Thursday, June 02, 2011

Syria Is Being Left To The Dogs

Getting people to come out into the streets in large numbers is the hardest part of a democracy movement. But when they do, it is for the world to support them. And the Syrian people are not being accorded that basic reach out.

There are many, many nonviolent options. One would be for the governments of the world to no longer recognize the Assad government. Kick his ambassadors out. Freeze all his global assets, and that of his cronies. There is so much that can be done outside of Syria to help out the brave people of Syria.

Even the most brutal of dictators think of their personal future. Assad crossed the line a long time ago. He knows full well that when all is said and done and when he has lost as he will, he will face either imprisonment or death.

But the world watches when it needs to act.

The Long March Of Democracy
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It Will Be Barack Vs Palin

Sarah Palin at the Time 100 Gala, in Manhattan...Image via WikipediaAs soon as McCain lost, Palin started running. She never really stopped. She took a break due to the incident in Arizona. (Inciting Violence: Beyond Wrong, It Is Criminal) But it was just that, a break. Now she is back like she always intended to be.

I think she is going to win the nomination. And I think she is a formidable candidate. And I am opposed to sexist rants against her just like I am opposed to racist rants by her.

But we are going to win. Barack is going to prevail.
New York Times: Signs Grow That Palin May Run: Sarah Palin is fortifying her small staff of advisers, buying a house in Arizona — where associates have said she could base a national campaign — and reviving her schedule of public appearances. ...... Palin and her husband, Todd, have bought a $1.7 million house in Scottsdale, Ariz. ...... the Palins, who have become especially protective of their privacy in the maelstrom that has followed them since 2008 ..... Palin has reshuffled her staff, rehiring two aides who have helped plan her political events. And she is expected to resume a schedule of public appearances soon — perhaps as early as this weekend — to raise her profile at a moment when the Republican presidential field appears to be taking final form. ...... the moves are at odds with conventional wisdom — if not wishful thinking — among establishment Republicans in Washington that Ms. Palin has decided not to run. That thinking has been voiced increasingly as the party’s professional political class, which Ms. Palin has railed against, has sought to declare the field of candidates closed. ..... None of the likely and declared candidates have fully galvanized the Tea Party activists who form the core of Ms. Palin’s support. ...... “I want to make sure that we have a candidate out there with Tea Party principles,” she told the Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity last week. ..... “We have got to have faith that the Republican Party is going to surface somebody who can take on both sides of the aisle,” she said on Fox Business Network. ...... “I have that fire in my belly.” ...... her one-woman media conglomerate
She will run. She will win the nomination. She will lose in the general election by a wide margin. And that will be the end of Sarah Palin as a political figure in America.
Sarah Palin in Savannah, Georgia, Dec 1, 2008 ...Image via Wikipedia
Emphasizing values like faith, family and work is one thing. Talking small government is one thing. Talking low taxes is one thing. But rabid racism is quite another. The Tea Party is not getting away with rabid racism. They shall be countered.

Sarah Palin "gets" the basic conservative principles. She can talk in broad outlines. She is telegenic. She is charismatic in her own way. But on the specifics of policy she remains shallow.

Let there be a fair fight. Let opposing philosophies and worldviews be fully heard by the people, and let the people decide. It does not have to get ugly. Racism is ugly. It worked during the depths of the Great Recession when Palin appealed to the baser instincts of the masses. But that Great Recession is over, thanks to Barack. If this country had done what Palin wanted done during those depths, the unemployment rate in America today would have been more like 29% and not the 9% it is.

We are for eliminating the deficit. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have a better track record on the deficit than do George W Bush, George HW Bush, and Ronald Reagan.

I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007
Obama 2012 Is On
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Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Long March Of Democracy

During the recent Blogger outage, a whole bunch of my blog posts got lost. And then all of them came back except this one at my Barackface blog. Since it had already been cross published at Technorati, I still had a copy.

Just One More Missing Blog Post
Miracle: The Lost Blog Posts Are Back
Lost A Whole Bunch Of Blog Posts
And Blogger Is Back

The Long March Of Democracy

The military action in Libya has absolutely been the right move. And a limited military action in Syria might be called for soon enough, something that is a week max. But military action is not an option when the tide of democracy finally hits Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, and China.

But military action is very much an option in the African countries. If a dictator anywhere in Africa uses full force against peaceful protesters, you give an ultimatum, you get UN authorization, and you take out the command and control structure, and that includes the top guy. But if they don't unleash animal brutality, instead they enter into peaceful negotiations, if they seek out political outlets, then military action can be avoided. But even in those instances the full non military might has to be put to the goal of getting the dictator out. That is the only acceptable outcome to any democracy movement. People do not get off the streets unless the dictator bows out.

Doing right in Libya and Syria is important. Unless democracy wins in those two countries, the democracy flames will not rise in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Since there are no military options on the table for Saudi Arabi and Iran, we can hope and pray there will be massive street action. An agitated people willing to pour into every street in the capital city, a people willing to march onto the presidential palace can bring absolutely any dictator down. You have to be willing to sacrifice a few hundred lives.

Unless there is a total sweep of democracy across the Arab world and Africa, Russia is not going to wake up. And in this first phase Saudi Arabi and Iran are the only hard countries. Because there are no military options. Otherwise everywhere else aerial surgical strikes to take the top guy out if he crosses the line just might be the best option. When a killer goes on a shooting rampage at some mall, the police gun him down. Same thing.

The US Military Budget Needs To Come Down To 100 Billion From 600

This could all be done and over with in 2011, or it could spill over into 2012, and that would be just fine. The US military does not worry about Europe, because Europe is a bunch of democracies. Democracies don't go to war with each other. A total sweep of democracy across the world will allow America to do something it desperately needs get done to get rid of its budget deficit. America will then be able to vastly reduce its military budget and that is going to be a good thing.

China is tricky. Because China is not like Libya, not like Saddam's Iraq, China is not Iran, China is not even Russia. Physicists say if there is another universe, it might have different laws of physics. At some level China is politically like that. The Chinese president gets a meager salary. The Chinese president does not stay in power for life. The change of guard is pretty well done. Withing certain parameters, the Chinese Communist Party does have what might be called internal democracy. And, most important, China has lifted more people out of poverty than any power in history. They have been doing something right.

The democracy movement in China might start and conclude by asking for and getting fundamental political reform. There are amendments to the constitution so that other political parties are allowed, federalism is put into place, and human rights are guaranteed to the point Google gets to go back to China absolutely uncensored.

Sergey Brin's Is The Right Stand

But if America truly wants to see democracy in China, it has to be willing to enact total campaign finance reform in one swoop. Democracy is one person, one vote. And America does not have that democracy.

The way this democracy wave will conclude is China will become more like America and America will become more like China. America will also have to make way for a global currency. It can not be the dollar forever more.

This global wave of democracy is going to hit America's shores as well. Done right it is going to bring total campaign finance reform to the American political system.

When all is said and done, Putin is out, but the Chinese Communist Party is still in power, one among many political parties in China.
The Atlantic: Hillary Clinton: Chinese System Is Doomed, Leaders on a 'Fool's Errand': she was, as usual, fluent, comprehensive, and in total control of the details. ....... China, and its frightened reaction to the Arab Spring, came up, that she took an almost-Reaganesque turn, calling into question not just Beijing's dismal human rights record, but the future of the Chinese regime itself. ....... questioning the long-term viability of the one-party system ....... she sees the Arab Spring as the harbinger of a worldwide move toward democracy. ...... They just had a riot in Bangladesh because the government wants women to inherit equally. That's a red line, and that infringes on the rights of women, and therefore, I am against it ...... we are losing the war of ideas because we are not in the arena the way we were in the Cold War. ..... China is starting an English-speaking television network around the world, Russia is, Al Jazeera. And the BBC is cutting back on its many language services around the world. We're not competing. I just feel like we're missing an opportunity. And I'm well aware of our budget constraints and all of the difficulties we face, but now is the time — not in an arrogant way, but in a matter-of-fact experiential way. ....... power is diffuse. It is no longer the province of just governments. There's too much going on in the world today. People know too much. So we have to start dealing with people on a more direct basis. ....... the dispersal of power through information that was unimagined a decade ago, let alone 50 years ago. ....... But we don't walk away from dealing with China because we think they have a deplorable human rights record. We don't walk away from dealing with Saudi Arabia — ....... We don't have to blow. The winds are blowing. There's no stopping them. And what we have tried to do with him is to give him an alternative vision of himself and Syria's future. ....... with the Revolutionary Guard basically in charge ....... following the fall of the Berlin Wall, how Germany responded and Poland responded, you couldn't say that there was one template that fit all. ....... you can look at transitions to democracy in Latin America and in Europe — look at Spain and Portugal. There's no two that are exactly alike.
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Thursday, May 12, 2011

I Take This Threat Very Seriously

ABC News: Barack Obama's Grandmother Threatened By Al Qaeda: the 88-year-old seemed unconcered about the threat and told ABC News she didn't mind the extra security.

What the issuance of this threat means.

That the Al Qaeda is well and alive. It is actively plotting. It would love to have a symbolic target specifically against the President Of The United States. It is not just about the grandmother. It is also about cousins.
Benazir Bhutto, photographed at Chandini Resta...Image via Wikipedia
The Pakistani ISI blowing up the cover on the CIA station chief in Pakistan confirms my suspicions that there are powerful elements within the ISI who were actively involved with providing Bin Laden a safe sanctuary. Not even the Pakistani government knows who these people are. These might be the very same people who got Benazir Bhutto killed.

The Al Qaeda does out of the box thinking. 9/11 was an ultimate act of out of the box thinking. Now what the Al Qaeda is saying is forget buildings, forget trains, we are now going to target high profile individuals. Well, they already did. They started with Benazir Bhutto.

I think Barack Obama's grandmother should be brought to America. The Kenyan police might not be equipped to provide safety. The Al Qaeda can not be allowed any symbolic victory. And they are going to keep trying for years. Now is exactly the wrong time to go easy on them. The right thing to do is to hunt down the other bastards as well. There's a whole list of them.

The Scary Version
The Bin Laden Operation
Barack Said In 2007 He Would Do This
Did Pakistan Know Where Bin Laden Was?
Dead, Dead, Dead
Bin Laden Was In A Huge House
Bin Laden: Dead

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