Thursday, February 08, 2007

Facebook: The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix, Vision, Spread Democracy, Revolution

Barack Obama (One Million Strong for Barack)
Barack Obama for President in 2008
Barack Obama for President
America for Barack Obama
Barack Obama for President
Barack Obama In '08? A much needed change in America?
Barack Obama - The Next President
Barack Obama '08
Barack Obama is amazing!
Barack Obama for President 2008
Barack Obama For President 2008
Barack Obama Will Save This Country
~BARACK OBAMA for first black PRESIDENT 2008~
Barack Obama for President 2008
Barack Obama for President 2008
Barack Hussein Obama for President
Barack Obama
Barack Obama For President
Barack Obama for President!!!
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. for President
Barack Obama for President

Wikipedia icon Madrasah Madrasah (Arabic:مدرسة) is the Arabic word for any type of school, secular or religious (of any religion). It is variously transliterated as madrasah, madrash, medresa, madreseh, madrassa, medrusha, or madressa.

In The News

Barbra Streisand to Give Money to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama ... FOX News
Obama makes push for his Iraq legislation WJBC News
John Edwards touts health care plan while in Downs
Clinton, Edwards and Obama: Strike Iran Barack Obama has also been upfront about how he would deal with Iran, arguing that he would not rule out the use of force and supports surgical strikes of alleged nuclear sites in the country if diplomacy (read: coercion) fails.
In Honolulu, young Obama was part of a multiethnic existence The Southern one of the state's top private schools. .... Everybody in Hawaii is a minority. ..... At Punahou, Barack Obama was known primarily for his appealing personality, his honesty and his aggressive play on the basketball court. ...... In 1971, she sent Obama, then 10 ..... Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, a bank vice president, and grandfather, Stanley Dunham, a salesman ..... let his grades slip in his final years of high school. ...... friends and teammates said he didn't appear to be discontented and always seemed to fit in. .... "He never let that show, so maybe it was more of an internal struggle," said teammate Alan Lum, who now teaches at Punahou. ....... At school, Obama was surrounded by the island's richest and most accomplished students. America Online founder Steve Case, actress Kelly Preston and former Dallas Cowboys lineman Mark Tuinei, who died in 1999, attended the school around that time. Pro golf sensation Michelle Wie, 17, is a student there now. ...... A lanky, left-handed forward, Obama became known for his elusive moves on the basketball court. ........ As a backup forward, Obama helped Punahou win the state championship in 1979. Teammates described him as charismatic, a somewhat quiet leader and outspoken with coaches when he didn't agree with them or understand their methods. ....... "He wasn't afraid to challenge authority," Lum said. "Sometimes I couldn't believe he would say it, but I would be thinking the same thing. I remember him being honest and courageous. I respected him for that." ........ brought books to read on road trips, served on the school literary magazine's editorial board and sang in choir as a freshman and sophomore. ....... "He also told me to stick to my studies because they'll take me where I want to go. And I did, and I got to where I wanted to be." ...... even though Obama wasn't a straight-A student, they had high expectations for him. ....... His keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention prompted Eric Kusunoki, Obama's homeroom teacher for four years, to pull out a dusty maroon scrapbook stored away since 1979. ....... the teenage Obama _ carving pumpkins, volunteering for class activities, celebrating birthdays, even writing a nice goodbye note to his teacher. ....... "He was very gifted, and I knew he'd do great things. But this well? On this stage? I never expected that." ........ Obama still spends most Christmas holidays in Hawaii visiting old Punahou friends, his grandmother, 84, and his sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, and her husband. ...... "The opportunity that Hawaii offered _ to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect _ became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear."
Rudy Giuliani - the GOP’s Barack Obama MSNBC The six candidates who top the polls right now fall into three bipartisan pairings. I’ll call them the Charismatics, the Practicals, and the Base-Wooers. ...... Obama’s pitch is: Because of my background and my skills, I can bringing disparate peoples together. If the problem is that America is a pariah, I am, by my nature, the antidote. ....... I got on Facebook and saw the Obama action there. It was fast and furious - and utterly spontaneous
Clinton and Obama offer contrasting political styles
Bradenton Herald Clinton talks tough about Republicans. She went after President Bush by name in her kickoff campaign speech .... "I want to run a positive, issue-oriented, visionary campaign. But you can count on me to stand my ground and fight back." ....... "It's going to be cynicism that we're fighting against," he said to applause. ...... "Obama appears to be a compromiser," said Joan Bouchard of Davenport, Iowa. "As much as I'd like to knock down my opponents, I've learned in life that you have to work with people to get things done." ...... "She (Clinton) knows how politics works. She knows it's a knock-down, drag-out fight."

Bush defends actions against Iranian agents
Houston Chronicle
NEWSWEEK POLL: Bush Job Approval at All-Time Low: 30 Percent Yahoo! News (press release)
Bush critical of war critics Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Dyer: China's satellite-killer test - should we be worried?
Salt Lake Tribune
Ex-Cheney Aide Shares Media Manipulation
FOX News
Rep. Rush Backs Obama For Presidential Nomination
CBS2 Chicago
Obama seeks health care for all Jackson Hole Star-Tribune Obama said while plans are offered in every campaign season with "much fanfare and promise," they collapse under the weight of Washington politics, leaving citizens to struggle with the skyrocketing costs. ........ Americans pay $15 billion in taxes to help care for the uninsured. ...... Democrats "need to cling to the core values that make us Democrats, the belief in universal health care, the belief in universal education, and then we should be agnostic in terms of how to achieve those values." ...... she criticized Bush's proposal to make health care more affordable through tax breaks, arguing that it would lead to less funding for hospitals. ...... I'm going to send him a suit of armor because I know anybody who puts a foot in the health care debate is gonna need that. I've got the scars and experience to show for it
Obama Vows Plan to Provide Universal Health Care By 2013 International News Service
Obama + Hillary = Ka-Ching! Broadcasting & Cable (subscription) after bringing in close to $15 million for his 2004 Senate bid, Obama now has a Murderers' Row of wealthy Democrats and independents falling all over themselves to fund his White House run. ..... Any K Street consultant will tell you that the entry fee to be taken seriously in the primary is $100 million. ..... In the 2004 primary race, Democratic candidates spent close to $400 million, with the lion's share—$235 million—coming from John Kerry. By the time George W. Bush won reelection, both parties had spent north of an astounding $1 billion, most of it in the primary season. It could easily be 50% higher this time around. ..... the Internet will no doubt play a part in everyone's campaign—it was on their respective Websites that Obama and Clinton made it official—most of the cash will be targeted at TV buys ........ Clinton and Obama, with their movie-of-the-week biographies ..... Both Clinton and Obama are as comfortable sitting across the table from Chris Matthews as they are sharing a couch with Oprah Winfrey. ..... Ever since John Kennedy brought the presidency into the TV age, we've had candidates who injected a little Hollywood into Washington. ..... no two candidates with this kind of spark have faced each other yet. I know I'll be watching.
Sen. Barack Obama receiving Hollywood attention
• The Obama Madrassa Hoax
Barack Obama refutes Islamic claims New Zealand Herald (Subscription)
Huge Fuss Over Obama's 'Ordinary' Public School ABC News
Clinton Arrives in Iowa
Washington Post
Clinton Aiming To Overcome Iowa Obstacles
Hollywood stars choose between Clinton, Obama Reuters India Obama launched his exploratory committee 10 days ago, and Clinton quickly followed suit. ....... registered Democratic voters favor Clinton over Obama by 40 percent to 21 percent, though Obama drew far greater support across party lines. ...... Some Democratic activists have privately expressed anger at Clinton's early support for the Iraq war. They worry she may prove too divisive a candidate to win at election time or that some voters are facing "Clinton fatigue." .... Barack Obama is going to learn things about himself that he himself never knew
Clinton, Giuliani Hit the Campaign Trial ABC News
Hillary Clinton Wins Dinner Invite Poll Post Chronicle
Entertainers flock to Obama Bradenton Herald George Clooney calls him a friend. Halle Berry has said she'd "collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear." Oprah Winfrey says he's her man. ..... three of the most powerful men in Hollywood - Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen - have just invited Democrats to a truly high-profile fundraiser: a Feb. 20 reception for Obama at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, with a dinner later at Geffen's home for top donors...... it's Clinton who's the clear front-runner at this point, with the long-term relationships, the financing, the network of support dating to the early '90s ....... Spielberg isn't picking favorites yet. He and other major Los Angeles donors, including producer Steve Bing, media mogul Haim Saban, supermarket magnate Ron Burkle and investment banker Sim Farar, will be co-hosting a fundraiser for Clinton in the spring ...... "If you could take Barack Obama's image, add Hillary Clinton's money and John Edwards' voice, that would be my candidate" ....... "What I'm finding interesting is that Obama is not the immediate favorite of a lot of African-Americans - he came up through the system, not the grass roots like Jesse Jackson.
Did Microsoft want to 'whack' Dell over its Linux NewsForge company executives were swapping e-mails suggesting Dell deserved a beating for its growing interest in Linux
Europe Not Friendly To Apple's Itunes Post Chronicle
Google and YouTube: A Catch-22 BusinessWeek
Google leads Apple in global brand ranking; YouTube, Wikipedia in ...
Google Wins as Top Brand in 2006, But is There More to the Story? AXcess News
YouTube videos are part of picture in Google search
Indianapolis Star
Google Offers YouTube Video in Searches International News Service
Google Starts Integrating YouTube Content All Headline News online video-sharing service will remain the domain of YouTube while the Google Video shifts its focus to search. .... "Google Video will become even more comprehensive as it evolves into a service where you can search for the world's online video content, irrespective of where it may be hosted" .... intends to put its resources and ad revenue-generating prowess to work for YouTube while leaving it free to operate independently. .... "YouTube co-founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen and the rest of the YouTube team will continue to innovate exciting new ways for people to broadcast themselves."
Yahoo`s new ad system to boost growth: Analysts Zee News its new system, dubbed Panama, would be fully introduced in the United States as of February 5 ...... The ad system brings Yahoo in closer league with Web search leader Google Inc. , honing the technology that allows advertisers to pay for search terms based on their popularity. .... Panama also helps advertisers target the ads sent to specific audiences on the Web or rotate ads based on their effectiveness, capabilities Google has offered for several years. ..... I do think they (Yahoo) will narrow the gap
IBM, Intel pace each other with improved transistors Macworld
Intel, IBM announce insulation "overhaul" for faster, cooler chips
IBM and Oracle Agreement Strengthens Mainframe Computing, IDC Says TechWhack
Oracle Makes Another Blow At Red Hat EFYTimes
Oracle sneaks out E-Business Suite 12
Oracle's ‘Web 2.0’ interface coming this month Computerworld Malaysia Oracle will release WebCenter this month, a tool for building user
interfaces that include Web 2.0 tools like blogs and wikis. .....
an add-on to Oracle Application
Server Enterprise Edition for US$50,000 per CPU. ..... WebCenter Services, for embedding
services such as Oracle Enterprise Search, VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) calling and
wiki-building tools into the interface. ...... click on the employee's name and initiate a VOIP
call ...... WebCenter's appeal lies partly in its close ties with Oracle's database and application
server ..... Oracle customers can use those existing infrastructure products to deploy the blogs
and wikis. .... the default interface for Oracle's Fusion applications, a merger of its Oracle,
Siebel and PeopleSoft applications due in 2008. ...... WebCenter is essentially the opposite of a
portal: It allows developers to put portal elements into an application (or application interface),
rather than putting applications content into distinct portal product. ...... IBM also entered the
game this week, announcing plans to bring Web 2.0 capabilities to its Lotus Notes collaboration
software. ..... "Oracle WebCenter is the most ambitious attempt from a large established vendor
to enable IT and end users to create mashups from any applications and information sources,
not just Oracle's" ..... each of its applications suites -- the E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, JD
Edwards and Siebel.
Sun Microsystems swings to profit
The Brunei Times

Observers wonder how Wal-Mart will regain edge Columbus Dispatch
The world’s largest retailer is struggling ...... a disappointing 2006. The top question now is whether the company will continue an 18-month-old strategy of prying more money from affluent shoppers with trendier products or return to low-priced basics. ..... Efforts to improve its image with trendier fashion brands and home fashion accessories have fallen flat, although its push for higher-price electronics, such as flat-panel TVs, has done well. ...... Wal-Mart reported the worst holiday season on record even as the company started to reemphasize its low prices after months of playing down its discount strategy. That has left customers and observers confused about what Wal-Mart is trying to be. ....... They have to be crystal clear that they are a low-price leader ...... the retailer is starting a two-year effort to tailor its stores to local communities, offering different selections of merchandise to six target demographic groups, including Latinos and blacks. ....... Fleming, a veteran of fastergrowing rival Target Corp., will oversee the buyers who stock Wal-Mart in most of the categories the company considers key for growth: grocery, entertainment, apparel and home furnishings. ....... two new divisions, one aimed at improving the customer experience and the other focused on planning, pricing and replenishment. ....... "Conceptualizing is one thing, but executing is another thing"
Iran installing 3000 nuclear centrifuges, MP says
WTO ministers pledged to put Doha Round back on track Xinhua
'Rush' for Windows Vista is more like a stroll
Seattle Post Intelligencer
YouTubers to get ad money share
BBC News a mixture of adverts, including short clips shown ahead of the actual film. ..... The offer applies only to people who own the full copyright of the videos that they are uploading to the YouTube website. .... currently working on "audio fingerprinting" technologies to identify copyrighted material ..... YouTube was still working out the technology and processes involved - both for the rewards system and the video clip advertising system. ..... various features would be rolled out one by one over the next few months. ...... a clip of three seconds length was one of the options
YouTube co-founder says site will begin sharing revenue with users USA Today
YouTube to share revenue with users: AP MarketWatch
Intel, IBM separately reveal transistor breakthrough International Herald Tribune
What You Need To Know About Windows Vista
Is Fox Preparing to Fight YouTube?
Spitzer: Reform NY health care now BusinessWeek
State of the Union? Divided
The Japan Times
Freeways' tainted air harms children's lungs, experts say
Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State Of The Union Watch Parties

There were two locations to go to.
  1. Dewey's Flatiron – upstairs
    210 5th Ave, between 25th and 26th
  2. The Irish Rogue - upstairs
    346 W 44th St, between 8th and 9th Aves
I wanted to go to both. So I did. I first went to the one nearer. Other MYD officers won uncontested. Lee Motayed won handy. She had an opponent. She is of Indian heritage. She looked awfully happy. She is amazing.

Then I took the train to the other site. It started nice. Then closer to nine, the place was so full. I missed the idea of space. I actually stepped outside. I thought I would go back to the other place. Closer to Times Square I turned back. I figured I might miss the speech.

On my way out, I crossed the two DFNYC women Tracey and Heather. I don't think they saw me. They were looking good.

So, Heather, how do you feel about the war in Iraq?

Justin Krebs and Lewis Cohen spoke at the beginning, and the ACT Now guy.

Made peace with Cohen.

"Hello Paramendra, nice to see you. How are you doing?" Is all it takes. I totally want DFA to get behind Barack Obama. That is the original antiwar candidate.

As soon as the speech ended, I went back to the first place. Looks like I missed the rebuttal. CNN was on, but the sound was on for MSNBC upstairs.

I met Jenny from Chicago. I had met her the first time the same place. (
MYD Month)

"So you went home for Christmas? To Chicago?"

"Yes. You?"

"I am Buddhist."

I should have asked for an email address.

Also met Kenny Augusto and David Pollak. Kenny was pretty high up in the Fernando Ferrer for Mayor campaign. David is a big shot guy. He runs DL21C. He told me he is now also on the national DNC, Democratic National Committee.

My first conversation with David was months back. We were both strongly for Hillary. I have switched to Obama since.

"It is hard to go against Hillary if you are a New Yorker, especially when she is such a good candidate."

"Oh, she is excellent. What do you think of Obama as Hillary's running mate though?"

David thought the ticket would be heavy enough with a woman on it. I instead got the impression he wants Hillary in for eight years, and then he wants Spitzer to step in.

I am looking at Obama as president, Hillary as vice, and Spitzer as Attorney General, America's Sheriff.

Claire bought me a drink. "I make a lot of money," she said.

I just googled up Lee and emailed her through Friendster. I like it when I can google people up. Works better with foreign sounding names.