Thursday, October 08, 2020

Coronavirus News (258)

Single Parents Finding Love: Over Zoom, of Course Because dating with kids wasn’t tricky enough before the pandemic. ........... There are nearly 19 million single-parent families in the U.S., and some of those parents, naturally, are looking for partners. They want the nervous butterflies you get on the first date and the inside jokes you share by the fifth. They want loyal companionship, deep conversation and someone else to load the dishwasher once in awhile. ..............  It’d be nice to find that person that I want to be quarantined with.” ............. “But the loneliness of single parenting three kids during a pandemic took over, and I was just happy to have another adult to spend time with.” .......... “It would be unreasonable to ask single parents to sit at home and wait for some unknown time when the pandemic is over and they can date again,” she said. “That’s basically solitary confinement.” .............. For parents who share custody, there’s a whole other set (or sometimes several sets) of germs to contend with. Mooradian’s kids go back and forth between her house and her ex-husband’s house, where his girlfriend lives. “Then her kids go back and forth between that house and her ex’s house, and the ex has a girlfriend too,” she said. “It’s a whole chain effect.” .......... On Father’s Day, her brother invited the whole family over — except her. “He said I was too high-risk because I was dating,” she said. ..................  ‘I’m a single parent juggling work and two amazing kiddos.’ Covid-19 has accelerated people self-identifying as single parents in a really big way.” ............. He and Carlson have been texting and plan to take an online workout class together from their respective homes. Afterward, they said, they’ll meet for a drink. Over Zoom, of course. 

The Bicoastal Entrepreneur: Running a Business in Multiple States​  corporations and LLCs are considered domestic only in the state that they are registered 

Bidencare Would Be a Big Deal Don’t dismiss it because it isn’t Medicare for All. .......... substantially expanding coverage and reducing premiums for middle-class families. ......... under Biden’s plan, 15 million to 20 million Americans would gain health insurance. And premiums would fall sharply, especially for middle-class families. Editors’ Picks A Columnist Makes Sense of Wall Street Like None Other (See Footnote) The Army Rolls Out a New Weapon: Strategic Napping Hold Me, Squeeze Me, Bite My Head Continue reading the main story .......... the plan would also provide significant aid for long-term care, rural health, and mental health. ............  True, America would still fall somewhat short of achieving what every other advanced country has — universal health care. But we’d get a lot closer 

Trump Is Killing the Economy Out of Spite So what will he do if he loses the election? ......... Nobody knows what chaos, possibly including violence, he may unleash if the election doesn’t go his way. ......... Trump hasn’t even lost yet, but he abruptly cut off talks on an economic relief package millions of Americans desperately need (although as of Thursday he seemed to be backtracking). And his motivation seems to have been sheer spite. ............. We’ve already lost around 900,000 jobs in state and local education. ........... Unless the federal government steps in, there will be huge unnecessary suffering. There’s also a macroeconomic case: If families are forced to slash consumption, if businesses are forced to close and if state and local governments are forced into extreme spending cuts, the economy’s growth will slow and we might even slide back into recession. ........... warnings about the dangers of failing to provide more relief aren’t just coming from progressive Democrats; they’re coming from Wall Street analysts and Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve. ......... The main stumbling block, I’d argue, has been the adamant refusal of Senate Republicans to consider aid to state and local governments ..........   Why would Trump choose this, of all moments, to torpedo economic policy? ........... What this looks like, instead, is vindictiveness. ..........  he’s already acting like a deeply embittered man, lashing out at people he feels have treated him unfairly, which is basically everyone. And as usual he reserves special rage for smart, tough women; on Thursday he called Kamala Harris a “monster.” ............  getting a relief deal would have required accepting a compromise with that “nasty” woman Nancy Pelosi. And it seems that he would rather let the economy burn. ........... Trump has always been vindictive; what will he do if and when he has nothing left but spite?

Some Republicans Seem to Think This Isn’t Going to Go Their Way Why else would Amy Coney Barrett need to be installed so quickly? .......  She apparently was closely connected to a conservative Christian group called People of Praise that has a history of stressing a husband’s role as head of the household. .............  And hey, have you noticed that Republican senators are starting to come down with the coronavirus? Two Judiciary Committee members, Mike Lee and Thom Tillis, are sick and now presumably infectious. (Earlier, Lee was at Trump’s Judge Amy party, where he seemed to be hugging about half the attendees.) So Mitch wants to let folks do their committee work from home if they prefer, in the basic Zoomish method we have all come to know and hate. ............ “A virtual hearing is virtually no hearing at all” .........  the Senate will have to actually get together in person and vote. McConnell will need almost all of his Republicans to show up, no matter what their viral condition.  ....... Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, one of the ailing, says he’ll “go in a moon suit if necessary.” 

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