Wednesday, November 09, 2016

It Is Not Easy To Lead The Powerless

Lord God led the chosen people away from slavery in Egypt through many signs and wonders. But many a time the people told Moses, why did you bring us here, we were better off in Egypt.

It is not easy to lead the powerless.

And to think a majority of white women voted for Trump, one third of Asians and Hispanics voted for Trump.

It is not easy to lead the powerless.


Some people are calling it the 11/9.


American sexism runs deep. White women lost it for her. Internalized sexism is a problem.

Hillary herself did not make one gender speech.

If she had picked Elizabeth Warren she would have won with 55% of the vote. She would have also taken the House.

But the number one problem is the sexism and the racism. This was founded a racist, sexist country. It has not grown up still.