Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kentucky Dude, November 29

On Wednesday November 29th,

DL21Cs Political Author Series continues with

The Honorable Jonathan Miller
Treasurer State of Kentucky
and author of
"The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America"

During the 2006 mid-term elections, Democrats won seats at the state, local and federal level – many in formerly Republican districts. Obviously, the key to governing and promoting a progressive agenda will be to find common ground with Red State voters.

In "The Compassionate Community", Jonathan shares his vision of a society where Americans of all faiths can build a stronger democracy. He argues that it is about time for us as a country to move beyond the polarized politics of self-interest; it is about time that we embrace the notion of a common good and take action to fulfill it.

Publishers' Weekly claims that "The Compassionate Community" is a "must-read for all Americans concerned about the future of their country".

The Nashville Scene observed that "Miller himself is as interesting as the book. A Native of Lexington, Ky., he is a devout, Sunday school-teaching Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian area. He has won two races for treasurer as a Democrat in a red state with a Republican governor and senate. He is also a rising star in the Democratic party; young (38), personable, Harvard educated, well connected (Al Gore contributed the afterword to this book) and experienced in legislation and administration on the state and federal levels. This book is his manifesto, announcing a hopeful new direction in government."

National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South

free admission

Please RSVP on our Website

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The reviews are in:

Courier-Journal (Louisville): THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITY "gives a new moral vision for America, a vision to replace the "politics of self-interest" that currently ravages us...[Jonathan Miller] is a deeply devout man. He also has broad knowledge of governmental and private human help programs. In this book, he brings the two together to show us, his people, a better way."

Blueprint magazine: Jonathan Miller "makes a convincing and comprehensive case about the roots of progressive policies in Judeo-Christian religious traditions."

Lexington Herald-Leader: THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITY is "a call that resonates...Anyone is welcome who believes in family, faith, freedom, work, respect, responsibility, opportunity, justice, life and peace."

LEO (Louisville): "Jonathan Miller, the Democratic state treasurer who's rising like a phoenix from the ashes of Kentucky's Republican-dominated politics of the last three years...has written precisely what the majority of Americans want to hear right now, and he's written it because he believes it, not because he wants to get elected: The politicians of self-interest have hijacked the political process."

Also, check out:

Publishers' Weekly

the Associated Press:


Wednesday, November 29th
6:00 pm
DL21C’s Political Author Series continues with
The Honorable Jonathan Miller
Treasurer – State of Kentucky and author of
"The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America"
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
Free admission
Please RSVP on our website

Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century
200 E. 10th Street #134
NY, NY 10003

For address removal please send reply with the word "remove" in the subject line.


Kentucky State Treasury: Jonathan Miller, Treasurer
Kentucky State Treasury: Biography of Jonathan Miller Harvard College and Law School .... to bring to Kentucky a pre-paid college tuition savings program to help make it easier for parents to afford a college education for their children .... Commission on Personal Savings and Investment to determine how to best promote better financial literacy among Kentucky citizens. ..... under Miller's leadership, the Kentucky State Treasury has made great strides in streamlining its internal accounting procedures, modernizing office technology and improving customer service. ..... he loves to play guitar and sing country music
Jonathan Miller - Kentucky State Treasurer
The Kentucky Democrat: Jonathan Miller: A Kentucky Democrat
DLC: New Dem of the Week: Jonathan Miller most Kentucky families cite "lack of affordability" as the primary obstacle to their children attending college. .... Miller continues to seek a greater bang for every taxpayer's buck.

Amazon.com: The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite ...
Each chapter begins with a concept highlighted by a Hebrew Bible hero and then quickly turns to politics. For example, through Moses and his representation of freedom, Miller lays out a 10-point plan for giving our military and their families the respect, help and benefits he believes they deserve. Jacob's story provides the backdrop for a particularly intriguing chapter on finance, covering everything from predatory credit card companies to identity theft and a call for national financial education. Tempered with anecdotes from his own experiences, political and otherwise, Miller provides extensive examples of successful state programs across the country that he thinks can and should be implemented at the national level. He takes care to consider not just the followers of the Abrahamic religions but Eastern faiths as well as no particular faith at all .... Miller is a Jewish Democrat ..... Miller takes teaches from the Tanakh and applies them to modern day political ideas. He looks at Biblical heroes like Noach, Avraham, Ya'akov, Yosef, Moshe, Yehoshu'a, Yehonatan, Deborah, King David, and Queen Esther as he describes the values of opportunity, responsibility, work, family, freedom, faith, justice, peace, respect, and life.
The Compassionate Community
ScienceDaily Books : The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to ...
The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America by ...
Powell's Books - The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite ...
The compassionate community : ten values to unite America ...
Half.com / Books / The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to ...
Buy.com - The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America ...

In The News

Bihar crawling out of `lantern` age Zee News
Redline Lands WiMAX Contract in Iraq Wireless Week
Report: Kremlin ordered ex-spy poisoned
Putin Critic and Ex-KGB Agent Poisoned in London Zaman Online
'Seinfeld's' Richard's racial fracas during set Monsters and Critics.com After the three-minute tirade, the majority of the audience members got up and left in disgust.
The Three-Minute TomKat Kiss CBS News
Afraid of Nepal? Don’t be
Hindustan Times
Experts: Nepal King May Face Charges
US Senator Obama calls for Iraq troop shifts
Reuters AlertNet a "gradual and substantial" withdrawal. .... "I have long said that the only solution in Iraq is a political one ...... Obama repeated his call for a regional conference that would include "the Iraqis, Saudis, Iranians, Syrians, the Turks, Jordanians, the British and others ... to get foreign fighters out of Iraq, prevent a further descent into civil war and push the various Iraqi factions toward a political solution."
Obama continues to call for phased troop reduction in Iraq WJBC News
Senator Barack Obama to Outline Next Steps In Iraq U.S. Newswire
Edwards Says Barack Obama "Should Run" For President In 2008
All Headline News
Poll: Obama leads Democratic pack Greater Baton Rouge Business Report Obama is the Democrat that Daily Report readers think would be the strongest presidential candidate in 2008. Thirty-nine percent of readers say Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, would be the best candidate, while 26% think former Vice President Al Gore, is the Democrat's best hope. Former U.S. Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina is thought to be the best candidate by a little more than 18% of readers, just ahead of U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, who picked up just under 18%.
AP Interview: Edwards says Obama should run for president International Herald Tribune
Wind of Change Blowing in Bihar; Says Nitish Kumar
Patna Daily
Upwardly Mobile: That WiMax 3G phone tablet thing
RWDSU Leader Named to Spitzer Transition Group
Yahoo! News
Neighbors of Bill and Hillary Clinton shot WBIR-TV
Clinton speaks on Afghanistan, and Canada listens Globe and Mail While it's easy to be cynical toward the aging-rock-star whiff about his tour -- which, at $150,000 (U.S.) a speech, reportedly yields a not-too-shabby annual income of $7.5-million -- there's always value in hearing the wisdom and experience of a man twice democratically elected to the most powerful office in the world. ....... what's helped people forget the dismal end of his presidency is the deep unpopularity of his Republican successor. ..... , even left-wing Democrats, including the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, have argued for greater U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. Indeed, even on Iraq, the Democratic Party is not pressing for immediate withdrawal.
Cornell, Delaware College Presidents Have Highest Pay Packages Bloomberg
Yahoo Teams Up with 176 Newspapers for Ads, Classifieds Wired Blogs
Foreign Minister says Syria Ready to Help In Iraq
Bomber may try to infiltrate anti-Bush protests in Indonesia
Jerusalem Post
Hu hopes visit will boost ties with India
CBC News
China and India on verge of nuclear deal Boston Globe
Dell to Begin Manufacturing in India
Dell, Sprint Connect for Mobile Broadband
Houston Chronicle
Dell India launches new PCs for small businesses
Zee News
Prachanda admits India lent a hand
The Tribune
Prachanda calls for review of all treaties with India Hindustan Times
Let the console wars begin
Universal sues MySpace for copyright violations
German police foil plot to blow up airliner
Penguins beat Bond at US cinemas
BBC News
Michael Richards' racist outburst Actress Archives Michael Richards, better known as Kramer from the popular sitcom Seinfeld ..... the comedian's racist tirade after two black audience members heckled Richards. ..... After hearing the remarks from the men in the audience that he wasn't funny, the Associated Press reports that Richards retorted with "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--." After that outburst, Michael Richards began pacing the stage, sending volleys of racial taunts at the men. Richards screamed at the men, "You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" After that profane reply, Richards began repeating the racial epithet over and over again. ..... As Michael Richards continued his expletive and racist diatribe, the video shows many members of the audience leaving the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood, not impressed by Richards' "comedy". The Washington Post reports that Richards performed the following evening at the Laugh Factory without incident. ..... co-star, Jerry Seinfeld, weighed in on the situation. Seinfeld was quoted by the Associated Press as admitting he was "sick over this," adding, "I'm sure Michael is also sick over this horrible, horrible mistake. It is so extremely offensive. I feel terrible for all the people who have been hurt."
Michael Richards in hot water over racial rant USA Today
Nike ends orders with Pakistan soccer ball maker
Reuters India

Embittered Insiders Turn Against Bush at The Washington Post The weekend after the statue of Saddam Hussein fell, Kenneth Adelman and a couple of other promoters of the Iraq war gathered at Vice President Cheney's residence to celebrate. The invasion had been the "cakewalk" Adelman predicted. ....... Forty-three months later, the cakewalk looks more like a death march, and Adelman has broken with the Bush team. He had an angry falling-out with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld this fall. He and Cheney are no longer on speaking terms. And he believes that "the president is ultimately responsible" for what Adelman now calls "the debacle that was Iraq." ...... Bush finds himself with fewer and fewer friends. ..... "People expect a level of performance they are not getting," former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said in a speech. ..... The arc of Bush's second term has shown that the most powerful criticism originates from the inside. ..... took public the policy debates they lost on the inside ...... Military and CIA officials unloaded after leaving government ...... Perle said the administration's big mistake was occupying the country rather than creating an interim Iraqi government led by a coalition of exile groups to take over after Hussein was toppled ..... neocons turning on Bush ...... Adelman has been close to Cheney and Rumsfeld for decades ....... All told, he said, the Bush national security team has proved to be "the most incompetent" of the past half-century. But, he added, "Obviously, the president is ultimately responsible." ....... a foreign policy that is really value-based instead of balanced-power-based
In Vietnam, Bush doesn't look back at The Los Angeles Times Bill Clinton's visit to Vietnam six years ago was the first by a U.S. president. His welcome was effusive from young and old on Hanoi's streets. He worked the crowds as though he were running for office.
New Phase, New Test For Bush at The Washington Post the beginning of the fourth phase of his tenure. ...... in the summer of 2001, some people inside the White House -- and many outside -- were realizing that the new president lacked a clear sense of direction and was beginning to lose traction. ....... Bush II began -- on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 ...... a sense of national unity and purpose not seen since World War II. ....... Bush III .. the decision to send American forces into Iraq ...... Bush IV .. Democratic majorities in the Capitol. ...... The "firewalls" that Republicans thought they had built to protect their congressional majorities did not hold. Republicans had the advantage in money and in campaign organization, and they had all those districts that had been gerrymandered to "guarantee" Republican wins. ..... "the base" developed serious splinters. One in five self-described conservatives said they voted for the Democratic congressional candidate. ..... Democrats led by 18 points among independents and by 22 points among moderates.
In City Symbolizing U.S. Defeat in Vietnam, Bush Stresses the Prosperous Present at The New York Times

Marc Sandalow: What was Pelosi thinking? San Francisco Chronicle Democrats had just overwhelmingly endorsed Steny Hoyer to be their new majority leader over Pelosi's objections. ..... Loyalty to Murtha, a concern that Hoyer had not been loyal enough, and Pelosi's interest in promoting Murtha's get-out-of-Iraq ideas ...... Insecurity,paranoia, and vindictiveness ...... genuine confusion over why she involved herself in a fight which she could have avoided. ..... Hoyer had been less than loyal behind-the-scenes, and that by backing Murtha, even in losing, Pelosi had sent a message that disloyalty would be punished. ...... a 24/7 news media, which turned the spectacle into a critical test of Pelosi's leadership. ...... Pelosi had talked to some members about committee assignments in the same conversation as the Murtha-Hoyer vote, which hardly seems a strong arm tactic in a town where two members of the current congress are in prison for accepting bribes, and another is explaining how $90,000 in bribe money ended up in his freezer.
Polio in UP, Bihar: Blame crowding, poor sanitation Indian Express
US Senate Vote on Nuclear Deal Draws Guarded Praise by India
New York Times
New media to play role in French poll
MSN Money A furious row that erupted this week over the posting of an unauthorised video of Ségolène Royal on the internet ...... the use – and abuse – of new, and largely unregulated, means of communication could play a crucial role in determining who wins the Elysée next year. ...... showed Ms Royal criticising some teachers for moonlighting in the private sector instead of spending a full 35 hours a week in their own schools ...... France's active, and increasingly numerous, bloggers picked up her comments, fanning them into a national controversy. ....... the pirate video ...... Ms Royal has been among the most innovative of French politicians in using the web to connect with voters. Early in the campaign, she established a site entitled Désirs d'Avenir (Desires for the Future) encouraging readers to contribute to her political programme in a mass exercise in "participative democracy". ...... The power of the internet to shape the political debate in France was highlighted last year when thousands of sites and blogs were created to support the No campaign in the referendum on Europe's constitutional treaty. These so-called "political insurgents" helped sway opinion against the treaty leading to its rejection in spite of overwhelming support for the Yes campaign among France's mainstream political parties. ....... there were 26.9m people in France with an internet connection, 4.5m of whom had created their own blog.
Casino Royale gets license to thrill Monsters and Critics.com
OJ publisher defends decision
Times Online
EU ready to support Nepal peace deal
Peninsula On-line
Obama Land Deal Clouds Senator's Image
AT&T launches first US Mobile WiMAX network
Bihar to form anti-terror squad
Telugu Portal
Clearwire, Sprint Nextel settle Seattle WiMAX spectrum squabble
Yahoo China hires by raiding local rivals
Financial Express
Clinton Library Celebrates Second Anniversary
Milton Friedman, 1912-2006: Economist was an 'intellectual freedom ...
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Ban on silicone breast implants lifted
Google's Enemy Abroad
Forbes Google is: (a) the world's most popular search engine; (b) the highest-valued Internet company in the U.S.; (c) a stock that has more than quadrupled since its initial offering; (d) an unstoppable pop-culture zeitgeist. ...... 15 million books online by 2010 ..... How does Google rank search results? The algorithm for the Book Search is essentially the same as for the main search function, according to the company. Google says "thousands of factors" are taken into account, like the number of times the search term appears in a book. ...... secret sauce ..... Who can explain, for example, why a search for Albert Camus's most famous book, The Stranger, returns an American study guide for the novel as the first result? ..... Google's search algorithm remains as closely guarded as the recipe of another American empire, Coca-Cola ....... the book is what you might expect from an EU bureaucrat--long on gassy generalities and light on specifics
Echoing JFK, Royal challenges France to change Reuters
Dell to hike India investments
Daily News & Analysis
Nairobi climate talks end in deal
BBC News
British man back home after 18 years on Pakistan's death row
International Herald Tribune
Nations Reach Deal to Cut Emissions San Francisco Chronicle
Climate Change Meeting Ends Without Pact New York Times
Holland to ban burqa as 'terror threat'
Studio claims 007 box office coup
BBC News
Crime and profit: Murder most lucrative
Red Wine Protects Mice from Obesity, Diabetes
Washington Post
Old People Dying From Falls More Often
Washington Post

Friday, November 17, 2006

Eliot Spitzer For Running Mate

Eliot Spitzer would be a great running mate for Barack Obama.

Spitzer earned more votes than Hillary in New York. Those who speak well of Hillary say her victory is a good one because she got almost as many votes as Spitzer. Spitzer was expected to win big, real big, all along. Hillary's big win is a little bit of a surprise.

Spitzer signifies a generation shift just like Barack Obama.

For the longest time I did not know he was Jewish. He comes to you on merits just like Obama. He transcends faith based lines.

When I first dug into him and started studying his speeches, I was in total awe. This is a next generation politician, I remember thinking vividly. He is sheer substance. No bells and whistles. And he manages to communicate that sense of substance to the public. (Eliot Spitzer)

New York would be a good balance to Illinois.

Spitzer's running mate was a black dude from Harlem. If Spitzer jumps to the Obama bandwagon, would that black guy then become Governor of New York? That would be a nice swap. White guy leaves black guy for black guy, black guys benefit.

Spitzer is the only person in American politics today who could tackle corporate welfare reform. The guy is gutsy.

He is charming too. The first Spitzer event I went to, the guy was cracking jokes about going after Wall Street types. One after the other. (Eliot Spitzer, Aliza Fatima)

He is very down to earth. You feel it standing next to him. He intends to do the work.

I was watching his victory speech and the guy was going on and on. It felt less like celebration, and more like, I got work to do. (2006 Elections Victory Party)

Barack Obama makes white people feel good about themselves. That is why he is so popular among whites. Eliot Spitzer also makes a lot of ordinary white people feel good about themselves. He makes them feel like once again they actually matter in the political process.

The most important quality you look for in a running mate is if that person could be president. Spitzer sure is presidential material.

A Senator is better off with a Governor than would be with another Senator. That is a nicer balance.

And I do have a strong New York bias. I am a refugee into New York City, did I tell you? From Kentucky. I am going to colonize Kentucky some day.

I have given much thought to the whole gender thing. I guess I don't feel too sorry for the WASP women of the world who are more WASP than women.

If Hillary can announce within months of being elected Senator that she is running for president, Eliot Spitzer can jump onto a national ticket within a year and two thirds of getting elected Governor. New Yorkers will be better off with him in the White House than in the Governor's mansion. Sitting Governors run for higher office all the time.

A Woman For Running Mate, Perhaps A Governor
Barack Obama: Time For A Generation Shift
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Next Stop: White House
On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
Obama 2006
The Matrix
The Audacity Of Gravitas: Restore Intelligence To The White House
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems
Seaport Diwali
Google Video: Martin Luther King
Google Video: Malcolm X
Indians, Indians
Obama In Africa

Middle East: The Final Map
Nation Building, Israeli Style?
Right Wingers In Power In Israel And America
The Israeli Offensive
Mumbai Train Blasts

Eliot Spitzer, Aliza Fatima
Eliot Spitzer

In The News

Spitzer Names Policy Advisers for Transition to Governor New York Times, United States
Spitzer names policy advisory teams for transition The Journal News.com
Local trio to assist Spitzer transition Buffalo Business First
Watchdog Groups Question Spitzer's Attendance At Event In Puerto ... NY1
Spitzer Gathers Diverse Group of Advisors WNYC, NY
New York Gov.-Elect’s Puerto Rico Trip Questioned Hardbeatnews.com
Governor-Elect Tours Buffalo WBEN 930
Spitzer's Swansong? NYAG Hits Fund For Market-Timing
FINalternatives, New York
Spitzer turns sights to hedge funds in market-timing probe Financial News Online US
Spitzer sues hedge fund BusinessWeek
Spitzer sues hedge funds InvestmentNews
Spitzer likely to seek Hevesi's removal
Newsday, NY
Report says Spitzer considering push for Hevesi's removal Capital News 9
Spitzer expected to ask for Hevesi's removal from office WROC
Spitzer Leaning Towards Tossing Hevesi Gothamist
Spitzer Turns to Chenault, Rohatyn for Policy Advice (Update1)
Spitzer names leaders of advisory committees WCAX
Spitzer Forms Transition Team 13WHAM-TV
Spitzer creating policy advisory committees Crain's New York Business
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Advisor Joins Government ...
Lawfuel (press release), New Zealand
Spitzer, turn to Suozzi
New York Daily News, NY
What next? The election's aftermath City Newspaper
What's after Day One is what counts Auburn Citizen
Governor-Elect Eliot Spitzer visits Rochester
Spitzer gets the Syracuse experience News 10 Now
Spitzer says he sees 'potential' in Syracuse Syracuse Post Standard
Governor-Elect Spitzer Tours Syracuse NewsChannel 9 WSYR
Spitzer won't enforce immediate Grasso payback -WSJ
Spitzer willing to wait for Grasso's millions InvestmentNews
Spitzer Likes It Slow and Painful DealBreaker.Com
Appeals Precede Grasso Payment Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Spitzer promises growth
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, NY
The mayor's list Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

India cautiously welcome US nuclear vote Ninemsn
Readers Respond to Pelosi-Murtha article Beyond Chron
'Casino Royale' Breaks Bond Record Playfuls.com
Stars shine as Cruise and Holmes prepare to wed CTV.ca
Nepal in top priority of EU assistance list in 2007
People's Daily Online
Nepal 'excesses' probe complete
BBC News
Nepal King Gets Away with Murder Prensa Latina
Probe panel blames Nepal king for crackdown-reports Reuters AlertNet
fresh polio cases in Bihar; UN alarmed
Times of India
Dark horses threaten Clinton tilt for power
Sydney Morning Herald the ultimate prize of US politics .... for the first time in more than 50 years will not have the president or vice-president standing ...... A few days after the mid-term congressional elections ..... the junior senator from New York quietly contacted major donors to let them know they should stand by for word early next month about her run for the presidency. ....... it is doubtful that in the past four years Senator Clinton has done anything in the Senate without thinking about the impact it would have on her chances of becoming the first female president. ....... Bill Clinton, her chief strategist, her major political asset and, in a sense, her major complication ....... with the ability to raise the $US100 million ($130 million) needed for a presidential campaign ....... Without doubt she is the Democratic Party's front-runner for 2008. ...... Joe Tripp, who managed Howard Dean's unsuccessful campaign in 2004 ...... "I don't care what anyone says, her husband is one of the two rock stars in the Democratic Party and a huge asset," he wrote in The Washington Post. ...... The other "rock star"? That would be Barack Obama, elected to the Senate in 2004, the undisputed star of the mid-term campaigns, who attracted huge and adoring crowds wherever he went. ......... a black American who does not have a sense of grievance and does not remind white Americans of their shameful racial history. He has already been dubbed the black Bill Clinton. ........ Senator Obama, aged 45 and largely inexperienced, could seriously threaten Senator Clinton's chances ...... part of the Washington establishment, a divisive figure not just among Americans, but in her own party, too calculated and contrived in the stances she takes on issues. ........ John McCain, the Republican Party front-runner for 2008 .......Rudolph Giuliani, who has also set up an exploratory committee for a presidential run, is even less loved. ........ few observers believe Mr Giuliani has any real chance of winning primaries in conservative states where his pro-gay marriage, pro-choice and pro-gun control views would be anathema. ....... in this presidential race the dark horse could well be Senator Obama, who opposed the Iraq war from the beginning and who is the most exciting and consummate politician in America since Bill Clinton. ....... Hillary Clinton .... Born in 1947 in Chicago. ... John McCain .... Born in 1936 in Panama Canal Zone....... Barack Obama .... Born in 1961 in Hawaii.
Black, female, veteran — 2008 anyone's presidency The Age
Clinton says Mexico has 'great opportunity' for economic growth ...
International Herald Tribune
Milton Friedman: An Open Book
Populist 'Sego' gets Royal assent from France's left
The Age
Darfur conflict spreads as Annan announces deal
Bush Compares US Wars in Vietnam, Iraq
ABC News a country where America lost a two-decade-long fight against communism, said Friday the Vietnam War's lesson for today's confounding Iraq conflict is that freedom takes time to trump hatred. ..... the divisive Vietnam War the longest conflict in U.S. history ...... 1,300 U.S. military personnel still unaccounted for from the Vietnam War. ...... he and his hosts sat under a large bronze bust of Ho Chi Minh, the victorious North's revolutionary communist leader ....... The president's welcome by the public was much less enthusiastic than the rock-star treatment afforded President Clinton when he came in 2000. ...... "Even though the Americans were more powerful with all their massive weapons, the main factor in war is the people," he said. "The Vietnamese people were very determined. We would not give up. That's why we won." ....... After remaining in Hanoi for a massive summit of 21 Pacific Rim leaders, Bush was traveling on Monday to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon and the country's economic heart, where he was showcasing Vietnam's booming economy with a visit to its stock exchange and discussions with business leaders. ...... Russia's Vladimir Putin, China's Hu Jintao, Japan's Shinzo Abe and South Korea's Roh Moo-hyun.
Bush Urges Patience on Winning Iraq War San Francisco Chronicle
Bush: Vietnam War Offered Lessons for Iraq Washington Post
Can Google win in Local?
Google Hires Spreadsheet Company Founders
PC World
Google trying to excel at spreadsheets Blogging Stocks
Google Buys Israel Start-up iRows SDA Asia Magazine
A Better Search: Google, Yahoo And Microsoft To Use The Same Index ...
Online Encyclopedia Offline in China
FOX News
China lifts Wikipedia banAljazeera.net
Wikipedia Unbanned in China DailyTech
Rice: China's military build-up 'outsized' Irish Examiner
India Sees Progress in Nuclear Deal With US
New York Times
Prachanda on first open visit to India in 25 years
Hindustan Times
Mysterious force's long presence
BBC News
Dark energy nearly as old as the universe, scientists say Houston Chronicle
New clue of antigravity, Einstein maybe right Xinhua antigravity, known as dark energy, overcame cosmic gravity and pushed the universe apart faster billions of years ago ..... Gravity would cause a universe that was initially at equilibrium to contract. To counteract this possibility, Einstein added the cosmological constant, a dark energy. ..... Einstein later abandoned the cosmological constant and called it the "biggest blunder" of his life. The discovery of dark energy in 1998 revived the theory. ..... Cosmologists understand almost nothing about dark energy even though it appears to comprise about 70 percent of the universe. They are desperately seeking to uncover its two most fundamental properties: its strength and its permanence.
Substance in red wine found to combat obesity, diabetes San Francisco Chronicle
Antibiotics Ineffective Against Bronchitis
Zaman Online
Cruise and Holmes could trick the world media Gulf News, United Arab Emirates
Italian Town Prepares for TomKat Wedding Forbes, NY
Stars shine as Cruise and Holmes prepare to wed CTV.ca, Canada
What is a Scientology wedding? MSNBC
Italian town awaits ‘wedding of the year’ MSNBC
Cruise-Holmes wedding recalls Rome's Dolce Vita Washington Post, United States a jetload of celebrity guests ...... reviving memories of the 1950s and '60s when the Eternal City teemed with film stars. ....... twice-divorced Cruise ...... cannot marry with a Catholic rite. Holmes was raised a Roman Catholic. ....... has not sought permission for a civil service either, meaning the wedding could be purely ceremonial and have no legal value. ....... The ceremony often includes a reminder to the groom to provide the bride with "clothes and food and tender happiness and frills, a pan, a comb, perhaps a cat." ........ price tag is estimated at 2 million euros ...... Cruise, 44, and Holmes, 27, have a baby daughter, Suri, who was born in April. ..... Kidman.. sent the pair a wedding present, wishing them "a lifetime of happiness together." ...... Paparazzi, named after the street photographer Paparazzo in Fellini's 1960 movie La Dolce Vita, swarmed in the streets.
Hollywood stars join Cruise and Holmes for wedding preparations Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Stars shine for Cruise wedding The Age, Australia
Victoria Beckham's Cruise wedding excitement Monsters and Critics.com, UK
Cruise, Holmes Make First Appearance In Italy NBC13.com, AL Cruise wore a dark gray, pinstriped suit with matching vest and a striped lavender tie as he escorted Holmes, who was clutching what appeared to be a very sleepy baby girl dressed in a fuzzy-soft white sweater, white tights and print dress. ....... Residents around the imposing 15th-century Odescalchi Castle, which is rumored to be the venue for the wedding, were rushing to rent out windows and terraces overlooking the mansion to the media who have been pouring into the location near Rome. ...... The Bracciano City Hall, which appears to be one of the better placed, is renting the windows of a nearby building with a view on the main entrance of the castle for $1,280. Prices for other homes conveniently placed near the castle include a bargain $255. ...... In one case, though, the prices were not so reasonable: A private terrace overlooking the likely route of the nuptial motorcade and the castle's internal parking lot was offered to a TV news agency for a $128,000.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

A Woman For Running Mate, Perhaps A Governor

Barack Obama should definitely pick a woman for running mate. Which woman? There are quite a few options. For a Senator, a Governor might look like a choice. But then Jack Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson and both were Senators.

Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2004 was Hillary's year. She missed it.

AZ: Janet Napolitano
CT: Jodi Rell
DE: Ruth Ann Minner
HI: Linda Lingle
KS: Kathleen Sebelius
LA: Kathleen Blanco
MI: Jennifer Granholm
WA: Christine Gregoire

There are so many white women Governors. How many black men Governors do you see? There are so many white women Senators. How many black men Senators do you see? Obama has it tougher. And so he should get in with gusto.

Governor - Governor Jennifer Granholm
Granholm For Governor: Home
Jennifer Granholm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia became Michigan's first female governor on January 1, 2003 ..... Granholm was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1959, and her family moved to California when she was four. As a young adult, she attempted to launch a Hollywood acting career but was unsuccessful, and she abandoned her efforts at the age of 21. ...... earned a Juris Doctor degree at Harvard Law School, also with honors ....... In 1986 she married ...... was once a contestant on the daytime television game show The Dating Game ...... focusing on protecting citizens and consumers, and establishing Michigan's first HighTech Crime Unit. ...... In her inaugural speech, she said: "We've all heard that song, 'I Hope You Dance'. Well, I hope you dance with your government." ....... In 2003, Granholm ran five miles across the Mackinac Bridge, which connects the state's two peninsulas, in 47 minutes during the Mackinac Bridge Walk. Her run began a new tradition ........ Granholm remarked "I would love to run a marathon before I'm 50." ....... emphasizing Michigan as "the North American intersection of cutting-edge research, life sciences talent and high-tech innovation". ...... Shiga Prefecture is Michigan's "sister state" ....... She is trying to establish a $4000 scholarship for each Michigan college student ...... in the 2006 election. Her opponent was Republican businessman and politician Dick DeVos. ...... She had been attacked on her control of Michigan's economy. The state's unemployment rate hovered around 7% for much of her term, despite the fact that the national economy experienced job growth. In the fall of 2006, Michigan ranked among the worst economies in the country. Additionally, Michigan ranked #49 in retaining young adults between 2000 and 2005, again attributed to the sluggish economy. ....... "Often those who cloak themselves in a cape of religiosity happen to be some who are the biggest cutters. Now, some of that can balance out. But when you get to cutting the services for the least of these -- in the 25th chapter of Matthew in the 37th verse the Lord says, 'Whatsoever you do to the least of these, so also you do unto me' -- that's when I question whether somebody is really living out the faith that they profess."
Jennifer Granholm | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist
Granholm pulls ahead of DeVos - 07/27/06 - The Detroit News Online
Granholm, Jennifer (Michigan Gov.) & Michigan Beer & Wine ...
Prepared Witness Testimony: Granholm, Jennifer M.
Gale - Free Resources - Women's History - Biographies - Jennifer ...

I like it that she gave Hollywood a try. But what is this thing about her being Canadian born? Does that work against her? Maybe muscleman Ah-nold should help change the constitution so she can run.

Michigan is a key state to understanding America's transformation from an industrial to an information age economy. A lot of the pain of the transformation is being felt in Michigan. That gives Granholm an advantage.

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Seattle Post Intelligencer The Socialist front-runner is shaking up language and the male-dominated political scene in a nation hungry for a fresh face. ..... "This is our new French revolution. We already had one in 1789 that swept across the entire world. So maybe to have a female president in a country like ours - in a country that is old, ancient, a bit old-fashioned - a woman for president could possibly spread to the rest of the world," Royal supporter Jean-Marie Henin said. ....... Sineau said male candidates find it harder to campaign against women. ...... "They are disconcerted," she said. "When a woman emerges, the men are a bit destabilized. A different language is needed." ...... French prime-time TV already has a Madame la Presidente, in a three-part drama aired this fall on France-2 called "State of Grace." When the character needs advice on managing her pregnancy and her job, she calls up the American president - Hillary Clinton. .... much to her style. She's always well-dressed, in light or bright colors, and usually wearing one thing many French politicians shun: a smile. ..... Polls show that people like her because she would "listen to the French" - but don't have much confidence in her ability to defend the nation against terrorists or to revitalize the economy. .... the leading candidate on the right, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy.
Pakistan's Lower House Passes Landmark Women's Rights Bill
Voice of America would overturn Pakistani laws that require women to produce four male witnesses to prove a rape case. .... The legislation effectively shifts future rape cases out of Pakistan's religious courts and into the country's more moderate civil court system. ..... Hudood Ordinances, which were originally passed in 1979. ..... Under those laws, women are liable to prosecution for adultery if they fail to produce four male Muslim witnesses to corroborate claims of rape. ..... An MMA official said the new law would violate Islamic principles and promote "free sex" in Pakistan.
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Analysis: Clinton Undecided on '08 Run Forbes Not to be trumped by other potential candidates/authors, the former first lady plans to rerelease her best-selling book, "It Takes a Village." ...... "I will look at the possibilities, but I ... haven't really had the time to talk to people about it" ........ An Associated Press-AOL News poll in late October found that, among registered Democrats, she essentially was tied with Illinois Sen. Barack Obama as the person they would most like to see elected president in 2008. The other White House hopefuls were in single digits. ....... Among registered black Democrats, she led Obama 29 percent to 10 percent on the same question in an AP-AOL Black Voices poll. ..... Advisers also insist it's Clinton's nature to deliberate, reaching out to activists, donors and operatives ....... 2000 ..... she spent months seeking counsel from numerous friends and advisers and went on a "listening tour" of the state. ...... Bill Clinton .... said publicly - as recently as last weekend - that he doesn't know what her final decision will be ....... She has penned a new introduction describing how the "village" has changed in the 10 years since the book was first published. An audio version, with Clinton reading the book, also will be released. ....... In 1996, the book sold 700,000 copies ....... Obama's "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream," which recently vaulted to No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list. ..... John Edwards, the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee, has embarked on a book tour ...... she likely will chair the Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water ...... people have underestimated her desire to be a senator and the impact of the newfound majority status
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Barack Obama: Time For A Generation Shift

On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama

John McCain should have run against John Kennedy. Leave Obama alone. Kennedy was a generation shift, as was Clinton. 16 years of baby boomers is enough. It is time for Obama.

Next Stop: White House

It will be easy for Obama to neutralize Hillary on money and organization. He just has to turn Obama 2008 into the first internet campaign. The internet is going to have to take centerstage. And so you go on for a thrilling competition of ideas.

The Matrix
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century

Bill Clinton is Hillary Clinton's greatest strength, but also her number one weakness. The guy can't keep his mouth shut. He lacks discipline. He is going to suck up the oxygen, hog the space. He is going to think this is 1992, part two. Enter James Carville. That is going to be a putoff.

"I can't think in front of a computer."
- Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton has sent a total of two emails in his life. Obama blogs.

The Audacity Of Gravitas: Restore Intelligence To The White House

Barack Obama can announce in January that he is running. Hillary can't. She will have to wait longer.

A Different Kind Of Campaign: A Scientific Campaign

Whities on Capitol Hill are trying to saddle Obama with Senate assignments. That is okay. When he announces he is running, he resigns from those ties and pins, but keeps his Senate seat.

Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems

Google Video: Martin Luther King
Google Video: Malcolm X

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The Race Purpose-Driven Candidate? New York Times a date next month with Rick Warren, the megachurch pastor and best-selling author of “The Purpose Driven Life,” a move that could give Mr. Obama, who is black, exposure to millions of white churchgoers
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Barack "blank" Obama and disingenuous politics of "understanding" Town Hall has been anointed by the mainstream media as a frontrunner for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. ....... the Obama media fawning has had a dramatic impact ....... He has virtually no voting record; he has virtually no articulated positions ..... Clinton ran as "The Man from Hope." Obama runs as "The Man Who Understands ." ......... he is an African-American man who doesn't threaten white folks -- he understands them ...... Only one question remains: Where's the meat? It's all well and good to campaign on the basis of "common sense" and "smart government" ...... blaming terrorism on "the underlying struggle" between "worlds of plenty and worlds of want" -- a neo-Marxist interpretation of the rise of Islamofascism. ...... how narrow the path is for them between humiliation and untrammeled fury, how easily they slip into despair and violence ...... "I know that the response of the powerful to this disorder -- alternating as it does between a dull complacency and, when the disorder spills out of its proscribed confines, a steady, unthinking application of force, of longer prison sentences and more sophisticated military hardware -- is inadequate to the task." ..... His positions, when he takes them, invariably lean toward radical liberalism. A true politics of understanding would recognize that some things are not worth understanding, or tolerating.
Barack 'Blank' Obama WorldNetDaily
ABC's Sawyer to Obama: Is the US 'More Racist or Sexist?' NewsBusters The most eyebrow-raising moment of the interview, however, occurred when Sawyer asked Obama about Sunday’s Washington Post article which questioned whether racism and sexism plays a role in the decision-making of American voters ...... 90 percent of Americans say that race does not matter when they go to the polls. However, a lot of pollsters think that not everybody is telling the truth ........ Obama: "You know, my sense is, whether it's a African-American candidate running, a woman candidate running, if it's non--a non-traditional candidate, there's an additional threshold that you have to meet. I think you have to show people competence in a way that, if you're a white male, you may not have to show initially. But once you do, I think people are willing to judge you on the merits, they're willing to judge you as an individual. The key is getting known and getting people comfortable. And at that point, then I think they're willing to, to, to look at the individual, as opposed to their, their sex or their, or their race."
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