Thursday, November 03, 2016

Trump In Africa

Among the candidates for the presidents of America, he's the only man who says that once he becomes the president of America, he will fight the dictators — all African dictators including Museveni,” one of the activists, Kizza Hakim, told a local TV station, referring to Uganda’s 72-year-old President Yoweri Museveni. Museveni has been in power since 1986, after helping to topple dictator Idi Amin, and has shown an increasingly autocratic bent in recent years.

Hakim appeared to be referring to a fake Trump quote that has circulated around East Africa, in which he supposedly promised to not “condone any dictatorial tendencies exhibited by dictators around the world, especially the two old men from Zimbabwe and Uganda.”

"[Zimbabwean President Robert] Mugabe and Museveni must be put on notice that their days are numbered and that I am going to arrest them and lock them in prison,” Trump is falsely quoted as saying. “If the past American administrations have failed to stop these two despots, I will personally do it.”

A Trump campaign spokeswoman confirmed that the quote is false.

Obama: Feminist

Barack Obama Is America's Feminist-in-Chief

He’s offering a valuable new template for masculinity, not just in politics but in American culture more broadly.

Steve Jobs, Hillary Clinton And Doing Homework

Why ambitious men are celebrated and ambitious women are criticized

Rejecting her policy stances is one thing. Aversion based on a gut feeling, he suggests, might be sexism.

“The predictable swings of public opinion reveal Americans’ continued prejudice against women caught in the act of asking for power.”

Not comparing Hillary Clinton to Steve Jobs. But you have to note. Steve Jobs was praised to no end for his product launch presentations. Every word was endlessly rehearsed in advance.

But when Hillary Clinton does her homework, oh, she is not a natural, she is "rehearsed."

It is a sexist trap. If you don't prepare you are not qualified. If you prepare you are "wooden." Damned if you do damned if you don't.

Son Of God

Little Data

As we move into the final days of the 2016 election cycle, the smart money is on the campaigns — like Mrs. Clinton’s — that are leveraging the power of data to find every last vote they can.

Economists Against Trump

No One Cares What Economists Say About Trump
This week, there have been not one, but two open letters by some of the most eminent economists in the U.S., urging the American public not to vote for Donald Trump. One letter, published in the Wall Street Journal, was signed by 370 economists, including eight Nobel prize winners. It slams Trump for questioning the accuracy of economic data, for attacking free trade and immigration, for getting facts wrong and for having misguided policy proposals on a variety of fronts. The second letter is by Nobel laureates only -- 19 of them. They write:

Donald Trump…offers an incoherent economic agenda. His reckless threats to start trade wars with several of our largest trading partners, his plan to deport millions of immigrants, his trillions of dollars of unfunded tax cuts, his casual suggestion that the United States could threaten default on its debt in order to renegotiate with our creditors as if Treasuries were a junk bond—each of these proposals could jeopardize the foundations of American prosperity and the global economy.

economists lost respect when they failed to foresee the financial crisis. This is true -- almost no popular academic models of recessions even admitted the possibility of something like 2008 happening.

The FBI Is A Mindless, Unthinking White Male Club

The FBI Wants to Make America Great Again
the extraordinary Wall Street Journal coverage this week that revealed frustrations in the bureau over alleged Justice Department pressure to slow-walk an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. ..... The cherry on this banana-republic split is a tweet published Monday from a long-dormant Twitter account called @FBIRecordsVault. It disclosed that new records of the bureau’s probe into Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich had been released because of a Freedom of Information Act request. ..... “The Marc Rich tweet is evidence of open warfare between the Justice Department and the FBI.” ...... The move certainly appeared political. After all, former Attorney General Eric Holder was one of the first former officials to criticize Comey’s decision to update Congress on the e-mail investigation. ....... Perhaps the tweet was a shot across the bow to Holder, who recommended the Rich pardon in 2000 as deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. ..... many rank-and-file FBI officials are frustrated about the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the way the e-mail probe was handled ..... As he announced his decision to close the investigation, he also excoriated Clinton, calling her decision to use a private e-mail server for official business reckless and speculating that foreign powers accessed her e-mails (although he said the bureau could not prove that). Comey then promised Congress he would keep them abreast of new developments. He did just that less than two weeks before the election. ....... Through leaks and tweets, people in his bureau appear to be helping Donald Trump -- a man who has called for Clinton to be jailed. Ironic that Trump is the one who keeps saying the election will be rigged.

Yes, it does law enforcement. But the number one thing it does is it protects white male sexism. This naked attempt to influence the election is outrageous. The FBI is guilty of sexism, racism, and classism.

Comey is doing to Hillary what Mitch McConnell has been doing to Barack Obama. The office you hold does not matter, what matters is the color of your skin, and your gender. Otherwise Comey's boss is a black woman, and the guy is in open defiance. This is outrageous.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Priyanka Chopra And American Racism

America is a fundamentally racist country. America is as much into mindless, unthinking racism as people generally were into mindless assaults 2,000 years ago.

Hollywood is the most racist place in America with the possible exception of the US Senate.

You get to see some of that when Priyanka Chopra gets interviewed on American TV.

So Ellen. She is gay and female and small. And so she is the make you feel good person. If you can tolerate Ellen then you have proven you are a really really tolerant person. Hillary picked Ellen as the first show after the debates. Because Ellen is gay and female and small.

But Ellen has to ask Priyanka Chopra, "Do they drink over there in India?"

Some of the most famous Bollywood songs are around drinks. There is an entire genre of songs - ghazals - that revolve entirely around drinks. Not saying that drinking is essential and wonderful and when you drink you have really arrived or anything like that. But do they drink anywhere in the world?

The point is, if you have to ask, do they drink in India, you are about to ask, do you ride elephants to school? I rode an elephant once, but not to school, and I did not even grow up in India, I grew up an Indian in Nepal: my kind are still waging a civil rights movement for basic rights for being Indian.

Do you ride elephants to school? That actually was a question Priyanka Chopra was asked when she attended high school for a few years in Flushing, Queens, of all places.

But Ellen is a candlelight compared to a dumb white guy who shall remain nameless because I really don't know his name. He goes ahead and calls Priyanka Chopra "Miss Piggy Chops, because you eat like a pig, all the time, and your last name is Chops." On live television. Prime time television.

I was dumbstruck. If Indians were into things like jihad they would call a jihad on that dumb white ass, if you have any idea how popular Priyanka Chopra is in India.

She is Bollywood royalty.

But then this is a country where 40% of the people have felt the urge to delegitimize the first black president and the Senate Majority Leader would rather burn the US constitution for good rather than let the president appoint a judge like that document says.

But it is also a country where the top paid actor right now is a black guy. Opposite whom Priyanka Chopra is starring in a movie.

She came, she saw, she conquered even as the dumb white guys of the world stayed busy asking their dumb questions, like, can I call you Miss Piggy Chops?

She has the Body Mass Index of someone who has not destroyed half her gut bacteria.

Racism is a lot of people's idea of an ice breaker. I am going to say something racist and you are going to act like you are okay with it, then I am going to be nice to you about other things. Because I need to get the big picture right first.

But if you don't put up with that first racist comment they are utterly lost, like you had suddenly dropped them in the jungles of Burma without so much as a map.

FBI Institutional Hatred Of Clintons: Why?

FBI releases docs from 2001 Marc Rich probe days before election -

By now this has become bizarre. The top law enforcement institution in the country is expressing open hatred for a particular last name in a naked attempt to influence a presidential election and is succeeding at it. Hillary is getting hammered at the polls with this FBI antic. What explains this bizarre behavior?

This is a naked attempt to give the election to Trump. This is a naked attempt to hijack an election.

Is the idea of the first female president so abhorrent?

Comey seems to think it is a sure shot. Either Hillary loses or she wins and is illegitimate from day one.

Lucifer himself is working extra time on this.

This is not just sexism. The idea of nakedly playing foul. This is also racism. The black woman boss will not be obeyed. This is also classism. Bill Clinton never had class to be president. Before him even Democratic presidents came from dynasties.

It is amazing how desperately America wants to be a Third World country.

Hillary’s Male Tormentors

Obama Criticizes F.B.I. Director: ‘We Don’t Operate on Leaks’