Showing posts with label mahatma gandhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mahatma gandhi. Show all posts
Monday, November 18, 2024
Sunday, April 09, 2023
Einstein, Gandhi, Lincoln
Albert Einstein: Good evening, Mahatma Gandhi. It's a pleasure to see you again.
Mahatma Gandhi: Good evening, Albert. How have you been?
Albert Einstein: I have been well, thank you. But I am deeply troubled by recent events in Europe. The Holocaust has been a devastating tragedy, and I cannot help but feel responsible for what has happened.
Mahatma Gandhi: I share your sentiments, Albert. The Holocaust is a crime against humanity, and it is our collective responsibility to prevent such atrocities from happening again.
Albert Einstein: I couldn't agree more, Mahatma. We must work together to promote peace and understanding among all nations and peoples. But what can we do to prevent such horrors from happening in the future?
Mahatma Gandhi: I believe that we must first address the root causes of such conflicts. We must work to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and promote the values of tolerance and respect for all human beings.
Albert Einstein: That's a very good point, Mahatma. But how can we achieve this in a world that seems to be increasingly divided and polarized?
Mahatma Gandhi: We must lead by example, Albert. We must show the world that peace and understanding are possible, even in the face of great adversity. We must be the change that we wish to see in the world.
Albert Einstein: I see your point, Mahatma. But what about those who are already caught up in conflicts and violence? How can we help them?
Mahatma Gandhi: We must offer our support and assistance to those who are suffering, Albert. We must do all that we can to alleviate their pain and suffering, and help them to rebuild their lives.
Albert Einstein: I agree, Mahatma. But how can we ensure that such tragedies do not happen again in the future?
Mahatma Gandhi: We must work towards a world where conflicts are resolved through peaceful means, Albert. We must promote diplomacy and dialogue as the primary means of resolving disputes. And we must work to eliminate the underlying causes of conflict, such as poverty, inequality, and injustice.
Albert Einstein: I couldn't have said it better myself, Mahatma. But how can we convince the world to embrace these values?
Mahatma Gandhi: We must continue to speak out against injustice and oppression, Albert. We must continue to lead by example, and show the world that there is a better way. And we must never give up hope that a better world is possible.
Albert Einstein: I agree, Mahatma. We must never give up hope, no matter how difficult the challenges may seem. Thank you for your wise words, my friend.
Mahatma Gandhi: Thank you, Albert. It is always a pleasure to talk with you. May we continue to work together towards a more peaceful and just world.
Critique Gandhi's approach. Talk about the nature of evil. Talk about times when use of force is the only good option.
Mahatma Gandhi's approach towards preventing and resolving conflicts was centered on nonviolent resistance, which he believed could overcome even the most oppressive regimes. While his philosophy has been an inspiration to many, it is not without its limitations and criticisms.
One of the main criticisms of Gandhi's approach is that it may not always be effective in the face of evil. Evil, in this context, refers to the intentional and willful harm inflicted upon innocent individuals or groups, which may require a more forceful response to prevent or stop. Nonviolence may work well in situations where the oppressor is willing to engage in dialogue and negotiation, but in cases where the oppressor is completely unwilling to negotiate, nonviolence may not be effective. The history of the Holocaust, which is the topic of this conversation between Einstein and Gandhi, is an example of such an extreme case, where nonviolence would not have been effective in stopping the atrocities being committed by the Nazi regime.
Furthermore, Gandhi's approach to conflict resolution assumes a certain level of moral reasoning and ethical behavior on the part of the oppressor. However, in cases where the oppressor is driven by a deeply held ideology, such as racism or religious extremism, nonviolence may not be effective. Evil may be so deeply ingrained in such individuals or groups that they are not willing to listen to reason or engage in dialogue, and may instead resort to violence to further their cause.
Additionally, there may be times when the use of force is necessary to prevent or stop evil. For instance, if a person is being attacked or if a nation is being invaded, it may be necessary to use force to protect innocent lives. In such situations, nonviolence may not be an option.
In conclusion, while Gandhi's approach towards conflict resolution is admirable and has proven effective in certain contexts, it is not without its limitations. Evil exists in the world, and it may require a more forceful response to prevent or stop it. Nonviolence may work well in certain situations, but it may not always be effective in the face of extreme evil. It is important to consider all options when confronted with such situations and to be willing to use force when necessary to protect innocent lives.
Create a dialogue between Gandhi and Lincoln with Gandhi arguing against the war Lincoln was forced to lead.
Gandhi: Good afternoon, Mr. Lincoln. It's an honor to meet you.
Lincoln: Good afternoon, Mr. Gandhi. It's a pleasure to meet you as well.
Gandhi: Mr. Lincoln, I wanted to speak with you today about the Civil War. As you know, I am a strong advocate for nonviolent resistance, and I believe that war is never the answer to conflict.
Lincoln: Yes, Mr. Gandhi, I understand your position. However, the Civil War was a necessary evil, as it was fought to preserve the Union and end the institution of slavery.
Gandhi: I understand the reasons behind the war, Mr. Lincoln, but I believe that there could have been a better way to achieve these goals. Nonviolent resistance has been proven to be an effective means of bringing about social and political change.
Lincoln: I agree that nonviolent resistance can be effective, Mr. Gandhi, but in this particular situation, I don't believe it would have been enough. The Southern states were seceding from the Union and were determined to maintain the institution of slavery. They were not willing to negotiate or compromise.
Gandhi: I understand your point of view, Mr. Lincoln, but I believe that nonviolent resistance could have been used to change the hearts and minds of the Southern people. It could have been used to show them that slavery was morally wrong and that the Union was worth preserving.
Lincoln: I see what you're saying, Mr. Gandhi, but unfortunately, the reality of the situation was that the South was not interested in moral arguments. They were interested in preserving their way of life, even if it meant going to war.
Gandhi: I understand your point, Mr. Lincoln, but I still believe that violence only begets violence. The use of force may have been necessary to preserve the Union, but it came at a great cost in terms of human lives and suffering.
Lincoln: I agree that war is a terrible thing, Mr. Gandhi. But in some cases, it may be necessary to achieve a greater good. In this case, the end result was the preservation of the Union and the end of slavery.
Gandhi: I understand your perspective, Mr. Lincoln, but I believe that nonviolent resistance could have achieved these goals without the cost of so many lives. It may have taken longer and required more patience, but it would have been a more just and moral path.
Lincoln: I appreciate your viewpoint, Mr. Gandhi, and I respect your commitment to nonviolence. However, I believe that in certain situations, such as the Civil War, it may be necessary to use force to achieve a greater good.
Gandhi: I understand your position, Mr. Lincoln. While we may disagree on the use of force, I think we can both agree on the importance of justice and equality for all people.
Lincoln: Absolutely, Mr. Gandhi. We both share a commitment to these values, and I hope that we can continue to work towards them in our respective countries.
Gandhi: Thank you for your time and for your thoughtful discussion, Mr. Lincoln. It has been an honor to meet with you.
Lincoln: Likewise, Mr. Gandhi. I wish you all the best in your work towards nonviolence and justice.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Ambedkar: Taller Than Gandhi And Nehru
Ambedkar is taller than Gandhi and Nehru because he is more relevant than either to India's current challenges.
BR Ambedkar: Slayer of All Gods

BR Ambedkar: Slayer of All Gods

Sunday, June 14, 2015
All Of Bihar Is One Big City
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English: Map showing location of Nalanda district in Bihar in India हिन्दी: भारत के बिहार राज्य के नक़्शे पर नालंदा ज़िले की स्थिति (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Agriculture तो है ही और रहेगा भी, industrialization भी होगा, क्यों नहीं होगा? But what Bihar is most suited for is the service sector. और उसके लिए you need a super educated population: 100% high school educated, 50% college educated. नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को हार्वर्ड ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड कैंब्रिज के लेवल पर ले जाना होगा। जब दुनिया में कहीं कोइ हार्वर्ड ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड कैंब्रिज नहीं थी तभी नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय का दुनिया में डंका बजता था। फिर से बजाना होगा। अमर्त्य सेन कैंब्रिज में क्या कर रहे हैं, उनके लिए कुर्सी बनाओ नालंदा में। मैं चाहुँगा मैं billionaire बनु और नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय को बिलियन डॉलर का endowment दूँ। मेरे को बस थोड़ा वक्त दो।
The city of the far future does not look like Manhattan, all concrete and very little green. It looks like Bihar, in tune with nature, growing its own food. अमरिका बोस्टन से वाशिंगटन तक एक ही शहर बनाने के सपने देखती है, बिहार तो उससे बड़ा अभी से है।
Agriculture + Education + Service Sector + Completely Clean/Green/Smart Industrialization (Based On Hydroelectricity From Nepal) + Universal Gigabit Broadband = Bihar As One Super Duper Megacity
गुजरात तो मरुभुमि है --- तो वहाँ industrialization नहीं होगा तो क्या होगा? लेकिन बिहार हराभरा है। सारे भारत के इतिहास में आधे महत्वपुर्ण घटनाएँ बिहार में घटी। गांधी का आंदोलन का पहला कदम बिहारमें। सब तो मेरे को मालुम भी नहीं। राजेंद्र प्रसाद बिहार के। बुद्ध को मोक्ष प्राप्ति बिहार में। पाटलिपुत्र। चाणक्य। अमिताभ भी बिहार निकट के हैं। आस परोस। पहले पहले इलाहाबाद बिहार में ही हुवा करता था। फिर अंग्रेजो ने बदमाशी कर दी।
जिस तरह गुजरात के व्यापारी दुनिया भर में फैले हैं उसी तरह बिहार के मास्टरों को दुनिया भर जाना होगा। 12 years of schooling ke master बन जाओ।
बिहार के कस्बे कस्बे तक गीगाबिट ब्रॉडबैंड पहुँचा दो तो there is no need to improve on mud huts. ये नहीं कि बिहार की विकास होगी तो माटी के घर के जगह पे कंक्रीट का महल बनाया जाएगा --- ऐसा नहीं है। When you think of the entire state as one big city, the mud huts can stay. They do not stand in the way of modernity. They are modernity. ये बात आपने याद किया है? फुसके झोपड़ी में air conditioner की जरुरत ही नहीं पड़ती ---- हमारे पुरखाओं ने बहुत सोंच समझ के फुसकी झोपड़ी बनाई। लेकिन malnutrition को बिल्कुल ख़त्म करना होगा --- that stands in the way of modernity. बिहार जब समृद्ध था तो लोग फलाहार किया करते थे। Balanced, healthy diet. अभी देखो गरीबी के मारे ये हाल है एक ही आम के पेड़ पर तीन तीन मुख मंत्री लटक जाते हैं।
Two Megacities On Two Coasts
The Ultimate Megacity: 100 Million People
बिहार के लिए फोर्मुला
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A President Is Like A Political Billionaire
Extrapolations To Reshma 2016
Larry Ellison
There are about 50 or so billionaires just in this city, although I know the name of only one of them. (Independent For Bloomberg) But there have been less than 50 individuals who have gone on to become President Of The United States. Becoming president is a big deal. Such a political office has never existed before. The office is at once utmost powerful, and benign. Jimmy Carter looks so harmless hammering nails into Habitat houses.
Becoming president is a bigger deal than becoming a billionaire. And I talk in money terms because people on average understand money better than they understand power. I know power like Bill Gates knows software. But I have to use the money metaphor. I am being nice.
To become president is like becoming a top billionaire. But to become a president like Lincoln is to possibly even become a trillionaire. The world of business has never seen a trillionaire. The world of politics has seen a few trillionaires. Gandhi and Lincoln might be the only two so far.
Extrapolations To Reshma 2016
Larry Ellison
There are about 50 or so billionaires just in this city, although I know the name of only one of them. (Independent For Bloomberg) But there have been less than 50 individuals who have gone on to become President Of The United States. Becoming president is a big deal. Such a political office has never existed before. The office is at once utmost powerful, and benign. Jimmy Carter looks so harmless hammering nails into Habitat houses.
Becoming president is a bigger deal than becoming a billionaire. And I talk in money terms because people on average understand money better than they understand power. I know power like Bill Gates knows software. But I have to use the money metaphor. I am being nice.
To become president is like becoming a top billionaire. But to become a president like Lincoln is to possibly even become a trillionaire. The world of business has never seen a trillionaire. The world of politics has seen a few trillionaires. Gandhi and Lincoln might be the only two so far.
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Saturday, August 14, 2010
Gandhi, Reshma And Tornadoes
I am staying away from the Reshma 2010 plans for the India Day Parade tomorrow. It is August 15, it is Independence Day. It is Gandhi's day, it is Reshma's day. I have decided to give them space on their day. (Reshma Is Gujarati Like Gandhi, I Am Bihari Like Laloo, Extrapolations To Reshma 2016)
Other than the daily blogging, I am going to be making a major push with this: Please Fund My Work For Iran Democracy: Email. This is a better, much better way to penetrate the Upper East Side than by making phone calls: More Than 100 Voice Mails.
But my next big thing to do for Reshma 2010 are the community events slated for the final week of the month. I intend to work those four events like a tornado. I am going to be working out plenty leading up to those dates. I want to be in good shape. And by that I mean mood.
Community Conversations
Other than the daily blogging, I am going to be making a major push with this: Please Fund My Work For Iran Democracy: Email. This is a better, much better way to penetrate the Upper East Side than by making phone calls: More Than 100 Voice Mails.
But my next big thing to do for Reshma 2010 are the community events slated for the final week of the month. I intend to work those four events like a tornado. I am going to be working out plenty leading up to those dates. I want to be in good shape. And by that I mean mood.
Community Conversations
- August 23rd - Lower East Side: 7:30 PM 14th St Y Community Room, 344 East 14th Street, L train 1st Ave
- August 25th - Upper East Side: 7:30 PM 92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Ave, 4,5,6 train 86th Street
- August 29th - Roosevelt Island: 5:00 PM Trellis Diner in Roosevelt Island, 549 Main Street, F train Roosevelt Island
- August 30th - Queens: 7:30 PM Holiday Inn -Lower Level Meeting Room in Long Island City, 39-05 29th Street, N/W train, 39th Ave
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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Reshma Is Gujarati Like Gandhi, I Am Bihari Like Laloo
Both Gandhi and I were born into Vaisya/Baniya families.
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