Friday, August 02, 2019

The Third Democratic Debate

Looks like we are moving towards 10 candidates on the debate stage for September. (Full disclosure: I did not watch the second debates either.) And it might make sense to keep it there until Iowa. If you can fit them on one debate stage, hey! But if you winnow it down to five, those might be Biden, Bernie, Warren, Harris, and Pete. But I believe that would be too narrow. 10 until Iowa. Then five going into New Hampshire and South Carolina.

The thing to note though is that the rest are still in the race. Unless they themselves drop out, they only have lost their slot on the debate stage. They are still on the ballot.

Nothing prevents a network from holding a debate among just the top five, either.

Health care in America is a lot to wrap your head around. Just to articulate an understanding of the system as it exists today is a lot. To offer an alternative is much more. But the hardest part might be, how do you go from here to there? If you make people anxious, you are toast. You don't want people thinking, what we have is not working for everyone, and a better system would be good, but if I lose what I have when you start on the journey, I am not too excited. Where do I get my insulin?

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