I think you should abandon those who appeal to your baser instincts that get you caricatured as racist, prejudiced, bigoted, homophobic people. I have a track record of denouncing the super sexism and the caste and ethnic prejudices in South Asia, where I grew up, in the Global South, and I believe that gives me a right to confront you bluntly.
You have not copyrighted the social ills: they exist all over the country and all over the world, although the degree might vary. So don't feel like I am putting you on the spot.
The entire country looks down upon you, and so you look down upon blacks and foreigners, is that what it is?
Used to be there was a Roman Empire. Today Italy is a relatively insignificant country. Used to be the sun never set on the British Empire. Today Britain is but a small island. In the long span of time, there are ups and downs. Look at how India and China have been growing. I take it for granted this is to be the Asian Century.
My point being, the South can hope to rise. But in this era of the internet and globalization, those who have trouble with diversity, cultural and otherwise, will be left behind. The pie will expand most for the open-minded. And so I invite you to open your minds.
And not just on social issues. What about the money issues? You are the poorest segment of America, and you vote for people who give massive tax cuts to the rich. That is money taken away from your schools, for one. The Republicans have been swiping your children's stolen credit cards with abandon. How do you like that? Because they think they have you on the social issues, they take you for a ride on the economic issues. Break that chain of bondage. Vote Democratic.
I was on the phone with Jesus last night. He also feels like you should open your minds. Open mindedness is more than a lack of hate, it is an active pursuit of differences that exist in kaleidoscopic forms. Thank god we are not all alike. Things are far more interesting the way they are.
Switch your party affiliation. Embrace grassroots organizing and politial activism.
You have what it takes. You can do it.
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