Monday, May 02, 2011

Bin Laden: Dead

Bin ladenImage via WikipediaI got the news from a friend earlier today. I skimmed the headlines at a nearby store. I read one or two articles in the New York Post. I have yet to read on the details of the actual operation, something I am very interested in.

This confirms my hunch. I never thought he was in a cave. I thought he was either in Iran or, if he is in Pakistan, he is in Karachi. Ends up he was near Islamabad. In a safe house. I knew he was in some kind of an urban safe house.

The Shining Path dude in Peru was similarly in a "safe house" in the capital city. What ends up happening with people like Bin Laden and that Shining Path dude is they end up with ridiculous amounts of money, and they end up with expensive habits. They end up needing what they call a "safe house."

Prachanda of Nepal was in a safe house in Delhi when they were looking for him in the jungles of Nepal.

This looks really good on my guy Barack Obama. He delivered. My man.
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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Is Russia Too Big For A Democracy Movement?

TRIPOLI. With leader of the Libyan Revolution ...Image via WikipediaThere are those who say Tunisia is one thing, Egypt is big, but Egypt is one thing, Gaddafi is a dictator, but he is one thing, but Russia is too big, Putin is too powerful. You can't be talking in terms of a democracy movement for Russia.

I would argue otherwise.

Precisely because Russia is so big, it deserves to have a bigger and better democracy movement than we have seen so far in the Arab world. It might happen in Russia before it happens in China.

Military action is out of question. It is not realistic to think you can bomb Russia. I never wanted to bomb Libya in the first place. But what I do prescribe for Russia is massive, massive street action. A people have to pay that price if they want liberty, if they want free speech, if they want democracy. Massive street
King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. (2002 photo)Image via Wikipediaaction is like everyone decided to go to school, the school of political consciousness.

A democracy that comes from massive street action will necessarily have a better, smoother transition period that follows the success of a revolution.

Saudi Arabia and Iran before Russia, and Russia before China. I think that is what we might be looking at.

Putin Is No Different
A Rwanda Was Prevented
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Putin Is No Different

Nepali Song: Lyrics By My Immigration Lawyer

June 3 Immigration Court Date

(Via Binod Roka)

Why The Donald Asked For Obama's Birth Certificate

The Donald found himself facing the prospect of yet another bankruptcy, but he could not go for a supermodel like he had every other time before, he was already married to one. And so he decided he was going to create a scene for superman, the President Of The United States. The Donald overnight became a Republican and a birther. Jesse Ventura's feelings got hurt.

The president dashed his hopes and dreams. He went ahead and released his birth certificate.

"This is not good, this is not good at all," The Donald said to his aides. "Now this means I just might have to read up a little on foreign policy, otherwise I was hoping to ride the birther issue all the way to a nomination."

Obama: Funny Fun
Donald Ratass Trump, And So, I Was Born In India
Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk
I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007
Donald Jackass Trump
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Obama: Funny Fun

Friday, April 29, 2011

Donald Ratass Trump, And So, I Was Born In India

Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk
Donald Jackass Trump

Donald Trump came out accusing Barack Obama of not having a birth certificate, the implication being if he was not born in America then that would make him a lesser person. The racism part is that he has never asked that of any white politician. No motherfucking white politician in America ever had to show his birth certificate.

Another ball racist bastards like Donald Trump play with is they will tell you Barack Obama is a Muslim. The thing is, what if he were? Barack Obama has been a Christian, always has been. But he does have Muslim ancestry. Where do you think his middle name comes from? His grandmother was in Saudi Arabia a few months back on a pilgrimage, and she said she hoped some day Barack Obama would convert to Islam. Those are active ties, yo.

I think it is amazing that Barack Obama has cross cultural heritages.

But motherfuckers like Donald Trump will have it otherwise.

Well, asshole, I am not a Christian, and I was not born in America. And I am deeply, deeply offended. And the bad news for you is I am laying total claim to this motherfucking city. How do you like them apples now?

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Donald Trump: Racist Bitch Motherfucker, Jackass, Punk

The Guardian: Muammar Gaddafi's Tent Finds Home On Donald Trump's Estate: Muammar Gaddafi pitched his tent on an estate belonging to Donald Trump in suburban New York yesterday ..... The Libyan leader is scheduled to attend the UN general assembly this week. He had been struggling to find a plot to accommodate the large Bedouin tent he takes with him when travelling abroad. ...... Workers were seen yesterday erecting a tent and satellites in the glamorous neighbourhood of Bedford on an estate owned by Trump. Local officials tried to stop them, saying it was illegal to build a temporary residence without a permit. An ABC News helicopter filmed a large tent on the 113-acre Seven Springs estate, with rugs and patterned wall hangings. Green and yellow fabric lined the walls in a pattern dotted with images of small brown camels, according to a local newspaper website image. ..... Doors all over New York have been slammed in the colonel's face, but Trump says he has rented part of a large property in Westchester county to Middle Eastern tenants who may be associated with Gadaffi. ..... Gadaffi last month wanted to erect a tent in New Jersey, where the Libyan embassy owns property, but the US government said he could not. A request to set up tent in Central Park was also turned down. ...... Gadaffi arrived in New York yesterday, It is likely he will face protests over Scotland's recent release of Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, convicted of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 which killed 270.
Creatures with the Donald Trump hairstyle we keep for circus animals where I was born. That would be India, for your kind information. In China they keep them in the zoo. In Africa they leave them in the wild. I will check up on Latin America.

This buffoon's racist rants tell me he is a throwback to another century. He does not belong in this city, or this century.

I am going to bring down the Trump Tower and erect something bigger and better in the same location. The ugly monstrosity that is the Trump Tower needs to go. It has no place in this city.

Running for president is a legitimate act. Running for publicity is also a legitimate act and something I think Trump is capable of doing. But racist rants are not legitimate acts, and I am going to driver this motherfucker out of town. New York City is Barack Obama country.

I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007
Donald Jackass Trump
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of th...Image via WikipediaI am not going to act like my guy is in the White House. I am going to act like he is a fresh faced candidate, and this is 2007 all over again. I think that is the best angle to come from to help with his re-election.

Obama 2012 Is On

My political enemies deprived me of my well deserved victory parties in June 2008 and November 2008, and Inauguration 2009 pretty much passed me by. What I am really angry about is they deprived me of the Iran action of 2009. That street action was custom made for me.

2009 and 2010 were years I should have been by Barack's side, virtually speaking, but I was not. I was too engrossed picking up the pieces from the hit I took in 2008. I'd have liked to stay involved. For me it is about power. It is not about elections. There is joy in governing.

You could argue Barack's first two years belonged to Bush. And so I should not complain too much. He spent two full years cleaning up the house.

His re-election is pretty much reassured. It is going to happen. No sweat. But I am not taking any chances. I am going to act like this is 2007.

He does not really need me for the re-election, although I will be there. It is going to be fun. This time I'd like to be there for the
Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...Image via Wikipediavictory parties. This time I'd like to make it to the inauguration.

But what I'm really interested in is his quest for greatness. You get two years to clean up house, and you get six years to achieve greatness. I'd like to be there for him, virtually speaking.

He already did the FDR thing. He wrestled the Great Recession. 2011 is a godsend to him. When April 2006 finally happened in Nepal, it was bigger and better than anything I had imagined during the months before. 2011 is bigger and better than anything I have imagined in the years before.

A Rwanda Was Prevented
To Zimbabwe Through Ivory Coast

The best kind of greatness comes from liberating people. Libya is Barack Obama's civil war. It took a civil war to catapult Abraham Lincoln to greatness. Barack Obama can help turn 2011 into the biggest year for democracy in world history. He does that and he is competing with old man Abe himself.

Then he gets to focus on tackling America's deficit and debt. Minus that China gets to become the number one economy in the world in 2016, there is speculation. The only way America can compete with China is by doing total campaign finance reform. American democracy as it stands has all sorts of misguided incentive points.

The US Military Budget Needs To Come Down To 100 Billion From 600
Drugs And Guns
Obama On The Deficit
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Donald Jackass Trump

Is this guy seeking the Republican Party nomination? That would make a lot of sense for a guy who hosted Gaddafi on his property the last time that dictator was in town.

I mean, birth certificate? Give me a break. If this guy is trying to sound racist, he is calling the wrong town hometown. New York City is Barack Obama country. Donald Trump gets to start with that fact.

Obama 08: NYC Video: 10 Hours

The Tea Party racism leads to the shooting in Arizona, to a wipe out of the Tea Party in 2012. Donald Trump is getting his signals in all the wrong places.

Inciting Violence: Beyond Wrong, It Is Criminal

This dude is the Zhirinovsky of America politics maybe, or at least he is trying to be. Every country deserves a jackass, I suppose.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The US Military Budget Needs To Come Down To 100 Billion From 600

During his stay in England Kalecki met John Ma...Image via WikipediaI Fixed The Budget, You Can Too
The Washington Post: The Politics And Economics Of A Falling Dollar: in 1944 when Britain’s John Maynard Keynes and the United States’s Harry Dexter White conjured up the financial architecture for the global economy that served the world rather well from the end of World War II through the early 1980s. Since then, its shortcomings have been revealed by a series of financial crises that have become more severe and more frequent, with the fixes for one planting the seeds for the next ..... a new and better architecture has proven elusive ..... The dollar is used worldwide as the agreed-upon unit of exchange by producers and traders to price oil, minerals and other commodities. Ditto illicit dealers in drugs, weapons and other contraband....... Because it is the currency most easily exchanged, the dollar is on one side or the other of 85 percent of the transactions on global currency exchanges. When Indians buy Chilean wine, the transaction is usually conducted by converting rupees into dollars and then dollars into pesos. ..... by making it so cheap and easy to borrow money, we have been enabled and encouraged to live beyond our means, taking on so much debt that the dollar’s role as reserve currency is now called into question ..... foreign officials have been looking to diversify their portfolio. Indeed, that was just what they were doing in 2007 and 2008, until the euro crisis raised doubts about the next-likely alternative. ..... In the optimistic scenario, a credible budget deal is reached in Washington, the Fed manages to sop up all the excess liquidity it has created, and the long-term slide in the dollar remains gradual enough for the world to muddle through until a new order and a new architecture can emerge. ....... the failure to adopt a budget deal triggers a U.S. credit crisis that spawns a dollar crisis, which sets off another global financial crisis — one that makes the last one look like child’s play. ..... the heart of most of the economic issues we’re dealing with, from budget battles to the euro crisis to the rising price of gasoline.
America has to balance its budget, and the raging debate on the defunding or funding of Planned Parenthood is a loud act of denial. The Planned Parenthood's budget is peanuts. You could kick that organization out of existence and the US budget deficit will be as big as ever.

Some major cuts are needed. The number one item on the table has to be the size of the US military. It is too big. America can't afford it. I think the US military budget has to be brought down from the 600 billion it is today to a more manageable 100 billion. David Cameroon in Britain might have some tips to share.

Who takes care of the world then? What you do is you work towards rule of law also between nations. You build stronger international organizations. I can see need for future military action in the service of democracy like is going on in Libya. And I am all for it. But such exercises are best if they are UN sanctioned and many nations are involved.
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