First you decide on the policy silos. One would be foreign policy, another would be health care, a third education and so on. For each policy silo, you create a matrix. 10-10-10. The difference between the organizational matrix and this one is, here the members likely do not meet in person. Each has a blog that is likely multimedia.
Here the campaign has a much greater control than with the organizational matrix that is pretty much bottom up. Here the campaign controls membership. The campaign is the manager for each group blog, although member blogs stay independent.
There is a hieararchy, sure, level 1, level 2, level 3. But here the one voice concept rings supreme.
We blur the lines between academia and a presidential campaign, something never attempted before. The policy making matrix is going to be major fodder for the organizational matrix. It will also allow the candidate to engage the electorate in a serious conversation on a wide range of policy issues.
The 3-4 Formula
Obama has been home three days and on the Hill four days as Senator, roughly speaking. He should continue with something similar for the presidential campaign. But until the end of November 2007, he should stick to it.
So he is in Chicago for three days, one of which is completely off, but the other two he devotes to the policy making matrix. Preferably policy wonks will be invited in. He will have bull sessions, perhaps choreographed, that will be videoblogged. These two days will also be to cultivate the sample 100 Americans in the Greater Chicago area that I have talked about here: A Different Kind Of Campaign, A Scientific Campaign.
Money, Message, Organization
The organizational matrix gives him the organization and the money. The policy making matrix guides him in the message department.
Stump Speeches, Interviews
You can have all the bull sessions you want. But when it is time to hit the podium, you better speak simple language. Every American should be able to understand what it is that you are saying. Lincoln had that nailed down real good.
A Matrix Victory
It is the matrix concept that will turn Obama 2008 into the first internet campaign. It is that concept that will help him go beyond the latent sentiments of race in the country. It will allow him to bypass the old guard, and the established channels of fundraising. It will help transport his unmistakable individual appeal unfiltered to the individual voter. That is how he will win.
The Matrix looks so simple as a concept, but it is going to be dazzling once it goes live. You will see patterns that you don't yet see.
An Aside
A few days back Obama was in New York City. Paterson was the only prominent Democrat who showed up. The countermove is easy. You just remember. I mean, if you are going to be the most powerful person on earth. These whities don't know basic arithmetic, that they are outnumbered both locally and globally.
They come around to the idea, or they stand to be shunted. I mean, you are going to act progressive, or you are not one of us. You pay the price. Race is a litmus test on that one that I am extremely comfortable with.
The Matrix
Barack Obama: Time For A Generation Shift
Next Stop: White House
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
The Energy Solution: Nuclear Energy
The Audacity Of Gravitas: Restore Intelligence To The White House
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems
Middle East: The Final Map
Three Pillars, Draft 2
Immigration, Duh
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
The Spectrum Concept: Wide Applications
A Different Kind Of Campaign, A Scientific Campaign
The Spectrum On Gender
Nepal Message To Top Democrats
Soviet Health Care In America
Politics At The Speed Of Thought
Social Progress: Show Me The Money
Money, Message, Organization
Blacks, Hispanics At The Core Of The Democrat Rainbow Coalition
The Spectrum/Dialogue Concept Is Key To Power
Blogging Is Scalable Media
The Saudi Royal Family Has Got To Go
The One Voice Concept
Takes Two Arms And Two Legs To Swim
2008: Some Themes
2008: Some Thoughts
To: The Good White People In The South
The Three Pillars
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