Friday, September 16, 2016

Where IS Tupac?

Trump finally says Obama born in US 

"Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald," Obama said as Trump looked on from the audience. "And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter -- like, did we fake the moon landing?  What really happened in Roswell?  And where are Biggie and Tupac?"

Leverage Your Dollars, India

Eyes set on poll pie, BJP promises UP a highway boom 

It is said India needs a trillion dollars in infrastructure spending right away.

India sits on almost 400 billion dollars in reserves. 100 billion could safely be leveraged into a trillion dollars.

The private public song and dance is quite nice.

Unstable Kashmir

Narendra Modi is implementing the Doval doctrine in Kashmir 

An unstable, repressed Kashmir will have a toxic effect on India’s polity, polarising society and poisoning its public sphere -- in ways that suppression of Palestinians has changed Israeli society and lurched the country to the Right. The Doval doctrine is, in short, a violent experiment that will destabilise India. Its use and application must stop now.

Trump 2016, Like Trump University, Is A Scam

The white working class, who Trump calls "the poorly educated." That is supposed to be the core crowd for Trump. Really?

Trump is a different kind of candidate. Really? I see same old same old.

The strategy is to rob in broad daylight. The strategy is to light the racial fire under poor white bottoms and get them to vote against their own economic self interests.

Elizabeth Warren said it right. When your house is on fire, don't call the arsonist. Trump is the one who started your fire.

Like Father Like Son

Donald Trump Jr. just made a seriously anti-semitic remark, something about gas chambers.

I am going to think it is something to do with his last name. Like father like son. That is not a good upbringing. Or, from the Donald Trump perspective, that is a very good upbringing.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Alt Right


They’re angry about globalization—culturally even more than economically. They’re angry about political correctness guilting them about insensitivity to women, minorities, gays, transgender people, the disabled, the sick—the everyone-but-them. They’re angry about feminism. They don’t like immigrants. They don’t like military intervention. They aren’t into free trade. They don’t like international groups such as the European Union, United Nations, or NATO—even the International Olympic Committee. They admire the bravado of authoritarians, especially Vladimir Putin. Some are white supremacists. Most enjoy a good conspiracy theory.

Garrison Keillor On Trump

Garrison Keillor On Donald Trump

Your eyes look dead and your scowl does not suggest American greatness so much as American indigestion. 

Rudy and Christie and Newt are reassuring in that stilted way of hospital visitors. 

And The New York Times treats you like the village idiot. 

Running for president is your last bid for the respect of Manhattan. If you were to win election, they couldn't ridicule you anymore. They could be horrified, but there is nothing ridiculous about being Leader of the Free World. 

Profanity is your natural language and vulgar words so as not to offend the Christers but the fans can still hear it and that's something they love about you. You are their guy. You are losing and so are they but they love you for it.

What the fans don't know is that it's not much fun being a billionaire. You own a lot of big houses and you wander around in them, followed by a waiter, a bartender, a masseuse, three housekeepers, and a concierge, and they probably gossip about you behind your back. Just like nine-tenths of your campaign staff. You're losing and they know it and they're telling mean stories about you to everybody and his brother.

The Kids

Trump Debacle Shows Why Kids Should Not Run The Campaign

In Trump’s case, over-reliance on his kids is a reflection of both his narcissism and deep insecurity (which, I suppose, is at the root of the former). He believes he knows it all. Professionals are “stupid” and “incompetent.” (Some are, but he cannot distinguish between the stupid and the smart, the incompetent and the expert.) He has not the patience nor the capacity to learn policy or master the fine points of political strategy; he therefore is loath to interact with professionals who’d figure out that he, in essence, is a fraud woefully uninformed about anything beyond his own business.

Talk Of Lost Emails

George W Bush White House "Lost" 22 Million Emails

Most troubling, researchers found a suspicious pattern in the White House email system blackouts, including periods when there were no emails available from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. “That the vice president’s office, widely characterized as the most powerful vice president in history, should have no archived emails in its accounts for scores of days—especially days when there was discussion of whether to invade Iraq—beggared the imagination

Hillary 2016, About Time

Mom Daughter Tampon Text Exchange

What kind of man/men will stand the idea of Donald Trump representing them?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sexism Has To Be Confronted Head On

Women should not seek combat roles, or roles in the army, period, otherwise, of course, they will get raped by fellow soldiers, said Donald Trump.

A judge somewhere echoed him one or two weeks later. He demanded of a rape victim, "Why did you not keep your knees together?"

That is the Zika virus of extreme sexism spreading through media fluids.

But it went unanswered by Hillary 2016.

I know how this works. I have experienced it for racism on a smaller stage.

First you are in denial. He could not have said it. How could he have? He was on national television. But oh he so did.

Then you wish to avoid the mud. I don't have to stoop to his level. He got down and dirty. I don't have to get down and dirty. I am better than him.

Then you hope others also disapproved of it. They perhaps did.

Finally you hope others will fight on your behalf. After all you seem to be sitting on a billion dollar team. But nobody does. Because, well, you are supposed to be the standard bearer. Unless you charge there is no fight. Everyone is looking at you.

"Every time I think about Trump I get allergic," said Hillary, coughing, a few days after Trump’s rape remark.

A lot of people thought she was a slick politician making lemonade out of lemon. The coughing was proving to be inconvenient.

But that is the most accurate diagnosis of what happened on 9/11. Hillary was seen collapsing.

Treat her for pneumonia, yes. Assign an aide who makes sure she drinks three liters of water per day, yes. Do all that.

But confronting sexism is the top agenda item. 160 million women don't need to see a woman take it. They can and have been doing that on their own, no thank you. 160 million women (and plenty of men) need to see the first woman president give back as good as she gets. Trump’s sexism has to be confronted head on.

Trump's rape remark, if you mull about it enough times in confusion and indecision, can weaken your immune system. It is biology. That is what happened. And that is not something to feel shame for. That is an opportunity to empathize with all those young women who respond to a relentlessly sexist media with eating disorders. There are too many of them.

Hillary knows foreign policy, she knows health care, she knows minimum wage, but does she know how to confront sexism head on? Will she display it?

Trump’s rape remark was no fluke. He knew what he was doing. He knew the impact it will have. It was as precise as George Bush I sending guided missiles into precise windows in Baghdad.

Sexism is an ideology. It is like communism. It is well thought out. It is well structured. It has widely understood codes and symbols and persistent myths. It drags everybody down. It is Satanic. It strikes humanity at its most fundamental diversity, that of gender.

Hillary becoming president is different from Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, the women in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, even Merkel and May. She is having to wade through this gender churn, which, tackled right, will be good for the cause of gender equality everywhere. But not if it is not confronted. Head on.

Trump can use rape as both a racist and a sexist weapon, at the same time. He thinks he can use it against both Mexicans and women. He thinks rape is a double edged sword that works for him both ways. He has to be proven wrong.  

Trump is a high school bully pretending to be a presidential candidate. That is all there is to it.

And now you have a Kentucky Governor threatening violence. The Zika virus has been spreading. Kentucky seems to be the New York City of the Republican Party. That would be the second prominent sick mind in one state. Despite the threat of violence the dude still does not beat Mitch. Two deplorables.

Barack Obama has sex appeal. Mitch McConnell has none of it. That is what makes him so dangerous.  

Lucifer can touch and make sick. Lucifer can also speak and make sick. But Lucifer is neutralized through confrontation.