Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Barack Obama Africa Foundation

English: Barack Obama delivers a speech at the...
English: Barack Obama delivers a speech at the University of Southern California (Video of the speech) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have no advice for how Hillary should run for president, but I do have advice on how Barack Obama could retire. I think he should launch, wait. There was speculation somewhere that he could become Supreme Court Justice. I don't believe that rumor. There was a similar rumor in Bill Clinton's final year in office. So I don't believe. But I would like to believe. I think Barack Obama becoming Supreme Court Justice would be awesome, for the black community. The constant reminder that this dude was in the White House might impact an entire generation. Heck, he might even become Chief Justice some day.

But he should do what would make him happy. And, perhaps, just like Billie Clinton, Barack Obama is a little too kinetic to sit on the Supreme Court.

My advice is, he should launch a Barack Obama Africa Foundation. Africa is the last continent. There is still so much political chaos on that continent. Much of the poverty and disease emanates from that chaos. As a former POTUS he might have both the stature and the distance to be able to bring people together. The foundation would be dedicated to (1) a total spread of democracy on the continent through peaceful means, (2) strengthening of democracies, (3) rooting out corruption, (4) attracting large scale FDI into the emerging economies, and to (5) eventually bring about an economic union of the continent.

That is my advice for Barack Obama.

I said very early on, the best thing Barack Obama can do as president for the black people, is to do the very best he can do as president. Just do your job. Now I am saying, in retirement he should perhaps consider giving himself fully to the continent of Africa.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

What Is Racism?

In Jeopardy, why do contestants have to answer in the form of a question? Is there some background to this quirky / obscure feature of the TV quiz show? Does it help quiz dynamics somehow? Is it simply a marketing device to differentiate the show from others? Do people like it?
I was Barack Obama's first full time volunteer in all of New York City. In some other country I might have been a Head of State myself. But I don't have a country. And I don't see me ever run for public office. I did not volunteer because I had political ambitions. I did not volunteer because I wanted to go to the White House, get a political job. Nothing like that. For me it was about 500 years of world history. I had been the only full timer Nepali in America to have worked for Nepal's spectacular democracy movement in 2005-06. And then the Madhesi Movement that followed. For me Obama 2008 was a continuation. I was going to put in my effort and then I was going to do tech entrepreneurship. When they nabbed me the precise day Hillary lost, my tech startup had 100K in the bank. The round 1 goal was 100K, and the goal had been met. The goal had been met months ago. But I wanted to see it through. I could not tear myself apart from the primary process unless I had seen Barack through. It was an entrepreneurial mistake: my then tech startup died in the process. But that's okay. It is not like I had a choice.

And I have stayed away in the aftermath. People don't think immigration detention. People think jail. I was obscure before, during and after. But I did not want to become an issue, however small. Being behind bars is politically radioactive. But I was done. As long as he got sworn in, that is all I had wanted. And I got it.

You can't put anyone behind bars for more than 24 hours unless you sentence him, so it was a human rights violation by international standards, but who cares about human rights, right? They did not read me my Miranda rights, either. China was known to snoop on citizens. Ends up America does it too! The scales don't even compare!

They had me disappear the precise day Hillary lost. The Machine did not lack poetry, did it? They let me out a few days after McCain was beat. It felt so political.

What I was accused of was considered light. The accusation was wrong. It talked of "hundreds of emails." If that phrase ever entered the judicial process, that was material for the crime of false allegation. There might have been 10 emails. After they got me out, the system had another guy go before me, he was sentenced to 10 hours of community service, something like that. Even if what I was accused of had validity, the system made a point to show me, it was light. But the system never intended to prove I was guilty.

There was a court order to not contact the person. I never did. I sent an email to these two other individuals -- I must have attended 100 plus events organized by the two during the preceding years -- and that email was interpreted as a court order violation.

The court appointed attorney belonged to the machine, not me.

For a harassing communication charge that they never had to prove, for a court order violation I never committed, they nabbed me. The idea was to get me in the immigration net and drop the light charge they never intended to prove.

Suddenly I am a petty thief to the system, rubbing shoulders with murderers, drug lords, mischiefs, bank robbers.

When they first came for me, the police officers were talking among themselves: "Who IS this guy?" As in, why are high level police officers and politicians' offices interested in him?

Top police officers downtown were involved. Charlie Rangel's office was involved. And if he was not personally involved, he should say so, I have badmouthed him in the loudest terms to give him an opportunity to come clean. Say you were not involved.

2008 immigration detention was the worst experience of my life. Nothing worse has ever happened to me. But I will take it. If I can put a black guy in the White House. Which I did. To me it is about 500 years of world history, although I like the guy plenty. I feel love for him. And he has been a great president.

Once they let me out, I get an email from a Co-Chair of the New York State Democratic Party inviting me to an event, if I show up, now that would have been a court order violation. Why would she do something like that?

And if she would, why are my fellow Obama 2008 volunteers not seeing this? And if they are not seeing this, do they mean anything to me anymore? I stayed away from Obama 2012. I did not have comrades. I might as well face the fact.

The recession feels like it might be over. And it bit me hard. I was not exactly living fancy before, but the recession years were tougher. But this year feels different. Things are beginning to happen. I am laying the foundations for the SuperEntrepreneur thing. All the motherfuckers who were involved in 2008, I have a message for you, you got yourself a script for Slumdog Billionaire. Just like those kids, I was also born in Bihar. Democracy gets rough in Bihar. You don't know rough. It is still Gangs Of New York time in Bihar. I will tough it out.

And I have to let it out, because I am sick and tired of these white tweedle dee tweedle dums in the US Senate projecting crash, crude racism at the black guy in the White House. You mean, you are going to act racist when you meet the black guy in the streets of Ferguson, and you are going to act racist when you meet the black guy in the White House! Nah! Not taking it lying down. There will be a fight. If we fought you in 2008, and 2012, we will fight you into infinity. So help me God. It is one of those things. Some of us paid a pretty steep price to get this guy into the White House, and don't you disrespect! We live in a global world now. It is not your mama's world we live in.

Barack Obama And Africa
Obama On Kimmel
Dear Ayatollah
A Racist Act By The US Senate

Friday, March 27, 2015

Barack Obama And Africa

Barack Obama has been a successful president by any measure. But one place where he has missed the mark is in actively being the first black president.

The African American salvation does not lie in America. It lies in Africa. Unless the continent of Africa does what China has done, the African Americans will continue to be a sorry lot inside this country. It is sad that a black man can be in the White House, supposedly the most powerful office on the planet, and apparently be helplessly at the receiving end of the most open, the most stupid, the most crude racist attacks by the white guys in the US Senate. The whole world is watching. The message to black America can NOT be, racism is just reality, just put up with it. That defeats the purpose of putting a black guy in the White House.

Barack Obama can do much to help the continent of Africa try and achieve China like, and now India like, economic strides. He has not done much at all.

You are not white. You are black. Let Africa see that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Racist Act By The US Senate

Biden Rebukes Senate Republicans Over Letter to Iran

According to the US Constitution, it is for the President Of The United States to deal with foreign powers on behalf of the country. For that he/she gets an entire department, with presences all over the world. He/she is boss to them and works through a Secretary he appoints.

For the Senate Republicans to directly reach out to the Iranian leadership ---- first, it is an invalid step. I also would like to reach out to the Iranian leadership on behalf of America and Laos. What is the email address?

It is also racism. It is like saying, we don't care who is in the White House, because there is a black guy in the White House. And we don't accept blackness in the White House. Attitude!

These Senate Republicans might or might not be okay with blackness, but that they should think they actually have the option to not accept the US Constitution! And for avowed strict constitutionalists too! If you want the Republicans to stop being so anal about being strict constitutionalists, idea, put a black guy in the White House!

How many black guys do we need to put in the White House for them to get past the right to bear arms part! I want to know.

There are two Armageddon forces on the planet right now: ISIS and the Senate Republicans!

Barack Obama has done commendable work to deescalate the tension around that part of the world. Israel should appreciate. The Senate Republicans should get out of the way.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bobby Jindal's Speech

English: Governor Bobby Jindal at the Republic...
English: Governor Bobby Jindal at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
‘Let's be honest here, Islam has a problem,’ claims Indian-American politician Bobby Jindal

I just read a pretty interesting speech by Bobby Jindal. I take ethnic pride in Bobby, I always have. The guy is smart as a whick. But he also amuses me in that he is at the other end of the spectrum, especially on social issues. I could start a meme that goes, Things That Bobby Says. But I am also cognizant that on social issues this is a live and let live country. Barack Obama coming to the White House has not been an existential crisis for those who have alternate social views. And so Bobby's social stances are amusing to me, not threatening. Live and let live. I think the next President Of The United States should be someone who will help create the industries of tomorrow. That has got to be the number one quality. And right now I am asking if Bobby might be that person or not. I don't know. The guy is a blip on the radar right now. But then where was Bill Clinton in the polls in 1991? Make it 1989.

To Bobby's credit, thanks to him, I have taken a genuine look at many conservative positions. I have been like, really? You believe that? For example, guns. I watched American Sniper last night at a theater near Times Square. It broke my heart that this dude was felled by a stray bullet. To me that is a gun control issue. Bobby feels differently. But I also give that Bobby's Second Amendment stance is symbolic of the rugged individualism this country was founded on that I find so endearing. I like individualism, I like personal space. I just want that rugged individualism to not be dependent on guns.

Bobby says it is White House or bust for him. I like that attitude.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Barack Obama (Big Picture Guy) And Cuba

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Barack Obama did not need to do this. No one would have noticed he did not do this. Although this should have been done 25 years ago. But he is doing it, because he gets the big picture. Like he got the big picture on health care. 50 years of presidents trying, and this guy goes ahead and makes the move. Cuba is like that. Half a century of American presidents not getting it right. And Barack Obama goes ahead and makes the move.

I think it is about his being black. Unless you are exceptionally good, a black guy does not end up in the White House. And so Barack Obama being amazingly good is everything about his being a black dude.

Friday, October 03, 2014

Modi: BJP's Nehru

Modi shows all signs of being in the Prime Minister's seat for three terms. I take two terms for granted. I think he might also do a third stint.

According to the World Bank, India's current GDP is $6 trillion. If it grows at 10% it doubles every seven years. So by the time Modi's 15 years are over, the GDP should hit $24 trillion.

Anything less than that, and I am going to say Modi failed. Only such a rapid growth could lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty.