Tuesday, March 04, 2008

March 4 Returns Parties

Central Park

It was nice and quiet.


A no go. Street level welcome by a black man in black. 7:15. "The event has not started yet." The website said it started at 7:00. Next time they are going to have someone at the train station to tell me there is no event.

There is not going to be a next time.

After I win the Nobel Peace Prize (Madhesi Movement Victory In Nepal), DL21C should not bother trying to get me as a guest speaker. I would not be interested. I mean, how many Nobel Peace Prize winners are there in this town? I don't know of any.

People who run these four organizations who don't recognize email make you feel like you are their corporate employees when you show up for their events. Some of the time.

I don't know anyone else who shows up for these events who does cutting edge political work.

Pressure, Union Square

This was the Generation Barack Obama event. The place was huge and packed. Jeremy Goldberg runs the show. Phil was there. Two huge spreads of space. Nice choice. I talked to many people. Just basic small talk. What's your name? How long have you been coming to Obama events? Met two recent Brown graduate women, one Puerto Rican, another ethnic Chinese.

Lamont Carolina

Sylvan had mentioned. But Lamont said let's go to the party at Irish Rogue. ObamaNYC had a party going on there. Lamont and his two friends Hose and Ken, we all hopped into Lamont's car.

Lamont said in a celebratory tone, "There are four minorities in the car."

This dude totally knows how to work the crowd.

Just when we needed parking, a car pulled out and made space just in time. Lamont described it as "New York love."

Jeff Kurzon

He is back in town. He is one of those early Obama supporters in town. He took a six month leave of absence for Obama. He works at a fancy law firm. He started in New Hampshire, his home state, and then went state hopping with the campaign. He was in California, at one point. It was good to see him after so long.

Kurzo was in a competitive mood. Which party is bigger? GBO or ObamaNYC? He said he got told the GBO party had a thousand RSVPs.

Back At Pressure

After a while I was back at the GBO party. Hillary took Rhode Island, Barack took Vermont, that was early in the evening. Hillary had been projected winner in Ohio. The two were neck and neck in Texas, that is when I left. I went home.

All The Way

This race is going to Pennsylvania and beyond. The Clintons call it never, never, never give up. We are going to make use of our money advantage.

Got To Hit Back

Obama 08 needs a rapid response mechanism.

Wet Clay Group Dynamics

Group dynamics is my thing. I have always been good at it. It is just that these past few years I have taken that to the 2.0 environment. Now when I am trying to get back into 5.0, I feel like I should do the wet clay thing. Most people take pride in being baked clay. They are set in their ways.

I want to start afresh. I want to challenge assumptions. I want to experiment. I want to participate. I want to have fun. I want to shape and be shaped.

Raise Money, Burn Money

Round one money got raised. Now it is all about burning it. That is another kind of pressure.

On Your Own

On your own, what do you think? How do you feel?

In The News

Ohio win boosts Clinton Los Angeles Times
Clinton gets must win in Ohio Boston Globe
News Coverage Changes, and So Does Tone of the Campaign New York Times
Clinton Wins Ohio, Rhode Island Contests; Obama Takes Vermont Bloomberg
Clinton barbs begin to take toll on Obama Newsday But a bit of unexpected "turbulence," as Obama himself termed it earlier Tuesday, has hit his campaign. In recent days, he has had a tougher time deflecting Clinton's attacks on his commitment to fighting al-Qaida in Afghanistan, his sincerity in criticizing the North American Free Trade Agreement and his ties to a Chicago real estate developer on trial for fraud. ...... he could still deal a potentially lethal blow by taking jumbo-sized Texas, where initial returns give him a slight lead ..... Early exit polls for Texas showed heavy turnout in African-American and urban areas and lower turnout in Latino districts ..... contests later this month in Wyoming and Mississippi and possibly to Pennsylvania

Clinton hits Obama on experience; he fires back Chicago Tribune
Clinton calls Ohio and Texas must-wins Washington Times
Clinton Focuses on Boosting Turnout The Associated Press
Clinton and Obama Intensify Attacks New York Times Providence, he briefly addressed a crowd of several thousand people who had waited for hours in the cold rain and mud but were turned away. He then spoke for nearly an hour to about 5,000 more people at the rally inside.
Obama Walks a Difficult Path as He Courts Jewish Voters the tenuous relations between blacks and Jews ..... the penetration of the viral e-mail messages, which were background static in the campaign until they began flooding the inboxes of Jewish voters right before nominating contests. ...... Mrs. Clinton took the Jewish vote by 2 to 1 on her home turf, New York, and also in New Jersey ..... remark of his, made last year in Des Moines, that “no one has suffered more than the Palestinians.” ..... Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East
Barnstorming Obama plans to pick Republicans Times Online
McCain blasts Obama's and Clinton's attacks on NAFTA Los Angeles Times
Ohio voters blame NAFTA for job loss but skeptical of campaign ... The Canadian Press

Bill Clinton: The Bitter Half Time Bill Clinton after a quadruple bypass has given up jogging in favor of long walks ..... how much of the blame for her predicament belongs to him. "I think he just did her such damage," says a friend and supporter, expressing a sentiment that many feel privately. "They'll never see it that way, because they can't. And he has no self-knowledge. This has magnified all his worst traits." ......... The biggest fear was that he would shine too bright, burn too hot, consign the candidate to his shadow. ...... a lack of self-control and an excess of self-absorption. It hasn't always been clear whether Bill Clinton sees Obama as a threat to his wife's prospects, or to his own legacy. ....... Liberal columnist Jonathan Chait wondered, "Were the conservatives right about Bill Clinton all along?" ...... Bill "hijacked the candidacy in South Carolina. It was appalling to watch it." ...... the person who seemed least aware of the havoc he was causing was Bill Clinton ....... "political malpractice" by Hillary's campaign ...... spent money with abandon in the earliest primaries and assumed that the race would not last past Super Tuesday, on Feb. 5 — and failed to prepare for any of the states that followed ...... what's really wrong with Hillary's campaign is something that is simply beyond even Bill Clinton's ability to fix. "It may be," says a friend, "their day has passed."
Dee Dee Myers: Why Women Should Rule Dee Dee Myers thinks motherhood should count as diplomacy experience. ..... confronting Leon Panetta on her pay, why she won't endorse Hillary Clinton, and whether or not women rule her own household. ...... bringing more women into all avenues of public life ...... more women in Congress, legislature, business, diplomacy, at every level of public life ....... what makes government work better, what makes business more efficient. ....... it's still more difficult for women to be taken seriously ........ Hillary has had to prove she was tough enough to be Commander in Chief. That's one reason her campaign made her 30 years of experience its foundation. Then again, if you're too tough, then people think you're too hard, you're not feminine enough. The B word comes up. It's a whole other set of obstacles. There's still a double standard. ........ Maybe we thought we were further along. You can still say some things about women that are pretty shocking, and there's no penalty for saying it. ........ I am endlessly fascinated that playing football is considered a training ground for leadership, but raising children isn't. ...... Trying to negotiate getting a couple of kids to watch the same TV show requires serious diplomacy. ...... you were stiffed when it came to proper pay, authority and even the press secretary's rightful office ...... Leon Panetta told you you didn't deserve what a male colleague of lower rank made because you weren't a man supporting a family ........ Bill Clinton was under pressure to appoint women to visible positions. I was 31, I'd never worked in Washington. ....... women are paid less. Women don't ask. ...... men were seven times more likely to negotiate a starting salary than women are. There are all kinds of reasons [for unequal pay]; there's residual discrimination ....... When I was in college 25 years ago, I thought that by the time I reached this elderly station in my life, these problems would be solved. Well, they're not. ....... men are more violent. Men have a greater propensity for violence. ...... George W. Bush similarly, for appointing more women to senior and cabinet-level jobs than any of his predecessors ......... a confidence gap between men and women that begins very young ...... Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their strengths ....... . The woman said, Gosh, I was so surprised. The young man said, I knew my project was great — I always knew I'd win. One thinks he deserves to win; the other is surprised.
A Clash of Styles in Ohio Debate another cordial, high-road finish. ..... Obama, taking advantage of his front-runner status, played good, error-free baseball ...... used his time to rise above the arguments, elevate the conversation and invoke the larger causes ...... Obama showed a lawyer's flair for conceding the small points that aren't worth arguing about ..... asked whether there was much of a semantic difference between the words "reject" and "denounce," but then defused the situation by ceding the point to Clinton and agreeing to do both. ..... At the end, each candidate threw a bouquet at the other
Obama's Ohio Grassroots Advantage She used Obama's website to recruit volunteers and run a phone bank from her living room. ........ — and all but locking up the Democratic nomination .... [Obama's] is the most spontaneous, energetic political operation that I've ever seen ...... the benefits of having a candidate who used to be a community organizer and has run a voter registration drive. ...... a new breed of grassroots campaign — viral, internet-based, built from the ground up by neophytes ...... Obama's surging grassroots success has stolen Clinton's establishment base right out from under her ..... Obama's has a lot more volunteers, and they're all grassroots people from the neighborhood
As Ohio Goes "we've gone from 57 foreclosures 10 years ago to more than 500 last year." ...... the slow-motion depreciation of the American middle class has reached critical mass, and not just in Ohio and Michigan ...... "You wonder why there can't be some middle ground" between the old-fashioned, inflexible unions and "the ceos selling out these companies, shipping jobs overseas." ...... the false nonchoices of "victory" or "surrender."

Clinton, Obama go down to the wire in Texas, Ohio AFP The rivals set off on a frenzied weekend hop-scotch between two states blanketed by no-holds-barred television advertising blitzes ..... new polls showed a virtual tie in the two states, leaving Tuesday's contests as unpredictable as any in the roller-coaster 2008 election. ...... She was due in economically depressed Ohio, for a cross-state trek Sunday. ...... "Real change isn't voting for George Bush's war in Iraq and then telling the American people it was actually a vote for more diplomacy when you start running for president" ...... "The title of the bill was 'A Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.' What else were you voting for?" ....... Obama leading Clinton 45 percent to 43 percent in Texas. A previous poll by Zogby released Friday had Obama up 48 to 42 percent. ...... In Ohio, the Democratic contenders were tied at 45 percent, according to Saturday's poll. ..... Obama was dismissive of her gambit. "The question is, what kind of judgment will you exercise when you pick up that phone? In fact, we have had a red phone moment. It was the decision to invade Iraq."
Clinton employs famous Mondale ad strategy Boston Globe Trying to alter the dynamics of a primary race she is losing ..... "We've had a 'red phone' moment. It was the decision to invade Iraq. And Senator Clinton gave the wrong answer. George Bush gave the wrong answer. John McCain gave the wrong answer." ..... Within hours, Obama's campaign launched a television ad directly rebutting Clinton's spot. .... "In a dangerous world, it's judgment that matters." .... "It was a tough call and the single greatest national security question, and mistake, of our time." .... 370 delegates are up for grabs in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont. .... Obama had a 48 percent-to-42 percent edge in Texas and was virtually tied with Clinton in Ohio. ..... may well bring calls for her to drop out and endorse Obama for the good of the party.

For Obama, a Taste of What a Long Battle Holds New York Times he is sure to face an onslaught from Republicans and their allies that will be very different in tone and intensity from what he has faced so far. ...... as the party adapts to the prospect that it will be running against Mr. Obama rather than Mrs. Clinton. ...... portray him as out of step with the nation’s values, challenge his appeal to independent voters and emphasize his lack of experience in foreign policy and national security. ...... taxes, spending, judges, health care and national security — there is a divide as deep and wide on those issues as the Grand Canyon ...... used against a candidate who is trying to cultivate an appeal that transcends policy specifics, would fall flat this time
Nepal Strike Ends as Government Accepts Madhesi Autonomy Demand Bloomberg At least five people were killed during the protests in Terai ..... More than 13,000 people were killed in the civil war, which damaged the tourism-dependent economy.
Kenya to build coalition government Boston Globe
Obama and Clinton Flush With Cash From February New York Times each had a record-breaking month of fund-raising in February, bringing in more than $80 million combined, but with Mr. Obama again far outraising Mrs. Clinton. ......... $50 million ..... on many days the campaign took in as much as $2 million. ..... $35 million ..... in January, when Mr. Obama brought in $36 million and Mrs. Clinton raised just under $14 million. ..... In Ohio, Mr. Obama had spent $2.4 million, Mrs. Clinton $1.3 million. ..... On the campaign trail, Mr. Obama, of Illinois, is starting to focus less on the Democratic primaries and more on the general election. In recent days, he has spent more time skirmishing with Mr. McCain than with Mrs. Clinton.
Obama's Fate in Texas Wall Street Journal Stewart and the first dozen paid Obama staffers touched down in this capital city less than three weeks ago. ...... Few experts expected the showdown between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton to climax here. Texas is a deeply Republican state, and hasn't played a deciding role in a Democratic nominating contest in 20 years. ..... Bill Clinton has said that his wife needs to take both states to stay alive in the nominating race ...... Davis started a blog, TexansForObama.com ..... gives campaign volunteers unsupervised access to names and phones numbers of potential supporters nationwide, which campaigns usually treat as proprietary information. ...... the system was responsible for 250,000 calls in a single day to California voters ...... "turns the asylum over to the inmates."
Obama Gains With Superdelegates Wall Street Journal Clinton hasn't picked up the support of any superdelegates recently, while Sen. Obama has gained more than two dozen since the voting ended Feb. 19 in Wisconsin ...... Obama's gain represents more delegates than are at stake Tuesday in Vermont or Rhode Island. ....... There are 795 superdelegates at stake and about 550 have declared so far. ...... "The superdelegates are paying more attention to voting in the primaries because of the record turnouts" ..... we haven't seen any mass movement...I expect that we'll likely see that next week after Tuesday. ..... Clinton would have to win close to 60% of the 927 pledged delegates left to be awarded. ..... Bill Richardson of New Mexico said he could endorse any day
McCain vs. Obama Over Al Qaeda FOXNews
Barack Obama hits back after Hussein taunts
Times Online Matt Drudge, the website’s owner, said that the photograph was leaked by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The former First Lady said in a debate on Tuesday night that as far as she knew it did not come from her campaign. ..... Obama denounced, and eventually rejected, Mr Farrakhan’s support ...... “If anyone is still puzzled about the facts, I have never been a Muslim.” ...... Bloomberg, the Mayor of New York, said that he would not launch a presidential bid as an independent.
Clinton lawsuit could muddy Texas caucuses Kansas City Star
The obstacles facing Clinton
Boston Globe a candidate has to be on the attack, something that voters often find offputting, and which is even trickier for a woman. ..... NAFTA is a fundamental part of her husband's legacy
Democrats compete to outbash NAFTA Boston Globe
Clinton racks up cash record as Bloomberg rules out run AFP "I am not -- and will not be -- a candidate for president," Bloomberg, 66, wrote in The New York Times. ..... said he stood ready to back the presidential candidate who can offer independent leadership to heal the nation's political wounds ..... the Obama juggernaut, which on Wednesday touted its one millionth donor so far. ..... McCain for one is already anticipating a White House match-up with Obama
Why I’m Afraid of the Clintons New York Times
Nepal reaches historic accord with Madhesis Hindustan Times

Obama calls for a cool-down Los Angeles Times, USA "Certainly I don't think that photograph was circulated to enhance my candidacy. ...... Cleveland, where the biggest storm of the winter is forecast to dump 8 inches of snow on the city. ...... Obama smiled when Dodd quipped that he himself had campaigned on his years of experience, to poor results. ...... he feared that if the campaign grew uglier, it could undermine Democratic hopes in the fall. "It's now the hour to come together," he said, "... to get behind this campaign." ...... former Cleveland Mayor Michael R. White, who had earlier backed Clinton, also endorsed Obama.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Madhesi Movement Victory In Nepal

िगिरजा नेपाललाई स्री लंका बनाउन चाहन्छ
Compromise हुन सक्छ
िगिरजाले संघीय सरकार के हो भन्ने कुरा नबुझेको हुनुपर्छ
माअोवादीको गणतन्त्रको माग जस्तै हो मधेस राज्यको माग
अान्दोलन िक िनर्वाचन: मधेसी र जनजाित पार्टीहरूको एकीकरणको सवाल
मधेसी जनजाित अान्दोलनकालािग दलीय पुर्ण समानुपाितक िनर्वाचनको अावश्यकता
ICG: Nepal: Peace Postponed

Message To Elizabeth Caputo: SOS Call

Rajendra Mahto: Three Hours Of Video
Rajendra Mahto In Town
Upendra Yadav: Five Hours Of Video
Upendra Yadav Was In Town
Upendra Yadav: Madhesi Martin Luther King

February 29

EU welcomes Govt-UDMF agreement The European Union
EC fixes new dates for filing nominations for Madhesi parties

February 28

Cabinet endorses the govt-UDMF deal: victory rallies in most terai districts The cabinet meeting held on Thursday evening has endorsed the eight-point deal signed with the agitating Madhesi parties. ..... large number of people took to the streets in many terai districts, Thursday evening-- not to protest against the government like in the past 16 days - but to celebrate the signing of the 8-point deal between the government and the United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF). ..... grueling 16 days of demonstrations, sporadic clashes and curfews that had made life in the town and across parts of eastern terai unbearable
India,US, UN welcomes govt-UDMF pact
Govt, UDMF seal a deal; agitation withdrawn federal units including Madhes will be made autonomous
Terai life continues to be badly hit on Day 16
Madhesi leaders upbeat about deal with government
Govt-UDMF talks linger on

February 27

Attack on passenger bus in Siraha leaves two injured
Another protester killed in police firing in Sunsari; Madhes unrest enters day 15
Three leaders meet to discuss Madhes imbroglio
Govt enforces Essential Services Act

February 26

Govt-UDMF talks fails to make any headway
Talks failed because of 'impossible demands' raised by Madhesi leaders: Minister Gurung
Strike grips Terai on 14th consecutive day; one killed in Nawalparasi
Talks with FRNF reach nowhere
SPA leaders vow to hold polls on time

February 25

Nominations filed for first-past-the-post voting system; two killed in violence in some Terai districts
Cracks in the Madhesi alliance
Gachhadar, Bhandari not to contest election
Govt, Madhesis to continue talks on Monday

February 24

India shelling out big money to intensify Terai agitation: Mainali
Top leaders discuss Terai crisis
Madhesi parties again snub EC’s deadline to submit closed list of candidates
Tharus say "One Madhes, one province" demand unacceptable
Supply committee decides to enforce odd-even rule to address fuel shortage

February 23

UDMF to continue agitations
Curfew lifted in some districts
‘One Madhesh one province’ demand unacceptable: SPA
Tanker drivers go on strike demanding security
One dozen NC MPs protest 'repression' in Terai

February 22

SPA-UDMF talks end inconclusively
UML, NC leaders continue discussion with Madhesi negotiators
NHRC urges agitators to withdraw strike
JTMM abducts APF constable
Terai sees some respite on 10th day of general strike
Shutdown strike leaves newspapers in Jhapa closed indefinitely
Violence in Terai putting peace at peril: EU

February 21

Meetings close to reach understanding on Madhes problem
Three-party meeting fails to evolve common position on Terai crisis
AI warns against using 'excessive force' during demonstration in Terai
Madhesi leaders meet UML chief
RPP lawmaker quits parliament to join Terai agitation
EC extends closed list deadline at govt’s request
Govt to ask EC to extend closed list submission deadline
Indian embassy ‘mediates’ talks between NC leaders and UDMF
132 tankers of fuel enter Nepal

February 20

Prachanda says parties will consider alternatives if talks fail to resolve Terai crisis
37 parties submit closed lists at EC; agitating Madhesi parties opt out
Terai turmoil continues on eighth day
Nepali Americas Council urges agitators to help hold CA polls
NA to provide security to vital installations
FRNF to boycott polls
Seven party meeting to end Terai deadlock

February 19

Talks with UDMF inconclusive
Indefinite curfew in Biratnagar; Terai bandh enters day 7
RJP to boycott CA election
PM says the EC poll schedule will not be changed
PM says all problems will be resolved on the basis of unity and understanding
MMT's Morang in-charge arrested
King stresses on goodwill and harmony

February 18

Curfew in many districts, Terai turmoil deepens
Govt renews talks offer to Terai groups; UNMIN concerned over violence
No dialogue with govt in existing scenario: UMDF leaders
Terai districts face shortage of foodstuff
Situation in Terai, east worsens as strike continues
Matrika, too, rejects single Madhes demand
MJF leader vows to continue agitation in Madhes

February 17

Terai bandh enters day five; protesters padlock govt offices
One killed in police action in Nepalgunj; curfew imposed
Carter Center urges govt to resolve immediate concerns of Madhesis
PM vows to resolve Terai issue through talks; NC to finalise list of its candidates
UMDF prepare to hold talks with the government
PM, SPA articulate their bottom line on Madhes demands
Garbage woe returns, KMC points at fuel shortage

February 16

Steering Committee to govt: Recognise those killed in Terai movement as martyrs
‘One Madhes one province’ demand cannot be met: PM Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala has said he will never agree on 'one Madhes one province’ demand made by some agitating Madhesi groups. ..... Koirala said he would not compromise with anyone on issues like nationality, sovereignty and national integrity. ..... after two rounds of discussion with agitating Madhesi leaders in the capital
NSP (A) pulls out of SPA
Police open fire at protesters in Bara, strike cripples life in Terai

February 15

Thakur says no agreement yet with the PM
UML lawmaker quits parliament to join Madhesh 'movement'
JTMM-Jwala bombs election office in Banke
Terai bandh enters third day; locals in Rupandehi resist bandh
RPP demands roundtable conference

February 14

UML draws govt's attention towards fuel crunch
Two killed by unidentified gang in Dhanusha
Govt formally invites UMDF for talks
Second day of indefinite bandh cripples life in Terai
Mahara urges agitating groups to participate in polls
Yadav warns of Madhes capture

February 13

Madhesi leaders claim Indian delegation has supported their demands
Prachanda warns of ‘revolt’ if polls get scuttled
Thapa doubts timely polls
Strike hits terai and eastern hills The strike called by various ethnic groups has hit the general life in eastern hills and terai districts on Wednesday. The recently formed United Madhesi Democratic Front (UMDF) called indefinite general strike beginning from Wednesday in terai districts to put pressure on the government to meet its demands. Schools, private offices and businesses remain closed while the highways and inner roads are deserted with no vehicles plying since early morning. The organisers termed this strike as their 'final battle' to get their demands met before the constituent assembly election scheduled for April 10. ..... The agitating ethnic groups are demanding changes in electoral system, their justifiable representation in government services including in the army, one Madhes one province in federal Nepal and peace talks with armed groups in terai ...... Continued strike in terai has affected the regular supply of foodstuffs and petroleum products to hilly districts including capital Kathmandu. As a result, the consumer prices have gone up sharply and streets in capital saw relatively fewer vehicles.
Terai bandh on despite call for talks

February 12

Reconstituted talks team appeals all Madhesi agitators for 'fruitful talks'

February 11

EC informs parties about polls preparations; Madhesi parties boycott meeting
Madhesi Front’s bandh call worries tour operators
UML rejects ‘One Madhes, One Province’

February 10

Gachhadar warns of disintegration if Madhes issues not resolved
Madhesis want a guarantee of autonomous province, says Mahato

February 9

Three Madhesi parties form new alliance; announce stir leaders of three agitating regional parties – Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (MJF), Terai Madhesh Loktantrik Party (TMLP) and Sadbhawana Party (SP) – said they had joined forces to take the movement of Madhesi people to a decisive stage. ..... The UDMF has put forth six demands, which include guarantee of an autonomous Terai state with right to self-determination, and proportional representation of Madhesis, Janajatis, Dalits and other marginalised groups in state organs including the Nepal Army. ...... The Front has planned protest rallies across Terai on February 11 and 12 while an indefinite strike will be imposed from February 13 throughout the country followed by a shutdown strike in government offices on February 16 and blockade and non-cooperation protest from the next day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Processing The Holocaust Pain

This is a sensitive topic. But it happened. And it still is a major source of pain. We treat childhood trauma. Can the Holocaust pain also be processed? I almost mean to ask a medical question. The Jewish collective memory goes back thousands of years. They go back far like the Chinese. Something that happened a little over half a century ago must feel like yesterday to the collective Jewish psyche if only because they have a rich history going back thousands of years.

Because New York City means so much to me personally, I have come to visit and revisit this question of the Jewish identity. If I am going to love New York City, I might as well love all of it.

How do you process the pain? Do you process the pain? Is the pain there? I can't imagine the pain not being there. The Holocaust must feel like an emotional cliff. If you are Jewish, and you go down the memory lane a few decades, you fall off the cliff. People who connected you with the deeper past were massively gone. Had they disappeared any other way, the cliff would still have been there. But you know what happened. So there is the cliff, and there is the pain.

If it bothers you in a fundamental way, you got to deal with the pain. How do you process the pain?

What happened, how you felt, what happened, how you felt, what happened, how you felt?

Because it is a collective sort of pain, the therapy also has to be collective. It is not designed to erase the memory of the crime, or to say you will not feel pain. The memory will always be there, the pain at some level will always be there. But that pain does not have to be debilitating. If it is, you got to process the pain.

(1) Learn as many details as you can about the crime. Read, watch.
(2) Express the rage. Talk, shout, yell, cry, hug.

I have to talk about something as graphic as the Holocaust. I have selfish reasons to do so. Because then I have to go on and draw attention to the Global South as is. I would not use the term Holocaust. A deliberate, sophisticated state machinery carried it out. But there is an ongoing "Holocaust" going on in the Global South. Deaths to stupid violence, petty disease are staggering in number. But it is not state, rather the absence of state that has people dying like flies. And the process of curing will be slow. It takes time to bring democracy into a country, to build a state, to create wealth.

We already know what to do. We have to go and do it. The internet makes it possible for people anywhere to collaborate and contribute to people in the far corners of the earth. The internet speeds up the process. If it were not for the internet, I would feel too guilty to stick around in New York City.

You create political space. You create wealth.

Not Going To Ohio

Going To Ohio

I have not heard anything yet from campaignvol -at- dl21c -dot- org so I guess I am not going. Looks like they are not big on cash. Or the bus filled up. Or whatever.

I guess I might try hard and hop on one of the other buses, there are so many groups going, but I will pass. This was going to be retail politics. The minor logistics were getting at me. Socks? How many?

Somebody needs to stay back and monitor the national situation online for Barack. That would be me.
Obama calls for a cool-down Los Angeles Times, USA Cleveland, where the biggest storm of the winter is forecast to dump 8 inches of snow on the city.
The Real Super Tuesday

Tuesday, March 4
7:00 pm
Super Tuesday II: Ohio/Texas Primary Returns Party
Tonic Bar & Lounge - Times Square
727 Seventh Avenue (at 49th Street)

In The News

Obama and Clinton clash in debate on health care Reuters
Obama Momentum Picks Up With Dodd Endorsement Voice of America
Strike grips south Nepal for 14 days Xinhua
All new railroads lead to Bihar Economic Times
Senate Democrats Focus on Economic Cost of War
New York Times
Clinton, Obama Debate in Ohio
The Associated Press
Clinton still leads Obama in Ohio, but by smaller margin Los Angeles Times 47% to 39% .... The 2006 photo showed Obama dressed in Somali tribal clothing while visiting the western part of Kenya ..... "If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed," Williams said. "Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely."
Clinton goes for broke as Obama rises in polls The Observer Blog
Clinton wonders about the debate process Los Angeles Times
Cleveland debate is final chance for Clinton to woo March 4 voters Guardian Unlimited a desperate attempt on Clinton's part to keep her presidential hopes alive. ...... even her prevalence among Democratic women voters has been eroded, with both candidates now standing neck and neck at 45%.

New National Polls: Obama gaining ground Boston Globe 54 percent of Democratic primary voters say they would prefer the party to nominate Barack Obama while 38 percent prefer Hillary Clinton. ...... 50 percent said they would support Obama to 38 percent for McCain, while respondents were split evenly, at 46 percent each, when the choice was between McCain and Clinton. Obama gained ground within nearly every sector
Clinton campaign starts 5-point attack on Obama International Herald Tribune a "kitchen sink" fusillade against Obama, pursuing five lines of attack since Saturday ...... sharply worded, attention-grabbing contrasts with Obama. ..... by going negative against Obama at a time when polls in Texas and Ohio show a tightening race, Clinton risked alienating voters ..... her hard-edged instinct for negative politics has usually turned off the public. ...... a photograph of Obama in ceremonial African garb appeared on the Drudge Report, and the item's author, Matt Drudge, claimed that the image was provided by a Clinton staff member. ...... "engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party." .... Clinton drew widespread attention and praise at the debate last week for saying she was "honored" to be on the same stage with him.
Poll Finds a Fluid Religious Life in US New York Times
US is still overwhelmingly Christian, study finds Los Angeles Times
Protestants Verging on Becoming Minorities U.S. News & World Report
Obama Wins Over One Ohio Voter The Associated Press she liked "the atmosphere, the aura, the honesty, the comfort I felt."
Don't Be Quick to Count Out a Clinton The Associated Press Clinton's campaign is looking more and more like the Titanic ...... it never occurs to them to throw in the towel. There's no 'What's my graceful exit strategy?' They don't have that gene ..... Along the way, the Clintons proved themselves to be tough street fighters. ...... In 1990, when Gov. Clinton faced a strong re-election challenge, it was first lady Hillary who crashed a news conference held by the opponent and undercut him with documents showing he had praised Clinton's performance as governor. ........ "They are smart and they're fearless, but they're not reckless." ..... By mid-1995, the Clinton presidency was in free fall. Internal polls found that two-thirds of Americans ruled out voting to re-elect him. Aides cringed when Clinton felt compelled to insist at a news conference, "The president is relevant." ...... "The one thing you can almost always say about whatever situation you're in is that you've seen worse. So they don't get rattled. They have a much better perspective about how to deal with difficult days."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yellow Roses To Keep

Love Sonnet XVII: I love you as certain dark things are loved,/secretly, between the shadow and the soul. ....... I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,/I love you simply, without problems or pride
Love Sonnet XI: I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair./Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets...... all day/I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps...... I want to eat your skin like a whole almond. ....... I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,/the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,....... hunting for you, for your hot heart,/like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

Yellow Roses To Keep

I lost something in 1989.
Through Barack's elevation to
The White House
I stand to regain it.
Obama 08 has been deeply, deeply personal
To me. It has been therapy, it has been catharsis.

I had a happy freshman year at college.
Then I lost it again.
I thought I might regain it in New York City.
I am not complaining, it has been exciting.
But during those first few minutes with you
I felt it again. Before I sank back
Into the swamp of half living, not
Having a sense of belonging, of
Being on guard. The prejudice cobra
The racism cobra might strike.
But I am a big boy now. I am going to
Stare down the cobra.
I sank right before your eyes.
The swamp had the advantage of years.
You sank into your cynicism
The isolation of your throne
Guys not measuring up to
A warm bath and a good book.

Your cynicism that oh
It was just a homeboy thing
Let him meet the Kentucky dude
And see for himself how he also gets excited
Or he got taken by the Wes Clark name
Let him meet Wes Clark.

I know Indiana like the back of my hand.
India to Indiana is quite a journey.

In the mid 30s, someone is much more
Refined, you know yourself much better
The contours of one's life and being
Are much sharper.
It is easy to see there is not total overlap.
It is easy to get cynical
A little less alive.
It is easy to fall into the safe patterns
Of daily routine.
Of no longer dreaming the big dreams.

But I reject.

Or you could say
You have to find you before
You can find your soulmate.
It takes time to find you.
For me it has been that and trips into wilderness.

You gave me the pre-1989 feeling
Those first few minutes.
And then we both sank.

I guess it takes effort.

But the circling started right away
We both, in our own ways. We kept moving.

Your political poetry.
My flounderings on Nepal, Obama, the startup.

I complained.
I had issues.
I had not written
My online autobio yet.
I needed to process some pain, a lot of pain
Lurking beneath my calm exterior
Before I could see straight.

We circled like people from two very
Different cultures.
Trying to figure out the meaning of
A little gesture this, a little gesture that.
We gave up many times.

I would get angry.
Between me looking in your direction
And seeing someone who likes me
And your actually saying so
That was a racial infinity.
So does that make you a Miss 99%?
Territory to the soldiers of social segregation?
Or a Miss 1%? I thought.
Worse, what if you hop back and forth
Like quantum particles
That are both there and not there.

We confused each other plenty.
After the bookstore hectoring
I was on guard. Give me something concrete.
Or you will just as well throw me to the dogs.
Or you would punish me for rejecting you
With full social force. Even when
I never rejected.

Don't touch me?

There would be long periods of lull.
And then showing up at events.
Mostly you acting professional.
Your professionalism was killing me.

And then there would be flashes.
The summer bash and your touching.
The Holiday party and your brushing full force.
And in between several.
The street fair, the waving to the crowds, Irish Rogue
The education committee event, serving water
Whisking the women away.

And I would be like, if you like me today
You must have liked me yesterday
You will like me tomorrow.
That is what 2.0 is for.

Your acts of disappearing, like an art form
The expression of a basic pain.

I kept looking for something concrete.
I needed something verbal.
I needed to feel safe.

I kept wanting you in 2.0.
I already know what you look like
We have already talked before
Come enter my world of remote talk.
Let's make geography irrelevant.

For you the starting point had to be face time
Or not.

I give you that 5.0 is way richer.
But 2.0 is a coral reef too.

I think you are looking for
A shouting match.

And then you gave up on me.
You felt the shock tremors from Louisiana.
The banking industry took a big hit.
You became guarded about your throne.
The fire alarm went off.
Third persons did a little song and dance.

What was that at the zipper factory?

I have done some amazing work
For Nepal, Obama, and the startup
In the 2.0 environment
But I have paid a price.
I am slightly damanged, slightly broken.
You can ask me to go fix myself first.
Or you could participate and help me
Build back my social muscles.
With your participation, I think
I could build back very fast.
On my own, I fear
I might just become more damaged.
Because the work can not stop
The work has me in its grips.

I guess it takes effort.
We know each other better than on day one.
It is not true we have not talked.
Each time I have seen you in person
Has felt like an elaborate conversation.

Amitabh and Jaya did not hook up on day one.
It's okay.
It takes time.
There are no short cuts.

You carry the weight of history on your shoulders
I carry the weight of history on my shoulders.
For you, I will neutralize
Sexism, physicalism.


This city is magic.
My mind is exploding with dreams
And possibilities.
And I want you to know I feel for you.
You can tell me you don't feel for me today
But you can't say you have never felt for me.
But why would you
Why would you say you don't feel for me today?
I am better today than ever before.
I would like to believe
I am a good looking kind of guy.

Yellow Roses

Hillary Should Concede March 4

Hillary Is Not Losing, Barack Is Winning

Hillary is not losing, Barack is winning. This new kind of politics, politics of hope is a paradigm shift thing. And that is why the old Clinton hands are flustered.

This nomination fight has to end March 4. Hillary has to be prepared to give a great concession speech. She is going to lose the two biggies. Both Texas and Ohio will be had by Obama 08. Then it is over. But things don't have to end for Hillary if she gives a great concession speech. She is a capable woman who has a lot to contribute.

I relate to Hillary in a very personal way. Hillary has been a first in many ways. When Hillary got into the White House, people were like, this First Lady is actually talking public policy, woe is to me. It was unfair to her and to the women of the world that her talking policy was news, but it was. She has been a pioneer woman. She has taken a lot of flak from right wingers, and sexist men in the Democratic camp. But she has also taken a lot of flak from women, period. And I relate to that. There is sexism, anti-sexism, but also internalized sexism. Hillary has been one angle facing two angles. There is ethnic prejudice, anti-prejudice, and internalized prejudice, this I say about being a Madhesi in Nepal. There is racism, anti-racism, and internalized racism. I have been one angle facing two angles on those two counts. So I relate to her in an extremely personal way.

And there is also this sidestepping thing. The powers that be will always find another Madhesi, or another brown guy who does not have "issues." They will find people in that second angle to suggest, see, I am not prejudiced, I am not racist, there are these people who get along with me just fine, it is just you.

We can't do that to Hillary. We can't think of another woman for the ticket. And white men are absolutely, totally out of bounds. Women have come so far, and I don't mean just the women in America, but the women of the world, actually I mean primarily the women of the world, the women of the world have come so far in Hillary simply have come this far as a candidate. America had never before seen a serious woman candidate for president. This was a first time. It is kind of primitive that the country waited for so long. But that does make Hillary a pioneer woman. She can not be wasted. She has come this far. She has to go further. She has to get on the ticket.

The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
A Vote For Barack Is Not A Vote Against Hillary

Simple Arithmetic

This has been such a tight race. Simple arithmetic says you got to get Hillary on the ticket to unify the party, as simple as that. Don't make a short list. Don't shop around. As soon as Hillary gives her concession speech, call her up and offer her the slot. As soon as she accepts, and accept she will, she suggested as much during the Texas debate, you go public. You give your speech saying you are honored to have Hillary on your ticket.

Great Chemistry

Barack and Hillary genuinely like each other. So it is not just about arithmetic. We got arithmetic, but we also got chemistry. Hillary ran a tough, competitive campaign. That is why she will be a great Vice President.


Barack fans are like, oh, Barack is just so great. Hillary fans are like, oh, Hillary is just so great. Well, when you are a black man, or a woman, you have to be great, you have to be super, you have to be a superduper individual to get as far as these two have gone.

We can't waste either of them. So it is about arithmetic, it is about chemistry, it is about history.

It Is Hillary Or It Is Nobody

I can't think of anyone else.

Dragging On Makes No Sense

March 4 is it. That is the day when we have to become one campaign. That very night, we have to announce that we have become one.

Texas Is Not Looking Good For Hillary

Hillary: "Tell Him To Come Meet Me In Texas"

In The News

Poll: Clinton, Obama Tied in Texas The Associated Press Hillary Rodham Clinton, 50 percent Barack Obama, 48 percent

Curfew in southern Nepal, capital running out of fuel AFP
Election Count Begins in Pakistan Voice of America
Obama seeks to turn table in Ohio, Texas Los Angeles Times Obama has launched a newly aggressive strategy to undermine two pillars of support for rival Hillary Rodham Clinton: Latinos and working-class white voters. ...... a push from younger members helped persuade the Service Employees International Union and the United Food and Commercial Workers to endorse Obama last week. ...... "He's not just going to crack a glass ceiling. He can really kick the door off its hinges, and clear the way for all of us, even Hispanics." ..... Texas, where Latinos and blacks have a history of building political coalitions ...... The state's complicated system of voting, involving both a primary and a caucus ..... Obama's strategy is to try to make NAFTA a central issue of the campaign
Obama quietly meets with ex-rival John Edwards Los Angeles Times Obama sneaked down to North Carolina on Sunday and met with former opponent John Edwards .... Reporters normally travel with Obama, but he flew down in secret. ..... eight consecutive losses to Obama. ... Polls show her with a comfortable lead over Obama in Ohio, and the two candidates are scheduled to debate in Cleveland on Feb. 26. ..... she sampled a spicy Mexican sauce at a Milwaukee grocery store in a heavily Latino neighborhood and purchased hot peppers, which she eats in large quantities to try to ward off colds.
In Wisconsin, Obama has edge over Clinton MarketWatch
Clinton Camp Charges Obama with 'Plagiarism' Washington Post
In Wisconsin, Clinton Campaigns at Vigorous Pace
Washington Post
Is Hillary History? she had just lost four states to Obama, been forced to lend her operation $5 million and dumped her campaign manager ...... She is drowning in a sea of negative coverage. ..... "the once-mighty Clinton campaign is beginning to feel like the last days of Pompeii." ...... if she doesn't win Ohio and Texas next month, "she's out." ..... likened her campaign to the Titanic. A Slate headline put it starkly: "So, Is She Doomed?" ...... The Nation, the country's largest liberal magazine, has endorsed Obama. Markos Moulitsas, the most prominent liberal blogger, voted for Obama in the California primary and has been ridiculing Clinton's campaign. ........ the candidate "crippled by poll-tested corporate packaging that markets her as a synthetic product leeched of most human qualities." ...... a conventional politician pitted against a cultural phenomenon. ...... a mathematical long shot. ...... Clinton is a disciplined and detail-oriented candidate, with a style that produces few sparks, while Obama is filling basketball arenas with thunderous oratory. That is why her choking up in a New Hampshire coffee shop became such a huge story -- because we rarely get a peek behind the steely exterior. ........ After his victory speech Tuesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews said he "felt this thrill going up my leg." ..... Obama has defied the laws of journalistic gravity, somehow avoiding the usual scrutiny applied to front-runners. ...... her "direct and plain-spoken, with an edgy sense of humor . . . she can be tough, and even a little steely." She is "outspoken, strong-willed, funny, gutsy, and sometimes sarcastic," cutting "an athletic and authoritative figure" ....... The editor of the NYT compares Obama and Mandela. ..... kicking Hillary when she's down ....... "Her attitude clearly is to win, no matter how, and worry about the repair job later. ...... 'I'm tested, I'm ready, let's make it happen!' she yelled into a mic on a stage in Texas on the night of her latest defeat. This is meant to look like confidence. Whether or not you wish her well probably determines whether you see it as game face, stubbornness or evidence of mild derangement. ........ my sense is that Obama has already won this thing. ...... Much of Clinton's current predicament stems from Penn's disastrous, glass-jaw 'inevitability' strategy and the mind-boggling decision not even to contest a slew of states where Obama racked up huge victories and many delegates. ........ that the Clintonistas would even suggest the use of super delegates to subvert the will of the Democratic Party electorate ....... "Among the 125 million people in the U.S. who visit online dating and social-networking sites are a growing number of dullards who steal personal profiles, life philosophies, even signature poems. 'Dude u like copied my whole myspace,' posts one aggrieved victim."
Mandela, like Obama, although he wasn’t always the most riveting public speaker, was the kind of speaker who didn’t dwell on the details of his ten-point program, but went for emotional lift. ..... both of them, in a way, transcended race

Obama numbers rise as candidate endorsed by service union Bizjournals.com, USA Obama has taken the lead in the Texas Democratic primary polls ..... Obama ahead of Sen. Hillary Clinton 48 percent to 42 percent ...... Obama took point with self-described independent voters by a vast margin: 71 percent to Clinton's 24 percent. Clinton edged out Obama among women (54 percent to 42 percent), whites (51 percent to 40 percent) and Latinos (44 percent to 42 percent), while Obama captured the lion's share of men (55 percent to 29 percent) and blacks (76 percent to 17 percent). ....... "We haven't seen this kind of energy in years. We hope our endorsement will help propel him to victory in Texas to secure the nomination." ....... Texas primary, with its 228 delegates at stake, could be the most influential of all the remaining state primary elections. Dallas, which offers about 67 delegates

In The News

Obama hits Clinton on NAFTA support in drive to win crucial Ohio ... International Herald Tribune Barack Obama hammered Hillary Rodham Clinton on her long record of support for a free-trade agreement unpopular with working-class voters as he pushed to win next week's Ohio primary and possibly force his rival from the Democratic presidential race. ..... Obama has won 11 straight primaries and caucuses this month ..... Bill Clinton has said publicly his wife probably needs to win both of them if she is to capture the Democratic presidential nomination. .... In Ohio, polls show Clinton with a narrowing lead .... "He thought that there was no difference between Al Gore and George Bush and eight years later I think people realize that Ralph did not know what he was talking about," Obama said.
Thousands pack University of Toledo stadium for Obama rally Detroit Free Press The first Barack Obama fan arrived at the University of Toledo at 3:45 a.m. today, anxious to see the political phenomenon. ...... By 3:45 p.m., Savage Hall at the university was packed with more than 10,000 adoring supporters ..... politics that aren’t about tearing people down, but lifting people up
Political Memo Somber Clinton Soldiers On as the Horizon Darkens New York Times she has the perspective of a realist: someone has to lose. ...... To her longtime friends, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sounds unusually philosophical on the phone these days. She rarely uses phrases like “when I’m president” anymore. ..... Mrs. Clinton has begun thanking some of her major supporters for helping her run ....... she no longer exudes the supreme confidence that was her trademark before the first defeat, in Iowa .... she is also a cold, hard realist about politics ....... “She has a real military discipline that, now that times are tough, has really kicked into gear” ..... she knows that there will be an end ...... Over take-out meals and late-night drinks, some regrets and recriminations have set in, and top aides have begun to face up to the campaign’s possible end after the Texas and Ohio primaries on March 4. ........ expressed frustration with the difficulty of “running against a phenomenon” ...... not planning a political strategy to compete in the primaries after Feb. 5. ..... 700 people, $100 million, nationwide offices ...... Morale is low. After 13 months of dawn-to-dark seven-day weeks, the staff is exhausted. Some have taken to going home early — 9 p.m. — turning off their BlackBerrys, and polishing off bottles of wine ....... Some advisers have been heard yelling at close friends and colleagues. ..... Others have taken several days off, despite it being crunch time. Some have grown depressed ...... some of her major fund-raisers have begun playing down their roles, asking reporters to refer to them simply as “donors” ....... she had been a better candidate than her campaign strategy and operation reflected. ...... she talks to her aides on the trail and at headquarters about the tasks at hand, pursuing them in checklist fashion —impressing some with her hardiness, while suggesting a joyless or workmanlike feel to others. ...... “Hillary is not a fatalistic person — this is no woe-is-me woman.” ....... “I am honored to be here with Barack Obama. I am absolutely honored,” she said. “And you know, whatever happens, we’re going to be fine.” .... to some friends, she is in fact acting differently; to others, the situation has become simply heartbreaking. ..... When Mr. Clinton said last week that his wife had to win in Texas and Ohio, it was not only the first public admission by a senior member of her circle that her candidacy was on the line, it was also a moment that deepened the feeling of shock felt by some of her supporters. ....... Clinton has not retreated into a shell. She asks her aides about their children, spouses and partners. ...... has pointedly not talked to her staff about the notion that she might drop out someday.

The Early Word: Hard Times for Hillary Clinton New York Times speculation that her closing debate remarks amounted to a concession
Clinton Takes Strong Exception To Tactics of Obama Campaign Washington Post "the sudden change in tone" and questioning Clinton's timing, ahead of Sunday newspaper deadlines and with another debate three days away. ...... "She's the champ, she's part of the Democratic network in Washington, and if you're the title holder, then you don't lose it on points. You've got to be knocked out."