Friday, November 05, 2010

Happy Diwali

Hope Lives On In Iran

This one minute video is proof hope lives on in Iran. And this is a smart move. This is not exactly indoors, but this is not out in the street. For now don't go out into the street. Build solidarity off the streets. The time to come out into the streets will come again. And that time will be decisive. But that time is not now.

Shout Allah O Akbar From The Rooftops Every Night 10-10:30 PM

Monday, November 01, 2010

Telling Ads

I have not paid too much attention to this election except to root a little bit for a guy I rooted a lot for in the 2008 election cycle. But it is not like I have not paid any attention at all. Everyone seems to be resigned to the Republicans taking over the House. The pendulum of democracy is about to swing, looks like. But if that be the outcome, it will shake the Republican establishment as much as the Democratic establishment. Cost cutting is going to get more politically urgent.

Precisely The Time For Progressive Fervor
The Tea Party Is Getting America Talibanized

Source: Foreign Policy: 'The Arabs (and Indians and Chinese) Are Coming!'