Look at the way she voted on the Iraq War.

Time: Thursday, July 19 at 6:30 PM
Duration: 1 hour
Host: Daniel Soyer
Location: Daniel Soyer's house (Brooklyn, NY) 379 East 8th Street Brooklyn, NY 11218
F to Ditmas Avenue, exit the back of the train. Turn right onto Cortelyou, left on East 8th.
Time: Saturday, July 21 at 11:00 AM
Cooper Union - East Village Street Festival for Obama (Community Service)
Host: Howard Bodenstein
Location: Cooper Union - East Village (New York, NY) 4th Ave between Astor Pl & 5th St New York, NY 10012
Time: Sunday, July 22 at 10:30 AM
Host: Carlos Odio
Contact Phone: 718.312.9063
Location: Grand Concourse & Mt. Eden (in front of Bronx-Lebanon Hospital) (Bronx, NY)
#4 Train to Mt. Eden Avenue - when you get off the train, exit to your right; at the end of the stairs leading to the street, make a left and walk up Mt. Eden Avenue (it's a small hill); pass two blocks and the third will be Grand Concourse; You will see Bronx-Lebanon Hospital
Debate Watching Parties in the City
When: Monday, July 23, 2007, 6:30 PM
Where: SoHo Loft 431 Broome St Buzz No. 4 New York , NY 10013 646-691-7944
Time: Monday, July 23 at 6:30 PM - 3 hours
Event Name: Harlem for Obama Democratic Presidential Debate Series
Host: Brian Benjamin
Location: Home of Nicole Valentine, Esq. and Stefon Moody (New York, NY ) 167 W 136th Street, Unit #6 New York, NY 10030
Monday, July 23 7:00 pm
CNN-YouTube Democratic Presidential Debate Watch Party - Live from South Carolina!
O'Lunney's Pub
145 W 45th Street
(between 6th and 7th Avenues)
Second Floor
1/2/3/N/R/Q/W/B/D/F/V to Times Square/42nd Street Time: Wednesday, July 25 at 7:00 PM Western Queens Organizational Meeting Duration: 2 hours Host: Alexis Soterakis Location: Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden (Astoria, NY) 29-19 24th Avenue Astoria, NY 11102 Directions: Take the N/W to Astoria Blvd. Walk one block north to 24th Avenue. Make a left onto 24th Avenue.
Tuesday, July 31 8:00 pm
DL21C's Annual Summer Bash!
Featuring live music by
The Bluetones
and very special guest
Dave Pollak
DL21C Founder and New York State Party Co-Chair
Plus elected officials and community leaders and other special guests.
Iguana Lounge & Nightclub
240 W. 54th St (at Broadway)
1 train to 50th St., B/D/E trains to 7th Ave
8:00 pm until the break of dawn
Time: Thursday, August 2 at 8:00 PM
Duration: 1 hour
Host: Beatina Theopold
Contact Phone: 302-584-0952
Location: La Fonda Boricua (New York, NY) 169 E. 106th Street (bet.Lexington & Third Avenues) New York, NY 10035
Number Six (6) train to 103rd St station, walk three blocks north to 106th Street, then one block east toward Third Avenue.
Time: Sunday, August 5 at 11:00 AM
Upper West Side Street Festival for Obama
Host: Howard Bodenstein
Location: Upper West Side (New York, NY) (New York, NY) Columbus Ave between 69th & 70th Street New York, NY 10023
Directions: #1,2,3 to 72nd St
In The News
Explosion rocks NY Midtown Manhattan, killing one
NYC Explosion Caused By Steam, Not Terrorism Washington Post, United States
Obama tries to turn heads of Clinton admirers by taking regular ...
Obama And Edwards Split On Poverty Plans
Sen. Clinton doesn't take the bait San Francisco Chronicle
Mrs. Edwards Serves Critique of Mrs. Clinton
Obama on Iowa, Iraq and the 2008 race USA Today | July 18, 2007 My grandparents and my mother were very Midwestern. The culture of Iowa's very familiar to me. Meat and potatoes. Common sense. Not a lot of pretense. Straight talk. That's the kind of atmosphere that I grew up in. A lot of these folks look like my grandparents. ......... I don't look like the other 43 presidents. ..... a certain self-reflective quality in how I approach issues and a willingness to consider other points of view ...... hard work and good judgment and sound strategy when it comes to foreign policy. ..... What's remarkable is that we're within the margin of error running against one candidate who's been campaigning here for basically four years straight and another candidate who is known by 99% of the population. .......... the progress arises as a consequence of tribal leaders in that region making a decision that they no longer want to participate in the sectarian nonsense that has been taking place there. ..... The military has performed its task. The problem has been the civilian leadership. ...... If we have a coherent government in Iraq, we can wipe out the al-Qaeda Mesopotamia, we can knock them out in pretty short order. ..... We have to have an embassy, absolutely. Now the fact that we built this Xanadu in the middle of Baghdad, I would question the wisdom of that.
Obama's Plan for Victory U.S. News and World Report | July 18, 2007 Everyone should pay less attention to national polls and focus instead on grass - roots enthusiasm, numbers of campaign contributors, and the early nominating states of Iowa and New Hampshire ..... Hillary Clinton's lead among Democrats in national polls is ephemeral and based largely on her superior name recognition. ...... a "sequential state" strategy in which he gradually becomes better known, turns in solid performances in Iowa and New Hampshire, and goes on to do well in the South Carolina and Florida primaries ....... he will enter the February 5 round of a dozen or more megaprimaries with a huge advantage that will put him on a clear path to victory. ...... Obama is enjoying the campaign routine, despite its pressures, and likes meeting voters and is still drawing huge, enthusiastic crowds - an important indicator of his political strength.
The Gandhi Protests Pay Off BusinessWeek On July 14, five hundred tech workers from companies like Sun Microsystems (SUNW), Oracle (ORCL) and Cisco (CSCO) marched in the streets of Silicon Valley to express their outrage. "Justice for Legal Immigrants" read a placard carried by one protester. "We Played by the Rules, Now It's Your Turn" read another. ...... on July 11 sent a letter asking for detailed information on how and why the decision was made. She requested "all correspondence, e-mails, memoranda, notes, field guidance or other documentation relating to the issuance" of the reversal notice ...... As they wait, visa workers are required to maintain the same job and salary, or they are bumped back to the long queue. That leaves many of the most educated and talented immigrants feeling stuck, sometimes to the point of hopelessness
India: Translators Wanted
Bloggers Bring in the Big Bucks 375,000 hits in March, 750,000 in April, 1.5 million in May ... Cheezburger now gets 500,000 page views a day from between 100,000 and 200,000 unique visitors, according to Nakagawa. The cheapest ad costs $500 for a week. The most expensive goes for nearly $4,000. ..... many of the most popular bloggers have similar tales of starting out with a niche idea—an inside joke, a particular obsession—and watching it explode. ...... Early on, when Nakagawa saw the site getting 1,000 page views a day, he added a widget that allows visitors to rate each post on a scale of one to five cheeseburgers. That helped boost traffic to 2,000. ...... Readers don't just rate or comment on the posts. They create them. Cheezburger depends on its fans to submit pictures, write funny captions, and send them in. ..... as much a community as a blog .... The idea of building a community around content supplied by users sustains several top blogs ..... BoingBoing, a "directory of wonderful things," might be the king of moneymaking blogs. ..... in June the site garnered 22 million page views from 2.6 million unique visitors ...... Frequent posting—the four authors update the site 20 to 40 times each day—drives high traffic to the blog ....... BoingBoing's ad sales top $1 million a year. ....... accounting for a third of the traffic on the WordPress blogging platform ...... A week of ads on Cheezburger, via Blogads, starts at $500 and tops out at $5,400 for a premium position. The site also sells through Google AdSense and AdBrite platforms. It recently ranked No. 26 on the most-linked-to blogs list on Technorati. ............ Overheard draws 6 million page views a month and gets 100 submissions from readers each day ...... a small media company with a Manhattan office, three spin-off sites, an editorial staff of six, and a reputation for digging up stories that major papers ignore ...... "If someone advertises with us, I guarantee you that a substantial number of people in every big-city newsroom around the country are going to see it," Marshall says. ........ 24 posts on an average day—and as many as 40 on a day with talk of a Britney Spears meltdown. ...... a full-time news operation and a network of local blogs across 14 cities on four continents ....... 20 to 25 posts daily on their most popular sites, and draw 7 million page views a month ...... young, educated, and often wealthy readers .... Federated Media handles ad sales for the sites ....... They take celebrity photos from a wire service, add snarky comments about the getups, and click "publish." The result? Some 3.5 million unique visitors a month, a book coming out in February, and two full-time jobs. ....... the emerging trend of mashups, which he defines as "the fusing of multiple Web services." ..... Mashable uses Federated Media for its ad sales. ....... across the many blogs he writes, he clears six figures a year from a mix of private ads, affiliate deals, and ads sold through platforms such as Chitika, Google AdSense, Text Link Ads, and Amazon Associates. An Australian minister who discovered blogging in 2002, he has written sites devoted to religion, digital photography, camera phones, the Athens Olympics in 2004, and, of course, blogging. ......... Hot Air, a group video-blog
The High Cost Of Wooing Google The digital titan, based in Mountain View, Calif., has been hunting for places to plant new server farms: vast, immaculate warehouses filled with row upon row of computers that allow Google to offer faster online searches and advertisements. Lenoir (pronounced like the woman's name Lenore) boasts resources at the top of Google's list: cheap, abundant electricity; excess water capacity to keep the computers cool; and lots of inexpensive landthe North Carolinians agreed to a package of tax breaks, infrastructure upgrades, and other goodies valued at $212 million over 30 years, or more than $1million for each of the 210 jobs Google said it eventually hoped to create in Lenoir.... "These are business decisions by the smartest businesspeople in the world, and it's just exploiting a desperate town." ...... IT, biotech, and financial-services companies .... States and localities bruised by globalization view these knowledge-based fields as the foundation for economic rebuilding. ..... pegs the aggregate value of incentives at about $50 billion a year. ..... sophisticated corporate consultants expert at playing jurisdictions against each other ..... Lenoir, population 17,000. It's a place that clings to tradition: Wednesday night outdoor movies in the main square, a blackberry festival each July, and a Civil War battle reenactment in August. But the world is changing, and Lenoir has been devastated by the departure to China of its core business, the manufacturing of bedroom sets. ..... "When our globalization came," says Bernhardt, "it came with lightning speed." ..... he hadn't given Weiss a hard sell at the festival, Wood says: "You don't usually ask someone to marry you on the first date." ...... During negotiations over the next 10 months, Weiss combined a calm demeanor with an obsessive attention to detail ....... Google plans to invest $600 million in the Lenoir server farm. ..... new computer centers in South Carolina, Oklahoma, and Iowa. Google won't say how many server farms it operates nationwide. ..... " Google, he adds, "put us on the map." ..... The Google site in Lenoir now bustles with tractors, bulldozers, and contract workers. A large silver-roofed building is going up behind fencing, a retaining wall, and a 200-foot buffer of trees. Visitors aren't allowed. As of early July, Google had hired one full-time employee: a site manager who came from out of town.
Apps vs. Office: Google Ups the Ante the holdouts who still use Microsoft Office to create documents and spreadsheets. They're "curmudgeons" ... Microsoft, which boasts more than a half-billion users of its long-successful Office suite ..... a corporate version of YouTube to create videos for training and employee communications
Vodafone's Tricky Wireless Split If Goldman and TPG simply decided to walk away, they'd owe Alltel a $625 million breakup fee
New Compaq Notebooks Offer Mobile Broadband mobilised the new Intel Centrino Pro Mobile technology ..... The notebooks also have things like HP QuickLook, which offers single touch access to frequently used applications like email, calendars and contact information. ..... In addition to 802.11n (draft) WiFi and Bluetooth, these notebooks come with a choice of 3G mobile broadband connectivity options from a choice of carriers and technologies
Intel folds on OLPC Computerworld
Intel Joins One Laptop Per Child
EU court sets date for Microsoft ruling Irish Times
Yahoo May Say Profit Fell as Google, MySpace Took Ad Sales Bloomberg the most- visited U.S. Web site .... Yahoo's second-quarter net income probably fell 6.9 percent to $153 million ..... reorganized the sales staff to win back buyers of the banner advertising that runs on Web pages. Customers placed more of those ads on social-networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook, while Yahoo continued to lose search-ad business to Google. ...... While Yahoo may be able to regain momentum in display sales, ``we haven't seen any evidence of it yet' ...... Yahoo makes its money selling display advertising, which includes the graphical banner ads and newer animated spots with videos, and search-linked ads, the four-line text spots that appear next to search results. ........... In his first move as CEO, Yang, 38, combined the search and banner-ad sales teams so customers can buy different ads from the same sales person. ..... banner advertising ... account for about 40 percent of Yahoo's sales. ..... The U.S. market for ad sales on social networking sites, dominated by Facebook Inc., a privately owned company based in Palo Alto, California, and News Corp.'s MySpace, will more than double to $900 million in 2007 and reach $2.5 billion in 2011
A Study in Contrasts: Yahoo and Google
Turf War: Yahoo! Must Fend Off Google, Microsoft
Yahoo!: New CEO, Old Problems
More Reasons to Buy Google
Visual Sciences Hires Deal Adviser
Nokia Smartphone to Bundle eBay's Skype Service
Google's Latest New Toy Threatens Microsoft
Microsoft Has Some Potholes to Dodge
eBay May Dump Its Stake in Craigslist
eBay Takes On Craigslist
China's Baidu Ready to Rocket
Bubbly Chinese E-Commerce Will Spark Baidu
Yahoo! Crawls Back With SmartAds Strategy
Amazon's Price Tag Gives Pause
Google-eBay Skirmish Underscores eBay's Strength
Google Not the Boss of eBay
Google Gallops Toward $600
Google Beats Amazon in Smart Tech Spending
No Fast Money in Yahoo!
Yahoo! Doubters Return
Yahoo! Rally Fails to Hold
Microsoft, Sony to Play Nintendo's Game Forbes
IBM in $1.4B Services Deal Forbes
IBM looks to gain an edge with Unix virtualization features Computerworld
Oracle Delivers Expanded Field Service Capabilities With Google ... CNNMoney.com
Oracle and Symantec Certify Veritas Data Center Solutions on ... CNNMoney.com Oracle PartnerNetwork is a global business network of 19,000 companies who deliver innovative software solutions based on Oracle software.
Oracle, Symantec to bring Veritas Storage to Oracle Linux
Intel, Sun to Tackle Telecoms Channel Insider looking to jointly enter the telecommunications market with a combination of Intel processors and hardware and the Solaris 10 operating system. ...... Although Intel and Sun are practically neighbors, as both are based in Santa Clara, Calif., Sun refused to use Intel processors in its products for many years. The two companies did not cooperate with each other and occasionally took swipes at one another through the media. That all changed on Jan. 22, when the CEOs of both companies promised to begin working together.
Nine Indian companies in Wal-Mart's honour list Hindustan Times
Intel puts out "Extreme" chips for PC gaming addicts Salon
Will Web radio stations be forced to combat copying? Salon
Talks on Internet radio royalties continue
Russia set to respond to British expulsion move Washington Post
Giuliani masters the fundamentals
Japan Debates Safety After Quake TIME
Nuke Waste Drums Tipped in Japan Quake
LJP MLA tears off clothes in Bihar Assembly Hindu after failing to get an immediate assurance of the state government to repair dilapidated roads in his constituency in Darbhanga district. .... Ahmed rushed to the well shouting at the top of his voice before tearing off his clothes. He later walked out of the House.
MLA tears off clothes in Bihar House Financial Express
National Intelligence Estimate Day New York Times
Al Qaeda May Use Iraqi Network
Spy Chiefs: US to Face Ongoing Threats
China steps up food-quality fight Houston Chronicle
US group says China's meat import ban groundless
China Turns Tables, Blocks American Meat
Ready for Surge II? Washington Post
2008: Inside the Money Machine New York Times counting sales of Obama paraphernalia like T-shirts and key chains as individual donations. While about a third of the $33 million Mr. Obama raised in the second quarter came from small donors, he “has relied on a relatively conventional network of big donors for a majority of his money.” ........ is riding the wave of a “movement candidacy,” just like Howard Dean did in 2003 ....... Later Mr. Obama receives the endorsement of Mayor Adrian Fenty of Washington, D.C.
Google offers discount search service BusinessWeek Google Inc. is offering to run the search engines of small Web sites for as little as $100 per year ..... to sift through up to 5,000 Web pages. Larger Web sites can pay Google $500 annually to search up to 50,000 Web pages. ..... More sophisticated iterations of Google's search engine cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. ...... he search engine has become the hub of the Internet's most lucrative advertising network. ...... The advertising funneled through Google's search engine generates virtually all of the company's profits, which have totaled $5.8 billion since its initial public offering in August 2004.
Miller, Big B team up against global warming Hindustan Times
Amitabh Bachchan's ode to Tagore Hindustan Times
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Dell Vostro 'largely a branding exercise' VNUNet.com
Ahead of the Bell: Dell Forbes
Weight Lifting For Health And Heart Medical News Today
Intel takes popular laptops to 'extreme' MyADSL
Intel to Lower Quad-Core Desktop Pricing
'Potter' Premieres With $77.1 Million Forbes
Is LA ready for Victoria Beckham's style? Times Online
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