Friday, August 02, 2019

The US Health Care Mess

And when I say mess, don't get me wrong, I am not saying there is an ebola epidemic in the US. I mean that in an organizational chart sense. When it comes to health care in the US as a whole, I think it is a scenario of the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

Describe to me how the system works right now. You can't. It is not like the curry on the plate was made with this one recipe, and now you are going to use a different recipe tomorrow.

You can't just throw more money at the problem. You can't just 100% privatize. You can't just 100% nationalize.

It is the biggest chunk of the economy. If you think about it, social security and medicare are such big parts of the US economy, as is defense, and you have health care, and is America not already a socialist country? The government in the US is bigger than it is acknowledged.

Good luck figuring it out.

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