Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Single Payer System?

market-based solutions would not solve the country's problems with insurance costs and coverage

Bill Clinton calls Obamacare 'the craziest thing in the world' -

The media likes drama. They want a fight. So they focus on just the phrase.

Bill Clinton could not have taken the Republican position that the whole thing needs to be dismantled, should never have happened.

Perhaps the ACA was an expensive way to educate the country to tell them what you really need is single payer.

Bill Clinton goes way off message on ObamaCare | TheHill

Hillary Clinton and the White House struggled on Tuesday to explain Bill Clinton’s blistering critique of ­ObamaCare, which exposed divisions in the Democratic Party over the healthcare law.

The blunt criticism of ­ObamaCare comes in stark contrast to Hillary Clinton’s careful embrace of the law throughout the campaign. She describedthe Affordable Care Act earlier this year as “one of the greatest accomplishments” in the nation’s history, and frequently touts the law’s coverage gains in her stump speeches.

Bill Clinton’s calls for Medicare for all, also known as a “single-payer” system, echo some of the former first lady’s own comments, after she stepped to the left on healthcare during this year’s Democratic primaries. 

She has proposed big changes like a government-run public option as well as the power for Medicare to negotiate with drug companies. Democrats in Congress have also signaled a new push for the public option, with 33 senators signing on to legislation to create one.

“The change we need is not to wreck this thing and repeal it. It’s done too much good,” Clinton said. “The change we need is to create an affordable option for the small-business people and the working people who are not covered — that’s what the public option is about.”

Bill Clinton: 'I strongly supported' ObamaCare | TheHill

Monday, October 03, 2016

The BO Presidency

Barack Obama on 5 Days That Shaped His Presidency 

I haven’t lost my preference for good old-fashioned debate, bills, and the democratic process. If there’s one wish that I have for future presidents, it’s not an imperial presidency, it is a functional, sensible majority-and-opposition being able to make decisions based on facts and policy and compromise. That would have been my preference for the majority of my presidency. It was an option that wasn’t always available. But I hope the American people continue to understand that that’s how the system should work.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Syria: Time For Adult Behavior

US, Russia take Syria battle to new heights 

Larvov and Kerry's speeches laid bare their widely divergent views of a war that has killed up to a half-million people, contributed to Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II and allowed the Islamic State to emerge as a global terror threat.

Economically speaking Russia is a Second World country, India is Third World. But Syria is a tragic choice for theatrics between the two former Cold War military rivals. The right thing has to be done. The tragedy has to come to an end.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Warren Must Perform The Attack Dog Role

Senator Elizabeth Warrior is best positioned to perform the attack dog role. This guy Trump is not your regular candidate. This dude is fascism's ugly face for the 21st century. This is not a Mitt Romney, not a McCain, this is no Bob Dole. This is not even Richard Nixon.

The Republic itself is on the line. The question is not who do you want for president. The question is, do you want to keep the republic or no?

Elizabeth Warren seems to be the only person in either party who knows utter precisely how to attack Trump. She hits bull's eye every single time.

Let Hillary run for the White House. Let Elizabeth Warren do it because she wants and deserves a Senate majority. Begs the question, where is Nancy Pelosi when you need her? She needs to be crisscrossing the country on behalf of people who are trying to take the House. The Pelosi fatalism is not working.

Barack Obama Born Again As Per Trump

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Now he has been born again. Barack Obama has had a second birth on the beautiful island of Hawaii. And the world has Donald Trump to thank for it. How does it feel, Mr President, to be born again?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Where IS Tupac?

Trump finally says Obama born in US 

"Now, I know that he’s taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the Donald," Obama said as Trump looked on from the audience. "And that’s because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter -- like, did we fake the moon landing?  What really happened in Roswell?  And where are Biggie and Tupac?"

Monday, September 05, 2016

China's Only Future Is Political Reform

Barack Obama Deliberately Snubbed By Chinese

The best course is - - best as in best for the Chinese Communist Party - - that the CCP takes steps towards political reform. That means enshrining free speech and religious freedom into the Chinese constitution. Chinese nationalism is 100% in the mind. The Chinese also have a soul, just like everyone else. Then the CCP could offer two candidates for all major offices like president, governor and mayor and the people would vote and choose. So far so good. The CCP is still the only political party.

Otherwise the pressure will keep building. The Soviet Union was invincible and impenetrable until seemingly overnight it no longer was.

God has created human beings with free will. The human soul longs for the basic freedoms. It might or might not be in America's powers to see that to fruition beyond American shores. But God has Total Power. With God all things are possible.

But so far the indication is the CCP does not have the slightest intention to go in the direction of fundamental political reforms. It is wedded to the status quo. It feels like a till death do us part scenario.

In that case the pressure keeps building up until there is an explosion or implosion. The forces at march are to do with technological innovation. The Chinese can engage in only so much social media and ecommerce, only so much in global travel, only so much in rise in income before the spiritual thirst takes over. It is the most powerful force in all creation.

Barack Obama is not a weak black president Senate Republicans act racist towards. America has not seen a more powerful president, because America has never been in a more powerful position in absolute terms. The Chinese per capita income is seven times smaller with zero chances of achieving parity because you can't compete with free speech with lack of free speech. But the CCP doesn't care. With its political monopoly it only cares about the absolute GDP. It feels like it has swung past America. Warning: speed breakers ahead.

Senate Republicans and Donald Trump be damned. If Barack Obama could run for a third term he would easily win.

The American political system is a work in progress. There is campaign finance reform to do. Race and gender relations can be much better.

But the worry in China is a better state citizen relationship. How about no oppression? How about freedom? How about just being able to talk?

A tarmac insult is not something China can afford. A big chunk of China is still a Third World country.

Barack Obama could not have been elected president if he did not have street fighter political instincts. He has been a once in a 50 years kind of president. The Chinese should not underestimate this guy, not now, not a year from now, not 10 years from now.

In Nepal the Chinese have shown they don't know how a multi party democracy works. It is possible the Chinese "intelligence" is clueless about the idea of a US president in the final months of his office. The American democracy can look like a mess. It is by design. That is what free speech looks like. But the American state is as organized as any state can be at this point in time.

The Chinese people might be able to overtake America but that will never happen under the CCP monopoly, by definition. But the Chinese state itself has a shelf life of max 35 years. Before 2050 all world will have become one country. And yes, it will be a democracy.

But in the meantime we face a reality where China is a major trading partner to all major countries. That means there will be no major war. But the ideological tussle is very real and it is playing out most visibly in the South China Sea.

Authoritarian regimes, if they were to not make outlandish territorial claims, would collapse from within. Democracies have safety valves. If you are in power and you mess up, the opposition will blame you. But in an autocracy, that mechanism is missing. And so those in power project and create external threats. So the masses can vent their anger from time to time. That explains South China Sea.  

And Arunachal Pradesh.

America and India now are what America and Britain used to be. But this is a temporary arrangement until all world is one country.

Barack Obama might have a tarmac problem, but looks like the CCP has existential anxieties as a political entity. The Chinese people will see through it all soon enough.     

You do not end up in Barack Obama’s position from where he started, in Hawaii, without a birth certificate (source: Donald Trump), unless you have street fighter political instincts. It is not possible Obama got slighted and did not even notice. What the "secular" Chinese might not have noticed is the "Christian" Obama forgave, because he kept his eyes focused on the big picture. The big picture is global warming. And he decided to be "his brother's keeper." That is also the reason he brought up democracy and human rights. A democratic China could surpass America, the CCP political monopoly has a self imposed glass ceiling. So, obviously, he is not worried China might some day surpass America. Because he is "his brother's keeper." That happens to include the Chinese.

To a lot of people who work or spar with Obama, he comes across as "smarter." It is not biology. It is that he is higher up on the spiritual ladder. He simply sees more. By the grace of God.

Forgiveness is the turf of the strong, and I don't mean big defense budget strong.

You will know the Chinese "got" religion when they forgive the Japanese and the British.

China’s handling of the president’s arrival has created a narrative that the Chinese snubbed him. The reality, American officials say, is both simpler and more complicated.

Xi Jinping Cancels Nepal Visit

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mitch McConnell:More Dangerous Than Donald Trump

Donald Trump is never going to be president. But Mitch McConnell has been the reigning racist in the US Senate. The whole world is watching, but he doesn't care. McConnell dislikes the idea of the first black president so much, he has put the US constitution into the acid tank. What's up with no Senate hearings for Obama's Supreme Court pick?

Donald Trump is a racist. That is the only thing he is. But he is not in a  position of power. Although this dude might start a war somewhere without even getting elected.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Racism Can Kill A Political Party

The Republicans tried to sink Obama. Instead, the party imploded 

His name is Barack Obama. And he can thank the freak show that is Donald Trump’s Republican party for restoring his stature as a unifying, national leader with a moderated and mature approach to a complex and unstable world.

Obama’s biggest threat was that he could realign American politics, shifting it fundamentally towards progressives for a generation. He and his campaign aides talked privately of being the Reagan of the left: a transformative figure who would leave an indelible legislative mark at home and restore America’s position on the world stage.

If your political priorities are the total defeat of a single politician – not the advancement of your own policies through debate or legislation – then you are already in pretty desperate shape. You render it impossible to compromise with your opponents, and you fan the flames of extremism that will burn anyone in the center.

the only point of unity inside the GOP is its gleeful hatred of Hillary Clinton

Be afraid, Donald Trump. We're about to see the best of Barack Obama | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian

Monday, August 15, 2016

Barack Obama And Black Men In Jail

Between November 9 and January 29, or whenever Hillary's inauguration is, Barack Obama needs to commute the sentences of tens of thousands who are languishing in jail for minor drug offenses, for nonviolent crimes.

The so called War On Drugs has been white America's attempt to bring back slavery. This is the 21st century. Slavery is old fashioned. We are going to have robots.

Africa is the next China. Africa is coming along strong. Releasing black men from jail would be good foreign policy.

The racism in America's criminal justice system is a UID offense, Under the Influence of the Devil. The evil elements of law enforcement are preparing to go to hell. Why? Why would you want to go to hell? It ain't pretty down there. 

The first black man president needs to mean liberation for a few tens of thousands of black men. And he will get to see the second black president.

B for black, b for resilience.

But true liberation is in forgiveness. The black population needs to actively forgive. Together forgive. Whites repent. Blacks forgive.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Donald Dumb Says Obama Founded ISIS

As in, literally. Obama founded ISIS.

After killing Bin Laden, President Obama started abhorring the vacuum, apparently.

Obama was born in Kenya. And if he founded ISIS, he must have done so in Kenya. Because there is no record he was born in Syria.

After he founded ISIS, he figured this is as good a time as any, and he converted. He became Muslim, and has been ever since.

But I am not sure he is a socialist. That would be Bernie. Bernie owned up to it.

So if he was busy founding ISIS, when did he create Obamacare? When and where?

It is very possible Obamacare has been written in Arabic. That is why Mitch McConnell doesn't seem to be able to read it. Neither Rudy Giuliani, who is a proud Non Muslim.

As for Donald Dumb, he has no faith, because faith requires reading. A book.

Friday, August 05, 2016

Not Socialism, But Hypercapitalism

I have talked of the Age Of Abundance, I have talked of a Universal Basic Income. To the untrained especially the latter might smack of "socialism." That would be misleading.

This is talk of a new reality that asks for a new grammar. A lot of old rules are going to get junked.

Socialism has had two strains, one absolutely appalling, the one where there is no human rights. There has been another, the left of center variety that has been ridiculed for not knowing the fundamentals of wealth creation. I am not talking about that.

I am a small d democrat, which basically means taking the one person one vote one voice to all its logical local, state, national and global conclusions.

I am a free marketeer. Economics to me is like physics. Just like physics can come up with astounding technology, I believe economics as an academic discipline is capable of coming up with intellectual frameworks for massive wealth creation. If I am a capitalist I am one likely to speak of human capital in the same breath as financial and technological capital.

It is said in physics if you go to a high enough energy level all four basic forces are the same. The physics of liquid water is fundamentally different from the physics of steam.

Talk about being at the right place at the right time. It is about this point in time, this point in history, lucky you, lucky me.

The productivity gains driven almost entirely by technological innovation are about to be so astoundingly astronomical that many of the old rules will no longer apply. But there is a need for accompanying political innovation, and accompanying advances in economic theory. I lost a lot of respect for the discipline in 2008. They were royally surprised.

The most obvious thing to do is create a world government. That is knowledge we already have. Europe has suffered for attempting an economic union without a political union. Globalization is unstoppable but you go off the wheels if you don't create a world government.

The 2008 meltdown happened because politicians had stayed light years behind globalization. Banks go global but the governments are all still only national.

In a democracy everyone gets to vote, everyone matters. In a market there is free competition, there are no monopolies.

America is uniquely positioned to take the lead. It is the oldest modern democracy with mature institutions. It has a young about to be ex president. It is the most diverse country. Just in New York City you could find at least one person from every town on earth.

These are exciting times, even though Planet Earth right now is Titanic, on course to hit the iceberg in terms of Climate Catastrophe. But the same collective will that will steer humanity away from the iceberg will also usher the Age Of Abundance. It will be like a new birth to humanity. There is no parallel in history to what is about to happen. I am wildly optimistic.

Kumar: Wake Up To God

Friday, July 29, 2016

Hillary Should Collect A 10 Point Bounce

Hillary Clinton Speech

Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton: such uplifting, wonderful speeches. Such a contrast to the Republican arsonists. I think Hillary will see a 10 point bounce from this convention. This election is going to be won in a landslide. And by now I am so glad the Bernie crowd is all sewed up, and she did it herself. That crowd needs to know, how much you get of all you want is in direct proportion to the size of the mandate. I should write that in the form of a mathematical equation. Give her the House!

The top speakers from Philly should now fan out to the 50 states in a coordinated fashion.

Did you get the news? Donald wants to punch people in the face! This dude can't come anywhere near the nuclear code. This is a simple one issue election now. People, be very afraid.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Facts Free Racism And Sexism

Jeff Flake Equates 'Lock Her Up' Chants with Birther Claims

When the top law enforcement agency in the country gives Hillary Clinton a clean chit and you go ahead and call her a criminal, what is that?

That is like looking at a Hawaii birth certificate and seeing it is from Kenya.

These are harmful tendencies.

Why Melania Trump Plagiarized

Because she knows the Republican convention is as close to a Barack Obama status as Trump will ever get. And she wanted him to feel the glory.

Plagiarism was Melania Trump's take on Donald Trump's birtherism.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

What To Do After Grabbing The House

As Mitch McConnell does the racist thing and puts the US constitution into the acid tank, democracy's resiliency is that Hillary will win both the White House and the Senate and a more liberal appointee than the one Obama has proposed will end up on the Supreme Court. Hillary is also on schedule to make two more appointments during her eight years, which clears the deck to 2050.

The White House part of the race is over. The Senate part of the race is over. And Hillary is set to also take the House. Right now the numbers are not officially there yet, but the momentum is unmistakable. I see a tsunami building up.

I have watched elections all my life in many different countries all over the world. I don't watch sports except for the World Cup.

I have never seen anything like this. Hillary just might win all 50 states. The battleground states are no more battling. The focus can now move to the South. And the South is caving in. Tennessee dollar numbers are in and Trump is getting beat by everyone who ran in either party this year.

Hillary is yet to get the Warren bump. And the Obama bump. And Bill Clinton is busy like a bee behind the scenes. This just might be the purest political work he ever got to do. All the craft, none of the tabloid nonsense.

Four is a team. And what a team. This is without precedent in American politics.

So what do you do in the aftermath? How do you run a one party state?

To quote a sentence from Bill Clinton's autobiography, one word: arithmetic.

Don't overplay your hand and lose the majority two years later. Stay in conversation with the grassroots. Stay focused on the future. Celebrate diversity in public ways. For one, that doesn't cost money. If you think diversity is America's past, you have not seen the future.

We are at the cusp of The Age Of Abundance. America (and the world) is about to get so rich that Donald Trump is right, America is Third World today.

But it won't happen automatically. There is some serious steering to do.

There is a world government to hatch. Barack Obama is George Washington. There is a global warming fire to douse, almost all of it through innovation. God gave you a brain.

The same effort that turns the tide on global warming and steers the ship away from the iceberg unleashes technological forces that gives America a Universal Basic Income in 10-12 years. Bernie's asks will be proven small.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Best Way To Understand Brexit

If you can create a world government then there is no Brexit. A country like the UK could become four different countries, but keep the pound. If sovereignty rests with people everywhere then only the people may decide national boundaries.

Currency stability should not be the responsibility of a national government. The world government could take responsibility for that.

A world government could provide every human being a biometric ID, and through that database conduct elections at all levels everywhere.

The nation state itself needs to be fundamentally challenged. People ask, whose century is this? China's? India's? Asia's? Or still America's? All world will have become one country long before 2050. The question is moot. And this is not the Internet century either. The Blockchain will be bigger than the Internet, and the Blockchain will not be the final big technology wave. With Universal Spiritual Centeredness the world will see many such waves, each bigger than the last one.

Kumar : Wake Up To God

The nation state that we know today has only been around a few hundred years, and it has overstayed its welcome.

All nation states have to dissolve into one world government. The nation state does not go away, but it takes its rightful place in a full spectrum of government from local to state to national to global.

That is what Brexit is pointing towards. It's not bad news. It's not going backwards in time. As usual the British are on the cutting edge.

You want currency zones, not tied to countries. But for now immigration is for each country to decide. You can't bring everyone to America but you can take America to everybody.

It is better to take democracy and human rights and the Internet and the Blockchain and the biometric ID everywhere. There will come a time faster than most people realize when all world will be one country in every way. The standard of living is more or less the same everywhere, and it is high everywhere. Then nobody rails about immigration.

The per capita income can go up in every country and the annual income can go up for everyone everywhere. The poor don't grow rich at the expense of the rich. The rich who don't understand it probably inherited their wealth. They didn't work for it. They don't seem to understand the wealth creation mechanism.

People think Bill Clinton was amazing with the economy but some of the same people give him a hard time about NAFTA. NAFTA is how he gave you that good economy. You need advances in technology. Heck, you paid for the basic research that fuels it. You need the Trans Pacific Partnership.

I say, Barack Obama for George Washington. That is the writing on the Brexit wall.

The Brexit is also a revolt against the bankers of the world who know not what they do and know not that they know not. The common people everywhere have been watching breath abated at what the bankers have done to Greece. They might not care about Greece, but they sure don't want to be next.

The UK can be four countries within one world government and no part of the UK will suffer for it. Currency stability is for the world government to make sure. The Blockchain entrepreneurs are not moving fast enough. I myself shall make moves in the space. It is an exciting future you are looking at.

The most exciting part is, if the productivity can go up by 10,000% then there is no stopping a Universal Basic Income. The past is not the hint to the future. Some very exciting things are about to happen.

The most important step is Universal Spiritual Centeredness which makes everything else possible. Pray. How hard is it? And you need a world government just to make sure the Titanic does not hit the iceberg. The beautiful part is if you manage to stay away from the iceberg the world is looking at cheap, clean, abundant energy. After that the sky is the limit. The Age Of Abundance is right round the corner. Water becomes abundant like air. With near free energy, you distill a tiny bit of the ocean.

Without Universal Spiritual Centeredness though, something like Artificial Intelligence can be a two edged sword. Sound mental health for everyone who flies planes, top notch spiritual health for anyone who handles Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Engineering, that's not too much to ask for, especially if it's existential.

So don't give the British a hard time on Brexit. See this as the first big step taken to a world government that needs to materialize within three years from now. Make that two.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Biggest Fallacy In American Democracy

The biggest fallacy in American democracy is that America is going to wait until every country on earth has become a democracy, and since that might not happen for a while, America is going to fight the idea of a world government tooth and nail.

Except now America's hand is being forced. The world's hand is being forced. Planet earth is Titanic, headed straight for an iceberg right now.

On a phenomenon as complex as climate and weather, there is remarkable agreement among scientists on where we stand today, and where we are headed in the near future. A hurricane like Sandy was never supposed to hit a city like New York, but it did.

Right now the planet is headed on a path to more and more extreme weather conditions. That going out of hand is a scenario where weather conditions in all parts of the world are extreme, volatile, and completely unpredictable. The fastest computers will have no clue. That is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion people die. To get there all humanity has to do is stay on course. And The Devil's dream scenario gets realized. Kill Them All is The Devil's mantra.

But six billion don't fast to death. The kinds of human conflicts can't even be imagined. Humanity ends up in the stone age.

But the planet is not on an autopilot. It does not have to be this way. There's still time. There are still good options. There is a bend in the road the likes of which humanity has never seen. If the right moves are made, the worst case scenario is not only avoided, the world ends up in an Age Of Abundance. It is quite a bend in the road. Imagine a thousand trillion dollar global economy. Imagine a global Universal Basic Income, because the productivity gains from new technology are so out of the pale.

What is to be done? Step one is the formation of a world government. America as the leading nation has to lead. Barack Obama would be perfect for the George Washington role.

While the political trinity of Hillary, Warren and Bill Clinton run the show in DC. The President, the Vice President, and the Political Spirit.

Just like the League Of Nations became the United Nations, the UN can morph to become the world government.

Only a world government could steer humanity away from the impending climate catastrophe.

A year after Hillary has become president would be a good time to get started.

I believe the formula is fairly simple. A lower house where each country's weight is in proportion to its population, and an upper house where each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP, and 1% of GDP as each country's membership fee.

The President Of The World has to be able to collect over 50% of the votes in both chambers for a five year term.

But that is now. Eventually you want a directly elected POW, with people casting votes on their phones through their biometric IDs over a period of a week. You are hoping over 80% of the votes get cast.

The world government would have three branches, and a constitution. Something short and simple like the US constitution would work.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Why Warren?

A campaign has to go through its motions and considering someone for Veep is a great way to reach out to an important constituency, but I don't see how anyone except Elizabeth Warren can be it.

No woman has ever been president. Why do you think that is? Sexism.

Sexism is wrong. Sexism is unnatural. Sexism was never God's intention. It drags everybody down.

You can not rectify the situation with just one woman. You need two women on the ticket.

The stars have aligned.

Barack Obama, in his endorsement, called Hillary "the most qualified person ever to hold the office." I thought he was being objective.

This woman was Co-Governor for go count how many years. This was not some pretty woman standing by the side cutting ribbons. She basically architected Bill Clinton's reelection when he lost a term. This woman was Co-President for eight years. Not only that she will bring in Bill Clinton in a large role, possibly creating a political trinity. (First Lad?) Bill Clinton has sound political instincts, outstanding emotional intelligence, outstanding economic credentials, and possibly the largest personal network of anyone alive today. This woman was Senator. This woman was a presidential candidate who only narrowly lost to someone as gifted as Barack Obama. She was Secretary Of State. And she was outstanding. I am still trying to understand how she solved Burma. So, yes, she is very, very qualified. But the next woman after her should not have to be this qualified. I am hoping the next woman president only will have been Governor before assuming the big office.

Warren is also very qualified. She is so qualified I think if she had run instead of Bernie, there is no telling what might have happened. But that she did not run is testimony to the fact that she is a team player who prizes Hillary's centrist instincts. For it is not about making the right noise. It is about getting things done. Bernie, on the other hand, can come across as unrealistic. He seems to think if he can only convince one person Hillary. That is not how it works. If it were only about convincing one person Hillary, much bigger things than anything Bernie has proposed would materialize.

Which is why Bernie has to do all he can to bring all his supporters to Hillary. The bigger the mandate, more gets done.

As I am seeing right now, this is going to be the most uncontested presidential election in US history. The White House part of the race is over. The Senate part of the race is over. Now it is about the House. Hillary could win the House. Hillary could win Texas. Hillary could win the South with abortion.

But for that you need Warren. Warren is the original flag bearer, the original leader, the first choice of the crowd that went for Bernie. You add that crowd to your crowd, and you are already at 55%.

Two strong, smart women on the ticket, and a lot of Republican women will ditch the party. Now you are at 60%.

Blacks were already with Hillary. By now Hispanics are also as staunchly with Hillary. Thank you, Donald.

I just read a news report where some men on Wall Street are warning against Warren. These are sexist men who know nothing about politics and very little about banking. Don't listen to them.

One word: Blockchain.

This election is as existential as Climate Change. No mandate will be too big.

The next three Supreme Court judges going progressive, America will get the campaign finance reform and electoral reform it deserves.

This is not just about one country. This is about all humanity.

Kumar: Wake Up To God