Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Why Stop At Bill Clinton!

Why stop at Bill Clinton, I'd like to also go ahead and blame Hillary Clinton for some of the things Boris Yeltsin might have done. I can't pit it down right now, but I am sure that guy did something or the other.

Jesus. Donald Trump will have you believe Hillary Clinton had lesbian sex with Monica Lewinsky. Kevin Spacey and his wife have sex with this dude aide, at the same time, but that was on Netflix. I guess we all have our sources of news and information, and enlightenment.

Trump's top weapon is Benghazi II. Facts-free sexism, completely unhinged from facts and logic. At least on Benghazi no one is accusing Hillary of having pulled the trigger. But give Trump some time. With Trump, many things are possible.

Note: it is the Department Of Defense (not State) that protects embassies. But I guess if you can name only one Obama cabinet member, you are going to be tempted to use your limited vocabulary.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Warren Would Be A Good Pick

Bernie Sanders floats Elizabeth Warren as possible VP

Warren would bring all the crazy millennials, lefties, revolutionaries, and socialists on board. It would be like Bernie minus the penis. Besides, that crowd is the future. It is destined to go from strength to strength.

With Warren on board, you will see a lot of Republican women ditch the party, what with a dick on the ticket!

The ticket just might manage to take back the House.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Dodd And Frank

There is a guy named Dodd and there is a guy named Frank, and that is as much as I know about Dodd and Frank. As for the banks, Dodd and Frank were supposed to ring in some discipline. The question naturally arises, did it happen? Is there discipline? Or is there indiscipline? What about indigestion? Hiccups?