Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Not Confronting Sexism: Not An Option

A Clinton victory also promises to usher in four-to-eight years of the kind of down-and-dirty public misogyny you might expect from a stag party at Roger Ailes’s house.

As head of the Australian Labor Party, Gillard served as prime minister from 2010 to 2013. Her tenure was turbulent and notable for what Gillard termed in her exit speech the “gender wars.” What surprised the former PM most about the experience: that the sexist attacks grew worse as her time in office progressed. “I expected the maximum reaction to my being the first woman prime minister to come in the first few months,” she told me. “What I found living through the reality was that the sort of gendered stuff actually grew over time” as she tackled tough policy decisions. (Gillard too was derided as a “menopausal monster.”)

Then there were the two hecklers at a New Hampshire rally who waved signs and chanted, “Iron my shirt!” Clinton laughed it off, and the incident was reported mostly as dumbass 20-something guys acting like dumbass 20-something guys. But if someone had yelled an equivalently demeaning remark at Obama—like, say, “Shine my shoes!”—the public response likely would have been very different.

Why a Hillary Clinton Presidential Win Means a New Era of Public Misogyny - The Atlantic

Trump’s Rabid Racism

The dude talks about Blac (Black Latino Asian Coalition) people with the mouth of a mad dog. The world has changed under his very feet and he doesn't even know.

Last August, Trump took issue with Bush’s statement that many undocumented immigrants came to the U.S. as an “act of love,” seeking a better life for their families. “There’s no act of love. It’s tough stuff,” he said at an Aug. 25 news conference. “They’re gonna be gone so fast if I win, your head will spin.” Weeks later, during a raucous rally in Dallas, Trump railed against “anchor babies” and vowed to boot undocumented immigrants if elected president. “You people are suffering,” Trump told the Texans. “I’m in New York, but they’re in New York, too. They’re all over the place.”

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Trump Should Lose Balance In The First Debate

Then never recover.

Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Needle Donald Trump at First Debate

Her team is also getting advice from psychology experts to help create a personality profile of Mr. Trump to gauge how he may respond to attacks and deal with a woman as his sole adversary on the debate stage...... he can barely conceal his disdain for laborious and theatrical practice sessions.

To Hillary this is about the House, and cementing a new American majority, to last a generation, of progressive whites, colorful people, millennials, and women of all ages. This is not about the electoral college. Much is at stake.

I trust her to slam dunk it.

Trump Won't Prepare For Debate. Clinton Hunkering Down. | Daily Wire

Trump's just gonna wing the debates / Boing Boing

Clinton at fundraiser: 'I do not know which Donald Trump will show up' at debates -

Sounds like she’s got this… | Balloon Juice