Monday, February 28, 2022

YouTube: February 28

The End Of The Road For Putin

This is the end of the road for Putin. He will now lose power. The world has to prepare for a better transition than it did when the Soviet Union collapsed. The correct roadmap will be an interim government with the mandate to hold elections to a constituent assembly within a year of coming to power.

The problem is not that the Soviet Union broke up and lost territory. The problem remains that Russia did not lose enough territory. There are too many diverse nationalities still housed inside of Russia. I am not proposing a breakup of Russia. But I am proposing genuine federalism in a new Russian constitution. Russia is not Russia. It is a federation. There is an urgent need to devolve the power out of Moscow.

Russia deserves a genuine, full throttle, cacophonous democracy. Let the people vote. Let the people speak. Let the people organize. Let the people protest.

The genie is out of the bottle. I don't see how things can go back to where they were before Putin marched into Ukraine.

Now the only thing to do is to hasten the demise of the Putin regime. And the best positioned are the ordinary Russian citizens. They need to flood the streets. They need to do what the people of Ukraine did in 2014. Take over. Take Russia back from Putin.