Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Preparing For The Debates

Clinton preps for Trump's Lewinsky attack

For a guy who intends to be "unpredictable," I expect Donald Trump to be very predictable during the debates. His strategy is going to be to spend as little time as possible on policy and all possible time on sleaze.

Hillary's strategy should be to have stock answers for the predictable sleaze (Lewinsky, email and Benghazi.... with Trump you never know, he might also bring up Whitewater and Vince Foster), to bring up some specifics like Trump University herself, shaming Trump for going after a Gold Star family, not filing taxes, bankruptcies, but all the time trying to get back to policy talk.

The debate format favors her policy advantages. The moderators do a good job of steering policy.

The good news is Donald Trump is not the moderator.

I am looking at a slam dunk for Hillary.

This guy is going to wish he had run for City Council first. The only policy he learned he learned from watching TV.

The 10 point lead now is going to become 20 points after the three debates are over. Hillary Clinton has all the qualities of a good student. And it is going to show.

Donald Trump is a high school bulley now wanting access to the nuclear code. Shame on Donald Trump.

Hillary should attempt her own dog whistle to the 170 million women. Something tells me a lot of women are going to break in Hillary's direction during the final two weeks.

Racism Can Kill A Political Party

The Republicans tried to sink Obama. Instead, the party imploded 

His name is Barack Obama. And he can thank the freak show that is Donald Trump’s Republican party for restoring his stature as a unifying, national leader with a moderated and mature approach to a complex and unstable world.

Obama’s biggest threat was that he could realign American politics, shifting it fundamentally towards progressives for a generation. He and his campaign aides talked privately of being the Reagan of the left: a transformative figure who would leave an indelible legislative mark at home and restore America’s position on the world stage.

If your political priorities are the total defeat of a single politician – not the advancement of your own policies through debate or legislation – then you are already in pretty desperate shape. You render it impossible to compromise with your opponents, and you fan the flames of extremism that will burn anyone in the center.

the only point of unity inside the GOP is its gleeful hatred of Hillary Clinton

Be afraid, Donald Trump. We're about to see the best of Barack Obama | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian

Monday, August 15, 2016

Barack Obama And Black Men In Jail

Between November 9 and January 29, or whenever Hillary's inauguration is, Barack Obama needs to commute the sentences of tens of thousands who are languishing in jail for minor drug offenses, for nonviolent crimes.

The so called War On Drugs has been white America's attempt to bring back slavery. This is the 21st century. Slavery is old fashioned. We are going to have robots.

Africa is the next China. Africa is coming along strong. Releasing black men from jail would be good foreign policy.

The racism in America's criminal justice system is a UID offense, Under the Influence of the Devil. The evil elements of law enforcement are preparing to go to hell. Why? Why would you want to go to hell? It ain't pretty down there. 

The first black man president needs to mean liberation for a few tens of thousands of black men. And he will get to see the second black president.

B for black, b for resilience.

But true liberation is in forgiveness. The black population needs to actively forgive. Together forgive. Whites repent. Blacks forgive.

Trump And Buttons And Deals

“Indian Brahmins Worshipping Donald Trump” @paramendra

Putting Donald Trump into the Oval Office would be like putting Donald Trump in the cockpit of an airplane, or next to a surgery table, or in front of the command of the Space Shuttle.

He would be like, "What are all these buttons? How do I "deal" with these buttons?"

It is half time at a World Cup Final, and when the Hillary team came back from the break, it is like the other team has vanished!

Trump And The Far Right

Trump’s Crazy Talk

Let’s assume that what he’s really focussed on isn’t winning this year’s election, a task he now realizes is beyond him, but creating a long-term Trumpian movement. A nationalistic, nativist, protectionist, and authoritarian movement that will forever be associated with him, but which also has the capacity to survive beyond him. A movement that in some ways would resemble other right-wing political parties around the world, such as France’s National Front, Austria’s Freedom Party, and the U.K. Independence Party, but which would also harken back to earlier moments in American history, such as the rise of the anti-immigrant Know Nothing movement of the eighteen-forties, and the formation, a century later, of the isolationist America First Committee, which sought a negotiated peace with Hitler.

The Most Popular Politician In The World Speaks

Narendra Modi's speech on Independence Day 2016: Here is the full text 

This guy Modi is India's Deng Xiaoping. The Indian economy is being transformed.

2016 Self Styled Nixon Brings Watergate Before Getting Elected

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations? 

Trump is no mere buffoon. He is a foreign agent, looks like.

This is way bigger than Watergate. America's chief foreign adversary is in cahoots with the Republican nominee, looks like.

Is this really happening? So brazen!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hillary Will Get Bigger Bounce From The Debates

Hillary Clinton got a big boost from the convention. What happens next? 

Hillary got a big, stable bounce from her convention. She should get a bigger bounce from the debates. If there are debates. The debates require Trump actually showing up.

90 minutes of policy talk. Trump can't handle. The most unqualified candidate in history is up against the most qualified candidate in history.

Donald Trump is going to make Rick Lazio look like a gentleman.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Bihar Prohibition

I don't know what to make of it.

They tried it in the US in the 1930s, and they ended up with Al Capone.

But in India this might be more of a political pendulum swing. If you are going to ban beef, I am going to ban alcohol. Is it true that beef has been banned in Maharashtra?

Hindus not eating beef is totally understandable. But how can you ban beef in an entire state? That is like imposing one religion on members of another religious group.

I have been curious about the details and the logistics. How did they do it? What happened to all the alcohol the day the ban went into effect? Were they destroyed?

Bihar (or India) is not exactly known for great, efficient law enforcement. There is much corruption. So how well has the ban been implemented?

In America Nixon launched a War On Drugs. But today it feels like a way to bring back slavery upon the blacks. There are so many blacks behind bars for small drug offenses, it does feel like slavery is back full force. It has been a racist endeavor.

Domestic violence is a valid, serious concern.

But why do people drink? Why do people smoke pot? Why do people do drugs? Not all of it can be explained as bad choices.

I think in Bihar the number one reason people drink is because there is malnutrition. People are hungry. Also, the abject poverty and the pressures of life could be causing mental health issues. And by mental health I am not suggesting Ranchi levels. Mental health is a spectrum, just like physical health. Physical health does not have to mean cancer. It can also be a cough.

After ban, in a state of low spirits

Friday, August 12, 2016

Donald, Go To Brunei

Donald Trump would like to go on a "nice, long vacation" on November 9. That's what he said.

Donald, go to Brunei.

He might not know it's a Muslim country.

Virginia, West Virginia

Crazy Idea: Hillary Clinton Should Stop Campaigning Immediately  Never interrupt your enemy when he is an ongoing garbage-star supernova of unprecedented incompetence.

I think it is fair to say if you don't know Virginia and West Virginia are two different states you should not be allowed to run for president. It should not be legal.

Just an opinion.