Health care reform is a tough one. All presidents for the past half century have tried and failed the effort. This one just might do it.
Staying true to his agenda in the face of the tough economic turn of things I have found rather impressive.
A lot of his supporters have not learned the difference between an election campaign and governing. How do you support a candidate once he is in office? That is different from when your candidate is running for the office? You have to educate yourself on how the political process works. You have to be respectful of what might be possible.
Middle East peace is the global version of health care reform. Those two are the knotty issues. Obama seems to be making headway on both. I am impressed. He is making progress because his approach is different. Remember when he talked of a new kind of politics? When he talked of bringing people together? Guess what, the guy meant it.
Obama declares swine flu a national emergency Reuters
Obama: Time for big banks to help small businesses The Associated Press
Michelle Obama: 'Party hats' for Bo's first The Swamp
Michelle Obama's gripe: president's tennis game The Associated Press
Michelle Obama Reveals the President's 'Most Annoying Habit'
Obama, Dodd face supporters, protestors in pricey Connecticut fundraiser
Barack Obama must stop campaigning and start governing
White House weakened by war on Fox Jamestown Sun
President Obama lights up MIT Media Newswire
PA: Obama threat suspect had passed background checks Newsday
Obama to stump again for Corzine Philadelphia Inquirer
Gallup: 61% of Americans think Obama Nobel undeserved Hot Air
Obama calls Sarkozy, Medvedev on Iran nuclear plan Washington Post
Kremlin: US and Russia hope for new disarmament deal by December Monsters and
US says Syria should release 78-year-old dissident Washington Post
Blow to Barack Obama's strategy as Iranian lawmaker attacks UN nuclear deal

Hatch to Obama: Change the BCS New York Times
Obama agenda: Business and politics
Obama Team Meets on Afghanistan Runoff Voice of America
Cheney: “Obama scared of Modern Warfare 2″ PWN or DIE
Barack Obama's Idea of "Government Transparency" Would Make Dick Cheney ProudNewsweek
Barack Obama Sees Poll Rating Plummet Right Side News
Obama's popularity drop, biggest in 50 years Tehran Times
Obama to address Jewish conference The Associated Press
US Republicans Slam Health-Care Reform Bill Voice of America
Clinton's influence in Team Obama: a nuanced role Reuters
Bernanke's trillion-dollar decision Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone
ANALYSIS-Obama peace quest flounders in Mideast quicksand Reuters
Barack Obama Lowered Republicans' Testosterone io9
Public Opinion and Health Reform Wall Street Journal
NATO welcomes Obama's missile defense plans The Associated Press
Reid leaning toward public option Politico
Obama Expresses Skepticism to Senators on Public Option Roll Call
Obama adminitrartion: National emergency declaration pre-emptive move WZTV
Obama puts the case for alternatives to fossil fuels Sydney Morning Herald
Obama set to sign hate crimes bill passed by Senate Hindustan Times
Obama thanks terror task force for uncovering bomb plot Newsday
Fox News: Barack Obama says Fox News is 'basically talk radio' Orlando Sentinel

Obama offers Sudan 'incentives' BBC News
Economic stimulus lite
President Barack Obama needs to ease worries and fears about the H1N1 swine ... Associated Content
The jury is in: Obama's foreign policy critics prejudge him New York Daily News
Obama's Nobel prize came with little merit The Exponent
Obama: Men still 'obtuse' on sharing family duties The Associated Press
Canada's frozen political waste
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