Thursday, July 21, 2016

Not Picking Warren Would Be A Mistake

Tim Kaine

Not picking Warren would be a mistake, like Al Gore keeping Bill Clinton away in 2000.

Warren earned it. Imagine the Republican nomination in Cleveland going to Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush. Donald Trump is bad but he won the votes in the primary.

Warren has earned the VP spot as much as Hillary has earned the top spot. Somebody from that crowd is most likely to succeed Hillary in eight years.

I have nothing against Tim Kaine any more than I have anything against Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush. Let the democratic process decide.

Not picking Warren is going to pour water on the enthusiasm.

Warren No Longer Being Considered?

Elizabeth Warren out? The five most likely contenders to be Hillary Clinton's vice president

I am surprised.

(1) No one could do the attack dog role Warren does.
(2) The Bernie crowd deserved her.
(3) A lot of Republican women might have crossed over seeing two strong, smart women on the ticket.

Facts Free Racism And Sexism

Jeff Flake Equates 'Lock Her Up' Chants with Birther Claims

When the top law enforcement agency in the country gives Hillary Clinton a clean chit and you go ahead and call her a criminal, what is that?

That is like looking at a Hawaii birth certificate and seeing it is from Kenya.

These are harmful tendencies.

Use Warren To Deny Trump A Bounce

Every convention is known to give the nominee a bounce, no matter how temporary.

It does not have to be that way. Trump’s bounce can be nipped in the bud by announcing Elizabeth Warren as the running mate a day later.

Zero bounce from Trump. And it goes downhill for him after that.

Hillary Warren could do a 50 state sweep.

Day 2 In Cleveland Reveals The Trump Gameplan

The only weapon Trump will use until November 4 is the weapon he and his team unleashed on the second day of the Cleveland convention.

Personal attacks are known to happen in politics. But personal attacks and personal attacks only on the way to the nuclear code is the last mad dash attempt by The Devil himself. How could he get so close to victory and still be so near to the beginning of his end?

If whiteness asks for a white person in the Oval Office (it shouldn't, it can't, it has no legitimate right to) then Hillary is plenty white. Her inherently inclusive personality, outlook and policy positions have never been about not taking pride in her own heritage.

This mindless attack is the last hurrah of a political party that is about to lose its shirt. In jujitsu you use your opponent's force against himself. Political jujitsu is the same way. This attack can not be wished away, can not be ignored, can not go unaddressed. It can be harnessed.

I was expecting exactly this, but the decibel on it surprised me. It felt like a dust storm of the evil spirits. The soul storm of the negative forces was in full display. Handled right the political jujitsu will give Hillary a 50 state sweep.

The Republicans are the Whigs of 2016. Their time is up. The whole world is watching. American families are watching in their living rooms.

Every Christie, every Giuliani, every Trump has women in their families. They were born to mothers. They perhaps have wives and sisters. But that has been true all these hundreds of years while America has postponed electing its first woman president.

I expect Republican women across this country to start deserting the party in droves in the final week or two. Facts free sexism completely unhinged from facts and logic was in full display on day two in Cleveland. The mindlessness of the attacks was mind blowing.

I guess electing a woman president is a big deal. But the insane rage is not just about Hillary being a woman. Before Bill Clinton even Democratic presidents were born with silver spoons. Some rich people didn't care, but some did care, and you were glad that they did.


Why Melania Trump Plagiarized

Because she knows the Republican convention is as close to a Barack Obama status as Trump will ever get. And she wanted him to feel the glory.

Plagiarism was Melania Trump's take on Donald Trump's birtherism.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The GOP: A Dying Party Indeed

I wondered out loud last fall, which party will take the space just as the Republican Party dies? Now I see an answer. The Democrats taking the White House, the Senate, the House, and all 50 states will give the Libertarians the space they need to get started. After all the idea is not to become a one party state.

The GOP Is A Dying Party And That Is Why I Am Running Against Donald Trump : Libertarian Candidate For President Gary Johnson

Despite the calls at the GOP convention in Cleveland for national unity, Donald Trump sees our country as a land of exclusion. He wants Americans to act as powerless serfs bullied by someone who says he will protect them. Throughout world history, that has been the calling card of Big Government autocrats.

His character assaults are unbounded. His campaign has been one of serial attacks on opponents and climbing to the top by hurting people. And frankly, his immigration and trade policies appear to consist of the same strategies.

This is a decisive moment in the history of party politics in America. In the period leading up to the Civil War, American politics was dominated by a Democratic Party and the Whig Party. The controversy over slavery split the Whigs, and the party embraced nativism, opposing immigration and members of certain religious faiths.

The Republican Party is on its way to becoming like the Whigs. The Whigs died, then a new party came forward with an inspiring and positive vision for America.

Americans are tired of games. They want and deserve simple, straightforward and good government — not overwrought theatrics and demagoguery.

Trump, on the other hand, hasn’t succeeded in business. He made himself rich by climbing over the backs of others. Creditors have been hurt as he walked away from debts.

The Republican Party Deserves To Die

Trump adviser says Clinton should be 'shot for treason' 

Like the Whigs once.

The GOP’s alternate reality - The Boston Globe

It will be whacked from two ends in November. The Libertarian Party will eat it from the other end.

No Warren, No Peace

I am writing this at 3 in the morning. Talk about the 3 AM call.

For Hillary Clinton to nominate anyone other than Elizabeth Warren would be sacrilegious. I, personally, am going to tune out if Warren is not on the ticket. I am going to pick up the Uttar Pradesh election to follow without Warren on the ticket. Online America and Uttar Pradesh are equi-distant. And online is the only place I follow elections. I have never owned a television.

No justice, no peace.

Unlike on the Republican side, the Bernie crowd has been robust. It was a narrow margin loss. This was a crowd crying out for Warren. Warren, unlike Bernie, has never used the word socialism. Because she is no socialist. I am neither. The very word gives me creeps. I am a small d democrat and a f for free marketeer. When I say one person one vote, I mean literally. Too big to fail is a monopoly situation. My gripe on global warming is, why are you so generously subsidizing dirty energy?

The Blockchain is going to be bigger than the Internet, and it is right round the corner. The companies that will rule the Blockchain have not even been incorporated yet. Warren is the only politician who has called Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple potential monopolies. So far so good, but they might play foul in the early innings of the Blockchain. The Blockchain will do to money globally what the Internet has done to information. Money will not become free but it will become universally accessible. The Wall Street firms are the paper newspapers of 1990.

Warren instinctively "gets" the Blockchain, and she is not even trying to. That is the beauty of being a small d democrat. You instinctively know the market has been designed to work for all people. Market distortions hurt everybody, especially the poor. Corporate welfare eats big money.

JFK was Senator, from Massachusetts too, before he became Commander In Chief. Warren is as ready as anybody to step in, should the need arise. The US Constitution envisions a civilian Commander In Chief, a small d democrat.

But Warren is not going to have to step in. Both of them get to retire after eight years. And somebody from the Dean/Obama/Bernie/Warren crowd is going to defeat the Libertarian candidate to enact the Universal Basic Income concept. The Republican Party is about to die.

Hillary should not try to do the Al Gore thing. The Gore specialty is to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Rudy Giuliani just issued a threat in Cleveland: "There is not going to be another election." That is not an empty threat. These guys mean it. These guys have taken over a party. Now they intend to take over the country and do away with elections altogether. Hitler also won an election at first.

Warren is the only person in either party who knows how to knee cap a dictator wannabe. The Republicans evaporated one after the other, and Hillary likes to stay above the fray. Warren's style is to go sucker punch for sucker punch.

The Clintons came up with the New Democrat philosophy of the centrist way by facing the fact of repeated defeats. But you don't want to be a stopped clock that is right two times a day. Face the fact. The center of gravity has shifted. In 1992 the word liberal was dirty. Now forget liberal, not even socialist is. Face the fact. Why would you want 40 states when you can get 50? Why would you want just the White House and the Senate when you can also get the House?

I was Barack Obama’s first full time volunteer in all of New York City. I have never had second thoughts on that. Granted my personal bar was low. The only thing he needed to do for me personally was get into the White House. Plant the flag, so to speak. But the dude has been outstanding. He has done things presidents have tried and failed to do for 50 years.

I have always liked the idea of a first woman president and I have deeply admired the Clintons since 1991. But 2008 is over. Hillary has to move from the penultimate draft of the speech to the final draft. The final draft is supposed to read like poetry.

I don't even know what Tim Kaine looks like. Please find other more private ways to make Terry McAuliffe happy. We The People seem to desire Elizabeth Warren.

Clinton closes in on VP choice: Kaine and Vilsack leading the way

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Clinton Kaine 2016?

Hillary Clinton Is Said to Seek National Security Experience for Vice Presidential Pick

Looks like Hillary is leaning towards Kaine, who is an impressive guy. Stavridis would be good to lead the Defense Department. And looks like Warren is slated for a major campaign role and then a major role in the Senate.

A 45-37 election might become 49-39. The Senate is in the bag. She might approach 40 states.

But Warren might have given her a 55-39 election. And the House to boot. Warren is electrifying. I guess she gets to continue to be electrifying on C-Span.

Donald Trump Is Claiming He Is Richard Nixon

I believe him. I also believe he is Saddam Hussein. The North Korean Lilliput is also fond of The Donald. Dennis Rodman, the Korean dude, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Zirinovsky all belong together.