Saturday, May 28, 2016

FBI's Sexism

The FBI's relentless harassments of MLK are well documented, and the dude was nothing less than a prophet. It is not like the institution ever apologized. The reality really is black and white there. MLK was doing God's work. The FBI was with The Devil.

In recent years I have noted the FBI basically ended the possibility of John Liu becoming New York City mayor. Otherwise the guy had collected more votes citywide than Bloomberg only a year before the institutional attacks started coming. That John Liu was born and raised in NYC did not seem to matter. That his origin was Taiwanese (not Chinese) did not seem to matter.

When 13 trillion dollars evaporated like water on Mars, the fall guys were a black guy, a Hispanic, an Asian, two Indians, a Jewish guy. And that 13 is not even counting the three trillion lost to foreign misadventures. The real culprits did not even get so much as a speeding ticket.

Law enforcement is not above the law. Institutions paid for by the taxpayers, the voters have to be seen making their very best attempts to do right, and stay away from evil impulses.

You are lovely as long as you don't covet seats of power is not the message the next generation of women are eager to hear.

The timing of the FBI's recent "release" on Hillary Clinton's email thing is suspect. There seems to be a faceless clique inside the FBI trying to do maximum political damage to this person who shows every sign of becoming the first female president. The merits or lack thereof of the case aside, my political instincts are hugely suspicious of the timing and pace of the investigation process. The goal seems to be political damage.

What, the white guys running the FBI are suddenly feeling the hots for Donald Trump now? What do you see in him?

The FBI's ethnic and gender composition is suspect, and needs to be rectified. The FBI needs to look more like America. Perhaps the next president will do something about it.

Rule of law is important. And that is why it is super important that law enforcement has to be seen not propagating racism and sexism.

America is still doing seven times better than China on per capita income. Anti racism, anti sexism is not anti white male. Anti racism, anti sexism is about taking the world to an era of currently unimaginable riches. Racism is the mindless assaults of today. Just like major riches are not possible in a society where physical assaults are the norm, a racist, sexist society is fundamentally kneecapped. It is an unnecessary disadvantage to have.

Your (and everyone else's) soul is unique in the history and future of time. That eternal spiritual truth is the basis for the political and social concepts of equality. To accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior is to accept that spiritual truth. Which means if you don't believe in political and social equality, you don't accept that eternal spiritual truth, and if you don't, then you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. So help me God.     


Friday, May 20, 2016

Bill Clinton: Amigo?

Bill Clinton used to be black. Now he is Mexican!? Trump just called Bill Clinton a rapist like he calls Mexicans.

I guess this is Trump's idea of being unpredictable! You flummox your opponent by being unpredictable.

Bill Clinton does not know what to do. He is flummoxed. He did not see this coming.

Hillary, on the other hand. She has an attack ad ready.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Drone Drump

When you are battling Donald Trump, the problem child of American politics, you are not battling a person, a human being. What you are battling is The Devil himself. The Devil is a master of deception and subterfuge. The Devil commands the drone called Drump.

Some day perhaps The Donald will see the light and switch sides and escape the trip to Hell. Hell is a Trump Tower size pain and more. But until then you gotta battle The Drump.

There is an epidemic of Godlessness in America. Trump's rise so far is proof. Trump's political tactics are emotional distortions of a lost soul. There does not seem to be any shred of policy talk, or of legitimately competing political philosophies.

Drump is all about racism, sexism, xenophobia, and uncivil personal attacks. His "white nationalism" is not pride in language, culture, or heritage. It is rabid, naked racism. It does not even really include white women.

Racism is sin. Sexism is sin. Xenophobia is sin. America needs to build infrastructure in Mexico like it built infrastructure in Europe. Don't build a wall, build bridges, build roads, lay down train tracks.  

The Drump way will cause America to lose its number one status faster than anything. His support base is the chorus of losers.

America and the world stand at the cusp of the most exciting era in human history, but there are some clear choices to be made. 

(Photo below by Yours Truly, somewhere near the Queensboro Bridge)

Hillary's Enormous Responsibility

There is only one person standing between a Godless person and the White House, currently the most powerful political office on the planet. That one person is Hillary Clinton. Oh, the pressure! 

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

When Ted Cruz Met Donald Trump

When Ted Cruz met Donald Trump
He asked, "How are you doing, Donald?"
"I've been better, " The Donald replied
When Cruz met Trump in Hell
The Donald said.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Why Stop At Bill Clinton!

Why stop at Bill Clinton, I'd like to also go ahead and blame Hillary Clinton for some of the things Boris Yeltsin might have done. I can't pit it down right now, but I am sure that guy did something or the other.

Jesus. Donald Trump will have you believe Hillary Clinton had lesbian sex with Monica Lewinsky. Kevin Spacey and his wife have sex with this dude aide, at the same time, but that was on Netflix. I guess we all have our sources of news and information, and enlightenment.

Trump's top weapon is Benghazi II. Facts-free sexism, completely unhinged from facts and logic. At least on Benghazi no one is accusing Hillary of having pulled the trigger. But give Trump some time. With Trump, many things are possible.

Note: it is the Department Of Defense (not State) that protects embassies. But I guess if you can name only one Obama cabinet member, you are going to be tempted to use your limited vocabulary.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warren Would Be A Good Pick

Bernie Sanders floats Elizabeth Warren as possible VP

Warren would bring all the crazy millennials, lefties, revolutionaries, and socialists on board. It would be like Bernie minus the penis. Besides, that crowd is the future. It is destined to go from strength to strength.

With Warren on board, you will see a lot of Republican women ditch the party, what with a dick on the ticket!

The ticket just might manage to take back the House.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Dodd And Frank

There is a guy named Dodd and there is a guy named Frank, and that is as much as I know about Dodd and Frank. As for the banks, Dodd and Frank were supposed to ring in some discipline. The question naturally arises, did it happen? Is there discipline? Or is there indiscipline? What about indigestion? Hiccups?

Monday, April 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Nothing To Do With The Panama Papers

The Liberals of the Bernie brand have plenty of good things to talk about, plenty of legitimate points to make. Excuse me if English is not my first language, but is this the left wing pulling a right wing? Blaming Hillary for Panama, of all things? I am calling this facts-free sexism, completely unhinged from facts and logic.

Liberals and the New Democrats should compete, as they are, but they should do so cleanly, and with the ultimate goals of working together for the greater cause. Liberals should make an effort to remember why they used to lose elections all the time, and the New Dems should face the fact that the ground reality is not as desperate as it was in 1991, and bolder moves are now possible.

And, by the way, I am for free trade, I always have been. Blaming free trade for the loss of American jobs is like blaming China's strong economy for the fact that America is not doing better, when the fact is China saved America big time in 2008. Free trade can be better architected, but don't blame the poor in poor countries because you can't get organized better and get your government to invest more in your education and health.

The Sanders campaign should focus on getting deeper into the policies, and crunching the numbers, and better organizing the supporters. There are obscure, underpaid academics who have already written detailed policy papers of the journal article quality for everything Sanders has proposed, I am sure. The Sanders campaign just needs to go find them. Talk numbers but also talk slogans. Present the investments in education and health in the context of the larger budget. How you would tweak it, things like that.

Linking Hillary to Panama is a mirror image of the right wing blaming Hillary for Benghazi. It is like there is this small patch of land somewhere in Latin America where Islamist terrorists and American far right militia gather and train each other on warfare.

The Bernie campaign does not need that if it wants to actually make change happen. This path burns bridges.

I actually happen to think much of what Bernie wants can happen. But you do have to do the work. You do have the get into the nitty gritty, you do have to crunch the numbers, you do have to tweak the budget, you do have to build coalitions. Mostly you do have to better organize. Build a grasseroots structure to survive.

Hillary In The News
A Strong Critique Of Sanders From A Very Smart Liberal
The New Democrat Philosophy Vs The Liberal Philosophy
Hillary's Narrow Lead
A Close Race
This Might Not Go Well
Bernie: The Progressive Ronald Reagan?
Bernie II?
One Person, One Vote, One Voice Democracy And America And The Democratic Party
White House, Senate, House, 2016

She's Not With Us
She's not with us!!!!
Posted by Liberal Rhetoric Click on Friday, April 8, 2016

Hillary In The News

English: A screengrab from President Barack Ob...
English: A screengrab from President Barack Obama's first White House news conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hillary Clinton blasts Obama's proposed $90M cut to anti-terror funds for New York in sitdown with Daily News
The stinging rebuke of her former boss comes just months after the White House released a 2017 budget that called for slashing funding for the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) — which pays for anti-terror ventures in large U.S. cities like New York — from $600 million to $330 million.
Hillary Clinton slams President Obama's bid to slash New York City's anti-terror funding by $90 MILLION

Ambedkar: Taller Than Gandhi And Nehru

Ambedkar is taller than Gandhi and Nehru because he is more relevant than either to India's current challenges.

BR Ambedkar: Slayer of All Gods