The white man taught you to pump iron. Pumping iron is good. But that leaves so much of the territory untouched. Like the joints, and the mind. Pick up yoga. Call up Modi. Ask him for a demo session next time he is in town. He is always too happy to oblige. Putin beat you to it by the way. He has already talked to Modi about yoga.
Guess who Michelle Obama’s vegetable garden is for. Eat.
I recommend two books for you on Amazon. If you can afford only one, buy the green one. As soon you “retire,” you should work on getting back your 2008 looks. It is possible. This is a nasty job you have. Or you could start right away. Certain things are not to be postponed for later. Like breathing.
And Amitabh Bachchan colors his hair. The most recognized face on the planet colors his hair (not face). It is not such a bad idea. He does it for his fans.

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