Thursday, April 03, 2008

Political Sci-Fi

I think this is going to be a very exciting century.
  1. Total spread of democracy.
  2. Total, global penetration of wireless broadband.
  3. Universal access to education, health and credit.
Spread Democracy
A Web 3.0 Manifesto
Education, Health, Credit: Universal And Lifelong

You do these three, and you are in political sci-fi territory. It is like we can no longer imagine life before the polio vaccine, life before antiseptics, life before basic hygiene at least in the rich countries. But we do know there is life after all that. We live it, with all the ongoing anxieties. We remain forever hungry for ever more progress.

These three goals look tall for now, but once they are achieved it will be no different from life after the polio vaccine. Life will go on. New challenges will be found. We will stay hungry.

Life goes on.

In The News

Report: Mideast Nuke Race Possible Time an Iranian nuclear weapon frightens the Saudis "to their core" ..... Turkey also would come under pressure to follow suit ..... demands for nuclear energy and for matching Iran's nuclear progress virtually guarantees that three or four Middle Eastern countries will generate nuclear power by 2025.
Bernanke: Recession Is Possible a trio of crises — housing, credit and financial. ...... "Addressing the housing crisis head-on will do as much to instill confidence in the markets as lowering interest rates or bolstering regulatory oversight of wayward mortgage lenders and financial institutions. We need to do all of it."
Obama Keeps Cash Lead Over Clinton Obama raised more than $30 million in the month of March ...... Obama will be able to afford large TV and radio advertising buys in the remaining primary states ..... the New York Senator's total for the month will come close to $20 million .... continued reports that the Clinton campaign is struggling with a persistent debt that at times has reached nearly $9 million ...... Clinton's debt .... hers remains above the norm in size for a campaign at this stage of a race.
Christina's Argentine Honeymoon Ends a spectacle of demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, of rhetoric and bombast ..... she said, adding that she had committed two sins: being democratically elected and "being a woman." ...... the wildfire protests that brought down five presidents in a row after Argentina defaulted on its foreign debt six years ago
How Moqtada al-Sadr Won in Basra Despite the fighting, he never pulled his allies out of the government or withdrew his support from Maliki in Parliament ..... Sadr has proven increasingly adept at politics. .... the Mahdi Army can claim a victory by simply surviving an assault
Zimbabwe Suspense: Is Mugabe Done? "It is increasingly clear that Mugabe has lost the support of the rank and file of the army and the police." ....... Mugabe was once a darling of Africa for his overthrow of white supremacist rule in what was then known as Rhodesia, and was praised in the West for Zimbabwe's excellent education system and relative prosperity. ...... Mugabe regularly rails against homosexuals and a Western conspiracy to recolonize Zimbabwe. ..... elections in 2000, 2002 and 2005 were marred by violence and rigging
The Blue-Collar Battle in Pennsylvania On his first bus tour in the Keystone State, Obama's itinerary is like a gauntlet thrown down before Clinton. Everything about his trip is unconventional, from his choice of towns that he is focusing on — Clinton strongholds like Scranton, Altoona, Wilkes-Barre, mostly working-class and white with lots of Catholics — to his quirky events. ....... at least one Pennsylvania poll shows the race narrowing as Obama outspends Clinton five to one on television and radio ads. And a steady stream of superdelegates breaking for Obama has become a form of Chinese water torture for the Clinton campaign. ...... "I think if he loses by five or six points that will be perceived as a victory."
Zimbabwe Suspense: Is Mugabe Done?
Report: Saudis, Turks May Join Nuke Race
Zimbabwe Ponders Life After Mugabe the prospect of a peaceful exit by the country's longtime leader seems to be growing ...... Mobutu Sese Seko is gone from the Congo; Uganda's Idi Amin went long ago. Autocratic regimes remain in place in Equatorial Guinea and Sudan, but democracy is becoming the norm in much of Africa — and with it, not coincidentally, has come peace. .... the discussions between Mugabe's regime and the opposition, mediated by South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki. ..... If the reports prove true that Mugabe is on his way out, Zimbabwe may well be about to experience nothing short of a rebirth.
A Hispanic Hit at the Cineplex Under the Same Moon follows a nine-year-old boy's travels from Mexico to the U.S. to reunite with his mother, an illegal immigrant who cleans houses in Los Angeles. ...... Latinos buy more movie tickets per person than any other segment of the U.S. population. ...... The median age of Hispanics in the U.S. is 27.4 ..... "It speaks honestly about life in this country as an immigrant and that it never gets easy." ..... "They said, 'I've never seen myself on screen before.'" ..... This weekend the movie will expand from 266 screens to 400 before going wider still on April 4.
Dean: Dems Will Seat Fla. Delegates as long as any agreement is supported by the party's two presidential contenders. ...... without them an agreement is not possible .... Dean said discussions were continuing over Michigan and he was "optimistic" that the state's delegates would also be seated. ...... "multiple solutions and formulas that I think are all reasonable."
Starbucks Looks for a Fresh Jolt Schultz, who took over Starbucks in 1987 and transformed it from a six-shop seller of beans into a thread that runs through our social tapestry ...... Starbucks has been so successful, it may seem unassailable, untouchable--unavoidable. It's not. In fact, the company has had a very difficult year. ...... Its stock has slid some 40% in the past 12 months, shaving more than $400 million from Schultz's personal bean pile. ....... McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts and several convenience-store chains that have been making a run at Starbucks' customers ...... the zeal of an empire builder .... $10 billion in yearly sales and 16,000 stores in 44 countries ........ John Moore, who was a marketing manager at Starbucks until 2003 and now runs the blog Brand Autopsy ....... Roberts helped Schultz build Starbucks from 1987 to '96 and heeded the call to return as chief creative officer. ..... In 1981 schultz was working in his native New York City for a housewares company when he first traveled to Seattle and stepped inside Starbucks--a narrow store with a worn wooden counter and bins of coffee beans ...... he returned in 1987 with $3.8 million that he'd raised to buy Starbucks and turn it into the company he envisioned. ...... In 1992 Starbucks went public with 140 stores, and from practically the very beginning, the company expanded at a breakneck pace, growing store count 40% to 60% a year. ........ the average store's $1 million annual sales. ..... Tensions over what Starbucks was becoming--cluttered, corporate, soulless--were rising within the company ..... 4,000-some people who work at Starbucks headquarters ..... It was as if he were reassembling the band ....... in downtown Seattle for three days of 14-hour strategy sessions. The retreat started by listening to Beatles music and talking about how great icons reinvent themselves. ....... reinvigorate the "coffee experience." ....... the return of founder CEOs. ...... a brilliant visionary and a genuinely compassionate human being ..... "Entrepreneurs sometimes don't grow with the business. ...... Too much focus on numbers means less focus on customers
Bush to Bypass Laws to Build Fence 670 miles of fence ..... two types of wild cats — the ocelot and the jaguarundi — in even more danger of extinction. They say the fence would prevent them from swimming across the water to mate.

In Speeches, Clinton Often Veers to Dark Side Washington Post In hushed tones, sometimes with palpable sadness in her voice, Clinton tells dark, difficult anecdotes picked up on the campaign trail. They are often related to health matters, culled from her conversations with voters, and are designed to illustrate a policy point. ....... her ability to listen attentively to voters she meets ...... Clinton, who has only recently grown more comfortable talking about herself
Clinton’s Persistence Could Help Obama New York Times and then took a relatively long stroll across the tarmac to her plane ...... at moments she seems almost carefree ..... She recognizes that she probably will not win the nomination. ..... there are still 10 contests to go, with perhaps 43 millions votes to be counted. ...... post-Pennsylvania states where people are thrilled to be part of a process from which they are normally excluded. ..... “This will be the biggest political event in Montana in generations” ...... Pittsburgh had been retrofitted from steel to biosciences
Maureen Dowd: The Hillary Waltz the best way for Obama to prove he’s ready to stare down Ahmadinejad is by putting away someone even tougher
Elite Colleges Reporting Record Lows in Admission Harvard College, for example, offered admission to only 7.1 percent of the 27,462 high school seniors who applied ..... the ease of online applications, expanded financial aid packages, aggressive recruiting of a broader range of young people, and ambitious students’ applying to ever more colleges ..... More than 2,500 of Harvard’s 27,462 applicants scored a perfect 800 on the SAT critical reading test, and 3,300 had 800 scores on the SAT math exam. More than 3,300 were ranked first in their high school class.... “Where we went to college does not set us up for success or keep us away from it.”
On the Campaign: One Bruising Scenario for Clinton Clinton’s best hope now is that Mr. Obama, as a candidate, suffers a political collapse akin to what has happened to the subprime mortgage market ...... Obama has had trouble in competing for Latino voters ..... the potent images of Mr. Wright at the pulpit.
On the Hill: Nancy Pelosi, Mystery Delegate Ms. Pelosi is in a class by herself when it comes to the nominating whirl since, as speaker of the House, she will preside over the Democratic National Convention as chairwoman. ..... the nation’s highest ranking Democratic elected official ...... China is an intensely personal issue for Ms. Pelosi .... would probably be willing to make a pick if she believed it was necessary. ..... she is not about to let a little thing like a historic White House race threaten her plans for an extended House majority.
On the Record: Separating Gender and Political Identity in Clinton Story any Internet search of images of Mrs. Clinton quickly summons “all sorts of visceral and emotional reactions to women, but attached to her” - such as Mrs. Clinton in full attire as the Wicked Witch of the West. Ms. Dolan also noted that gender stereotypes are among the “most engrained,” and argued that much of the news media coverage - from whether Mrs. Clinton was too tough to whether she was crying on cue - played off of those stereotypes. ....... “A lot of men just don’t like her,” said Mr. Kohut. “And that gets us back to the argument, is it something about her, or is it her gender?” ..... “The notion that she is a Rorschach test for where we are on gender issues was true on day one, when we met her, and it’s absolutely true today,” said Ms. Dolan. “So when people say, it’s just her, I don’t buy it.”

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I Am Different

Your presence is foreign, as strange to me as a thing.
I think, I explore great tracts of my life before you.
My life before anyone, my harsh life.
I Am Different

The vast landscape out west
The tall mountains of Colorado
That take you down the mind alleys
All the way back to Nepal

The blaring traffic in Manhattan
The honks, the shouts
The bustle on a tired afternoon
In Jackson Heights
That remind of
Asan in Kathmandu
Janak Chowk in Janakpur

The mud roads of my childhood
Of kids hitting the pond water
With their tiny feet

The bus to Janakpur
Crowded with people
All the way to the roof top
It is no small wonder
The bus does not just veer off
By the roadside

The incessant monsoon rains
That come unfailingly each year
No drizzle
But floods and gushes
Washing away houses and paddy fields

I have walked to the snow line
Up in the Himalayas
It got blue cold
But my first snowy winter
Was in Kentucky
My homevillage, hometown
Flat as the floor
Less than a hundred feet above sea level
Less than a hundred miles from Everest
That I have never seen

India was never a foreign country
To me
My home was only a few miles from the border
Half the extended family was on the other side
But for the strong anti-India sentiment
In Nepal, in Pakistan, in Sri Lanka, in Bangladesh
I had to come all the way to America
To claim my Indian half

Delhi, Patna
Much of north India in between
I saw
I missed out on
Alaska, Hawaii

What does it mean to you
That I have been different places
I grew up some place very different
I was 23 when I landed in Seattle
The cab ride from the airport in Kentucky
Cost me a small fortune of 70 bucks

I had 200 dollars with me

I Dedicate This City To You
Love Is The Reason
Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose To Reclaim
Yellow Roses To Keep
Yellow Roses

How you must have suffered getting accustomed to me,
my savage, solitary soul, my name that sends them all running.

Another Speech On Race Will Bring Victory In PA

Another Speech On Race Will Bring Victory In PA

That first speech on race was a super hit: almost four million hits on YouTube so far. But it is race that still haunts us. Race is the reason we are behind in PA. Hillary's margin comes from her lead among white voters, which is in high double digits right now.

But that was not exactly a speech on race, it was a damage control speech on race in response to some real intense stuff from Jeremiah Wright. God damn America? US of KKKA? I mean, I have said United f____g States, but what Wright said is in a whole different league.

What Barack needs to deliver is a speech on race. I was hoping he would do that right after South Carolina. But I kind of liked it that he tried to suggest his way to deal with race is to not talk about it too much. I wish that were so. But it has become obvious Barack might have moved on, but the country has not. His family might have moved on half a century ago, but the rest of the country still struggles with it.

I have just the speech for him: JFK, Obama Parallels: Catholic, Black.

He has to do what his father did as a foreign student in Hawaii at a bar in the 1950s. Some random white guy hurled a racial slur at the senior Barack. Senior Barack patiently walked over to the man and explained to him as to why it was not okay why he did that. The man got so impressed he paid for Barack Senior's lodging for a few months, something like that.

What his father did to that one man, now Barack Junior gets to do to an entire country. He has to face the fact that race is still a major issue in this country's life. Some would say it is The Issue. Then he has to suggest America's diversity is what gives it great strength, otherwise Shanghai also has the skyscrapers.

The wide gap Hillary has over Barack in PA is not because these folks don't know yet where Barack might stand on Iraq or health care. And it is only a small bit about being less familiar with Barack. It is to do with race. And they are asking for help. These are not racist bigots. These are just people used to a certain way of thinking, and noone of any national stature ever told them otherwise. Barack gets to be that person.

There is no skipping this race issue. Race has to be talked of as a diversity issue, and diversity has to be shown to how we will cure the big problems like global warming.

Besides, that is the only way to compete with Lincoln in the greatness department. That guy ended slavery, you cure racism. It can be done. There is concrete data on disparity. And the number one thing to do is engineer a total spread of democracy.

Talking About Race, Finally
The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Tackling Race As An Issue The Average Person Way
How To Play The Race Card In South Carolina
Barack Tackles Race Head On In A South Carolina Speech
Race, Gender

The Bio Ads Are Working

Already Hillary's lead in PA is down to single digits and we still have weeks. It is hard for the political junkies to imagine, but Barack is not well known at all. Half of PA does not know he gave that speech in 2004.

Where Is Michelle? I Miss Michelle

Michelle was all over the place all the way to the victory in Iowa, and then also through January. Then she kind of disappeared. She is not as high profile no more. Granted the Obamas have two young daughters, and Michelle does have a career of her own. But you show Obama alone on the campaign trail a little too often and voters start to think maybe he is single.

The president is expected to be reassuring on the family question. Voters like to feel the top person is a family man. Otherwise voters get a little disoriented.

Iowa is all white. And Michelle is a big reason we won there. I know it is not about race. It is not a racial calculation on Michelle's part to stay away. It is her two kids on her mind. Well, she should win this one, and then both she and her husband get to see the two kids every day when they come back from school.

Get Michelle back in the game. Send her all over PA. We need a victory, yo! The two Obamas must make at least a few joint appearances each week. That we should be able to take for granted.

I Stand With Michelle: Iowa Must And Can Be Won
Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous

In The News

Obama considers Gore for cabinet post Sydney Morning Herald, Australia He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues but climate change is real. ...... "All of us are going to have to change our habits. We are a wasteful culture," he said. ..... Using compact fluorescent light bulbs, energy efficient appliances, and unplugging power chargers when they're not in use are relatively simple solutions, he said. ...... "Those kinds of simple steps, if everybody takes them, can drastically reduce our energy consumption."

Social Media Will Change Your Business BusinessWeek Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up…or catch you later ..... they're simply the most explosive outbreak in the information world since the Internet itself. ..... The divide between the publishers and the public is collapsing. This turns mass media upside down. It creates media of the masses. ...... "Blogs are what's causing the Web to grow" .... It's wrapped up far more in people's day-to-day lives. It's connected to time. ..... Picture the blog world as the biggest coffeehouse on Earth. ....... the blogs track what's on our minds. ..... "Never in the history of market research has there been a tool like this." ...... mainstream media will start to look more and more like—you guessed it—blogs ...... Popular blogs can land sponsorship deals for as much as $25,000 per month, say consultants. O.K. money for an entrepreneur, but a rounding error in the ad industry. ....... $410 million for About Inc., a collection of 500 specialized Web sites that smell strongly of blogs ..... Blog reporters showed their value following the Asian tsunami in December. Thousands of them posted pictures, video footage, and articles about the disaster long before the first accredited journalists showed up. ........ The winners will be those who host the very best conversations.

Mugabe's Zanu-PF loses majority BBC News
Endorsements, Focus Aid Obama in Pennsylvania Yahoo! News
Beer and bowling: Obama plays the regular guy Times of India
Obama to Clinton: 'Rocky' was a movie Baltimore Sun
Unions give Obama a big welcome
Clinton Challenges Obama to Bowling Throwdown
NPR Instead of withdrawing, Clinton challenged Barack Obama to a bowling contest. ...... She added: "Happy April Fool's Day, everybody."
Hillary Clinton is ready to meet Barack Obama in the nearest alley Los Angeles Times
Wyoming Governor Endorses Obama The Associated Press
Obama claims victory in Texas
The Australian, Australia “The Obama-Clinton match-up in Texas is now complete and there's not the slightest question about who won. .... “It is unequivocal, it is 100 percent clear, that Senator Obama won Texas and won it probably by five (delegates).”

Polls: Obama Gains on Clinton in Pa. The Associated Press by drawing more support from men and younger voters ..... her lead has steadily eroded from 16 points in mid-February and 12 points in mid-March ...... Since mid-February in Pennsylvania, Obama has gone from trailing Clinton among men by 10 percentage points to running even. He now leads among people under age 45 by 9 points, reversing an 11-point deficit. ..... Clinton leads in the state among people without college degrees, but what was a 29-point margin in February is now 19 points. ..... She has a 25-point lead among whites and almost as big a margin with women, which have changed little since February. ..... whites, who make up 86 percent of Pennsylvania's population, about 6 points above the national average ...... Obama was endorsed by the state's popular Democratic senator, Bob Casey

John McCain Has Carly Fiorina On His Mind

John McCain looks in Carly Fiorina's direction and he likes what he sees. He is like, dang, I can't be black, but I sure can get a woman on the ticket. Otherwise I have no chance at this thing. I might have no chance regardless, but at least if I have Carly on the ticket, I prevent total collapse in November. That is the John McCain thought train, and I admire him for that.

This video below is by yours truly. I am a Carly admirer. I think she was very unfairly thrown out of HP. It was sexist.

McCain might look like a tough guy because he has been a vet, but he is hopeless on economic issues. He needs desperate help. And who better than Carly? It is a thumbs up from me. I am a Carly Fiorina fan.

Without Carly on the ticket, McCain will get trounced. He might carry five states in November.

In The News

Mugabe party loses Parliament, official results show International Herald Tribune
Nepal Police Detain Tibetan Protesters The Associated Press
For India, Tibet Poses Some Delicate Issues Washington Post
Al-Sadr Stronghold Brims With Confidence The Associated Press
The Early Word: Former Rep. Hamilton Tilts Obama New York Times
Clinton Leads Obama in Pennsylvania as Electorate Split by Race
Bloomberg The March 24-31 survey released today found that Clinton has support of 50 percent of likely Democratic voters in Pennsylvania compared with 41 percent who support Obama. A March 18 Quinnipiac poll found that Clinton had 53 percent to 41 percent for Obama. ..... Clinton, 60, a New York senator, has support from 59 percent of the state's white voters, compared with 34 percent who back Obama.
Clinton lead narrows in Pennsylvania Boston Globe her lead in must-win Pennsylvania has shrunk into the single digits -- to 50 percent to 41 percent over Barack Obama .... The two are running even among men.
Obama Casts Race Between Him, McCain The Associated Press remarks McCain recently made when he said the U.S. could end up having a long-term military presence in Iraq, similar to the more than 50-year presence of U.S. soldiers in Germany and South Korea

McCain Derides Obama's National Security Thinking Washington Post
Clinton's Real Choice
Washington Post of emerging from the primaries with a lead in the popular vote, though it seems impossible for her to overtake Obama in the delegate count. Clinton's campaign song has become: Don't Stop Thinking About the Next Primary. Kevin Rudd offers help to Hillary Clinton Sydney Morning Herald Democrats fear the battle between the two senators will damage the party in the presidential race. Mr Clinton said it was strengthening the party.

Superdelegates turn increasingly to Obama Houston Chronicle Clinton still leads Obama among committed superdelegates 250 to 217, but Obama has been steadily closing the gap. Since Super Tuesday on Feb. 5, 64 superdelegates have announced their support for Obama, compared with nine for Clinton. That trend is increasing pressure on Clinton, who trails Obama in two other important benchmarks — total delegates and overall popular vote — to consider stepping aside. ..... Of the nearly 800 superdelegates, roughly 330 remain undecided.
Obama Fails to Assuage White Indiana Voters With Speech on Race Bloomberg this overwhelmingly white region ..... He was able to use what was a pretty potentially dangerous issue for his campaign as a way to reinforce his campaign message ..... 39 percent of all white voters said the controversy made them less favorable toward Obama. ..... Wright is heard saying ``God damn America'' and ``U.S. of KKKA'' ..... the Indiana contest is competitive. Even if he loses in Pennsylvania, winning in Indiana and North Carolina two weeks later could allow him to wrap up the nomination. ...... culturally conservative southwest Indiana ..... ``I understood where he was coming from, but I don't think anyone else will,'' said Rivera, who currently is backing Clinton. ..... Obama may be able to turn Indiana around. He is stepping up efforts to court white rural voters in Pennsylvania, where he is on a six-day bus tour
Zimbabwe group says Mugabe trails in race Boston Globe Zimbabwe election laws require that a winning candidate get more than 50 percent of the vote. The new election probably would be held on April 19. ..... the observer group, a coalition of 38 nongovernmental organizations. ...... even his once-massive advantage in rural areas has eroded ..... Tsvangirai might win a majority.

I Am A Buddhist Like Richard Gere

An Officer And A Gentleman

What Tibet Needs Is A Political Party
Don't Forget Burma, Pay Attention To China
Imagining A Federal, Multi-Party China Of State Funded Parties

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What Tibet Needs Is A Political Party

Church, State

If the Tibetan diaspora does not have the sense and the guts to engineer a church and state separation within itself, they are throwing the Tibetan protesters to the dogs inside China. They might as well ask to call off the protests.

Nothing prevents the Tibetan diaspora from organizing a political party. Call it the Tibet People's Party or something.

Puppy Love With The Dalai Lama

I am on record saying I am fond of him, he is the ultimate, I am a Buddhist, he is bigger than the Pope. But he is a religious leader, a spiritual guide, at most he may give political advice. But political leadership has to be separate, elected.

Politically speaking what's the difference between His Holiness and Fidel Castro? The Dalai Lama went into exile in 1959, I believe. And he has been the political leader of the Tibetan diaspora ever since. There is something very wrong in that picture. He should have had to face at least 10 elections by now, but he has not, neither has Castro.


Unless the diaspora engineers this separation, the movement in Tibet is doomed. It is only a matter of time before the protests are snuffed out. It is very hard to ignite a mass movement. So it is a great tragedy when a mass movement is sent to waste because people who could did not make the right political moves.

Clear Goal

That political party will have to say very clearly that it does not want Tibet to become a separate country. That party will also have to say it believes Taiwan is a part of China. And then the goal becomes that China grant Tibet the status of a federal state with its own parliament and competing political parties. Legalizing that Tibetan political party becomes the primary goal. Then we are talking. Right now we are not talking.

Don't Forget Burma, Pay Attention To China
Imagining A Federal, Multi-Party China Of State Funded Parties

Reaching Out To Taiwan

Taiwan is in a much better position to help Tibet than any other land mass. Not India, not America can help Tibet like Taiwan can. So much so that the Tibetans might as well moving their Dharmashala to Taiwan.

The Tibetan political party will have to enter into all the top political parties in Taiwan to try and engineer a common plank that as long as China agrees to become a federal, multi-party democracy of state funded parties, Taiwan will agree to become just another state inside that federal China.

You put that state funded parties part to give a very clear message that the idea is not to demolish the Chinese Communist Party. You give them wiggle room. Otherwise all attempts will be non-starters.


Then you agitate. First you organize a political party. Then you come up with political clarity. Then you build a strong coalition with the parties in Taiwan. Then you agitate. At that point not just Tibet and Taiwan, but the rest of China might also join you. And then the CCP will have no option but to give in.

I can't think of a better use of the Olympic games than turning China into a democracy, although a democracy with Chinese characteristics.

In The News

As Rivals Battle, McCain Builds November Machine Washington Post beginning a conversation with voters who live in states where he has not campaigned. ..... a novel and risky campaign structure that will rely on 10 "regional managers" who will make daily decisions ...... his "Service to America" tour. ...... a departure for a party that has prized itself on running hierarchical, highly disciplined campaigns .... moving too slowly to build a large national apparatus. .... The senator has chosen former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina to be a high-profile pitchwoman for the campaign and the Republican Party. She will travel the country as a key surrogate for McCain and other Republicans.
Zimbabwe election may go to runoff Los Angeles Times Morgan Tsvangirai winning 49.4% of the vote and Mugabe 41.4%. A presidential candidate would win outright by receiving more than 50% of the vote. ..... The runoff would be held within 21 days. ...... ZANU-PF lost key rural strongholds, including a seat in Mugabe's home village ..... met in emergency session with military and security chiefs. ..... In recent weeks, several hard-line security chiefs said they would not serve Tsvangirai, and last week Mugabe said the opposition leader would never be allowed to rule Zimbabwe. ....... "They have effectively been wiped out in large parts of their heartland. They're in shock. They have no idea what to do about it." ..... "But even if Mugabe steals the election, he misses the point. This is not just a rough patch. This has been seismic. The country has rejected him."
Zimbabwe Opposition Insists Mugabe Lost New York Times the posting of vote counts at individual polling stations ..... Immensely crafty and thoroughly ruthless, he is not a man likely to give up his hold on power without a fight ...... There is a great nervousness among those who have hitched their fortunes to an old autocrat. ...... “There’s no way the key older military people will support” the opposition against Mugabe ..... the president would steal the election if he could, but that it was not certain he had complete control over the apparatus of power, from the military to the intelligence agency. ..... Mugabe, once a guerrilla leader, retained some of his most bitter enemies after taking power, including a head of the secret police who had spent considerable effort trying to assassinate him.
Who Are We? New Dialogue on Mixed Race Being accepted. Proving loyalty. Navigating the tight space between racial divides. Americans of mixed race say these are issues they have long confronted ........ “Maybe we’ll get a little bit further in the dialogue on race” ...... the advancing age of marriage in the United States fuel a steady rise in the number of interracial marriages. ........ 6 percent of married couples. ..... two or more races, a category that now includes 7.3 million Americans, or about 3 percent of the population. ...... “When you’re mixed, you see how absurd this business of race is.” ..... “Sometimes, when I’m at the playground, people think I’m the nanny,” she said. ..... “It’s really unfair to expect people to choose,” she said. “It’s like asking to be loyal to one parent or the other.” ...... 41 percent of the mixed-race population was under 18. ...... the uproar that greeted Tiger Woods when he described himself as “Cablinasian” (for heritage that includes Caucasian, black, American Indian and Asian) in 1997 ...... the benefits of a mixed identity outweigh any challenges. ..... “Ultimately,” she said, the goal is “to not have to check a box.”
Tibetans Protest in Delhi, but March Is Off New York Times India continues to be in the eye of the Tibet storm. It shelters about 100,000 Tibetan refugees .... New Delhi says it does not allow anti-Chinese agitation on its soil
Obama Wins Most Texas Delegates
The Associated Press Obama leads the overall race for the Democratic nomination with 1,631 delegates
Clinton's vow may be hazardous to party's health Globe and Mail
Hillary Clinton should pull out

Obama swamps Clinton on Pennsylvania airwaves Boston Globe he is buying five times more air time than Clinton. Thus far, the TV ads have mostly been biographical ..... The $2 million in ad buys could help partly explain why Obama, who is in the middle of a bus tour across the Keystone State, is closing the gap in the polls to the low double digits.
Experts Debunk Clinton's Electoral Vote Idea U.S. News & World Report the superdelegates holding their collective breath, waiting for someone to pull decisively into the lead ..... a race between Clinton and McCain could break down very much like the 2000 and 2004 elections ..... Clinton would lose to McCain 314-224, while Obama would beat him, 273-265. .... Obama seems to perform better than Clinton in a race against McCain.

Monday, March 31, 2008

I Dedicate This City To You

as if the roots which I had abandoned, the land
lost with my childhood, suddenly came searching for me,
and I stopped, wounded by the wandering aroma.
I Dedicate This City To You

I owned this city
The day I moved in
Now I just have to work
And make it official

I dedicate this city to you

I am a Third World guy
I love the filth, the crowds, the obnoxiousness
The unpicked garbage, I love the package deal
If there is any Third World in America
It is in New York City

I own this city
I dedicate it to you

I have measured the grounds of this city that I own
With my own steps
I have crisscrossed this city like sun rays
On foot
To claim what I own

I dedicate to you

To walk through the outer boroughs
Is to go on world travel
Manhattan is magic
Times Square
Center of the known universe

I love this city
But if it were not for the parks
I would go mad
Homo Sapiens are not designed
To stare at concrete all day
Day after day after day
Hour after hour

The lights in Times Square
Are so rude and in your face
They are sound
Pretending to be light

From my room I can hear
The bells of icecream trucks
I dedicate to you this city and its quiet

Trains are cheaper and better
When you ride a train you feel like
You are riding something
Cabs look awfully like the cars
Out there in the Midwest somewhere
So small you can barely spread your legs
The cabbie revolutionaries of mini Nepal in Queens

I dedicate to you this city
The Amazon forest of humanity
There is not a human life form you can't find here
Every town on earth is represented
No language not spoken
This city your gift to me
My gift to you

My Back Against The Wall

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue

the month of June trembled like a butterfly;
and you, Matilde, passed through noon,

Two happy lovers, without an ending, with no death,
they are born, they die, many times while they live:

I Dedicate This City To You
Love Is The Reason
New York City's Progressive Galaxy
Blueprint For DL21C: Party Inside A Party
Tera Saath Hai To Mujhe Kya Kami Hai
Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose To Reclaim
Confronting My Own Demons
Satyagraha, Day 1
Barack In Town With South Asians For Obama: March 27
Declaring Satyagraha On The DL21C White Establishment
the wholesomeness of your busy feet

But I can not give up your love, not without dying.

Love Is The Reason

while inside, a ferocious love wound around
and around me - till it pierced me with its thorns, its sword,
slashing a seared road through my heart

Love Is The Reason

It is the season for loving
Love is the reason for loving.

Loving you is the best thing I could do
For my people, though that is not the reason
In claiming you I could reclaim my family
That I never lost, but I have not seen in ages
Like Lord Rama in the Ramayana
Who was gone into the vast jungles for 12 years
I have been a goner

It has been my destiny
To be gone

It would have made perfect sense
To hook up on day one, during week one
The first month, the first year
I might have been able to skip
Utility bills
At least

You would have known to help me
With my urgent work for Nepal
My ambitious attempts for my startup
I would have liked being near you
I would have liked to have someone to talk to
I could have played with time
Made it go faster, slower

But how I have struggled
The past I never left behind
Just because I moved to New York City
First hometown I ever had
Do you know what it means to say that
Can you imagine

I have had to relive so many of the past experiences
In attempts at liberation
Kathmandu and Kentucky are like fingers to me
Those landscapes are part of my identity
And I will not have it any other way
But the institutional abuses of power
Those two places
Kept getting at me
Had me immobilized
So many times
When you were only a look away
A word or two away
So many many times
I dropped the ball
And made you feel bad
I sent out signals I did not mean to send

I have had to struggle
It has been a shame
Because I look normal, and happy, and ambitious
The pain lurking beneath the calm exterior
Has been a shame

But I have dug with my own knife
And taken many bullets out
While never stopping the fight
I have fought much bigger fights than any in the distant past
The scales don't even compare
But the memory is a strange thing
Especially if your mind video never lost nothing
The past looms large
The past is never past

I feel better
I feel ready
I will dig deeper for more bullets
So I can feel even better
But I am about ready

I am so very sorry
It took me a while
I have been foolish
For love is the antidote to pain
Solitude is not as strong
That is what wisdom says
That is what instincts say
But as if I had a choice

But I got stuck on the vast symbolisms
From accumulated experiences
Real and imagined slights
Having the night vision goggles on
While surveying a near all white room
Seeing the threads of the perceived value system
That binds all together
Yes, I have doubted you
Because you were in the room
It was me doubting me
Me struggling not with you
But my past that was refusing to let go of me
Until I stared it in its face
And threw it to the ground
I fired my guns

In seeking you
I seek nothing less than rebirth
And I have worried
It might be too much for you
Unfair perhaps
You should not have to share
All that I have lived

Especially when
What really fascinates me
Is the future
What fascinates me
Is this world before me
Not me
I am but a conduit

Every time I was made to feel lesser
For being a Madhesi
For being not white
My instincts got stronger
My dreams became bigger
Some day the possibilities will catch up

Have I played safe
Perhaps not
The safest thing would have been to look you in the eye
Instead I have been paralyzed by my past
I thought I left behind at the city boundaries
But obviously I did not

I am sorry it took me a while
But I take solace in that
Amitabh and Jaya did not hook up on day one

Woman, but this is not even the beginning
You must have your own elaborate story
I should listen up

To think anywhere along the way
You could have bought me a drink
To wash away my 10,000 years of male guilt

Or perhaps
The fights were necessary
The points had to be made
There perhaps are no short cuts

Woman, who are you
Really, but who are you

The time was like never, and like always.
So we go there, where nothing is waiting;
we find everything waiting there.

But, Hillary, Quit




Hillary: But my husband Bill
He is a political animal
He eats and breathes politics
I have to stick it out for as long I can
If only for him


Hillary: I am sure the big boys want me to
But I am not going to
Who do the big boys think they are



Hillary: But the money keeps coming
Thank god for Al Gore
Who invented the Internet



Hillary: My daughter Chelsea
She got a hang of it
She has started campaigning
Have you seen



Hillary: The brave men and women
Who work the coal mines in Pennsylvania
What will they think of me if I quit



Hillary: But the people of Iraq who need a respite
Who know better than Barack
To blame me for the war in Iraq



Hillary: But what if I quit
And Barack picks someone else
For running mate
Eliot Spitzer imploded
But have you seen Johnny boy lately
He might be waiting in the wings



Hillary: I am a numbers girl
I am all about numbers
Tell me if Obama has 2024 delegates yet
If not, why do you want to hijack due process
Are you a Jihadi?