Sunday, January 14, 2007

Corporate Politics: Martial Arts

The Art Of War, Bruce Lee

Art of War by SunTzu [SunZi] -English Hypertext's Original Sun Tzu The Art of War Translation
The Internet Classics Archive | The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Art of War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sun Tzu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Search, Read, Study, Discuss.
The Art of War
The Art of War - Sun Tzu

Corporate Politics: Martial Arts

Corporate politics are like derivatives, they can be learned.
Work is 50% performance, 50% politics, so get into it.
  1. Work Jokes
  2. Jokes/Office
  3. Humor Archives: Office
  4. Aha Jokes

  1. WINNING OFFICE POLITICS: DUBRINS GD FOR 90S by Andrew J. DuBrin (Paperback)
  2. 100+ Tactics for Office Politics (Business Success Series) by Casey Fitts Hawley, Casey Hawley (Paperback)
  3. Applying Sun Tzu's Art of War in Corporate Politics by Khoo Kheng-Hor (Paperback) Spiced With Real-Life Illustrations and Ovservations, It Is Written in a Breezy Style That Allows for Easy Reading, Understanding and Retention
  4. The Unofficial Guide to Climbing the Corporate Ladder by Jack Griffin (Paperback)
  5. The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Paperback)
  6. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli, Daniel Donno (Mass Market Paperback)

  1. Column - Manager's Workshop: Tough Bosses ..... "Tough bosses are tough to deal with, period. They subject you to various circuitous and veiled mind games, unpredicted and unexpected changes of topic, and befuddled and baffling questions designed to bamboozle because they may have no answer whatsoever. They pose menacing, nerve-racking challenges to both your attention span and your ability to read between the lines of their unspoken intentions. Tough bosses are in your face. They issue more than their fair share of crotchety and cantankerous commands during head-to-head encounters."
  2. Surviving Corporate Politics Part 2: Keeping Up Appearances ... ..... "Especially in large companies, where there is constant personnel movement, keeping up your appearance is a full time task...... "
  3. How do you survive the politics at work? @ ..... " The politics where I work are driving me crazy. I got off on the wrong foot with a few people here and now I can't get anything done. Is there anything you can do to get back in the good graces of corporate politics? ..... Every organization has people who get stuff done without knifing anyone else in the back. Keep your eyes open for these people and learn everything you can from them...... Ironically, politicians have it easier than the rest of us. They run for office only every two, four or six years. The rest of us have to play politics virtually every day."
  4. Office Politics & Corporate Power Structures ..... " and tricks on the fine art of office politics .... "
  5. Politics Comes with the Office ..... "Politics don't only make for strange bedfellows, they can make for uncomfortable work situations ..... the deeper the infrastructure and the older the company, the more chance of facing corporate politics ..... in today's highly competitive, ever-changing business arena where jobs aren't for life, office politics flourish ..... internal conflicts, rivalry disputes and other volatile situations ..... "Even if you are a person who takes no active part in [office] politics knowing how the game is played means that you stand a good chance of surviving the depredations of those who undertake the lifestyle of cubicle warfare." ..... "All politics really boils down to is the play of human interactions at work that can make your job either easier or more difficult," write co-authors Ronna Lichtenbrug and Gene Stone in their book Work Would Be Great If It Weren't for the People. "Being a good office politician means that you know how to turn individual agendas into common goals." .... Start with your boss. Part of everyone's job is learning how to make the boss look good. Learn what the boss expects from your performance and then evaluate ways in which you can add more value to the team. If advancement within the organization is a priority for you, knowing the answers to these questions is important to becoming more politically savvy: Do you work in a department that is integral, i.e., adds profitability, to the organization? Can you measure, in numbers, the results of your work? Is your boss a team player? Does he or she have the power to make decisions that affect your goals? How is your boss perceived within the organization? .... "Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.""
  6. Phoenix IT&T Consulting... Media & Newsroom > Corporate Politics ... ..... "Politics isn't limited to Parliament House. It is alive and well, eating away at the soul of every organization ..... Managing politics minimizes stakeholder negativity so it's important to involve stakeholders at all levels, from the business owner to perspective users, he said. "It is critical to have face-to-face discussions rather than relying on e-mails and phone calls.""
  7. Racial discrimination and harassment at work ..... "Direct discrimination .. if, because of your race, you are treated less favourably than other people who are in the same circumstances, this is direct discrimination ..... If you feel you are being harassed or discriminated against, do something about it and don't let the situation fester. ..... Note down all the behaviour that offends you in a diary. Record the date, time and place and the names of any other people who are there. If the harassment is affecting your health, causing symptoms of stress or depression, for example, go to see your doctor..... You could go to your personnel department (if there is one) and ask what are your company's procedures for reporting a grievance ..... "
  8. The bully at work: Jan's story ..... "Bullying is alive and well in the ... workplace ..... 'The effects of bullying lead to a sense of helplessness, inadequacy, confusion, anxiety, tiredness, disorganisation at work, lowered self-esteem and depression.' ..... 'I'd been with the company twelve years when my new director arrived. From day one she just didn't like me. It started with her trying to win over people's regard by embarrassing me at meetings.' ..... bullying occurs continually over a period of many months. Your self-confidence becomes eroded. That can happen pretty fast...... The bully may exclude you from the information loop and threaten your professional standing. You become isolated and suspicious..... The bully may attempt to wear you down with overwork and absurd expectations. You become overwrought, jittery, and overtired. You toss and turn all night, suffer from nightmares, and have trouble dragging yourself out of bed in the morning. Your stomach is in knots, you have frequent headaches, and lose your appetite..... 'I sought the help of the HR director but he told me it was my issue: "You're single, lonely, you can't fit in, you don't have many friends." I was devastated.' .... Bullying always feels personal because it always is personal. For the bully at work, you are not really a person with feelings but an object to be manipulated and manoeuvred against. The motivations may lie in the character and personal history of the bully or they may derive from a hidden organisational agenda. Whatever the reasons, bullying tactics are always an act of cowardice..... 'The trouble is, it takes two to be bullied. The person who is being bullied begins to feel like the coward. It's a complete invasion.' ..... What can you do? 1. Trust your instincts. If it feels like bullying, it most likely is. 2. Knowledge is power. 3. Consult the grapevine. 4. Keep a diary.. 'a contemporaneous record' is very much more powerful than half-remembered events later on 5. Find your voice. Write a memorandum to the bully setting out the criticisms concisely, coldly, and clearly. 6. Stand up and be counted. "
  9. Asian American Experiences with Racial and Ethnic Discrimination ... ..... "...the consequents of discrimination, the relations between negative treatment and a) physical health, b) psychological health, and c) organizational outcomes .... Asian Americans do experience racial discrimination ..... Those who experienced racial discrimination in the workplace were more likely to exhibit signs of depression and to be in poor physical health..... "
  10. 16 Racial Discrimination ..... "It's unlawful for an employer to discriminate against you because of your race, when choosing someone for a job, and when deciding which staff will be: promoted; given benefits at work, such as training; dismissed; or made redundant. "
  11. Long Articles In PDF Format: Institutional Racism
  12. Institutioanl Racism: Where Is The Prejudice In Organizations? .... why more ethnic minority staff went down the disciplinary route ..... There is a dearth of literature dealing with race and the organization.... two theories .... first, centred on cognitive processing theories, suggest that when assessing the performance of their subordinates, managers may look for information and evidence that confirms broader stereotypes (ie based on gender or race). A stereotype is defined as: 'a set of attributes ascribed to a group and imputed to its individual members simply because they belong to that group' ..... The second theory, 'in-group' and 'out-group' membership identifies two key groups within organisations .. identity groups and organisation groups (Alderfer, 1986). An identity group might be determined by its gender, age or ethnicity, whereas an organisational group is defined by task, function or hierarchy. The behaviour and attitudes of managers to 'in-group' and 'out-group' members can differ. It is argued (Danserau et al., 1975) that managers assign subordinates to one of these groups. In-group members are generally treated more favourably whereas out-group members are likely to be managed using a more authoritarian style and through contract compliance...... data show no statistically significant difference between how black and white employees view the organisation's equal opportunities policies and practices. However, ethnic minority employees are much more negative about their opportunities for career progression and about how their skills are valued compared to their white counterparts...... the decision to apply formal measures or not often had little to do with the behaviour of the individual in question, but was often based solely on the fact that they were of different ethnic origin...... White interviewees are more likely to refer to individuals' management skills and others skills, which it could be argued are more likely to be associated with more senior roles ..... Whites are more likely to be described positively than ethnic minority individuals...... It is the white interviewees that appear to be making more positive attributions of white colleagues whereas the ethnic minority interviewees show no similar pattern of response. These differences hold across a wide range of attributes...... ethnic minority individuals are less likely to be offered as exemplars of excellent performance ..... In the absence of a standard, agreed set of criteria for assessing ability to do a job, individual managers judgements about what constitutes a 'good performer' are likely to hold more sway..... Whilst a competency framework, or performance appraisal system is by no means a panacea, there would appear to be great potential benefits ..... develop an understanding of the full range of valued behaviours and develop standard and explicit criteria against which job performance is measured ..... racism can exist even where there are adequate management systems .... even in an organisation where equal opportunities are a high priority, the systems and procedures within the organisation are not beyond criticism...... need to consider not only recruitment strategies, but the organisational systems and cultures that govern our experience of work.
June 6, 2005

Carly Fiorina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Former Executive Bios: Carleton S. Fiorina
HP Executive Team Bios: Carleton S. (Carly) Fiorina
Carly Fiorina | Tough Choices
Carly Fiorina forced out at HP - Feb. 10, 2005
HP's Carly Fiorina: The Boss
Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina quits | The Register
The Rise & Fall Of Carly Fiorina - CBS News
HP CEO Carly Fiorina Steps Down

Larry Ellison
Carly Fiorina: "The Academy Awards Of Business"
Carly Fiorina: The Academy Awards Of Business: Photos

Office Politics
Win at Office Politics Without Selling Your Soul -
The Good Guy's (and Gal's) Guide to Office Politics
How to avoid office politics » Slacker Manager
Office Politics
Office Politics in the Workplace: iVillage
Office Politics
Disinformation :: Office Politics
Office politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Media Smear On Obama's Name

In The News

Hamas Angry Over Rice Visit The Media Line
Opposition to plan surprises Bush team
San Francisco Chronicle
India and Pakistan are all-weather friends Daily News & Analysis
Cabinet endorses Constitution, Maoists to join Nepal govt Zee News
Hillary meets Musharraf
Beckham may go sooner The Standard
Schwarzenegger takes center stage in US health reform Washington Post "We're really seeing the return of universal health coverage to the national dialogue" ....... California's Republican governor -- a budding reformer who has also crossed party lines to back a state law aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions ....... require everyone in the state to carry insurance .... Insurers would no longer be able to deny coverage based on age or pre-existing health conditions and overhead would be limited to $15 of every $100 in premiums. ...... Massachusetts, which has a population about as large as California's ranks of uninsured, last year became the first state to pass a law requiring all individuals to buy health coverage. ...... overwhelming hospital emergency rooms with very sick people who cannot pay and who, by law, cannot be turned away. ...... governors in states like Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont already have adopted plans to cover virtually everyone. ........ Schwarzenegger, nursing a broken leg from a holiday ski accident, has received kudos for bringing relevant interest groups -- doctors, insurers, hospitals, small business, unions and the Democrats that control the state legislature -- to the table. .......... Health care reform is an interlocking puzzle ... if someone tries to take their piece out, it doesn't work.
CES : HD DVD gets boost from adult film industry Computerworld
Yes, there is apartheid in Israel Arab American News through its army, the government of Israel practices a brutal form of apartheid in the territory it occupies. Its army has turned every Palestinian village and town into a fenced-in, or blocked-in, detention camp. All this is done in order to keep an eye on the population's movements and to make its life difficult. Israel even imposes a total curfew whenever the settlers, who have illegally usurped the Palestinians' land, celebrate their holidays or conduct their parades. ........ "Jewish only" roads .. Wonderful roads, wide roads, well-paved roads, brightly lit at night — all that on stolen land. When a Palestinian drives on such a road, his vehicle is confiscated and he is sent on his way. ...... Israelis are not allowed to transport Palestinians in an Israeli vehicle (one registered in Israel regardless of what kind of number plate it carries) unless they have received explicit permission to do so. The permit relates to both the driver and the Palestinian passenger. Of course none of this applies to those whose labor serves the settlers. ........ Apartheid is defined therein as an international crime that among other things includes using different legal instruments to rule over different racial groups, thus depriving people of their human rights. ....... It's OK to kill civilians, women and children, old people and parents with their children, deliberately or otherwise without accepting any responsibility. It's permissible to rob people of their lands, destroy their crops and cage them up like animals in the zoo. From now on, Israelis and international humanitarian organizations' volunteers are prohibited from assisting a woman in labor by taking her to the hospital. [Israeli human rights group] Yesh Din volunteers cannot take a robbed and beaten-up Palestinian to the police station to lodge a complaint. (Police stations are located at the heart of the settlements.) Is there anyone who believes that this is not apartheid? ....... Israel is an occupying power that for 40 years has been oppressing an indigenous people ....... We apply collective punishment to millions of people and even, in revenge-driven frenzy, destroy the electricity supply for one and a half million civilians. Let them "sit in the darkness" and "starve." ....... Shulamit Aloni is the former Education Minister of Israel.
Clinton doubts Iraqis can pacify Baghdad Tehran Times
Obama, Clinton poised to show their hands soon Kankakee Daily Journal
Top Official Denies al-Qaida Is Safe In Pakistan; Clinton Meets ... WCSH-TV
Nepal parliament to approve interim constitution
Reuters AlertNet
McCain may pay a political price for supporting Bush's Iraq policy
Kansas City Star
Obama And McCain Debate The Troop Surge
CBS News
McCain Climate Legislation Important Step Forward NewsBlaze
India, Asean to strengthen air ties
Business Standard
Iran Leader Courts Latin America Allies
Washington Post
Presidents of Iran, Venezuela plan $2-billion project fund Los Angeles Times
India gets 'untouchable' top judge
Justice KG Balakrishnan sworn-in as Chief Justice of India (press release)
Iran's Ahmadinejad Arrives In Nicaragua For Talks
Foreign Minister Says Iraq Supports New US Strategy
Voice of America
China, Russia Junks US Draft On Myanmar In Security Council
All Headline News
France's Sarkozy aiming to be president
The Age
Will the real Sarkozy please stand up? Financial Times
Japan, China, South Korea urge N. Korea to drop nuclear plan
Globe and Mail
India, Pakistan peace hopes brighter after talks
Malaysia Star
Samsung, Bayanat Al-Oula lead mobile WiMAX revolution in Middle East
Maktoob Business (press release) Bayanat Al-Oula plans to launch commercial services based upon Mobile WiMAX technology in four major cities; Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, and Makkah in 2007. Services will then be expanded nationwide. ..... lead the entire Middle Eastern region into a new era of telecommunications ...... Mobile WiMAX is the ideal solution for establishing broadband data and voice communication into the Middle East, overcoming the region’s geographical challenges. Thanks to its wireless connectivity and capabilities, an increase of Mobile WiMAX adoption is expected in other Middle East nations following the commercialization of Mobile WiMAX with Bayanat Al-Oula
Aishwarya-Abhishek are engaged, says Big B
Can Beckham Sell Americans on Soccer? In Los Angeles, British Icon ...
International News Service
Stallone Takes to Liverpool Soccer Field
LA's newest soccer pitch has a very familiar ring to it
Toronto Star
Beckhams' may be Scientology's next big tuna Monsters and

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Obama: The JFK For This Generation

In The News

'Creativity' needed for Mideast peace: Rice CBC British Columbia
Hillary Clinton, Other Congress Members Visit Baghdad Voice of America
Tsunami alert after 8.3 quake in Pacific lifted Times of India
Security Council Backs Ban's Call For Political Mission In Nepal
All Headline News
Nepal polls likely from May 29: Report Peninsula On-line
Bush hits out at critics of Iraq strategy
Zee News
US Embassy in Athens Is Attacked
New York Times
Southeast Asian leaders form trade zone
Mahdi Army lowers its profile, anticipating arrival of US troops
San Jose Mercury News
Experts doubt Iraqis can make Bush plan work San Francisco Chronicle
Clinton-Obama ticket will prevail Montgomery Advertiser just as President Reagan in 1980 chose Senior Bush, who was close behind in the race, as his running mate, Sen. Clinton will eventually choose Obama as her running mate
Hillary Falling in Key State Polls
Hillary's status as front-runner slipping in key states Washington Times
Senator Hillary Clinton on visit to Iraq finds situation ... Arab Monitor
Clinton, Obama poised to show their hands soon WSTM-TV he gave a hint of how his thoughts were progressing when he attended a black economic summit in New York last week, and said he owed the host, the Rev Jesse Jackson, "a great debt" for paving the way with his White House runs in 1984 and 1988.
Barack Obama 'the new Jack Kennedy'
Does Apple Inc have a future without Steve Jobs? Economic Times
Terrorists use Google maps to hit UK Troops
Report: Insurgents Using Google Earth to Hit Coalition Bases in Iraq FOX News
Rescued boy was forced to call his captor 'Dad'
Comet puts on spectacular show MSNBC
McCain: trouble with the far-right vote Houston Chronicle
Sen. John McCain Defends Bush's Iraq Strategy
MyFox Washington DC
Former aide criticizes Carter over Mideast book
Los Angeles Times
As Carter Controversy Grows, Jews Resign from Center's Board Combined Jewish Philantropies Fourteen Jewish members of the Carter Center's board of councilors have resigned to protest the former president's new book blaming Israel for the failure of Middle East peace efforts. ..... passage from Carter's book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," which appears to call for Palestinians to end acts of terrorism only if Israel abides by its obligations under international law and under the "road map," a peace plan guided by the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia. ....... The departures had been in the works for weeks as the precise wording of the letter and the exact makeup of the resigning group was hashed out. Among those resigning were a number of prominent members of the Jewish community in Atlanta........ the group wanted to bring along some non-Jews from the 200-member board. That effort apparently was unsuccessful. ........ "They are not engaged in implementing the work of the center and are not a governing board. There are more than 200 members of the board of councilors. The center's governing board is the board of trustees." ....... Jewish leaders have lashed out at Carter for claiming in recent interviews that powerful American Jews stifle free debate on Israel ...... The letter cited research by the Anti-Defamation League showing that Carter's comments, in particular his use of the term "apartheid," has energized white supremacist groups who long have claimed that Israel's supporters have undue influence over the U.S. government. ........ "It is imperative that the general Arab community and all significant Palestinian groups make it clear that they will end the suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism when international laws and the ultimate goals of the road map for peace are accepted by Israel," Carter's book states.
Senate to void pensions for convicted lawmakers Los Angeles Times
China: We need 30 million brides in 15 years
China facing major gender imbalance New Hope Courier
Attack on US Embassy Revives Greek Fear of Terrorism
New York Times
November 17 Group Claims Embassy Attack ThreatsWatch.Org
Google invades San Francisco, grabs Gap office space San Antonio Business Journal
On Wall Street: US soccer will struggle to be bent by Beckham
The Sunday Times
Dell chairman challenges industry to go green
Montreal Gazette
How Apple could fight Cisco
Posh bent Becks towards LA Galaxy record-breaking deal! Zee News
Improving Instead of Inventing
Washington Post
• Zakaria: Even If We 'Win', We Lose Newsweek the crucial question is, will military progress lead to political progress? ....... Shiite militias will lower their profile on the streets and remain as they are now, ensconced within the Iraqi Army and police.
Dean Obama 4 America New York Observer, NY Obama blog ads are up and running. .... the same Jude Barry, for the record, who was Howard Dean's California state director
Sen. Barack Obama Appears On 'Larry King Live' CBS2 Chicago, IL
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Senator Obama on the Today Show

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Wolf Hitler, I mean Bitler, Blitler, Whatever

Sorry, I did not mean to. That was a typo. These white boys across the spectrum in the media really had a field day over Barack Obama's name.

These white boys can blow Barack Obama's name all they want, to their heart's content, but Barack Obama is not going anywhere.

My message to Obama is this. The American people are watching. When you are president, and if Iran or North Korea attack the US, how will you react? Will you stay cool? Will you hit back? Will you win? That is what the presidential campaigns are designed for. If it was not your name, it would have been something else. But trials and tribulations are some of the more important ingredients of a presidential campaign. This should have been expected. And better early than late. Your campaign is never going to have a Swift Boat Veterans moment. We hit back and hit back hard and fast.

Stay cool, hit back, win.

President Obama could end the careers of media titans by simply declaring them persona non grata at the White House. Wolf would be gone in 20 seconds.

Jab Geedar Ki Maut Aati Hai To Wo Sahar Ke Taraf Daudta Hai. Old Media is like the Roman Empire before its total demise.

How to hit back? How to win?

I call it 35-35-30. Barack Obama's campaign staff has to look like America, his brain trust has to look like America.

35% Non-White, 35% White Female, 30% White Male. Plus or minus 5%.

The non-whites have always been the staunchest supporters of the Democratic Party. Now they stand the chance to become its glowing core. The Matrix is designed to make that happen. The Matrix is how you bring the inner cities into the mainstream of politics.


What the WM might find titillating - like when Conan O'Brien makes fun of Afro hair on air, or when Wolf mistakes Obama for Osama, or when another CNN guy Jeff Greenfield suggests Obama looks like the president of Iran - will intensely solidify the NW, and if you fight back and win, you become attractive to the WF, attractive in that the WF suffer indignities on a daily basis themselves. They relate to it, but if you can't hit back, and if you can't win, you are not attractive.

Case in point, when Clinton was being demonized, being called a murderer and a real estate bad player, I never for once believed the allegations. All I was thinking all that time was, if you are the most powerful person on earth, why don't you fight back and win?

Bill O'Reilly will no longer have his number one status by the time Obama enters the White House in 2009. Who will replace him? The thing is I don't own a TV, and that will likely not change. But who?

O'Reilly is a right wing guy and he is feisty. That is why he has the ratings. A feisty progressive who does not pretend to be neutral, that is who will replace him. And it is not going to be one of the comics, although I quite like Jon Stewart. That Tim Russert guy has a pretty good show, and he is probably a good journalist, but he is not one sided enough.

Maybe O'Reilly's replacement will be in the New Media. Maybe it will not be any one personality in the New Media but many.

Toledo Blade, OH - Jan 11, 2007
Fast-forward to a recent broadcast of CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Under a photo of fugitive al-Qaeda terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman ...
Media Ignores Black, Latino Views on Iraq - Jan 12
Beyond Chron, CA - 6 hours ago
CNN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the lead-up to Bush’s Wednesday night speech had anchorperson Wolf Blitzer surrounded by several other pundits/reporters, ...

Kenya London News
CNN apologizes for Obama gaffe in Bin Laden graphic
Kenya London News, Kenya - Jan 3, 2007
A Monday night broadcast of CNN's Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer confused America's "number one enemy" with one of America's most popular senators. ... (subscription)
CNN Apologizes to Osama Obama (subscription), CA - Jan 3, 2007
So Wolf yesterday morning on CNN during the funeral coverage on President Ford said this. BLITZER: I just want to make a correction and apology, Soledad, ...
CNN Apologises For Mixing Up Osama and Obama, Germany - Jan 2, 2007
CNN has apologised to Illinois Senator Barack Obama for a "bad typographical error" which saw a story on the hunt for Osama bin Laden promoted with an image ...

Sydney Morning Herald
Where's Obama?
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - Jan 3, 2007
CNN had put together a news report on the search for the US's most wanted individual and was promoting it during Wolf Blitzer's program The Situation Room. ...
CNN says sorry over Osama/Obama mix-up, Australia - Jan 3, 2007
CNN said the blunder, which aired during Wolf Blitzer's show The Situation Room on Monday night, was a "bad typographical error" by its graphics department. ...

BBC News
CNN apology over Obama name slip
BBC News, UK - Jan 3, 2007
US broadcaster CNN has apologised after mistakenly putting the name of US Senator Barack Obama as a caption on a story about Osama Bin Laden. ...
Where’s Obama, CNN wonders
Denver Daily News, CO - Jan 3, 2007
The blunder came Monday evening on Wolf Blitzer’s news show “The Situation Room.” Both Soledad O’Brien and Blitzer offered separate apologies during CNN’s ...
Receive's Daily FishbowlDC Feed via email, NY - Jan 10, 2007
CNN will broadcast live President George W. Bush's prime-time address on Wednesday, Jan. 10, unveiling his new Iraq War strategy, along with special ...

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Obama Would Be A Lousy Vice President, He Is Too Much Of A Leader

Kill Bill

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Kill Bill Vol One - Evanescence Hello
Kill Bill Vol 2 - Nickelback If Everyone Cared
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Kill Bill

More .....

McCain can't lift his shirt.
In The News

Nepal King begins secret parleys to save crown Islamic Republic News Agency met three former Prime Ministers and an ex-minister ...... Marichman Singh, Lokendra Bahadur Chand and Surya Bahadur Thapa ..... The King met Rabindranath Sharma, a former minister who heads a royalist splinter party, Rastriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal). .....
CNN mistake shows why Obama won’t be president - Curt Yeomans Henry Herald The problem is his name: Barack Hussein Obama. ...... First, there is only a one consonant difference between his last name and bin Laden’s first name. .... Second, his middle name is synonymous with the late-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who America went to war with twice in the last 17 years. ...... America will not elect a Muslim, or someone whose name sounds Muslim, as president in 2008, 2012 or 2020. There are too many parts of this country, like the Midwest, where the general populace will not accept a non-Christian candidate. A Jewish candidate might get elected in large urban areas, but small town America is not ready for a president who isn’t a Christian......... there are places like Georgia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, New York, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Iowa ...... There is still prejudice in this country even though we’d like to pretend it doesn’t exist anymore. It does. ....... As long as that terrorist is alive and free, Obama will always have to worry about an errant journalist hitting the ‘S’ instead of the ‘B’ on his keyboard. ....... Obama would also be wise to make sure every single person in America knows who he is, and that he is not a member of al-Quaida, Hamas or Hezbollah. I remember watching an informal street survey on CNN last month where a reporter asked random people what they thought about Obama. Many of the people who responded thought they were being asked about bin Laden and said he needed to be taken out because he was a threat to the American way of life. .......... Welcome to the world beyond Oprah’s couch, Senator Obama. It’s not all hugs, smiles and lovefests.
Obama's Cocaine Confessional Won't 'Blow' His Chances ABC News
Nokia Joins Sprint Nextel's Effort To Deploy WiMax
China Calls on Iran to Respond 'Seriously' to UN Concerns about ...
Voice of America
Amitabh Bachchan says criticism helps him grow as an actor
Pelosi could pave way for Clinton
Daily News & Analysis
Ex-Dem. Party Boss Blasts Kerry in Book
CBS News
Wall Street Hangs Up on Motorola
Google invests in Chinese multimedia siteMonsters and
Defunct VoD site sues Apple, Google, Napster Telecom Paper (subscription)
New deputy for Condi New Zealand Herald
Somalia's Islamists vow to heed al-Qaida
Houston Chronicle
Disbanded Militant Youth Group in Somalia Support Al-Qaida Message Voice of America
Al-Qaeda issues message on Somalia
Toshiba Brings HD DVD Write Drive to Desktop PCs
Cisco Buying IronPort for $830 Million Sci-Tech Today
Ashley: What the bloggers say Channel 4 News
Indonesia's Crowded Skies TIME
Warner Bros. To Unveil Dual-Format DVD For Hi-Def Content At CES InformationWeek
Pelosi vows big results from Democrats Houston Chronicle
Microsoft's Second Coming of the Xbox 360 Revealed
Apple may launch phone and video player next week
Dell to shift supply chain operations, HQ to Singapore
Dell Moving More Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management Ops To ...
JP Morgan Analyst Says Dell "Heading For Rough Waters"
Toshiba To Launch 160GB USB Drives at CES 2007 Smart House
Toshiba to Offer USB Backup Hard Drives PC World India
iPod knockoff maker to countersue Apple Ars Technica
Luxpro seeks $100M from Apple after legal battle CNET
Compaq iPaq Desktops
HP unveils affordable, energy-saving business PC products Malta Independent Online
Intel to close research center in Korea
Microsoft And Apple Battle For "Digital Living Room" Market
All Headline News
Microsoft's Second Coming of the Xbox 360 Revealed
Microsoft Prepares Improved Version of Xbox 360.
X-bit Labs
Dash, Yahoo team up for in-car search
Yahoo! to install services on GPS systems Spannerworks
IBM Worker Says He Was Fired For Being A Muslim InformationWeek
IBM Returns to CES for the First Time in a Decade
Oracle Announces E-Business Suite 11i Applications Certification
IT News Online
Sun Microsystems Named Best Server, Best High-Performance Server
PR Newswire (press release)
Sun gets ready for greater demand in Asia
Heise Online
Wal-Mart Lawsuit Winners Seeking More Money Evening Bulletin
Wal-Mart results better, thanks to groceries, electronics
Wal-Mart: Electronics, Food Drove December Sales Arkansas Business Online
Best Buy, Circuit City Beat Discounters Forbes
Patrick gets to work after inaugural pomp and circumstance
Boston Globe
ETA Abandoned Plan For Christmas Attack
Thai PM urges public to stay alert against further bombings Boston Herald
Ulanoff: Hybrids Won't Lure Consumers to High-Definition DVDs FOX News
Falling oil prices may benefit drivers
DVD Format Wars: Blu-ray or HD DVD? NewsFactor Network
Hitachi Heralds 1TB Hard Drive
PC Magazine
Commercial space tour in 2010?
People's Daily Online
At WHO, a chief cut from Hong Kong cloth
International Herald Tribune
North Korea Nuke Talks Could Resume Later This Month
ABC News
Pelosi warns Bush: Troop surge won't be accepted
San Francisco Chronicle
Top Democrats Oppose More Troops in Iraq New York Times
Hindutva plank doesn’t inspire Bihar BJP unit Economic Times
Palestinians try to end violence
Thai Government Dismisses Rumors of New Coup Voice of America
Dollar rises against euro on jobs data
Polish archbishop admits working with communists
Mubarak joins critics of Saddam execution
International Herald Tribune
3000 Jordanians protest Saddam's execution Jerusalem Post
Boot-scootering billionaire Bezos along for another ride
The Australian
'Freedom Writers' shows exemplary class behavior Chicago Sun-Times
Britney sez she's planning 'bigger & better' comeback New York Daily News
Parents who froze girl in time defend their actions Independent