Monday, October 19, 2015

Hillary Has So Turned The Tables Upside Down

It was women who were supposed to be empty headed, but instead 2016 is seeing The Donald paraded up and down the aisle. It was women whose hair we were supposed to focus on. Instead we are all left staring at The Donald's hair. What has become of this nation? And this world?

And they are not even in direct competition yet. Just you wait until summer is here. The Donald is going to erase self-esteem problems of women coast to coast just like that. Whoof! It's gone. Bulimia? Gone. Eating disorders? Gone. Women astronauts? Through the roof.

I am a man, but Donald Trump does NOT speak for me, does NOT represent me -- let me make that absolutely clear. I might not be smart, but I am not stupid. The potato (potatoe) that once got misspelt? That was The Donald. When you read his name right to left, it comes out as potatoe.

Friends Of Hillary: On Both Sides?
Blaming Hillary For Benghazi = Blaming W For 9/11
Hillary Looks Ready
Hillary Went To Burma, Like Nixon Went To China
Hillary Is No Dynasty
Muscular Gender Agenda
Barack The Glass Walls, Ceilings, Smash 'Em
The “Walking Dead”
Hillary Clinton And The Global Gender Basics

Indian Ocean Vision

English: Painting of Gautama Buddha sitting in...
English: Painting of Gautama Buddha sitting in Dhyana, unharmed by the demons of Mara. Sanskrit Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Sutra manuscript written in the Ranjana script. Nalanda, Bihar, India. Circa 700-1100 CE. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
India is the land of the Buddha. India is and should be the land of peace. India should project peace all round. India's focus on its prosperity agenda is a decades long project. To deviate from the path of peace is to take the eyes off the prosperity ball.

अमरीका का डिफेंस बजेट चीन के डिफेंस बजेट से १० गुणा से भी ज्यादा है। अमरीका बात बात पर सीधे युद्ध पर उतर जाता है। वो जहाँ सभ्यता की कमी हो वहां वैसा होता है। सभ्य लोग युद्ध को अंतिम अस्त्र मानते हैं। सभ्य लोग शांति के रास्ते चलते हैं। अमरीका का डिफेंस इंडस्ट्री बहुत बड़ा समस्या है। अगर दुनिया भर में लोग आईफोन खरीदना बंद कर दे तो एप्पल कंपनी का क्या हाल होगा? उसी तरह युद्ध अमरीका का डिफेंस इंडस्ट्री का रोजीरोटी है। एक मशीन है। जिसको आइजनहावर ने मिलिट्री इंडस्ट्रियल काम्प्लेक्स का नाम दिया। दुनिया तो तबाह है ही, अमेरिका खुद तबाह है। भितर से तबाह है। अमेरिका में जितने लोग नहीं उससे ज्यादा बन्दुक है, और वो बन्दुक पुलिस सेना के पास होता तो बात अलग थी। वो सब बन्दुक आम आदमी के हात में है। आये दिन समाचार आते रहते हैं कि यहाँ ५० लोग भुन दिए गए तो वहाँ शॉपिंग मॉल में ८० लोग भुन दिए गए। मेन्टल लोग होते हैं, हात में बन्दुक होता है, पब्लिक जगह जाता है, बन्दुक चलाना शुरू। खुद मरूंगा इसका गम होता तो उसको मेन्टल क्यों कहा जाता?

भारत का युद्ध है लेकिन अपने ही देश के भितर है, युद्ध है तो गरीबी से। मोदी सरकार ने जो Indian Ocean naval exercise किया वो हमें बहुत अच्छा लगा। यहाँ कोइ लड़ाई नहीं, कोई टेंशन नहीं। भारत चीन पाकिस्तान अमेरिका सब मिल के हिन्द महासागर को safe for commerce रखो। उसके अलाबे और कोई एजेंडा नहीं। मेरा युद्ध मेरे देश के भितर है। गरीबी से है। उस युद्ध का कुरुक्षेत्र सिर्फ हिन्द महासागर ही नहीं दुनिया का प्रत्येक महासागर है। क्यों की India thinks about global commerce.

दुनिया भर के navy को बुला के मोदी ने परेड निकाल दिया हिन्द महासागर में। जितने pirates हैं सबको मैसेज पहुँच गया। कि Modi means business. ये बन्दुक के बल पर जमीन कब्ज़ा करने का जमाना नहीं है। इस शताब्दी में लड़ाई है तो market share की लड़ाई है।

15 haiku, by Donald Trump
Donald Trump is the least chill person on the face of the planet. Had he been alive during the time of Buddha, the religious leader might well have illustrated the fundamental philosophy of his faith simply by pointing at Trump and saying, "So: Not this."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Dollar

Dominant and dangerous
As America’s economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainable
IF HEGEMONS are good for anything, it is for conferring stability on the systems they dominate. For 70 years the dollar has been the superpower of the financial and monetary system. Despite talk of the yuan’s rise, the primacy of the greenback is unchallenged. As a means of payment, a store of value and a reserve asset, nothing can touch it. Yet the dollar’s rule has brittle foundations, and the system it underpins is unstable. Worse, the alternative reserve currencies are flawed. A transition to a more secure order will be devilishly hard. ......... The United States accounts for 23% of global GDP and 12% of merchandise trade. Yet about 60% of the world’s output, and a similar share of the planet’s people, lie within a de facto dollar zone, in which currencies are pegged to the dollar or move in some sympathy with it. American firms’ share of the stock of international corporate investment has fallen from 39% in 1999 to 24% today. But Wall Street sets the rhythm of markets globally more than it ever did. American fund managers run 55% of the world’s assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago.......

the costs of dollar dominance are starting to outweigh the benefits.

..... In recent months the prospect of even a tiny rate rise in America has sucked capital from emerging markets, battering currencies and share prices. .... Decisions of the Federal Reserve affect offshore dollar debts and deposits worth about $9 trillion. Because some countries link their currencies to the dollar, their central banks must react to the Fed. Foreigners own 20-50% of local-currency government bonds in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey: they are more likely to abandon emerging markets when American rates rise. .......

America is the biggest export market for only 32 countries, down from 44 in 1994; the figure for China has risen from two to 43.

A system in which the Fed dispenses and the world convulses is unstable....... A second problem is the lack of a backstop for the offshore dollar system if it faces a crisis. In 2008-09 the Fed reluctantly came to the rescue, acting as a lender of last resort by offering $1 trillion of dollar liquidity to foreign banks and central banks. The sums involved in a future crisis would be far higher.

The offshore dollar world is almost twice as large as it was in 2007. By the 2020s it could be as big as America’s banking industry.

Since 2008-09, Congress has grown wary of the Fed’s emergency lending. Come the next crisis, the Fed’s plans to issue vast swaplines might meet regulatory or congressional resistance. For how long will countries be ready to tie their financial systems to America’s fractious and dysfunctional politics?........ America increasingly uses its financial clout as a political tool. Policymakers and prosecutors use the dollar payment system to assert control not just over wayward bankers and dodgy football officials, but also errant regimes like Russia and Iran. Rival powers bridle at this vulnerability to American foreign policy. ........ If the Fed fails to act as lender of last resort in a dollar liquidity crisis, the ensuing collapse abroad will rebound on America’s economy. ....... If foreigners continue to accumulate reserves, they will dominate the Treasury market by the 2030s. To satisfy growing foreign demand for safe dollar-denominated assets, America’s government could issue more Treasuries—adding to its debts. Or it could leave foreigners to buy up other securities—but that might lead to asset bubbles, just as in the mortgage boom of the 2000s. ........ The baton of financial superpower has been passed before, when America overtook Britain in 1920-45. But Britain and America were allies, which made the transfer orderly. And America came with ready-made attributes: a dynamic economy and, like Britain, political cohesiveness and the rule of law ........ The euro is a currency whose very existence cannot be taken for granted. ......

As for the yuan, China’s government has created the monetary equivalent of an eight-lane motorway—a vast network of currency swaps with foreign central banks—but there is no one on it.

Until China opens its financial markets, the yuan will be only a bit-player. And until it embraces the rule of law, no investor will see its currency as truly safe. ........ More likely is a splintering of the system, as other countries choose to insulate themselves from Fed decisions by embracing capital controls. The dollar has no peers. But the system that it anchors is cracking.
Banking and nothingness
Europe’s dithering banks are losing ground to their decisive American rivals
Seven years after the height of the financial crisis, Europe’s large banks still behave as if they are in the thick of the storm. Plans for radical restructurings are shelved before they are even implemented, often accompanied by management defenestrations—Barclays is one of four big European banks with new leaders. And they have dithered on the most basic questions, for example on how much capital they need or whether to scale back misfiring investment-banking arms. ..... Europe’s banking market is fragmented and includes politically controlled lenders, such as Landesbanken in Germany, which sap profits for everyone. ....... Few seem to mind tapping a Goldman Sachs or Merrill Lynch for operations that require global reach. That may annoy European bankers, but is hardly a reason to mollycoddle them. If their investment banks cannot pay their way under the current rules, it is the banks that must change, not the regulations.