Saturday, September 17, 2016

Beyond The Pale, A New Low

This tops the rape comment he made at the Commander In Chief forum.

Trump: Clinton's Bodyguards Should Disarm And See What Happens To Her

the insinuation of gun-related violence against a rival is unprecedented in modern presidential politics.

Trump: Never wrong, never sorry, never responsible - The Washington Post

What makes Donald Trump such a singular figure — in modern politics and, perhaps, ever — is his refusal to take ownership of the outrageous things he has said and done.

It is the essence of his leadership style, the defiance that exasperates his foes and makes his supporters love him all the more. The one thing that is consistent about him is inconsistency.

Not only does Trump refuse to apologize, he blames others for his own actions. His campaign staff may claim to speak for him, but he will leave even his aides twisting when it suits his purposes.

“Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it,” Trump said, falsely, in an appearance at his newly opened luxury hotel, which is just a few blocks from the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue NW. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.”

“I fully think apologizing is a great thing, but you have to be wrong,” Trump told “Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon a year ago. “I will absolutely apologize sometime in the distant future if I’m ever wrong.”

“Don’t believe the biased and phony media quoting people who work for my campaign. The only quote that matters is a quote from me!” he tweeted in May.

To Trump and his supporters, his refusal to apologize is yet another measure of his strength as a leader. He wears the scorn of a legion of media fact-checkers as a badge of authenticity.

“One of the things that we all are used to in this business is dog whistles, but the thing that we’re not used to, and I’m finding it very difficult to getting used to , are the howls of wolves,” Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), the dean of the caucus, said at a news conference.

‘Mr. Trump Is Beyond Repair’ : Political Wire

At least on national security, I believe Mr. Trump is beyond repair. He is stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform. He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.

Race tightens in projected U.S. Electoral College vote: Reuters/Ipsos

Polling aggregators, which calculate averages of major polls, have shown that Clinton’s lead over Trump has been shrinking this month. The most recent individual polls put Clinton’s advantage at 1 or 2 percentage points.

Trump stumbles after surge in polls | TheHill

Trump has seemed to slip back into his primary-election style, stirring up controversy and lashing out at critics as he rode a wave of quickly improving poll numbers.

“Take their guns away,” he said. “She doesn’t want guns … let’s see what happens to her. Take their guns away, OK? It’d be very dangerous.”

Democrats erupted in anger. Clinton's campaign called on GOP leaders to denounce the comments, and SenChris Murphy (D-Conn.) tweeted to Trump that "blood will be on your hands" if a supporter killed Clinton.

“When Trump is not on message and stirring controversy, he seems bored,” GOP strategist Nino Saviano said. “The media, for its part, doesn’t feel that much different.”

“He got the new management team in and they pinned him down for a few weeks, but it was inevitable he’d go rogue again.

“He just doesn’t have the discipline to stay within the game plan. It was inevitable he’d go back to bad Trump.”

Black Dems rip Trump as 'racial arsonist' over 'birther' controversy | TheHill

Gore, Sanders, Warren: Vote Clinton, not third-party | TheHill

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's bad week has ended and her resurgence began Friday. 

Clinton's September slump may turn out to be a blessing in disguise for Democrats because the Clinton campaign had fallen victim to overconfidence, but that has ended.

Gore, whom I predict will campaign in Florida, among other states, is the most ideal person in the world to warn those who deplore Trump but are tempted to vote for Stein or Johnson that a vote for these two candidates could elect Trump, as votes for Green nominee Ralph Nader in 2000 almost certainly elected President George W. Bush, leading to all of the problems that followed.

I have long argued that there is a progressive populist majority in America waiting to be born. That is why Sanders topped Donald Trump by large double-digit margins in virtually every poll taken when Sanders was running for president. That is why Elizabeth Warren is such a beloved figure in progressive circles, along with Sanders, which is demonstrated again in her current battle with Well Fargo after more than 5,000 employees apparently ripped off bank customers.

The Clinton slump has ended and the Clinton resurgence has begun. 

Warren Must Perform The Attack Dog Role

Senator Elizabeth Warrior is best positioned to perform the attack dog role. This guy Trump is not your regular candidate. This dude is fascism's ugly face for the 21st century. This is not a Mitt Romney, not a McCain, this is no Bob Dole. This is not even Richard Nixon.

The Republic itself is on the line. The question is not who do you want for president. The question is, do you want to keep the republic or no?

Elizabeth Warren seems to be the only person in either party who knows utter precisely how to attack Trump. She hits bull's eye every single time.

Let Hillary run for the White House. Let Elizabeth Warren do it because she wants and deserves a Senate majority. Begs the question, where is Nancy Pelosi when you need her? She needs to be crisscrossing the country on behalf of people who are trying to take the House. The Pelosi fatalism is not working.

Fuhrer Trump

This is how fascism comes to America

Because it did not immediately and fully embrace Trump, because a dwindling number of its political and intellectual leaders still resist him, the party is regarded with suspicion and even hostility by his followers. Their allegiance is to him and him alone.

Michelle Obama's Pop Off

Read Michelle Obama's First Campaign Trail Speech for Hillary Clinton 

We also need someone who is steady and measured because when you’re making life-or-death, war-or-peace decisions, a president can’t just pop off.

Warren Will Be A Lighthouse In The Senate

Warren: Warrior
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warrior

To dig deeper into the DOJ’s reasons for going easy on the alleged wrongdoers, Warren dispatched a letter the same day to James Comey, asking the FBI Director to release all interviews and other materials “related to the FBI’s investigations and prosecutorial decisions regarding these referrals” to the DOJ. It’s interesting that Warren stated that the highly unusual public disclosure of such information is justified because of a recent precedent: the release of records about Hillary Clinton’s email system. If the email release was justified by “intense public interest,” as the FBI stated, then according to Warren, the same standard applies to its investigation of the financial crisis.

Prohibition In Bihar

Raghuvansh Singh Asks For Repeal

Mr. Singh told The Hindu in an exclusive interview that the new law levying a communal fine on villages and the arrest of entire households where alcohol has been found goes against the “spirit of jurisprudence”.

Barack Obama Born Again As Per Trump

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Now he has been born again. Barack Obama has had a second birth on the beautiful island of Hawaii. And the world has Donald Trump to thank for it. How does it feel, Mr President, to be born again?