Monday, September 19, 2016

A Trump Scare

President Trump’s First Term - The New Yorker

Nothing in the campaign has presented Trump with a broader range of new information than the realm of foreign affairs. Asked about the Quds Force, an Iranian paramilitary unit, he has expressed his view of “the Kurds,” an ethnic group. During a debate in December, 2015, a moderator requested his view of the “nuclear triad,” the cornerstone of American nuclear strategy—bombers, land-based missiles, and submarine-launched missiles—and it became clear that Trump had no idea what the term meant. Trump replied, “I think, to me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me.”

Trump is not uniformly isolationist; he has affirmative ideas, some of which have produced effects outside his control. When he labelled Obama “the founder of isis,” the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah rejoiced. Its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, who is allied with President Bashar al-Assad, of Syria, against isis, has claimed that the U.S. created extremist groups in order to sow chaos in the Middle East. Now, it seemed, Trump was confirming it. “This is an American Presidential candidate,” Nasrallah said on television. “This was spoken on behalf of the American Republican Party. He has data and documents.”

Other militant organizations, includingisis, featured Trump’s words and image in recruiting materials. A recruitment video released in January by Al Shabaab, the East African militant group allied with Al Qaeda, showed Trump calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.; the video warned, “Tomorrow, it will be a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps.”

In July, Trump made his most dramatic foray into foreign policy, declaring that if Baltic members ofnato are attacked he would decide whether to defend them on the basis of whether they had “fulfilled their obligations to us.” I asked the President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, what he made of that. Ilves rejected the suggestion that his country has not done its part for nato. “Estonia has not sat back and waited for allies to take care of its security,” he said. “Indeed, proportionally to our size, we were one of the greatest contributors to the mission in Afghanistan.” Without mentioning Trump’s name, he warned against improvising on matters of foreign policy involving President Vladimir Putin, of Russia: “Russia’s aggression against Ukraine—and the impact that Russian policies and actions toward neighboring countries have had on European security as a whole—marks a paradigm shift, the end of trust in the post-Cold War order.”

Shlapak said that in the spring of 2014, after Russia seized Crimea, “the question surfaced: What could Russia do to nato, if it was inclined to?” To test the proposition, rand organized a series of war games, sponsored by the Pentagon, involving military officers, strategists, and others, to examine what would happen if Russia attacked the three most vulnerable nato nations—the Baltic states of Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia.

To his surprise, the simulated Russian forces reached the outskirts of the Estonian and Latvian capitals in as little as thirty-six hours. The larger shock was the depth of destruction. American forces, which would deploy from Germany, Italy, and elsewhere, are not heavily armored. “In twelve hours, more Americans die than in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined, in sixteen years,” Shlapak said. “In twelve hours, the U.S. Air Force loses more airplanes than it’s lost in every engagement since Vietnam, combined.” He went on, “In our base case, the Russians bring about four hundred and fifty tanks to the fight, and nato brings none. So it turns into a fight of steel against flesh.” (Based on the games, randrecommended that nato assign three heavily armored brigades to the Baltic states.)

“We’ve had seventy years of great-power peace, which is the longest period in post-Westphalian history,” Shlapak said. “I think one of the reasons we don’t think about that, or don’t understand the value of that, is that it’s been so long since we’ve been face to face with the prospect of that kind of conflict.”

the surge of hostility from American politicians will weaken Mexico’s commitment to help the United States with counter-terrorism

raids on farms, restaurants, factories, and construction sites would require more than ninety thousand “apprehension personnel”—six times the number of special agents in the F.B.I. Beds for captured men, women, and children would reach 348,831, nearly triple the detention space required for the internment of Japanese-Americans during the Second World War. Thousands of chartered buses (fifty-four seats on average) and planes (which can accommodate a hundred and thirty-five) would carry deportees to the border or to their home countries. The report estimated the total cost at six hundred billion dollars

Gingrich called for re-creating the House Un-American Activities Committee, which was established in 1938 to investigate accusations of subversion and disloyalty. “We’re going to presently have to go take the similar steps here,” he said, on Fox News. “We’re going to ultimately declare a war on Islamic supremacists, and we’re going to say, If you pledge allegiance toisis, you are a traitor and you have lost your citizenship.” The committee is not often praised; before it was abolished, in 1975, it had laid the groundwork for the internment of Japanese-Americans, and led investigations into alleged Communist sympathizers. In 1959, former President Harry S. Truman called it the “most un-American thing in the country today.”

Paul Krugman, the left-leaning Nobel laureate, argued that the supply-side argument was refuted by a basic fact: job growth has been higher under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama than under George W. Bush. 

To deal with China, he says, the United States should act like an aggressive patient at a dentist’s office: “Here’s how the patient deals with the dentist: sits down in the chair, grabs the dentist by the nuts, and says, ‘You don’t hurt me, I won’t hurt you.’ ”

The Economist Intelligence Unit, an economic-and-geopolitical-analysis firm, has ranked the prospect of a Trump victory on its top-ten risks to the global economy. Larry Summers, the Harvard professor and former Treasury Secretary, predicts that, taken together, Trump’s economic and trade policies would help trigger a protracted recession within eighteen months.

Trump’s trade plan could trigger a trade war that would put roughly four million Americans out of work, and cost the economy three million jobs that would have been created in Trump’s absence.

Trump, whose businesses have declared bankruptcy four times, said, “I’ve borrowed knowing that you can pay back with discounts,” and “if the economy crashed you could make a deal.” The notion that he might try to make creditors accept less than full payment on U.S. government debt caused an outcry. 

“If he ever even alludes to renegotiating the debt, we will have a downgrade of U.S. debt, and that event will cause a massive exodus of foreign investors from the U.S. Treasury market.” In 2011, when feuding in Congress delayed raising the debt limit, the stock market fell seventeen per cent. This would be a far larger event

Listening To The People

A small d democrat listens to the people even when they don't vote for them. This is no time to write off the working class.

Sin has to be confronted. Evil has to be confronted. Racism, misogyny, xenophobia are all evil, to be confronted.

But there are genuine concerns. The number one reason behind the meltdown of 2008 is not because bankers are evil people but because finance globalized but the politicians did not create a world government to go with it. They still have not done that.

Primarily due to the fast changing world of technological innovation we are about to enter the era of hypercapitalism. So far it has been liquid water physics. Soon it will be steam physics. But political and economic theorists lag far behind. Academics have been behind the curve.

In hypercapitalism you take one world government, one global economy for granted and you put human capital on equal pedestal with financial capital and technological capital. Later on a universal basic income is introduced.

None of this is part of the political conversation. And people feel like they are running blind.

Years ago there were random fires across Greece because it had become unusually dry. The culprit was global warming. But the local police started rounding up the known arsonists.

Jobs are disappearing in China also. Most jobs that are being lost in America are being lost to automation. Not to Mexicans or the Chinese. But Trump is laying the blame on the Mexicans. That is scapegoating. That is flagrant demagoguery. That is racist and offensive.

Sin leads to collapse and unhappiness. Racism, sexism, xenophobia are sin. Trump is a Pied Piper, leading people to ruin.

Humanity is at the cusp of potentially the most exciting era in human history. There are choices to make and decisions to take. It will not automatically happen.

The Trump pessimism is highly misguided.

Racism is its own fact. Hatred is its own fact. And Trump is peddling it.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Trump Who?

Biologically speaking Donald Trump is a chimpanzee. I did not say that although I have been feeling it. A leading primatologist said that.

His psychological profile is that he is a bully, a narcissist.

His political ideology is he is a fascist.

His business profile is he is a fraudster.

His spiritual profile is he is Satanic.

His media profile is he is a demagogue.

His social media profile is he is Alt Right. That is the new name the white supremacists call themselves.

On trade and immigration he is an isolationist.

On nuclear weapons, he is strike first ask later.

On NATO he is a dismantlist.

On tax cuts he is super rich.

His canine profile is he is cute.

On the budget he is anti arithmetic.

On climate change he is "I believe there is weather."

On the wall, he is Brooklyn Bridge. "There is a bridge on the East River I would like to sell you."

On campaign finance he is pay yourself.

On fast food he is quick.

On comedy shows he is all hair and no cattle.

The Very Real Dangers Of A Donald Trump

“History tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump”

we need to avoid getting lost in arguing through facts and logic, and counter the populist messages of passion and anger with our own similar messages. We need to understand and use social media. We need to harness a different fear. Fear of another World War nearly stopped World War 2, but didn’t.We need to avoid our own echo chambers. Trump and Putin supporters don’t read the Guardian, so writing there is just reassuring our friends. We need to find a way to bridge from our closed groups to other closed groups, try to cross the ever widening social divides

A Chimp For Prez

Donald Trump is male chimpanzee.

Trump’s Shock And Awe Campaign

Trump’s psychological profile is that he is a third rate bully. During his business career he not only stiffed his many small vendors, he also stiffed big bankers. He would perform lousy on his bank loans, then go to the big bankers and say, guess what, unless you lend me more money you just lost the money you already gave me, and they would give him more money. He bullied his way through the Republican primary. "Little Marco," and calling Jeb Bush "a disgrace to his family." His Republican opponents lost by thinking he will take Poland and then stop there. I guess we can let him have Poland.

What Trump does is very well though out and he has honed it over a lifetime. He is really really good at it. And he thinks it works. Look at the Trump towers. Look at how many votes he collected in the primaries.

And now he is unleashing shock and awe on Hillary. Going after a Gold Star family can feel irrational to everyone else, but not to Trump. That is what he does. His rape comment during the Commander In Chief forum was more of the same. And now he is asking Hillary to ditch her bodyguards "and let's see what happens."

Japan has the most strict gun laws, there is no right to bear arms in Japan, but the Japanese prime minister moves around with a thick circle of armed bodyguards.

But then there is absolutely no logic to his wall either. It is not about logic. This is psychological. To his diehard supporters that Trump feeds their hate is a full course meal. They just need to watch him do obscene things. It is like a Horaldo Riviera Show, only in the form of someone running for president. You are not expecting college tuition, or health insurance, or a job from Riviera. This is narcissism feeding on narcissism. This is a piranha feast of racial hatred, misogyny and xenophobia.

This is more like FDR confronting Hitler and less like Barack Obama confronting Mitt Romney. Romney's "takers" comment was classist, but I never thought he was a fascist, a danger to the very republic. It is the genius of the Founding Fathers that they actually saw Trump coming, and now he is here. Americans did not fear a fascist takeover even in the 1930s, although anti-semitism was pretty rampant.

This is the first time in American history fascism is so close to becoming possible. Trump has rallied a crowd that seeks allegiance to no one and nothing but the person of Trump. "I alone can fix it."

In this 2016 election the very republic is at stake. And that argument has to be made to the thinking public.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Trump Does Not Understand Government Structure

Trump's political dig on Yellen more dictatorial than presidential | TheHill

Attacking federal judges, Supreme Court justices and now the Chair of the independent Federal Reserve: every time this guy speaks he is capable of hitting a new low.