Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I have written up a very long essay about the medical liability insurace crisis on my personal blog. It deals a lot with some local issues in Connecticut. I've received some feedback from people on Democracy Forum and I hope more of you will take the time to read and perhaps comment on.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

When Web Hosting Is No Longer A Problem

We had the Dean Issues Forum that morphed into the Democracy Forum, and then the site came down. I think we had a wonderful thing going on, certainly a great group. I think we need to rescue that. What we had going on was not something cooked for just one election. It ought be an ongoing thing. And so I have taken the initiative to start this blog.

I am going to invite all members on the mailing list. And the hosts on specific issues might want to launch their own separate blogs, all of which would be linked to from this blog.

There. Web hosting problem taken care of. Invitations were sent out to the following:

"Aldon Hynes" "Bob Jacobson" "Arthur Smith" "Ben Ebenhack"
"Charlie Grantham" "Cheryl Fuller" "Chi Oji" "David Baker"
"David Brannan" "David Doty" "David Monroe"
"Gabe Wachob" "Hilary Sullivan" "Howie Mandel"
"James Neal" "Jamison Colburn" "Jessica Korman"
"Jim Ware" "Joe Bruemmer" "John McCarthy" "John Mounce"
"Jon Lebkowsky" "Jonathan Halverson" "Lyn Millett"
"Marc Montefusco" "Mark Orth" "Michael Kent Nguyen"
"Nancy White" "Paramendra Kumar Bhagat"
"Paul O'Hanlan" "René Wood" "Rob Dickinson" "Rob Fowler"
"Robert Beltran" "Seth Baum" "Sidra Vitale" "Susan Meehan"
"Tom Green"