Saturday, November 05, 2016

The FBI Might Have Overplayed Its Hand

Some smart asses at the FBI thought they could sink Hillary Clinton. Instead they might have ended up giving her a last minute bounce. Early voting records are being broken.

Another white institution that sounds like it is issuing empty threats is the Republican Party. It is sounding like they are threatening to end American democracy. The American democracy is going to be just fine. What is not going to survive is the Republican Party. This country will never again see a Republican president.

But the FBI has exposed itself to be a white male club and that will not stand. People into early voting are also paying taxes. And they will demand accountability.

Not American Democracy But The Republican Party Is Ending

This country will never again see a Republican president.


Latino early voting is up 100 percent in Florida, 60 percent in North Carolina and up 25 percent in Colorado and Nevada.

Clinton is on track to capture 79 percent of the Latino vote. 

Latino turnout could be the difference maker for Clinton in swing states like Nevada, North Carolina and Florida. 

FBI: Home To Male Chauvinism

It would seem that basically everyone at the FBI is leaking their sides of various internal disputes and turf wars, largely tied to various investigations of the Clintons or attempts to start investigations of the Clintons. That alone paints a picture of Director James Comey as having totally lost control of the organization.

The upshot, from Barrett's reporting, is that basically everyone at the Justice Department thought the investigators didn't really have anything. Seemingly, that opinion was shared among senior officials at the FBI. But the agents, who seem to have started the digging basically on their own, were sure they did. They were repeatedly told to move on, they didn't have anything. But they seemed to keep pursuing it regardless.

there's very little to shake Democrats of their longheld belief that the rank and file of the FBI has a strong Republican lean (like most law enforcement, to be fair) and that that not infrequently bleeds out in high profile public corruption probes - especially when it comes to the Clintons.

 a pretty toxic situation with FBI agents pursuing probes prosecutors believe have little merit, leaking to congressional Republicans and finding various ways to force their probes into the public.

Dark Trump

Donald Trump is coming down the final stretch with just a few final conspiracies about Hillary Clinton he hopes will push him over the edge.

Trump was as rambling as ever Saturday, grabbing a baby from the audience who he called a future construction worker

Trump Has Been Clear On What He Will Do

we don’t have to wonder what the first 100 days of a Trump presidency would look like. Trump has given a clear picture of what he plans, and the rest would be filled in by events beyond Trump’s control.

 a trade war with China and Mexico, a restarting of Iran’s nuclear program, millions losing their health insurance, the start of mass deportations, a possible military standoff with China in the South China Sea and North Korea, the resumption of waterboarding, the use of federal agencies to go after Hillary Clinton and other Trump critics, the spectacle of the commander in chief suing women who have accused him of sexual misconduct and a constitutional crisis as the president of the United States attempts to disqualify the federal judge in a fraud suit against him because the judge is Latino.

Recession would come within a year — unless further economic shocks bring about a 1930s-style depression.

He would, on his first day, begin the deportation of more than 2 million “criminal illegal immigrants.” The liberal Center for American Progress calculates this would cost $20.1 billion, and there’s only enough funding currently to deport 400,000 per year.

The backdrop for these economic shocks: international chaos. Many Trump early-days promises — halting immigration from terrorist-prone countries, renegotiating NATO terms and the Iran nuclear accord, pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris climate-change agreement — would open rifts with allies in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Republicans: Not Innocent

Republicans, led by Donald Trump but by no means limited to him, are engaging in kind of termite-level assault on American democracy, one that looks on the surface as though it’s just aimed at Hillary Clinton, but in fact is undermining our entire system.

Pro-Trump FBI agents now seem to becoordinating with Trump surrogates to do maximal possible damage to Clinton.  

There is a growing movement among Republicans in the Senate to simply refuse to approve any nominee appointed by a Democratic president to the Supreme Court, leaving open any and all vacancies until a Republican can be elected to fill them.

State and local Republican officials are engaged in widespread and systematicefforts to suppress the votes of African-Americans and other groups likely to vote disproportionately Democratic; in many cases officials have been ordered by courts to stop their suppression efforts and they have simply ignored the court orders.

The agents, in an atrocious violation of FBI policy against injecting the Bureau into an election, begin leaking dark innuendo to reporters. That convinces the FBI director that he has no choice but to go public with the fact that the Bureau is looking at some emails that might or might not have something to do with Clinton, though no one has actually read them. That news lands like a bombshell, despite its complete lack of substance.

And then it turns out that these agents are basing their investigation on a book called “Clinton Cash” by Peter Schweizer. Schweizer is the president of theGovernment Accountability Institute, an organization co-founded and chaired by Steve Bannon. Who is the CEO of the Trump campaign.

But as he has in so many ways, Donald Trump takes every ugly impulse Republicans have and turns it up to 11, and just about the entire party follows him down. So now they are making it very clear that from literally the day Hillary Clinton is inaugurated, they will wage total war on her. There will be no rule or norm or standard of decency they won’t flout if it gets them a step closer to destroying her, no matter what the collateral damage.

Something is seriously breaking down.