Monday, December 14, 2015

Yadavs Have No Caste

Yadavs have no caste. Yadavs are not Brahmin. Yadavs are not Chhatriya. Yadavs are not Vaishya. Yadavs are not Sudras. And they are large in number. They dominate the Hindi belt in India.

The question, is the Hindu religion possible without the caste system, it is not even a question. Of course it is possible.

It is not a coincidence that the only form of Hinduism that is out there in any missionary position is the one that flows straight out of Krishna, who is considered the Founding Father of the Yadavs. The Hare Rama Hare Krishna people are out there preaching. When you join, you simply become a Hindu, you have no caste. You read out of the Geeta, the crown jewel of the Hindu worldview.

But just like the Brahmins annihilated Buddhists from the subcontinent, they also tried to annihilate the Yadavs. They did manage to in Gujrat, where Krishna was from, where Gandhi was from, where Modi is from. Both Gandhi and Modi are caste Hindus.

Caste Hindus think of religion as geography. They don't feel, there are a billion Chinese, if I can get half of them that will be 500 million more Hindus. They don't care which way the Chinese go. They feel everyone on the subcontinent was once a Hindu, and so any deviation that happened anywhere along the way needs to be corrected. Which makes for amazingly intolerant, obnoxious behavior, like asking Muslims to "come back."

Bramhins are weird. They are supposed to be these learned people, people of the book, but they also have been the most mercilessly bloodthirsty. They have killed like it was nobody's business.

Yadavs also seem to be able to form political alliances with Muslims rather easily. Neither the Muslims nor the Yadavs are part of the caste framework. They have nothing to break out of first.

But I don't see any Yadav in Bollywood. Maybe the good looks stopped after Krishna, who was supposed to have had a thousand girlfriends. Laloo ne sab jagah aarakshan lagoo karvaya, Bollywood shayad bhool gaye.

Death: Energy, Life: Matter

If death is energy and life matter, which is more alive? Death or life? The mind is the bridge. Let there be light.

E = mc2

Buddha said this before Einstein did, about 2,500 years before.

And, by the way, life is as abundant in the universe as the stars.

Life is death being in a hurry. And this is modern physics, this is modern biology. Life speeds up the law of entropy.

An Open Letter To Barack Obama

You may think ageing is a natural process. If that is so, why are you ageing faster than mere mortals? You may think your unique position of power is adding to the stress. But you do work out in the mornings, don’t you? As for the position of power, as soon as you leave office, the first realization that is going to strike you is, this government runs on its own.

The white man taught you to pump iron. Pumping iron is good. But that leaves so much of the territory untouched. Like the joints, and the mind. Pick up yoga. Call up Modi. Ask him for a demo session next time he is in town. He is always too happy to oblige. Putin beat you to it by the way. He has already talked to Modi about yoga.

Guess who Michelle Obama’s vegetable garden is for. Eat.

I recommend two books for you on Amazon. If you can afford only one, buy the green one. As soon you “retire,” you should work on getting back your 2008 looks. It is possible. This is a nasty job you have. Or you could start right away. Certain things are not to be postponed for later. Like breathing.

And Amitabh Bachchan colors his hair. The most recognized face on the planet colors his hair (not face). It is not such a bad idea. He does it for his fans.

Bringing Closure To Tibet The Dalai Lama Way

Bringing Closure To Tibet The Dalai Lama Way

It is mind over matter. Chinese communists are matter people. They build roads and bridges. They are so good, there is no more road or bridge to build in China, that is why they are going to Pakistan. The hammer needs a nail. Or it will rust. It is not exactly goodwill.

The Dalai Lama is a mind person. Buddhism is not religion, it is science. It is a science that passes for religion. It is a science that does not mind being called religion.

The brain is body. The brain is matter. The mind is mind.

Buddhism is a science of the mind. There are plenty of sciences that deal with the brain and even mind. But Buddhism is the only that deals exclusively with the mind. It does not deal with food, for example. You want food? Go beg, Buddhism says. The Chinese say (or said) grab the landlord's land, by any means necessary.

Military conquests can not bother the mind. It can damage or even destroy the brain. But the mind is mind. After all, the Buddha himself created the world’s first republic by sheer mind power. He was so effective at evaporating the caste hierarchies of the Hindu cobweb, you see Buddhists in Tibet, in China, in Thailand, even Sri Lanka, but not in India, not in Bihar, not in Gujrat where he died (left the body), not in his hometown where he was born. The Bramhins had to physically eliminate. Totally annihilate. They had to destroy the body and the brain because they were so utterly incapable of confronting the mind. The Chinese have not come even remotely close. The Chinese can only dream about what the Bramhins did. And they did it with primitive tools where you had to see blood before your eyes while you took the life. Tibetans have not diminished in number. The religion is more or less intact. And they don’t much care about taxation, and the railway.

Mind over matter.

The Dalai Lama has the solution to China’s Tibet problem. He is the only one who has. And the Chinese should take it while he is still alive, or they might not have a solution for 200 years. The solution is for the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet and China. The Chinese government may take care of the logistics. The Dalai Lama does not mind. What train he rides in, what lodge he spends the night in. All that is matter. He does not mind. The solution is for the Chinese to welcome the Dalai Lama into the country and take him everywhere he wants to go. The trip could last a year. It might last for the rest of his life. Let him be. He is not asking for Tibet to be a separate country. There is no “splittism,” the most awkward word the Chinese have managed to put into the Oxford dictionary. There’s the selfie and then there is splittism. Both are highly awkward. Blame the Americans for one, blame the Chinese for another.

Only a Dalai Lama visit can normalize Tibet’s southern border and Tibet can go back to the way it was for thousands of years. Tibet is a natural part of South Asia, more so than Afghanistan. There is no India China border dispute. There is only a Chinese reluctance to let the Dalai Lama bring a closure to the whole issue.

Mind over matter. The Chinese should let the Dalai Lama visit before it is too late.

I am a Buddhist. I have been for almost 20 years now.

That is why what is going on in Nepal is of world war proportions. The Bramhins will be defeated in Kathmandu before they will be defeated in Delhi. Buddhists are not looking to conquer, not with the sword. Buddhists are looking to simply exist. You may not annihilate the body. You may not annihilate the brain. And you may not have hierarchies. But for that one person one vote is good enough. People have to make their own choices.

Mind over matter. The Dalai Lama has a bad knee. Maybe the Chinese would like to help. He wants to visit.

If Buddhism is science, my law of political entropy is Buddhist engineering. It is applied science. It is rocket science.

There is also the no small matter of anointing the next Dalai Lama, when the time comes.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

India China: No Border Problem

It is said India and China have a border problem. That is not true. India has no problem. What China has is a Tibet problem. China gulped down Tibet, but it is not done digesting yet. Digesting would be when it could afford to open up the border like it was open for thousands of years before it showed up. In the mean time, let the line of actual control be. Let it slide. It's just rocks. Let trade bloom.

Not even the Dalai Lama wants Tibetan independence. He is happy 400 million Chinese are now Buddhist. He wants a few hundred million more. The Dalai Lama visiting China and Tibet is a great idea. I can't think of a better way of settling the issue of whether Tibet should be a separate country or not.

काश्मीर: एक समस्या

लोग कहते हैं सबसे कठिन मसला है पलेस्टाइन का। गलत कहते हैं। दुनिया में सबसे कठिन मसला है कश्मीर का। कमसेकम पलेस्तिनियों के पास एटम बम तो नहीं।

तो इसको सुलझाया कैसे जा सकता है?

बहुतों ने दिमाग लगाया है। मेरे पास भी एक है। मैं भी कुछ बोल देता हुँ।

The solution is democracy. जब तक पाकिस्तान एक पुर्ण लोकतंत्र ना बन जाए तब तक कश्मीर समस्या ही रहेगा। पाकिस्तानी आर्मी और ISI को पुर्ण रूप से पाकिस्तानी संसद के तहत जब तक नहीं लाया जाएगा तब तक समस्या समाधान नहीं होगा।

इसका मतलब मैं ये नहीं कह रहा कि कश्मीर भारत का है या पाकिस्तान का। मैं कुछ कह ही नहीं रहा। मैं कह रहा वो बात बाद में करेंगे। पहला काम करो पाकिस्तान को एक पुर्ण लोकतंत्र बनाओ।

दो जन निर्वाचित सरकार जिसका पुरे गवर्नमेंट मशीनरी पर कब्जा है वो ये मसला आसानी से हल कर सकेंगे। अंततः कहेंगे जो हुवा सो हुवा इतिहास को भुलो आगे कि सोंचो line of control को बॉर्डर मान जाओ और ट्रेड पर फोकस करो पर्यटन पर फोकस करो people to people contact पर फोकस करो।

अंततः सारे दक्षिण एशिया को एक ही अर्थतंत्र बनना है। उसी में आम आदमी की भलाई है और ये आम आदमी का जमाना है।

तो पाकिस्तानी आर्मी और ISI को पार्लियामेंट के तहत लाएगा कौन? भारत? अमेरिका? नहीं। आम पाकिस्तानी जनता। एक समय आएगी जब जनता उस किस्मका मैंडेट देगी।

प्रश्न है वो समय कब आएगी। Can it be hastened? How?

पाकिस्तान को ४० बिलियन का ऐड

Flag of Pakistan Esperanto: Flago de Pakistano...
Flag of Pakistan Esperanto: Flago de Pakistano Español: Bandera de Pakistán Français : Drapeau du Pakistan हिन्दी: पाकिस्तान का ध्वज Italiano: Bandiera del Pakistan ଓଡ଼ିଆ: ପାକିସ୍ତାନୀ ଝଣ୍ଡା Русский: Флаг Пакистана தமிழ்: பாக்கித்தான் கொடி Türkçe: Pakistan bayrağı Slovenščina: Državna zastava Pakistana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
लोगों ने इंटरनेट पर पढ़ा कि अमरिका ने पाकिस्तान को ४० बिलियन ऐड में दिया है। और जमीन पर कुछ दिख नहीं रहा है। एक मियाँ भाइ दुसरे को देख रहे हैं शक के दृष्टि से। ये उस को देखता है, वो उसको देखता है। कि मियाँ, वो जो अमरिका से पैसा आया, वो कहीं आपने तो हजम नहीं किया? कोइ ऑफिस में नया सुट पहन के आ जाता है तो शक शुरू। नया सुट पहना है बंदा, कहीं वो ४० बिलियन यही तो हजम नहीं कर बैठा!

तो होता क्या है कि वो पैसा कभी अमेरिका से पाकिस्तान तक पहुँचता ही नहीं। अमरिका सरकार के खाते में से कुछ डिफेंस कंपनिया बगैरह के खाते में पैसा जाता है। पाकिस्तान पहुँचता है महंगा महंगा हथियार। ये बिजनेस है। और वो हतियार इस्लामाबाद में चाँदनी चौक पर डिस्प्ले कर दिया जाता कमसेकम तो लोग देखते कि यही है, अमरिका ने जो ४० बिलियन दिया। आम आदमी तो दुर आम सिपाही को भी कभी दिखाया नहीं जाता। अधिकांश तो गोदाम से कभी निकलते नहीं। कभी प्रयोग ही नहीं हो पाता।

बिजनेस में एक कांसेप्ट है ROI, यानि कि Return On Investment. तो १० मिलियन कांग्रेसमैन सीनेटर लोगों को खिलाओ तो वो लोग बिल पास करेंगे, बिल का नाम रहेगा फॉरेन ऐड टु पाकिस्तान टू फाइट द वॉर ओन टेरर। बिल पास होगा। खर्चा हुवा १० मिलियन, प्रॉफिट हुवा १० बिलियन। उतना प्रॉफिट मार्जिन तो सॉफ्टवेयर में भी नहीं है। अच्छा बिजनेस है। और यहाँ एक मिया भाइ दुसरे मिया भाइ को देख रहा है, कि मिया वो जो मैंने इंटरनेट पर पढ़ा अमरीका ने जो दिया वो कहीं आप तो हजम नहीं कर गए?

Don't get me wrong. मैं ये नहीं कह रहा कि पाकिस्तान में करप्शन नहीं है। अगर करप्शन ना होता तो गरीबी ही ना होता। जहाँ जहाँ गरीबी है मान जाओ वहाँ करप्शन है। करप्शन खतम गरीबी खतम।